T/N: All projects (ABV, SABL, IMG) will be paused for the next 2 weeks for personal reasons. Will resume in mid-February. Thx for your patience!

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Suddenly having a day off with an unexpected person around, Jiang Dao didn’t know what to do.  Due to their identities, they can’t go out to celebrate casually, so in the end, the two made a cheesy decision – watch a movie together at home.

Due to his profession, Chu Yinlong collected a wide range of films at home. He’s seen many films, domestic or foreign, new and old, and even those with little reputation as well. On the other hand, Jiang Dao is the opposite. Although he has watched many movies after coming to this world, he only focuses on domestic classics, and has not been exposed to foreign films yet.

Chu Yinlong secretly chose a foreign classic romance film with the excuse of “having Jiang Dao observe and interpret emotional drama”.

It was a little cold in the apartment, so Jiang Dao simply took a quilt from the bed and put it on the sofa, unfolding the two corners to cover himself and Chu Yinlong.

The length of the quilt was limited, resulting in two big men almost pressed together under the quilt, with their shoulders touching. With just one thought, Chu Yinlong could pull Jiang Dao into his arms with a move of his arms.

Chu Yinlong, who was about to say “you can turn on the heat”, immediately swallowed his words back.

The film opened with an intimate shot.

Of course, intimacy is not the point, the lines and kisses are the focus. The close-up is fixed on the character’s face, and lighting is also set up to show the interaction between the two lips as horse foreign language flows from the lips and teeth, letting one have the illusion of hearing breaths…

Jiang Dao’s throat rolled, and he subconsciously licked his lips.

Looking at the picture on the screen, he seemed to suddenly realize that those kiss scenes in the script were real kisses with Chu Yinlong.

The plot will no longer be black words on paper, nor illusory impressions constructed in his mind, but will be transformed into scenes that are almost real. Every bodily movement, every facial expression, and every line carries a specific emotion.


Of course this includes the kiss scene.

Thinking of this, Jiang Dao slightly tilted his head and glanced in the direction of Chu Yinlong.

The other party didn’t notice, and was watching the TV screen seriously, without the slightest emotion on his face.

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Sure enough, professional actors are different from those who start halfway through.

Looking away, Jiang Dao decided to learn from Chu Yinlong, and watched the movie seriously.

Under the quilt, Chu Yinlong loosened the corners of the quilt that he wrinkled and folded several times, and smoothed it silently.

Although it started with a bang, the tone of this movie is actually calm and sincere. It tells the story of a shy boy who saved a stray girl with his most sincere heart, and finally the two walked towards the light side by side.

But obviously, this kind of story is not very attractive to Jiang Dao.


Not even halfway through the film, Chu Yinlong felt his shoulders sink suddenly. Jiang Dao leaned over in a daze, and fell asleep crossing his arms.

Chu Yinlong lowered his eyelashes and quietly watched Jiang Dao’s sleeping appearance for a long time.

Maybe it was because his sleeping posture was crooked, but Jiang Dao suddenly snorted in a daze. His legs that were crossed, stretched aside, his head slid down along Chu Yinlong’s chest, and fell into his arms.

Knowing that Jiang Dao hadn’t slept well for a few days, Chu Yinlong naturally wouldn’t wake him up.

Holding Jiang Dao’s head with his arms, he moved down slowly, placing him on his lap, and then stretched out his hand to wrap the boy’s waist, helping him change into a more comfortable position.

Jiang Dao was in a daze, and grabbed Chu Yinlong’s fingers and put them in front of him.

Chu Yinlong looked down at the big boy lying on his lap, and couldn’t help but gently stroke his soft hair.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes fell on Jiang Dao’s defenseless lips. Staring at it for a while, he hurriedly moved his gaze away, and pursed the corner of his mouth. But his eyes were drawn back uncontrollably again…

Until the ending song of the movie sounded, Chu Yinlong suddenly realized that he actually watched Jiang Dao fall asleep for more than an hour.

Seeing that Jiang Dao showed no signs of waking up, Chu Yinlong casually started up another literary film, and propped his arms on the armrest of the sofa, closed his eyes, planning to rest his eyes for a while. After running around early this morning and getting up early, he was actually a little sleepy.


However, the result was that when Jiang Dao woke up from his nap, he found himself wrapped in a quilt, holding Chu Yinlong’s hand, lying on Chu Yinlong’s lap, while Chu Yinlong was curled up, nestled by the armest, frowning and looking uncomfortable in his sleep.

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Jiang Dao turned his head and stood up cautiously.

However, Chu Yinlong woke up immediately, opened his eyes, and looked at him with a slightly confused look. He quickly regained clarity.

Jiang Dao cleared his throat: “If you’re sleepy, go to bed. Last night was my fault…”

Chu Yinlong said, “It’s not sleepy, I’ve rested just now.”

Jiang Dao nodded, yawned and stretched, and took a look at the phone. It was almost 11 a.m.

