Chapter 197: Authority Transfer Ceremony

Wu Mei nodded lightly, signalling for the ceremony to begin immediately.

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The meeting room was silent. All eyes were nervously fixated on Wu Mei and Wu Pang. The General Manager’s assistant’s face was pale and he could not conceal his disappointment.

Wu Pang happily walked over to Wu Mei’s side and prepared to take the Wu Corporation’s seal from her.

However, Wu Mei ignored his fat hand that was outstretched. Instead, she handed the seal to Mother Wu and placed her hand on Mother Wu’s shoulder. In a clear voice, she announced, “From today onwards, Madam Wu will be the representative for all matters in the Wu Corporation. She will be the new leader of the Corporation!”

As soon as she finished speaking, the meeting room erupted with chatter.

Mother Wu was stunned and flustered as she wanted to return the things to Wu Mei. However, Wu Mei shook her head slightly and used her gaze to hint to Mother Wu to relax, “Mom, you can do it.”

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Wu Pang was furious. He felt like he was being treated as a joke and being toyed with. Furious, he shouted, “Wu Mei! What are you doing? Are you fooling me? Don’t forget that I have a recording. The authority of the Wu Corporation belongs to me!”

“No one can snatch it from me!”

Wu Mei shrugged her shoulders and looked up at him nonchalantly as she said, “The audio file can be faked. Can anyone verify the authenticity of your copy?”

“Besides, even if I promised to hand over my authority, all I said was that I would ‘hand over the authority to you’.”

“What does this ‘you’ mean? Who can say for sure? At the scene of your recording, Mom was also there. I was looking at Mom when I mentioned handing over the authority…”

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“Is there a problem?”

Derisively looking at Wu Pang’s body which was trembling, Wu Mei kindly reminded him, “In the future, read more books related to the law and gain more knowledge.”

“I nearly forgot that you might not be able to use the relevant legal knowledge in the future.”

“I’ll return your words to you. You’d better be polite to me, or else your lives will definitely not be good in the future.”

Wu Mei glared at Wu Pang. Yang Shan and Wu Yi, who had been waiting outside the meeting room for a long time, sensed that something was amiss. They shoved the security guards aside and barged into the meeting room. They pointed at Wu Mei and cursed, “You vicious b*tch. You planned this in advance, didn’t you?”

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“We won’t let you off…”

Yang Shan and Wu Yi cursed at Wu Mei. The security guards held electric batons to maintain order and forced them to the door.

Wu Mei chose to ignore them and looked at the Wu Corporation’s lawyer as she said, “Deal with the transfer of power. I’ll have to trouble you to draft a legal compensation document to pursue Wu Pang’s responsibility.”

“He made the decision on his own and colluded with a previous materials dealer in private. He took bribes to reap personal gains.”

“Letting a materials merchant who doesn’t abide by the rules and doesn’t have the qualifications to carry out the construction in place of the merchant in the construction contract, resulting in the constructed building failing the quality assessment thereby facing potential refurbishment or suffering worse consequences.”

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“Wu Pang’s actions have caused an extremely huge loss and adverse impact on the Wu Corporation. I want to pursue his responsibility and demand compensation on behalf of the board of directors.”

Wu Mei enunciated each word clearly. Wu Pang did not expect her to be serious and panicked.

He opened his mouth to defend himself, but realized that Wu Mei had stated the facts. Wu Pang’s legs felt weak and his hands and feet were so cold that he couldn’t stand properly. He staggered and collapsed onto the swivel chair.

In the meeting room, the lawyer typed on the keyboard. A few minutes later, he handed the draft document to Wu Mei.

The lawyer said in a fair and serious voice, “Including compensation for the Corporation’s reputation loss, project loss, and so on… Wu Pang needs to compensate the Corporation for a total of 150 million yuan.”

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