
Yan City time, 7:30 in the morning.

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Chu Yinlong’s plane landed smoothly.

Before the plane taxied, he turned on his phone, unable to wait any longer. Sure enough, a series of messages jumped out, and new alerts kept popping up.

Looking down, Chu Yinlong’s face became darker the more he looked.

He turned off the information interface and called Jiang Dao directly – unable to connect.

Releasing his seat belt, he grabbed his luggage and walked to the cabin door, but was stopped by a panic-stricken stewardess. “Sir! The plane is still taxiing, please go back to your seat and fasten your seat belt!”

Raising his hand and pinching his eyebrows, Chu Yinlong took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his emotions, and returned to his seat.

He called his assistant Xiao Yang: “Have you found him?”

Despite the tremble in Xiao Yang’s voice, he remained calm as he answered. “The biggest possibility is he went to find Qin Xiao. We just found out the address for Qin Xiao’s villa in the Yanxi Jingshan area. Do you want to… call the police? President Lu said to wait for you to make a decision.”

Chu Yinlong gritted his teeth, struggled for a long time, and finally replied, “Contact… Officer Xing.”

The assistant responded immediately: ” Understood!”

Chu Yinlong quickly added: “Wait! Let him wear plain clothes and don’t drive a police car. Try to… no, don’t, don’t make a big deal of this!”


After calling the driver to send off the youths who came over to have fun last night, Qin Xiao returned to the dining room.

In the dining room, four men with either greasy hair or potbellies were munching on breakfast. Seeing Qin Xiao come back, someone immediately smiled flatteringly. “It’s still President Qin’s little model that’s noteworthy. Tsk tsk, that waist, those thighs, that cry, oh, ah I can’t imagine it!”

Qin Xiao sat down, gracefully picked up the black tea, and took a sip.

“It’s just a few models,” he said with a smile. “Today’s main event hasn’t come yet.”

One of the fat men wiped his mouth and asked with a smile, “Can you really call that little guy?”

Qin Xiao raised an eyebrow.

“Of course I don’t mean to doubt you!” The fat man hurriedly laughed. “That little guy is so beautiful. His skin is soft and smooth, and will definitely turn red when poked…”


Hearing this, Qin Xiao asked with a smile, “Then, Mr. Zhu will come first?”

The fatty immediately waved his hand in refusal. “Ah, how can this be done! I don’t like them too noisy. It’s better to wait for President Wang to tame him. I’ll come later, hehe, come later…”

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Qin Xiao glanced at the clock and said, “It’s almost time, the stage should be ready.”

Jiang Dao slowly opened his eyes. Pulling his legs back from the armrests, he got up and walked to the door.

The door didn’t close completely, and through the thin gap, the lewd words at the dining table, as well as the crisp sound of wine glasses clinking, could be heard.

“Tsk, good wine. It’s a pity to use it as medicine.”

“It’s just a cup… Besides, how’s it a pity if used right?”

“Hahahaha, makes sense!”

Jiang Dao opened the door and went out. Walking slowly along the corridor on the second floor, he watched the men seated around in the high-ceilinged living room from above.

“What’s going on? It’s already eight o’clock, where is he?”


“He won’t be stopped by villa security, will he?”

“Impossible, I told the guards he’s a guest I invited. They will recognize him.”

“Maybe he’s so scared he doesn’t dare come?”

Jiang Dao stood directly above Qin Xiao with his hands on the railing.

Qin Xiao sneered: “Him? Huh, does he think I won’t attack Longqi Entertainment and the Chu family if he doesn’t show up? It’s a little troublesome, but why would I be afraid of an entertainment company? What a joke!”

With no expression on his face, Jiang Dao said condescendingly to the room below, “Really?”

The table fell silent.

The next moment, all five men present jumped up from their seats, staring dumbfounded at the boy in black who suddenly appeared in the corridor on the second floor.

