
Of course, behind the scenes, there was still a lot going on.

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The traffic control department of Yanyi District quickly responded and dealt with a staff member who was bribed and gave out the surveillance. The director of “Love” also contacted Jiang Dao after receiving the lawyer’s letter and returned the 200,000 he had received, and an additional amount of compensation for various losses.

As for Tianqin Capital, an executive suddenly quit the company’s key project team, and Qin Jiangshan had to come back to lead Tianqin Capital… ah? What does this have to do with the entertainment industry?

Even if Qin Xiao smashed a whole set of precious porcelain because of this, he didn’t have evidence to prove that Chu Yinlong was messing with him.

In fact, the reason why he was dismissed was indeed not due to Chu Yinlong.

When Chu Yinlong heard it himself, he was also very surprised: “What do you think is the reason for Qin Xiao’s resignation?”

On the phone, Lu Zhengrong said in a strange tone: “It is said that his mental state is unstable. I don’t know more, but since it can make Qin Jiangshan decide to give up the pleasure of being a retired emperor and go back to preside over the overall situation… Qin Xiao should be seriously ill.”

Hearing this news, Chu Yinlong glanced at Jiang Dao who was eating breakfast calmly.

As if feeling his gaze, Jiang Dao also turned his head to look at him, and winked at him with a smile.

Hanging up the phone, Chu Yinlong went back to the dining room, sat opposite Jiang Dao, took a sip of soy milk, and couldn’t help but wonder, “What did you do to Qin Xiao that day?”

Jiang Dao asked, “What’s wrong with him?”

Chu Yinlong replied, “He’s ill. Mental problems.”


Hearing this, Jiang Dao laughed. “He’s sick? The psychological quality of a CEO really isn’t anything… but that’s good, it prevents him from making trouble later.”

After he finished eating the last mouthful of oatmeal, the tip of his tongue slid across the corner of his mouth and licked the remaining milk from his lips.

Sure enough, Qin Xiao was frightened by Jiang Dao.

Chu Yinlong was silent for a moment, then asked, “How did you scare him? Just from pouring a glass of wine?”

Jiang Dao tilted his head and smiled at him. “Are you curious?”

Chu Yinlong nodded: “Of course. I want to know how far you can play a villain.”

Jiang Dao’s eyelashes trembled for a moment as he watched Chu Yinlong. The corners of his mouth twitched before he got up and walked in front of Chu Yinlong, reaching out to take the cup of soy milk.

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“Brother, drink it.”


The other hand was gently placed on the back of Chu Yinlong’s neck. Jiang Dao’s eyes were dark, his eyes were cold, and his tone was cold: “Otherwise, the next time I feed you, it will be poison.”

His heart beat violently, and his breathing stopped subconsciously. The trembling jumped from the back of Chu Yinlong’s neck all the way to the caudal vertebrae, and the chill suddenly dissipated into his limbs…

However, the short-lived fear disappeared almost instantly, and what followed was a trembling excitement.

Chu Yinlong stared at Jiang Dao’s frosty face, into the pair of deep eyes, leaned forward slightly, and took a sip of the soy milk in Jiang Dao’s hand.

Jiang Dao smiled.

“You really drank it.” He put the cup back on the table, “Well, that’s how I scared him.”

Before that, he suddenly appeared in Qin Xiao’s villa without warning, and later used the pendant to deepen the sense of horror. These things, there is no need to elaborate.

Of course, Chu Yinlong didn’t believe that Jiang Dao’s threat was that simple.

But it doesn’t matter.

The important thing is that his purpose to mention this matter has been achieved, and it ended better than expected – this Jiang Dao, who wantonly exudes a dangerous atmosphere, fascinated him, just like the few glimpses he had seen on the set before.


After breakfast, Jiang Dao packed his luggage and drove back to the apartment with the assistant who came to escort him.

Standing at the gate of the villa, Chu Yinlong watched Jiang Dao’s car disappear at the corner of the road, feeling a little empty in his heart.

Three days is too short.

It makes him more and more greedy.

On the first night of returning to the apartment, Jiang Dao was not surprised he had difficulty falling asleep.

He twisted and turned in bed listening to the emotionless electronic droning in the earphones, but still didn’t feel drowsy. After thinking about it, Jiang Dao opened the music station, found a Buddhist scripture album, and clicked play.

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It was useless.

When he looked at the clock, it was two in the morning.

He can’t call Chu Yinlong at such a time to ask him to call him to read the scriptures, right?

Jiang Dao sighed and closed his eyes, forcing himself to relax his mind and empty himself of all thoughts. Even if he can’t sleep, at least he can rest his body well.

After spending the entire night half asleep and half awake, Jiang Dao got up on time and returned to his incomparably regular schedule.

However, the next night, although Jiang Dao’s insomnia symptoms improved slightly, he still woke up several times during the night and had difficulty falling asleep again.

After going to bed the next day, Jiang Dao simply called Chu Yinlong.

He didn’t want to resort to drugs, and he didn’t like to torture himself silently. In the past, there was no one he could ask for help, but now… Since Chu Yinlong’s sleep coaxing service is so effective, it is of course his first choice.


