
“What’s the point of adding this part?”

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Chu Yinlong frowned and looked at the screenwriter  with a hint of displeasure in his tone. It was the last script reading session before filming for “Operation Red Owl” starts.

“They are villains, and the status of lover is only to match Jiang Dao’s temperament, and doesn’t need to engage with the audience emotionally.”

The screenwriter shook his head in disapproval. “Look, if an intimate scene is added here, when Jess is obviously abandoned to stop Wei Jie, it will better show He Zhenhai’s cold-blooded cruelty…”

Chu Yinlong replied with a straight face: “It’s impossible to pass the trial.”

The screenwriter was obviously well-versed in what could and couldn’t pass. “It’s not a real kiss… Besides, let’s film it first. We can cut it if it won’t get through. We’re already filming so many scenes, one more really won’t add any more work.”

Chu Yinlong’s tone became colder: “It wastes film. If it’s a last resort, yes. But this scene is really superfluous.”

The screenwriter was immediately unhappy: “Why is it superfluous? Originally, Xu Zhou should have been punished for breaking in without knocking on the door, so adding a short intimate scene here is completely unobtrusive. …Mr. Yao, what do you think?”

Yao Yuhao, who was listening on the side, didn’t expect to be recruited into the conversation. He coughed, lightly: “I have no opinion.”

The screenwriter turned to look at Jiang Dao.

Jiang Dao leaned lazily on the table, resting his chin in one hand, and replied nonchalantly: “Anything’s fine.”

“The actors are okay with it, I think it can be shot.” The screenwriter said, and took a half step back. “It’s just one short shot anyway. Otherwise why don’t we shoot two versions when the time comes, and see which one works better when we cut it.”


Chu Yinlong looked down at the newly added two lines of words in the script, and was silent for a long time. But in the end he didn’t let go. He picked up the script and knocked on the table with the spine of the book, solemnly stressing: “I am the director, I have the final say.”

The screenwriter rolled his eyes to the ceiling, leaned back in the seat, raised his hand in a gesture of surrender, and stopped talking.

After the script reading session was over, Jiang Dao went to the bathroom.

When he came out, he saw Chu Yinlong leaning on the sink, pinching his eyebrows, his face exhausted.

Hearing footsteps, Chu Yinlong opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Dao from the mirror.

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Jiang Dao turned on the faucet and said with a smile: “Multiple readings have been held, but today I found out that you’re really fierce when you are working.”

Chu Yinlong sighed. “I will be even fiercer when we get to the set… Are you afraid?”

Jiang Dao casually made up some nonsense: “Yes, I’m afraid. Your face turned so black just now. It feels like you’re going to lift the table and beat someone.”


Chu Yinlong let out a light snort from his nose.

After washing his hands, Jiang Dao didn’t wipe them, he just flicked them twice. Turning around to leave, he suddenly heard Chu Yinlong’s voice: “You don’t resist filming intimate scenes?”

“Huh?” Jiang Dao turned around and looked back at Chu Yinlong.

There was no emotion on Chu Yinlong’s face, and his tone was calm: “You’ve also read the revised script… the scene for Jess and He Zhenhai, can you accept it?”

Thinking of the dispute during the reading, Jiang Dao raised his eyebrows.

“That part is actually nothing, it’s just being pressed on the sofa.” He replied seriously. “I’ve said before that as long as it’s part of filming, I will seriously perform my duties as an actor. You don’t have to worry that I won’t accept this kind of scene. Let alone being pressed down, even if it’s a kiss scene or a sex scene…”

“Cough!” Chu Yinlong interrupted Jiang Dao’s words.

Seeing his reaction, Jiang Dao immediately confirmed his guess.

With a wicked smile on his lips, he approached Chu Yinlong and deliberately lowered his voice: “Ah, I was thinking you really thought the plot was superfluous, but what you really didn’t want was for me to shoot this kind of scene?”

After he finished speaking, he raised his head to meet Chu Yinlong’s gaze, and asked: “Why?”


In the dimly lit light, the young man’s eyes flickered with narrowness, making one’s heart… flutter.

Chu Yinlong stepped back half a step in a panic, and immediately stabilized his body without showing the slightest trace on his face.

“Not really.” He said calmly. “You will have the opportunity to shoot this kind of plot in the future, I don’t need to block it. It’s just that in this film, that scene is really superfluous.”

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Jiang Dao was surprised to hear this. “I have a chance to film this kind of plot?”

Chu Yinlong’s tone was still light: “Yes. So, don’t guess at random.”

Jiang Dao was just deliberately teasing, and didn’t really think that Chu Yinlong was helping him block it. Hearing Chu Yinlong’s serious reply, he was embarrassed to continue joking around, smiled, and turned to leave the bathroom.

Walking back to the door of the conference room, Jiang Dao was about to open the door when he suddenly heard the screenwriter’s voice coming from the room.

“How many movies has he filmed? He’s debuted for 20 years, but can those years as a child count? He has less than 10 years of serious experience, but because he has the halo of “youngest kungfu star” he wants to learn from the older generation of directors… who knows if he has this ability.”

The dissatisfaction in his tone was undisguised. The screenwriter was obviously still very opinionated about the dispute at the previous reading meeting.

At this time, the lead makeup artist said: “Forget it. After all, it is produced by his studio, and he is pretty good among the younger generation. Although he’s a little anxious, he still dares to try and pursue it! It’s a small problem, not worth fighting over. Commercial films are not focused on winning awards, so there’s no need to dig into the details.”

