
The next day, on an island country M.

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Chu Yinlong sat in the co-pilot seat of the all-terrain vehicle, holding the frame tightly with one hand, and pinching Jiang Dao’s shoulder on the driver’s seat with the other. “Slow down! Slow down – fuck!!!”

Jiang Dao made a half turn with the steering wheel, causing the all-terrain vehicle to jump from the hillside on an incline, over a mud puddle, before hitting the ground. The wheels rolled twice, and quickly scurried forward.

After running a full lap and returning to the starting point, the park staff excitedly stepped forward and congratulated Jiang Dao for breaking the ATV driving record.

Jiang Dao didn’t understand and didn’t care. He raised his hand and undid the seat belt on his body, opened the door and got out of the car. But he almost knelt on the ground with his softened feet.

Holding onto the car door, he sat down cross-legged with a big smell, and turned his head to look at Chu Yinlong. “It’s been a long time since I felt my feet sway when stepping on the ground… How are you?”

The other party was very experienced and didn’t even trying getting out of the car as he sat in the seat and stared blankly at the sky.

He also drove an ATV and rode in one driven by a stunt driver before, but neither experience was ever as crazy as Jiang Dao.

What is ‘crazy driving to the point of insanity’? Jiang Dao is it!

After recovering a little, Jiang Dao got up and followed Chu Yinlong to get the badge for the ATV park. He happily stared at the covering his arm side by side.

“It’s nice to be in a place where no one knows me.” Jiang Dao took out his backpack from the locker, raised his hand and put his straw hat on his head. “It’s so hard to be so relaxed back at home… Ah, but how come they don’t even recognize you?”

Chu Yinlong put on his sunglasses and said with a smile, “I’m not as famous internationally as the two seniors. After all, I haven’t played a leading role in an international blockbuster, and the award was only won recently.”


After thinking about it again, he added: “And in this country, the attitude of the people towards celebrities is different from that in China. They may recognize them, but most will keep their distance and don’t pay as much attention to the private lives of celebrities.”

“Nice, that’s good.” Jiang Dao nodded in agreement.

Passing a booth, his eyes lit up, and he dragged Chu Yinlong forward to be an interpreter. “I want to try this! What flavors are there?”

Chu Yinlong isn’t that good at speaking in a foreign language, but at least his words are clear. He quickly helped Jiang Dao choose a rainbow smoothie. When he handed it over, he did not forget to remind: “Don’t eat so much cold stuff, it’s not good for the stomach.”

Jiang Dao took a sip of the smoothie and replied, “Yes, Father Long.”

By the time they walked from the ATV park to the beach, the entire smoothie was gone.

Then, his eyes were caught by two paragliders flying above the sea.

“That looks so exciting!” He stuffed the empty plastic cup into the trash, then turned and patted Chu Yinlong’s arm. “Let’s go play that!”

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With an expressionless face, Chu Yinlong looked at the three stamps on his arm that were exactly the same as Jiang Dao’s.

Downhill track, bungee jumping, ATVs, and now paragliding… Can’t this child choose some safe and gentle items?

Isn’t making action movies already exciting enough?

After a crazy day, Jiang Dao followed Chu Yinlong back to the diving club room where they stayed until night fell.

That’s right, Jiang Dao’s reason for coming is to learn scuba diving.

But the course doesn’t start until tomorrow. So after signing up, he dragged Chu Yinlong to the nearby beach park to play.

As for why he wants to learn diving… The skydiving course requires too long training time, Jiang Dao can only settle for the next best thing and choose a diving course that can be completed in four days.


Jiang Dao came out of the shower, wiped his hair casually, sat down beside the bed, and started rubbing medicated oil on his ankles.

The injury he suffered on the set is almost healed, and there is no pain when walking and jumping, but Chu Yinlong is very strict. If he doesn’t apply medicine properly, he won’t be allowed to dive, so he could only apply it obediently.

After Jiang Dao finished rubbing the medicated oil, Chu Yinlong also came out of the bath.

Jiang Dao immediately reminded: “Your phone rang just now, it seems to be a WeChat call.”

Chu Yinlong responded, opened the phone and saw the notification. Frowning, he opened the door and went out to the small courtyard outside.

“Auntie?” He was a little nervous. “What happened? Were we photographed?”

“Yo, you know to be afraid now?” Lu Zhengrong’s chuckle came through the phone.

Chu Yinlong was speechless.

Lu Zhengrong continued to tease: “Yesterday, when you kicked Xiao Yang and Xiao Zhang back to China, and went to enjoy a two-person world with Jiang Dao, why didn’t you know how to be afraid? I always thought you were a good guy… who knew. But this is also good. It’s better to be an impulsive young man than an old fritter.”

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“You called just to laugh at me?” Chu Yinlong sighed helplessly.

“How so? I’m happy for you.” Lu Zhengrong said in a relaxed tone. “You and Xiao Dao have a good time, don’t worry too much. I’ll keep an eye out on things. As long as the two of you aren’t photographed doing ‘those’ things, PR can take care of it… So, remember to close the door in the hotel, and don’t do it outside.”

Chu Yinlong: …

Taking a deep breath, Chu Yinlong asked solemnly, “Did you drink again?”

“No.” Lu Zhengrong answered firmly. “How can beer count as alcohol?”

