
The weather was very cooperative the day outdoor shooting of “Operation Red Owl” began. Thin clouds blocked the sun, so the sky was bright but not dazzling, and it was perfect for filming.

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However, it was quite sultry, affecting the cast and crew, so filming didn’t get off to a good start.

“No, do it again.” Chu Yinlong raised his head from behind the director’s screen. “The sweat marks on the clothes are too heavy, and don’t look good… Consider how to dress that’s not in conflict with the indoor scenes. We also need close shots, so we can’t just use the same outfits.”

Figuring out costuming was a bit of a headache, so they went to study different shots based on the script.

The make-up team got busy, helping the actors dry their sweaty temples and re-do their hairstyles and touch-ups.

Jiang Dao picked up a bottle of water from the ice bucket and put it on his neck to cool himself down. Seeing that there were some white salt stains after the wet marks dried, he asked curiously, “Although it doesn’t look very good, it’s more realistic this way. Why not?”

Chu Yinlong shook his head. “In the end, it’s a movie, not a documentary. Aesthetics and artistry are very important. Otherwise, we don’t need to design action scenes – no matter how high one’s martial arts are, they won’t be able to fight against a real gun.”

That’s true, Jiang Dao nodded, and then chugged half a bottle of water with a lift of his neck.

“Drink slowly.” Chu Yinlong frowned. “This water is too cold, don’t upset your stomach now.”

“Oh.” Because they were on set, Jiang Dao gave Chu Yinlong face, and put the bottle down to cool his arm.

Chu Yinlong glanced at him and said, “Your literary drama is basically with Mr. Yao, and it’s all arranged in the front. After the filming in the past few days, you can go back and rest, and you don’t need to go to the studio every day.”

Jiang Dao smiled: “It’s okay, I think this temperature is okay.”


After all, he has experienced all kinds of extreme weather before, and a rainforest without poisonous gas or mutant beasts is quite comfortable in comparison.

After resting for a while, they started shooting again, and finally finished a scene that had many NGs before.

The person in charge of costumes brought over two pieces of clothing and said after deliberation: “Mr. Chu, do you think this is okay… We simply dampen all the actors’ clothes so everything is uniform and balanced. If the moisture content is controlled, the clothes will not stick to the body, and there is no trace of sweat. The only problem is… the actors may be a little uncomfortable.”

Chu Yinlong reached out and touched one of the shirts. It’s really hard to see it’s wet.

However, this rainforest is already sultry, and putting on damp clothes and sometimes a coat is bound to be uncomfortable.

“That’s it, the actor can bear with it.” Chu Yinlong didn’t care at all, and decided. “The next scene is mine, let me try first.”

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Then he took off his jacket, put on the wet t-shirt, and walked to the sidelines to get prepped by the staff.

After filming started again, the number of accidental NGs was greatly reduced.


It was already past four in the afternoon when they finally caught up to the expected shooting schedule. The sky had gradually filled with overcast clouds, blocking the bright sunlight.

According to the locals, it rains every afternoon, most of which comes and goes quickly, but there are few rain showers that last until night falls.

Chu Yinlong clapped his hands and announced, “Wait for the rain to start before filming the 62nd scene. Everyone has worked hard, and can rest after this is done… Now, in position, and wait for the rain to come.”

The 62nd scene in the script is a static long shot, followed by the final big battle that takes place. The whole battle is filmed in the rain, so the requirements for the 62nd scene are also quite strict – the rain can’t be too big or too small. In the best case, they can completely film it in a natural environment.

Jiang Dao was sitting on a branch in the scene, playing with props in his hands.

Beside him, the “organization members” gathered together in twos and threes, waiting for the rain to start and the assistant director to start filming, before they could carry the goods.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the rain arrived as scheduled.

The assistant director slammed the clapper, all the actors on the set returned to their respective positions, and shooting officially began.

It’s a pity that the rain came down too fast. After shooting for some time, Chu Yinlong carefully looked at the images on the monitors and found that 80% of what was filmed was useless due to the rain curtain.

“Let’s wait for tomorrow.” He wasn’t too disappointed. In order to achieve the best results, it was inevitable that repetition would be necessary, particularly when shooting in certain weather conditions.


Jiang Dao helped the staff put the props and equipment back into the car, and then boarded the crew bus. Taking a towel handed over by the stylist, he randomly wiped his hair off.

“It’s not easy.” He sat down next to Chu Yinlong and said with a smile. “I didn’t realize it when watching movies before, but after acting, I realized so much happens behind each scene… “

“You just found out?” Chu Yinlong raised his eyebrows.

“I realized during indoor shooting.” Jiang Dao replied. “But outdoor filming is more difficult. There’s no air conditioning or lounge, which makes it even more obvious.”

Chu Yinlong laughed softly and asked, “Then what do you think about the entertainment industry? No change? Still don’t like it?”

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Jiang Dao hung the towel around his neck and turned to look at Chu Yinlong: “I have no problem with acting as a profession. I just don’t like being spied on, and dislike the secret fighting that happens.”