Therefore, another major life problem was put in front of the two of them: “What do you want for lunch?”

“There’s really nothing at home now, not even eggs.” Jiang Dao scratched his hair. “Ask an assistant to buy delivery, or order takeout? Or… order groceries, or buy and make it ourselves?”

“You decide.” Chu Yinlong said that he was not responsible for it.

“That won’t work, you should decide. Today is your birthday, you’re the boss.” Jiang Dao threw back the right to choose, and even added, “Even if you say you want to eat me, then I will…cough, not let you eat.”

Chu Yinlong raised his hand and flicked Jiang Dao’s head lightly: “Rascal.”

Then he reached for his mobile phone, opened the takeaway app, and said, “Don’t bother. Just order take out, what do you want to eat?”

Jiang Dao thought about it: “I bought a set of cake molds when I lived in the dormitory before, and only used it once… Hey, why don’t you just buy vegetables, and some ingredients for making cake, and I’ll make you a cake!”

He opened the grocery delivery app and started picking ingredients.

Chu Yinlong: …


The birthday star decides?

Chu Yinlong laughed, reached out and rubbed Jiang Dao’s head.

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Forty minutes later, the errand brother who made a special trip brought Jiang Dao’s selected ingredients and placed them at the door following the instructions.

Watching people leave from the door, Jiang Dao carried the ingredients into the house, sorted them into categories, and said with a smile: “It’s over, I’m not supposed to have food in the fridge at home during the weight loss period.”

Chu Yinlong knew he didn’t do it on purpose, and reached out to Jiang Dao and beckoned: “Give me the chopping board. I’ll cut the vegetables for you in the dining room.”

Jiang Dao was not polite to him, and handed over the washed vegetables, knife, and chopping board, and handed them to Chu Yinlong. “Cut the potatoes and carrots into chunks, and the beans into small pieces.”

Two people cooperating is faster than one person. By the time the potatoes were stewing, the cake was already taken out to cool. After taking out the cake, Jiang Dao prepared the stir fry dishes while whipped cream in the dining room.

“Come and see, will this work?” After playing for a while, Chu Yinlong stopped the machine and showed Jiang Dao the cream in the bowl.

“Not yet, try whipping it some more.” Jiang Dao instructed while twisting the piping bag in one hand.

The cream was beat some more until it was light and airy. Jiang Dao stretched out his finger and wiped off the tip of the beater: “That’s it…”

After he finished speaking, his eyes rolled, and a wicked thought suddenly rose up. He reached out and quickly used the tip of the beater to smear cream on the tip of Chu Yinlong’s nose.

“Hey!” Chu Yinlong was stunned for a moment, then smiled, “Stop being naughty!”

He raised his hand to wipe the tip of his nose, and then took out a wet tissue to wipe his hands. Who would have guessed that after cleaning up, Jiang Dao spread another dollop of cream on his face.

“You, you still dare!” Squinting his eyes, Chu Yinlong smiled and pretended to be angry, two fingers hooked a large piece of cream from the beater, preparing to smear Jiang Dao’s face.

Jiang Dao grabbed Chu Yinlong’s wrist and begged for mercy happily: “Hey, don’t! Don’t, Teacher Chu! Hey… Brother Long! Brother, I was wrong!

Seeing him begging for mercy with a confident expression on his face, Chu Yinlong became playful and said, “No, let me smear it too.”

“Don’t! Hey, don’t make trouble, it won’t be enough for the cake later…” Jiang Dao pushed Chu Yinlong’s wrist, but he was no match for his strength, and was finally forced to the corner of the dining room, with his back against the wall.

Seeing that the two fingers hooked on the cream were getting closer and closer to the tip of his nose, this time, he’s afraid he can’t escape. Jiang Dao didn’t know where the idea came from, so he just–

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–raised his chin, stuck out his tongue, and quickly licked the ball of cream from Chu Yinlong’s fingertips into his mouth.

Warm and moist softness came and went.

However, Chu Yinlong felt as if an electric current suddenly entered his heart from his fingertips, holding him in place, unable to move.

Jiang Dao put out the tip of his tongue and made a quick circle on his lips, licking off the cream that accidentally got on the corner of his mouth.

Then he smiled at Chu Yinlong with curved eyebrows: “Thank you for your hospitality, Teacher Chu.”

Chu Yinlong’s swallowed abruptly.

He stretched out his hand to squeeze Jiang Dao’s chin, his fingertips were a little strong. Staring into Jiang Dao’s eyes, the emotion in his eyes could no longer be suppressed as he leaned forward little by little, getting closer and closer to Jiang Dao…

In the kitchen the timer suddenly went off, and the two froze at the same time.

Jiang Dao’s eyelashes trembled, and he said in a low voice, “…The potatoes are ready.”

Chu Yinlong let go, took a half step back, and slowly exhaled.


Poor CYL, but lucky us.

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