Jiang Dao flipped over the railing and landed lightly on the sofa in the living room from the second floor, with his legs bent, then jumped to the ground with his strength, took two steps forward, and sat in the armchair opposite Qin Xiao.

Propping his cheek in his palm, elbow supported by the armrest, his face had no emotion as he watched them. His eyes were inky black, and his stare felt like a deadly blunt knife, scraping their flesh off one at a time.

Then he said: “Come, sit down.”

None of the five men were spared – all of them acted like puppets, and sat down following his instructions.

As soon as he sat down, Qin Xiao immediately realized what he had done. Twisting his face, he gritted his teeth to look at Jiang Dao, and just as he was about to speak, his mouth unconsciously when he saw those empty, cold eyes.

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“I heard that the wine is good.” Jiang Dao stretched out his hand, brushed his fingers over the glasses of wine on the table, and asked, “Which one is for me?”

No one answered, but he saw three of them swallow nervously. So he picked up the glass of wine under his finger, and stood up. Eyes ruthless and devoid of emotion, he stared at Qin Xiao for a moment, and then walked over step by step: “Brother, I’ll toast you.”


Qin Xiao only felt as if he was being watched by a poisonous snake, and his face turned pale with fright. Seeing Jiang Dao walking towards him, he retreated into the sofa, voice trembling as he said, “You, how did you get in?! What are you… doing. Don’t come here! Get out! This is my house! You, get out! Get out—get out!”

Jiang Dao looked at him blankly, as if he was looking at some lifeless and useless object. “Weren’t you the one who called me over, brother?”

But Qin Xiao was too frightened by Jiang Dao’s aura. “Don’t come here! You…you’re not, you’re not Jiang Dao! You’re not him at all — who are you?!”

At this time, the fat man closest to the door suddenly jumped up and fled to the villa door with an agility that was extremely disproportionate to his size.

Jiang Dao immediately dashed forward, raised his hand and pinched the back of his neck. No one knew how much pressure he used, but the man collapsed to the ground, unconscious, and a wet mark appeared on his body.

And not one drop of wine in the glass Jiang Dao held spilled out.

In the living room, the other men who were about to move obediently sat back in their original positions, not daring to move.

Jiang Dao didn’t even look at the fat man who he knocked out. Calmly walking back to Qin Xiao, he raised his hand to hold the back of this so-called brother’s neck, and put the wine glass to his mouth.

With his weakness held in the names of the enemy, Qin Xiao trembled. Eyes full of horror as he stared at Jiang Dao’s face, his breathing was rapid, and his voice panicked. “You, you don’t touch me… Don’t touch me! No!”

“Drink it.” Jiang Dao said expressionlessly.

“No…” Qin Xiao shook his head. “No, no… I can’t…”

Jiang Dao turned his wrist, dodging Qin Xiao’s hand that wanted to overturn the wine glass. His other hand seemed to lightly skim Qin Xiao’s arm as he dislocated his joints.

Qin Xiao let out a sharp pained cry, and immediately burst into tears.

On the sofa, the remaining three men shrank their shoulders, trying to shrink themselves as small as possible.

Jiang Dao lifted the wine glass to Qin Xiao’s mouth again, leaned close to him, and rubbed the back of Qin Xiao’s neck with his fingers through the layer of thin silk. His voice was low and gloomy, as if from the abyss: “Drink it. Otherwise, next time, it won’t be an arm.”

As he spoke, the fingers that fell on the back of Qin Xiao’s neck tightened slightly.

“I’ll drink! I, I’ll drink!” Qin Xiao’s voice jumped with fright. Tearfully leaning to the edge of the glass in Jiang Dao’s hand, he obediently drank the wine, then sobbed even more. “Let me go! Please let me go… I won’t do, I won’t do anything! I promise!”

Jiang Dao reached out and stroked his head gently.

Qin Xiao shrank, sobbing, and daring not to move.

