
He had such a high fever and yet still didn’t go to the hospital. Yu Youzhi dutifully took Yu Le to the top floor of Rongxia Apartment.

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After being tossed back and forth for half an hour, the man in the backseat of the car had been turned into an incoherent puddle. He was barely able to speak intelligible words at the tea shop, and now he could only grumble and try to push him away.

His body was heating up to the point where it was uncomfortable to touch, and Yu Youzhi was forced to support Yu Le with no small amount of effort on his end.

Finally managing to manoeuvre him onto the sofa, the limp person slid down from his arms as if he were boneless, tilting his head back to rest on the side support.

The corners of his lips were exposed.

Only now did he notice that there was a small black mole at the corner of Yu le’s mouth.

His cheeks were burned red, his voice was sticky, and his breathing was nasal. Watching him lay there, he suddenly felt very cute.

His throat moved unconsciously.

With an idea in mind, the next second, he pressed the small black mole with his thumb, roughly brushing the corner of Yu Le’s lips in an almost degrading manner.

Yu Le, who was unconscious due to the fever, moaned and turned his head, feeling uncomfortable, “Ummm…stop, I don’t…don’t like it…”

Yu Youzhi felt an urge to twist his fingers between the other’s lips and stir until he could no longer resist his touch.

Standing still in place, he remembered that Song Fangba had once asked him if he wanted to sleep with Meimei. Before this, he had scoffed at the very idea, but now…no, right now, at this moment, he felt that nothing could possibly be better.


“After burning yourself up like this, you’re still so clingy, you really are a monster, right?” He murmured to himself, gently patting the other person’s hot face one more time before withdrawing his hand, “I need to cool you down first…”

While driving back in his car, Yu Youzhi had already called his family doctor to come over.

It was still early in the morning, but luckily, the doctor would be coming soon. Before he came, though, he had to try and cool down Yu Le at least a little; his fever was really too severe.

Recalling any of his relevant knowledge, the only things he could barely consider as experience in this regard were the dramas he had acted in.

How were patients with fever treated in real life?

Anyway…just take his temperature first.

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“Thermometer, thermometer…where is the thermometer?”

Rongxia Apartment is one of Yu Youzhi’s private residences. He often came to stay here when he wasn’t working, but he didn’t pay much attention to the daily necessities in the room.


Song Fangba may have prepared a medical kit for him, but he didn’t know where it would be.

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets for ten minutes, he gave up in defeat.

Instead, he started to boil some water and moistened a towel to put on Yu Le’s forehead. Looking at his increasingly red face, his frown deepened.

He couldn’t help but feel that something was wrong.

After fussing around for a while, Yu Youzhi finally sat down.

“Why hasn’t Dr. Cui come yet?”

Frowning, he finally decided to urge the older man to hurry up and busied himself on his phone.

It was a long wait for Yu Youzhi before a voice called out from behind his door, “Master Yu, I’m here. Please let me in.”

He breathed a sigh of relief and quickly got up to go to the door. At the same time, he heard the rustling of plastic bags from outside.

Did he buy something on the way over?


While thinking this, he opened the door, but the first person he saw wasn’t Dr. Cui but Song Fangba.

“Hey! Dr. Cui said that you had a fever, why didn’t you contact me?” An irritating voice rang out as soon as the door was opened.

Rather than saying that he cared, it was more likely he just wanted to have fun at his boss’ pain.

Yu Youzhi knit his eyebrows, “Brother Song, why are you here?”

The assistant was holding breakfast in his left hand and a bag of documents in his right hand. The breakfast was cheaply packed, and it seemed as though he had just bought it on the road.

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He scratched his head, “I was about to come over and deliver the script to you anyway. I met Dr. Cui in the elevator, and we came up together.”

“You have a key, why didn’t you just let yourself in?”

“It’s not like my hands are free. What, you couldn’t be bothered to walk over here?” Song Fangba was confused, wondering why Yu Youzhi was so angry so early in the morning.

He didn’t look sick either.

Thinking like this, he stepped around Yu Youzhi and was about to walk in.

Yu Youzhi also stepped back, turning slightly sideways, revealing the unconscious Yu Le lying behind him, “It was never me who had a fever, he’s the one who’s sick.” Yu Youzhi sorted out his thoughts quickly and nodded to the doctor wearing glasses in the doorframe, “Dr. Cui, please, take a look.”

At this time, Yu Le was lying on the sofa with a flushed face. His eyes were half closed and misty, and his lips parted as he gasped for breath.

“This, this, this…he, he, who is he?!” Song Fangba looked at the poorly dressed man on the sofa in horror, “Youzhi, what did you do to him?!”

Hearing the not-so-slight accusation, Yu Youzhi grew unhappy, “Brother Song, don’t just blame me for everything! I haven’t even had a chance to do anything yet. He made himself like this.”

The assistant stared at him suspiciously, obviously in disbelief, “Then who is he? I’ve been following you for so long, how come I’ve never seen him before?”


Song Fangba clearly didn’t recognize Yu Beiman in men’s clothing.

Yu Youzhi paused to think carefully and felt that he shouldn’t be the one to break this secret to others, so he adopted a compromisable explanation, “He is my fan.”