Chu Yinlong sighed: “There are struggles everywhere, unless you are willing to go with the flow.”

Jiang Dao didn’t care, and was about to refute, when he was suddenly interrupted.

“Ah! Snakes! Snakes, there are snakes in the car!”

Hearing the exclamations, several staff members in a seat at the back huddled together, scrambling to hide along the corridor.

The driver hurriedly stopped on the side of the road and hurried to check.

As a local he’s quite familiar with the snakes here. After seeing the snake under the seat, his face became solemn: “It’s a poisonous snake. With it angered like this… I have to call someone to remove it.”

Next to him, the prop guy who was holding onto a stick didn’t know much, and asked, “Can’t you just kill it?”

The driver shook his head helplessly, “This snake is a protected animal, and can’t be killed.”

After speaking, he picked up his phone and called someone. But the more he talked, the angrier he became, and finally it seemed like he was arguing with someone.


The interpreter listened for a moment, and then explained in a low voice, “Apparently, they need an hour to arrive…”

After speaking, he looked at the rain curtain outside the car window, feeling a little dejected.

No one is willing to wait for an hour on a mountain road that does not lead to a village or store in the same space as a poisonous snake.

Chu Yinlong patted Jiang Dao’s arm: “Let me go, I’ll go out and have a look.”

Before Jiang Dao spoke, the assistant director next to him suddenly became alert: “Xiao Chu, don’t mess around! If you’re bitten by a poisonous snake on the first day of filming here, we won’t be able to explain it to anyone.”

Hearing this, those in the car familiar with Chu Yinlong’s temperament immediately dissuaded him.

There were even people who gave Jiang Dao a wink, signaling for him to keep Chu Yingdi firmly in his seat and not let him out.

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Jiang Dao took advantage of the situation, and stepped into the walkway, as if he wanted to move out of the way.

“Don’t move, Xiao Dao!”

“Hey, don’t let him come out!”

“Go back!”

Who knew that Jiang Dao not only didn’t go back, but walked in front of Chu Yinlong, helping  him push the crowd away, and came next to the snake.

For some reason, the snake, which had gradually quieted down, suddenly tensed again. Its one-meter-long body was coiled into an S shape, its head held high, and its mouth opened in the direction of Jiang Dao, revealing its sharp fangs. However, its tail wriggled and moved to the side, as if it was a little sullen, trying to escape, but there was no way to escape.

Chu Yinlong tugged at Jiang Dao’s clothes from behind: “You stand back, I’ll deal with it.”

The assistant director was still shouting: “You can’t handle it without tools, get back! Xiao Dao, don’t– Hey!!!”

Jiang Dao pulled the towel off his neck and threw it in the direction of the snake.

Then, at the moment the snake bit the towel, he swooped forward, and pinched the snake’s head firmly between his fingers.

More exclamations broke out in the car at this time.



“Xiao Dao!”

However, at this time, the poisonous snake, which was still showing off its power just now, didn’t even struggle at all, and hung there limply, as if it was already a corpse.

Jiang Dao wrapped the snake’s head in a towel and showed a soothing smile to everyone: “Okay, it’s alright… Ah, ask the driver to open the door, I’ll toss it away.”

After speaking, he turned to the dark-faced Chu Yinlong and blinked: “Let me go over there?”

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Chu Yinlong gave Jiang Dao a deep look, then turned sideways to clear the way.

Jiang Dao calmly walked to the door of the vehicle under a truckload of gazes, threw the towel in his hand vigorously, and tossed the snake into the grass by the roadside.

As soon as it landed, the poisonous snake turned its head and ran away, escaping without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Dao rolled the towel in his hand into a ball and turned around: “Okay, let’s go.”

His tone was relaxed, but when the people in the car looked at him, their eyes were not very relaxed, and there was even some pity in their eyes.

— Because Chu Yinlong was angry.

“Do you know how dangerous it is?!” Sure enough, Chu Yingdi scolded when he sat down. “You dare to catch a poisonous snake without any protection? Do you know what kind of snake it is? What the consequences are? Do you know how far we are from the hospital? In case you’re bitten, in case you… how should I… you…”

Jiang Dao stood in front of Chu Yinlong, pursed his mouth, and lowered his head. However, he looked up at Chu Yinlong through his eyelashes, and blinked: “It was my fault.”

Although, next time, he still dares to.

Seeing Jiang Dao pretending to be good in front of the crew, Chu Yinlong couldn’t scold him anymore.

He gritted his molars angrily, stretched out his hand and pinched the back of Jiang Dao’s neck, carried the person to his side, and tucked him into the inner seat. “Sit properly. When we go back, wait for me to clean you up.”

Jiang Dao sat down obediently. Back against the seat, he smiled and blinked at Chu Yinlong.

Chu Yinlong: …

This Jiang Dao is specially designed to defeat him.


We’re at the half way point (excluding the 2 extras)!

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