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“Me, I don’t mind.” Jiang Dao whispered in his ear like a lover, but his voice was icy cold. “But the people around me, if you do anything…”

“No, I won’t!” Qin Xiao pleaded between breaths. “Those texts, those photos… they- they’re stored in a USB in the study. A, a blue one! You can destroy them or take them away! There’s no backup, really!”

A pink flush rose on his face and his breathing gradually sped up. Coherent speech also began to deteriorate. “Jiang, Jiang Dao… Uh, you, can you, let me go…”

“No rush,” Jiang Dao seemed to casually say. “The venue for the second game is set up, let’s go have a look together.”

When he finished speaking, he turned his wrist and fixed Qin Xiao’s dislocated arm.

Qin Xiao let out a strange pained cry, fine beads of sweat oozing out of his forehead, and his breathing became a little more urgent.

Jiang Dao got up and walked to the remaining men.

Facing his stare, they trembled, “You you, you, uh uh…”

“You two, bring President Qin upstairs.” Jiang Dao’s voice was cold and inorganic.

“Ah, yes! Yes!” One of them turned over numbly and raised Qin Xiao’s arm.

The other person trembled too much, such that his legs were too weak to even stand up. Without a word, Jiang Dao stepped forward, knocking him out, and then his eyes swept to the last person in the room.

The man jumped up, grabbed Qin Xiao’s other arm, and helped carry him upstairs.

Sure enough, without Jiang Dao’s reminder, the two men carried Qin Xiao, who was delirious, to the room with the restraint chair, and fastened him in.

Qin Xiao was already confused at this time. A sticky cry came out of his throat, his mouth full of nonsense as he begged for mercy for a while, then begged for a hug for a while, with tears and snot covering his face.

Jiang Dao ignored his actions, taking out a jade pendant from his pocket, and hung it on Qin Xiao’s neck.

Seeing this scene, the two men standing beside them shivered like chaff — this pendant was on the neck of the model who slept with Qin Xiao last night. This morning, he cried a lot when he couldn’t find it, saying that it was a pendant he never took off even when sleeping. It vanished for no reason, and couldn’t be found even after searching all over the living room, bathroom, and bedroom… Why is it in Jiang Dao’s hands?

When did he get it?

While they slept?

Then—could he also quietly kill them while they were sleeping?!

As if seeing through their thoughts, Jiang Dao glanced back lightly: “Zhu Chunlai, the founder of Duojie Technology. Wang Zhong, the current CEO of Haiyao Ventures. Very well known, with very strange hobbies in bed.”

He did sneak in last night!

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No one found out!

The surnamed Zhu and Wang two knelt on the ground at the same time, cold sweat dripping on the ground, unable to say a word.

Jiang Dao continued: “If Qin Xiao wants to try anything else, I’d like to ask the two of you to help.”

Just as he was talking, a dog bark suddenly sounded from the downstairs of the villa.

The bark soon disappeared, and someone knocked on the villa. “Open the door, express delivery!”

Exchanging glances, just as a glimmer of hope rose in the two men’s hearts, Jiang Dao’s eyes fell on them, and the corners of his mouth suddenly rose.

At that moment, they seemed to see the smile of death.

Wang Zhong couldn’t stand the stimulation any longer, his eyes widened and he passed out.

Jiang Dao raised his chin towards Zhu Chunlai: “Go open the door.”

Zhu Chunlai: “…Ah?”

Jiang Dao smiled and said, “Open the door.”

Zhu Chunlai jumped up suddenly. He was so scared that he couldn’t walk in a straight line, but he still very tenaciously rolled down the stairs, reaching and grasping the door handle open, and finally exhausted all his courage and fainted in the arms of the person outside.

Seeing the scene in the living room, Officer Xing frowned.

Chu Yinlong suddenly paled.

The corners of his eyes were red as he pushed Officer Xing away and rushed up the stairs towards the source of sobbing cries.



Guess who’s crying!

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