The screenwriter snorted: “How am I not getting along? Didn’t I concede in the end? I can understand he doesn’t want the villains to arouse the audience’s empathy, otherwise the protagonist will not be prominent enough… Alas, today’s children also like to watch this kind of black and white drama, so it is justified.”

Jiang Dao’s finger pressed lightly on the doorknob. Lowering his eyes, he silently listened to the conversation between the two.

The lead makeup artist smiled and said: “Fortunately, the script and the storyboard are set, so you don’t have to stay on the set every day.”

Hearing this, the screenwriter’s tone became weird: “I heard that he’s even more forceful on set?”

“He probably learned from Director Mu, thinking that a director can’t direct without scolding people. You haven’t seen it before, he not only scolds newcomers, but sometimes he won’t even give the older actors face.”


The screenwriter clicked his tongue. ” Who let him be the chief director and producer. Even the investors are family members…”

“Jiang Dao!”

Jing Yu’s voice suddenly came from around the corner of the corridor, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

“I thought you left already! Hey, why don’t we go to dinner together?” The voices in the conference room no longer sounded.

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Jiang Dao opened the door very naturally, turned his head towards Jing Yu and said with a smile: “I was going to leave, but suddenly I remembered I left something behind… Ah, Teacher Wang! Teacher Wu! You two haven’t left yet?”

Seeing his surprise that didn’t seem fake, the screenwriter and lead makeup artist breathed a sigh of relief. He shouldn’t have heard anything.

The lead makeup artist smiled kindly: “Filming starts next week. The script needs some fine-tuning, and the storyboard needs some tweaking… You two should go to dinner first. Have a good rest these two days, and adjust your state. It will be very hard after filming starts; don’t cry when the time comes.”

Jing Yu felt a little nervous upon hearing those words. Raising his hand, he scratched his head in a panic, nodded, and then grabbed Jiang Dao’s wrist and pulled him out.

Jiang Dao leaned over to pick up the script he had dropped on the conference table, then let Jing Yu drag him out, but not before forgetting to close the door.

Guessing that the two had gone far away, the screenwriter’s brows wrinkled again. “What’s the relationship between Jiang Dao and Xiao Chu? When Xiao Chu asked him to play Jess, I felt something was wrong. He’s too beautiful, and his temperament is completely inappropriate. Even if he can fight, there’s no need to make such a big change to accommodate Jiang Dao, right?”

The lead makeup artist shook her head helplessly. “It’s normal for a young man to not think things through. He probably wants to support him, but he’s a little impatient.”

After speaking, the two immersed themselves in the final fine-tuning of the script and the storyboard, and said nothing more.




Two days later, filming for “Operation Red Owl” officially began on a Monday.

Given how action movies are filmed, they first focused on the “literary scenes” that can be shot in the studio. After these scenes are filmed, shooting the indoor martial arts scenes will start. The outdoor scenes with more demanding weather requirements, and the fights and racing scenes with the highest risk are arranged at the end. This way, they can minimize any delays in filming in the off-chance someone is injured.

Jiang Dao was wearing a loose sleeveless vest, leaning on Yao Yuhua’s shoulder as if he had no bones, watching the several men in front of him move.

“Stop.” In the middle of the performance, Chu Yinlong suddenly raised his hand and interrupted. “What’s the matter with you, Jing Yu? Xu Zhou is a policeman, but he is now undercover in a criminal organization. Do you not understand the role? How did you do the role analysis? Or did you forget everything you learned?”

“Yes, I’m sorry!” Jing Yu quickly apologized. “I’ll try again!”

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“Try? We aren’t here for you to try acting.” Chu Yinlong showed no mercy. “Go to the side and watch others act. After you figure it out, we’ll film again… Jiang Dao!”

Hearing his name called, Jiang Dao stood up straight.

Sure enough, Chu Yinlong wasn’t lenient when he opened his mouth: “Enjoy watching? Does it look good? Should we bring you a sofa?”

Jiang Dao: …

Chu Yinlong said with a stern face and a cold tone: “When you enter the set, you’re Jess, a member of a criminal organization and He Zhenhai’s lover. Not Jiang Dao! Control your expressions and body language. Don’t think that because the camera can’t capture your face, you can be lazy! Think about what you should do.”

Jiang Dao nodded obediently: “I was wrong.”

After a round of scolding people, including two actors and a lighting engineer, Chu Yinlong made a gesture to the assistant director: “Skip Xu Zhou first, and shoot the latter first.”

The assistant director has long been accustomed to Chu Yinlong’s rhythm, and immediately organized the lighting, props, and photography teams.

The first day’s filming continued until late at night. It was only when Jing Yu was scolded to tears by Chu Yinlong that he hurriedly called it a day. The moment Chu Yinlong left the studio, nearly everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Jiang Dao grabbed a package of tissues from the table and handed it to Jing Yu, who was sobbing in the corner. “You…”

“I know I’m not doing well!” Jing Yu wiped his face. “I… I just… I’ve worked hard! I’ve worked hard to get into the role. But I, I’ve never been a cop, I’ve never been a criminal, I haven’t killed anyone, I haven’t even killed a chicken wooo…”

Seeing Jing Yu crying like this and talking nonsense, Jiang Dao laughed unkindly.

Jing Yu raised his head and glared at him. “You still laugh! You were scolded, yet you still laugh?!”


Poor Jing Yu, getting the brunt of CYL’s anger

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