“Can’t sleep again?” Chu Yinlong seemed a little surprised.

“Yeah, I was spoiled by your coaxing service, and now I can’t sleep well even listening to e-books.” Wrapped in the quilt, Jiang Dao’s words were a little nasally. “So I called you. Don’t know if it works over the phone.”

A chuckle came from the phone.

“Wait a minute, let me wrap up my work first.” Chu Yinlong said calmly. “You don’t need to hang up, we can chat first, it will be fine in a while.”

Nestled in the quilt, Jiang Dao thought about it, and found a topic: “Last night I watched a movie called “The Perfect Lover”. At first, I didn’t realize that it was made by Director Mu, and the story is too… strange. Have you seen it?”

Chu Yinlong said, “I’ve seen it. That movie won a lot of awards, but unfortunately the box office was not ideal.”

“I don’t know why the movie’s name is “Perfect Lover”… The male protagonist’s feelings for the female protagonist… is it really love?”

There was a momentary pause on the phone, and then Chu Yinlong asked with a smile, “What do you think?”

Jiang Dao closed his eyes and recalled what he saw: “I think, it’s more like hunting, or in other words, he is weaving an illusory cage and locking the heroine in it for the rest of her life.”

Chu Yinlong agreed: “Yes Yes, he has a strong desire to control, and every detail of every event every day will not exceed his plan. Even the surprise he prepared for the heroine, the time, place, and even her emotional reaction, it was all designed by him… I think, of course, this is not love.”

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“Then why did he choose the name “Perfect Lover”?” Jiang Dao was curious. “From some perspectives, this story is a horror story, right?”

“However, for the uninformed heroine, he is indeed the perfect lover.” Chu Yinlong said with a smile. “We will never know whether our lives are arranged in a plot or not. Are the surprises and encounters a carefully designed game… or even, maybe, the world we live in is actually a movie in the eyes of others?”

Jiang Dao was shocked!

He opened his mouth, but was unable to speak.

This world is not a movie, but a book – he can’t say these words casually!

Jiang Dao laughed a few times without any flaws in his voice: “You’re right. To the one who was kept in the dark, for the heroine, she indeed got the most perfect lover in the world.”

Chu Yinlong continued: “Unfortunately, the word ‘perfect’ itself shows that this lover is actually fake. It’s hard for anything to be perfect, and when you encounter perfect things, you should be alert to whether it is a scam.”

After a few words, the shuttle bus finally arrived at the hotel, and Chu Yinlong returned to his guest room.

Before he could change his clothes and remove his makeup, he went straight to the floor-to-ceiling window, closed the curtains, and sat on the ground.

“I’m ready.” He whispered, “It’s getting late, we’ll talk more tomorrow, I’ll read the scriptures for you first.”

Jiang Dao closed his eyes.

Hearing the Sanskrit sound coming from the earphones, he relaxed very quickly, gradually sinking into a peaceful dream.

After coaxing someone to sleep, Chu Yinlong did not hang up for a long time.

There was no sound coming from the receiver, but he seemed to hear Jiang Dao’s steady breathing and imagined the boy’s relaxed sleeping face.

The room was quiet for a long time, and Chu Yinlong murmured, “Good night, Xiao Dao. Have a good dream.”

The dream was a good one, but unfortunately it didn’t last long.

When Jiang Dao woke up in a daze, it was still dark outside the window.

I’s three in the morning.

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Jiang Dao raised his arm and pressed it against his eyes, and sighed helplessly—it seems that phone calls aren’t as effective! Sure enough, it is still not as easy to use as the living Chu Yingdi.

There was no other way, Jiang Dao had no choice but to find another ebook, and use to help him doze off.

The next morning, as soon as Jiang Dao stepped into the studio, assistant Xiao Yang handed a long box to him.

“What is this?” Jiang Dao was puzzled.

“Incense.” The assistant was obviously prepared. “The boss asked me to give it to you.”

“Oh, thank you.” Jiang Dao took the box and put it in his jacket pocket.

When walking to the classroom, he sent a message to Chu Yinlong: “What do you want me to do with incense?”

Chu Yinlong quickly replied: “It may amplify the effect of scriptures over the phone.”

However, that night, it turned out that sandalwood did not increase the sleeping effect.

Tortured by a lack of sleep over the last few days, Jiang Dao stumblingly opened his phone, a little annoyed and not bothering to check the time, he sent a message to Chu Yinlong directly: “I woke up again in the middle of the night. As expected, Teacher Chu’s direct coaxing has the best effect on sleep. [grievance]”

At three o’clock in the morning, Jiang Dao was half asleep when he suddenly received a message from Chu Yinlong: “If you haven’t fallen asleep, come and open the door.”

Jiang Dao immediately opened his eyes wide opened, rolled over and got out of bed, ran to the entrance with bare feet on the floor, and opened the apartment door.

Outside the door, Chu Yinlong lowered his eyes slightly, and looked at him with a smile: “Excuse me, did Mr. Jiang order a sleep coaxing service?”


Is it just me or is CYL a lil’ thirsty?

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