Chu Yinlong: “…I know.”


Lu Zhengrong chuckled lightly, and suddenly thought of something: “Oh yes , I’m calling you to talk about Qin Xiao’s fiancée, I’ve asked around, and they said it doesn’t matter that Qin Xiao plays outside, as long as it’s not too ugly. They don’t interfere with each other’s private lives… Your chess piece is useless.”

Unexpectedly, Chu Yinlong sighed slowly: “I see.”

Lu Zhengrong said: “In the financial market, character attacks are useless. It’s a place where one looks at strength. Either you have enough money to drag him down; or you crush him to death; or… you can threaten his life. Other things are just small tricks not worth mentioning.”

After speaking, she laughed again: “In contrast, your identity and Xiao Dao’s identity are more sensitive to these types of character attacks and public opinion. If you really face him head-on, you won’t win.”

Chu Yinlong didn’t answer.

After a moment of silence, he asked, “What do you think?”

Lu Zhengrong was puzzled: “What do I think about what?”

Chu Yinlong: “Xiao Dao and I… why didn’t you object from the beginning?”

Lu Zhengrong smiled: “Do you think I should object? You also think he isn’t suitable, right?”

Chu Yinlong remained silent.

After waiting for a while without hearing a reply, Lu Zhengrong sighed. “To be honest, I really don’t recommend someone from Jiang Dao’s background. If it’s just physical attraction, just throw it away after playing… But since you really like him, the more I stop you, the more determined you will be, so it’s better to let it go.”

Originally, this was quite a serious matter, but then she added: “After all, you’re already 28. It’s time to taste meat.”

Chu Yinlong: …

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Lu Zhengrong quickly changed topics: “Okay, it’s not too early, so I won’t disturb your good night. Talk later.”

Looking at his phone, Chu Yinlong took a slow breath and exhaled slowly. His heart was hot.

He didn’t have those thoughts at first.

It’s really terrible having such an unruly elder at home.

Don’t know when his uncle’s retreat will be over – it’s best to come back and rein her in as soon as possible.

After his heart calmed down from the gentle sea breeze, Chu Yinlong turned around and went back inside.

Jiang Dao was watching TV.

Although he can’t understand the foreign language inside, the images are interesting enough. It should be some local variety show with six male artists in pairs, playing a high-level CP game.

On screen, the pairs had their feet pressed up against each other. One member had to pick up a small stick measuring 2-3 cm on the side, transfer it to the other party, who then had to use a sit-up position to transfer it to a box on the ground. The group with the fewest catches within one minute would be punished.

Seeing Chu Yinlong return, Jiang Dao excitedly told him: “This show is really exciting. They were punished just now to do push-ups on top of each other… This country is really open, Jing Yu even said there’s a legal red light district here.”

The calm brought by the sea breeze immediately dispersed.

“Don’t even think about it.” Chu Yinlong frowned, with a serious look on his face.

Jiang Dao was stunned for a moment, then replied amusedly: “I didn’t say I was going. What were you thinking?”

“Well,” Chu Yinlong tactically cleared his throat. “Stop watching TV, go to bed early, and be prepared for diving tomorrow.”

Jiang Dao obediently turned off the TV. The moment the lights turned off, he smiled and said, “Okay, Father Long.”

This title he heard from the makeup artists really suits Chu Yinlong.

Early next morning, Jiang Dao went to diving class in high spirits.

In order to avoid translation issues, Chu Yinlong booked a one-on-one VIP class with a senior coach who speaks Chinese. After learning theory in the morning, he can try diving in the swimming pool in the afternoon.

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Walking into the classroom, Jiang Dao found that his coach had arrived. Contrary to expectations, the other party was very young, with slightly curly hair, dark skin and blue eyes, and exotic facial features.

Seeing Jiang Dao, the coach’s sea-blue eyes suddenly lit up. He smiled with white teeth and stretched out a hand towards Jiang Dao: “Hi, hello. I’m Paul, nice to meet you.”

Jiang Dao shook it up politely.

Then he felt a slight scratch on his palm.

Paul’s face didn’t show the slightest trace: “Okay, let’s hurry up and start learning diving theory.”

Aside from his appearance and some immature gestures, Paul really lived up to the title of senior instructor.

The morning passed quickly, and he sent Jiang Dao out of the room when class ended.

The moment he stepped out the door, he raised his hand and unbuttoned the two buttons of his shirt, revealing his proud chest muscles. Moving his footsteps slightly, he approached Jiang Dao with a bright smile. “Are you hungry? Let’s go to lunch together?”

Jiang Dao raised his eyes and saw Chu Yinlong coming from the other side.

“No.” He curled his lips with a smile on his face, “My dad is here to pick me up.”

Chu Yinlong: …

Paul looked at Chu Yinlong in surprise, and was stunned, not knowing what to think. Then, as if suddenly realizing something, his sea blue eyes dimmed. “Ah, I’m sorry! Then, then I won’t bother you!”

After that, he turned and ran away quickly.

Chu Yinlong frowned and looked at Paul’s back, and asked Jiang Dao, “What happened?”

Jiang Dao shrugged indifferently, and said with a smile, “He wants to sleep with me, so I made him retreat.”


Lolol – JD’s tend of continuing to pit CYL continues.  Of course, he’s also digging his own pit unknowingly.

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