
Jiang Dao thought about it for a while, then chuckled: “I’m not familiar with others, so of course not.”

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Not familiar.

Not because of liking.

Chu Yinlong’s heart was blocked by this sentence.

His teeth clenched, as he asked the next sentence. “What if it was changed to Jing Yu? You’re also very familiar with him.”

Jiang Dao replied, “But he doesn’t like men.”

Chu Yinlong was speechless.

Either unfamiliar or doesn’t like men…

“If there is someone who is as familiar as you and me, and likes men, and he invites you, would you be willing to do it with him?” Chu Yinlong felt that he was making a fuss out of nothing, but he just couldn’t control it.

After a long silence, Jiang Dao admitted: “I don’t know.”

How can he know this kind of thing in advance? This can only be answered after meeting them!

People’s likes and dislikes can be very unreasonable, not only at face value, but emotions. In the world outside the book, he never spent a night with others and thought it was boring and uninteresting… This kind of thing, it’s really not something that can be answered with imagination.


Chu Yinlong took a deep breath and closed his eyes, unable to say anything.

After a long silence, Jiang Dao reached out and tugged on Chu Yinlong’s sleeve.

“Are you angry?” He realized with hindsight that he seemed to have made a mistake just now, “I’m sorry, it was me who… overstepped.”

The world in the book seems to really value this kind of thing. Apart from condemnation, having a relationship with someone other than a lover seems to be a serious mistake.

He originally thought that since neither Chu Yinlong nor him has a lover, and there’s no business transaction, then maybe they could do whatever they wanted… but it seems that Chu Yinlong still can’t accept it.

Hearing Jiang Dao’s words, Chu Yinlong smiled bitterly: “I’m not angry, I’m just…”

He sighed, turned to look at Jiang Dao, and said solemnly: “I just don’t want to see you being so casual with your body. I don’t want you to have intimacy with people out of desire, impulsiveness, or just the atmosphere is too good. A relationship… that kind of thing, I hope, you can do it with someone you truly love, instead of just letting it happen.”

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Chu Yinlong stared at Jiang Dao’s drooping eyelashes: “And I also hope that you don’t treat me as a friend who can sleep with you.”


Jiang Dao looked up at Chu Yinlong and asked, “What about kissing?”

Chu Yinlong stopped.

After being silent for a long time, he only found an excuse: “…We are actors. If the script requires it, of course we can… kiss.”

But he knew that this was just a high-sounding excuse – the kiss just now was obviously beyond the bounds of the script.

Jiang Dao leaned forward, reached out to hold Chu Yinlong’s face, and gently kissed his lips again.

Then he hugged Chu Yinlong, buried his face in the man’s neck, and said in a low voice, “Chu Yinlong, thank you.”

Chu Yinlong’s original plan was to use the sleep coaxing service as an excuse to ask Jiang Dao to live in the villa together.

But something unexpected happened today, and he felt that it’s better to keep some distance, otherwise… He’s afraid he can’t bear it anymore.

Not to mention, the moment he rejected Jiang Dao, a demon appeared in his mind, as if chanting in his ear, urging him to give up his principles, enjoy himself, and put himself first… At that time, if Jiang Dao asked for one more sentence, the string of rationality in his mind would break.


Saying so many words was not only to persuade Jiang Dao, but also to stabilize himself.

Chu Yinlong had a headache.

Thinking of Jiang Dao’s life experience, he can understand why the child’s three views are crooked… However, it is really inappropriate for him to be like this. He’s worried that one day Jiang Dao will suddenly fall in love with someone because of goodwill, mistakenly think it’s love, and then confess, kiss, and roll in the bed for three days…

The demon in his mind suddenly rose up, showing signs of taking over and calling the shots – if he knew he would be so worried, he should’ve struck first!

Chu Yinlong drove back to the villa with a frown and a solemn expression.

At the same time, Jiang Dao was lying on the bed, recalling the love between Zhou Wei and Tang Yao in the original book.

Their love story is very sweet. Except for the original owner Jiang Dao who often targets Zhou Wei, the only twists and turns is the previous car chase incident by illegitimate fans, some jealousy from frying CP… Then Zhou Wei falls inexplicably, and the two begin to fall in love. The first kiss is on Valentine’s Day, and the first time they went to bed… Zhou Wei drank some wine, pretended to be drunk, acting like a spoiled child, and entangled Tang Yao.

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After recalling, Jiang Dao thought for a while, reached for his mobile phone, and sent a message to Zhou Wei: “How can I confirm whether my feelings for another person are love?”