Only a ghost would believe that!

The dirty look Song Fangba was shooting him would raise the dead in anger if they saw.

“Why did his fever end up so bad?” Surprising Yu Youzhi, Song Fangba, who would usually be very concerned about who he associated with, did not delve too deeply into who Yu Le was. Instead, he looked at the sick young man on the sofa and demanded, “Hurry up and have Dr. Cui help him!”

But Song Fangba’s question made Yu Youzhi frown, “He was fine last night, but after waking up early this morning he was like this,” he wasn’t sure, “Maybe he caught a cold?”

“You were together last night?!” Song Fangba was even more frightened, “Youzhi, you couldn’t have been doing that in the living room all night, right? …You wouldn’t be so cruel…”

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Yu Youzhi couldn’t bear it any longer. Raising his hand, he gave Song Fangba a strong blow on his head, “Brother Song, take more medicine if you are sick, don’t keep talking about all the nonsense that goes through your head.”

While the two were talking, the doctor came in quietly and nodded to Yu Youzhi before he began to perform some simple examinations on Yu Le.

Dr. Cui was around forty-fifty years old. Wearing a pair of black glasses and a neat dark suit, he looked very bookish.

Skillfully taking out his thermometer, Dr. Cui first started to measure Yu Le’s temperature. Then, he grabbed the stethoscope from the medical kit by his side, tapped it around, and checked the condition of his tongue and throat, “Forty point eight degrees Celsius, high fever.” After some operations, Dr. Cui, who had been practising for many years frowned, “The specific reason for his fever can only be found in the hospital after he has been tested with more professional instruments, but first we need to lower his temperature. It won’t be safe if he can’t cool down soon.”

As he said this, he continued to conduct various simple tests on Yu Le.

After seeking Yu Youzhi’s opinion, Dr. Cui gave Yu Le an antipyretic injection and wrote out a prescription. Having Song Fangba run out and fetch the medicine, Yu Le’s breathing quickly calmed down under the doctor’s supervision.

He fell into a drowsy sleep.

Immediately afterwards, Dr. Cui explained the precautions to be aware of, and without staying too long, packed up his medical bag and left.

Minute after minute, the whole morning passed like this, and it was noon in the blink of an eye.

Song Fangba helped Yu Youzhi move Yu Le to the bedroom, and once his hands were free, he glanced at the man slumped in a ball on the sofa, waiting for an explanation.

“Brother Song, what are still doing standing there?” Yu Youzhi seemed to be completely unaware and began to complain in dissatisfaction, “It’s almost one o’clock and I’m starving! Brother Song, help me order some takeaway!”

“You!” Plucking up his courage, Song Fangba pursed his lips and stared pointedly in the direction of the bedroom, “What is the relationship between that person…and you?”

“Didn’t I already tell you? He’s my fan.” Yu Youzhi tilted his head, feeling helpless as he looked at him, “Brother Song, what do you think my relationship is with him?”

“How do you know him?” The assistant frowned and whispered hesitantly, “…And why did you specially ask Dr. Cui to come see him?”

“You know it’s not convenient for me to go to the hospital.”

“’ve never troubled the Yu family before, but this time you went out of your way to invite Dr. Cui over…”

“Brother Song, I know what you’re worried about.” Yu Youzhi’s expression changed as he spoke, his lazy eyes disappearing as his handsome face became obviously cold, “I don’t want to hide these matter from you, but it is personal and not up to my discretion to share. If you really want to know something, please wait until Yu Le wakes up and you can ask him directly.”

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The atmosphere between the two was very awkward for a while, Song Fangba wanted to explain, but in the end, all he did was apologise, “I’m sorry, Youzhi, I didn’t mean it like that.”

Yu Youzhi smiled and regained his good-tempered face, “It’s okay, Brother Song, it’s not easy for you either.”

Perhaps because of this tense relationship, Song Fangba hesitated several times but still left early.

As a result, no one brought Yu Youzhi lunch.

Hungry, he took out some old sesame seeds and a rotten millet from the refrigerator, mixed them together, and cooked a bowl of mushy noodles for himself. However, he only took one bite before dumping them in the trash can.

When he lowered his eyes and saw the tired man sleeping on his bed, he simply pushed the blame away, “Yu Le, in order to not reveal your identity as a cross dresser, I offended Brother Song. I don’t even know what bad things he will say about me in front of my parents…You must repay me well when you wake up.”

Yu Youzhi was enjoying himself as he mumbled about what he would make Yu Le do for him, but out of the corner of his eye, the person on the bed seemed to move his hand and turn on his cell phone, causing a white light to shine out.

“Huh?” He approached, “Yu Le, you finally woke up. How are you feeling?”

“Well…” The other person buried his head in the quilt, and his expression could not be seen easily.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?” Yu Youzhi couldn’t help asking again, but the other party still didn’t say a word and just huddled under the quilt without speaking. It felt a little strange, but he didn’t think much about it, “If you feel that uncomfortable, just go back to sleep. I will lend you my bed today, so remember to repay me well in the future!”

The person wrapped under the quilt squirmed a little as if nodding and, after a moment, stopped moving.

He seemed to have fallen asleep again.


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