After waiting for a while, Zhou Wei’s message came back: “Do you like someone?”

Jiang Dao said helplessly: “I don’t know if I like them, so I wanted to ask you.”


After a while, Zhou Wei replied, “When you two separate, do you miss him?”

Jiang Dao thought about it: “Not really.”

They spend so much time apart, and he still has classes, exercise, script reading, and doesn’t have much free time to think about Chu Yinlong.

Zhou Wei: “Then when you meet, will you be in a good mood when you see him and can’t help smiling?”

Jiang Dao: “Not really.”

He is in a good mood when seeing Chu Yinlong, but wanting to smile when meeting, isn’t that stupid?

Zhou Wei: “…”

Zhou Wei: “Then do you think of him as soon as you encounter difficulties, want to share with him the first time you encounter fun things, and immediately make wishes related to him when you see a good sign?”

Jiang Dao: “That… I don’t think so.”

When encountering difficulties, his first reaction is to try to solve it by himself. As for fun things, he still talks more with Jing Yu, because he thinks that Chu Yinlong probably does not know how to react or is interested in those things. As for good omens… he doesn’t believe in them, only in his own efforts.


Zhou Wei sent a speechless and sweaty expression.

Then he asked, “Then why are you not sure if you like him? If you don’t have any of these, you should be pretty sure you don’t like him, right?”

Jiang Dao answered honestly, “But I want to hug him and kiss him, and want to have sex with him after seeing his body.”

Zhou Wei: “!!!!!!”

Zhou Wei: “You are such a Xiao Dao!”

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Zhou Wei: “You don’t like him, you’re greedy for his body!”

Jiang Dao thought for a while: “That might be it.”

He’s more familiar with this.

Zhou Wei: “Xiao Dao, tell the truth, have you fallen in love with Teacher Chu? [doge] I understand. He’s been rated as the male star who everyone wants to sleep with for several years in a row. You are not alone [doge]”

Zhou Wei: “But it is said that he is particularly opposed to this kind of thing. People who wanted to spread scandals with him in the past and want to climb on his bed will end up badly. Don’t be impulsive!”

Seeing this news, Jiang Dao sighed slowly.

Unfortunately, it’s too late, he has already been impulsive, and even caused the other person to run away in anger.

Chu Yinlong returned to the villa, and found his bodyguard to practice boxing for a few rounds before he finally let out the sullen air trapped in his heart.

Walking to the side of the arena, he sent a message to Jiang Dao: “If you can’t sleep again, call me directly, and I will recite the scriptures for you.”

There was no reply for a long time.

Chu Yinlong checked his mobile phone after taking a shower, checked his mobile phone after eating, and checked for WeChat messages while on the phone with his secretary.

Finally, when Chu Yinlong was about to calm down and take care of work, the sound of a message being delivered came from the mobile phone. He immediately put down the things in his hand and picked up the mobile phone.

As a result, it was a message sent by Tang Yao.

Tang Yao noticed Chu Yinlong’s Weibo after a long time, and took a screenshot and sent a string of exclamation marks.

“Look at the texture of your table, tsk tsk… why do I recall that your apartment was rented to someone? Why did you eat noodles there in the morning? You stayed there last night? Did he cook the noodles for you?”

Chu Yinlong looked at him expressionlessly and ignored him.

Tang Yao: “Isn’t this development a little fast?”

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Tang Yao: “If I hadn’t known that you are very serious about relationships, I would have wondered if you didn’t chase them at all, but simply cheated them into bed [laughter]”

Tang Yao: “Hey, Brother Long, shall I share some experience with you?”

Chu Yinlong gritted his teeth and sent a voice over: “If you speak any more, come to my house now and let me beat you up.”

Tang Yao: “…”

Tang Yao: “How come you’re home now?”

Tang Yao: “Aren’t you two in love? Nothing happened?”

Chu Yinlong leaned on the back of the chair, sighed slowly, and replied, “He doesn’t like me. It was me who thought too much.”

Tang Yao patted Chu Yinlong.

Tang Yao: “Good brother, we’re back at the starting line together, hahahahaha!”

Chu Yinlong squinted his eyes and retaliated: “But we kissed.”

Tang Yao: “…”

Chu Yinlong: “He took the initiative.”

Tang Yao: “…”

Chu Yinlong: “Three times.”

After a while, Tang Yao sent a voice roaring: “Chu Yinlong, you really are a monk! He kissed you three times, and you say he doesn’t like you?! He kissed you three times, why didn’t you get it! Is it because you can’t?!”


Lol, Tang Yao – the voice of ‘reason’.

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