
Early the next morning, the recording of “True Wilderness” officially began.

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After eating the last hot breakfast at the departure camp, the team leader gave a speech, handed a GoPro to each person, set up the radios, and then brought about a dozen people from the filming team, and the six guests and dog into the canyon.

Don’t know if it was because it was their first time entering the wilderness or because they were too excited, Lin Chu and Yuan Shu were very active under the camera.

The program team is also happy having material to record, so they let them be. As long as they don’t go out of the designated safe walking range, even running around is okay.

Compared with those two people, Jiang Dao, who is also from the entertainment industry, didn’t seem very “normal”.

Zhu Huayun was young after all, so she couldn’t hold back her curiosity and asked, “Why don’t you go to shoot something with them?”

Jiang Dao glanced at the two of them and said lightly, “It’s going to be a long walk today, save some energy. “

Who knows, after walking for an hour, the leader told everyone to stop and rest. Even if guest actions are unscripted, their walking rhythm still follows the staff’s arrangements.

Seeing everyone put down their backpacks and sit down and rest, Jiang Dao was dumbfounded.

He thought that the shooting time of the show was a bit strange before. This canyon is not long, and even if it is not a fast march, at an amateur walking speed, it will take ten days at maximum. Where does the extra time to shoot for a month come from?

Seeing the team move slowly, and resting once an hour, a month’s worth of time is reasonable.

Zheng Yaojun sneered at this speed, and folded his arms with a smile. “Are we here for fun? This canyon, when we were training back then, we had to walk through it in a week, while locating a beacon at a corresponding location. In a fast field exercise one person would be given a knife and communicator and asked to complete it in 3 days.”


Lin Chu replied with a smile at his words, “Soldiers are amazing. We’re ordinary people so this speed is normal.”

Zheng Yaojun was too lazy to argue with him, smiled casually, and didn’t say much more.

As for Jiang Dao… His attention was always on Eleven.

During the breaktime, he wanted to try getting close to Eleven again, so he tentatively approached the wolfdog and extended his finger to Eleven.

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Eleven bared his teeth over him with his tail tucked, and a threatening whimper sounded in his throat.

“Eleven, sit down.” Zheng Yaojun ordered, then strode to Jiang Dao’s side, held Jiang Dao’s hand again, and reached for Eleven’s head.

Jiang Dao followed his movements and leaned forward, and touched the dog’s furry head again.

Zheng Yaojun said with a smile, “You can try hugging its neck today. Come on, squat down.”


After speaking, he wrapped Jiang Dao in his arms and led Jiang Dao’s arm to fall on Eleven’s furry neck.

Eleven: Aggrieved!

It’s a pity that he can’t resist his master, so he could only let Jiang Dao hug his neck and gently stroke him twice.

Zheng Yaojun slowly released Jiang Dao’s hand and took a step back. Eleven immediately became disobedient, barking at Jiang Dao, and baring his teeth threateningly.

Jiang Dao was not afraid, and continued to hug Eleven’s neck, gently combing his fur with his fingers.

After a while, watching Eleven became more and more restless, Zheng Yaojun patted Jiang Dao’s shoulder and shouted: “Let’s stop here for now, and continue next time.”

Jiang Dao reluctantly let go of the big dog, Zheng Yaojun took out a piece of jerky from his pocket and comforted his partner.

After a ten-minute rest, the team moved forward again.

With the experience of the previous hour, Jiang Dao no longer followed Zheng Yaojun properly. He strolled around, exploring the nearby woods, and found several edible wild vegetables and herbs commonly found in the wild.

This world is really beautiful. One doesn’t have to worry about whether the plants growing in the wild are polluted. As long as you recognize what they look like, you can eat them with confidence. Even in the wild, the living conditions are much better than the world outside the book.


Walking and playing, stopping and going, when it was almost noon, the leader told everyone to stop in place for an hour to prepare lunch.

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Since this show is about outdoor hiking, not survival in the wild, each of them had some compressed biscuits and cans in their backpacks when they set off. Each person also brought clean drinking water, so they didn’t need to worry too much about lunch.

However, Jiang Dao looked at the food reserves on his body and decided to go around to find something to eat in order to reduce the consumption of convenience food.

He didn’t go too far, walking around the area designated by the staff, and returned with a large handful of tubers that looked like sweet potatoes in his hand, and some wet mud along the way.

Seeing what Jiang Dao brought back, Zheng Yaojun smiled: “You actually recognize this?”

Jiang Dao nodded and asked, “Brother Zheng want some?”

“Yes.” Zheng Yaojun was not polite and nodded. 

Jiang Dao wrapped the tubers with mud, and Zheng Yaojun quickly cleared a small open space, dug a pit with Dr. Zhao, isolated the vegetation with stones, and lit a small fire.

The crew nearby watching the fire immediately became nervous.

Jiang Dao was very relaxed. Tossing a muddy tuber into the fire, he picked up a branch and fiddled with it.


At this time, six people and one dog were already sitting by the fire.

Jiang Dao looked up and said with a smile: “Do you want to try some? I didn’t dig a lot…”

Yuan Shu was curious: “What is this?”

“I only know that this can be eaten, but don’t know what it’s called…” Those rude names in the world outside the book will probably make them laugh.

Fortunately, Dr. Zhao knew a lot and explained with a smile: “It’s a kind of wild yam. Don’t worry, it’s safe to eat.”

The wild yams weren’t big, and cooked quickly in the fire. Jiang Dao put out the unburned flames with soil, dug out a few yam knots from the ashes, cushioned them with leaves, and distributed them to everyone.

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Peeling off the hard-boiled dirt shell to reveal the soft silty tubers inside, Jiang Dao didn’t care whether it was stained with dust or not, he took a bite and quickly the few yams in hand.

On the other hand, Yuan Shu and Lin Chu were still eating and filming with GoPros. Watching them entertain themselves, the camera arranged by the program team stayed nearby to film the first lunch they had in the canyon.

“When we were training back then, we were also asked to identify edible plants and medicinal plants. I’ll take a look this afternoon to see if there’s anything we can add to dinner.” Zheng Yaojun said with a smile, “It’s a pity that the program team doesn’t allow us to hunt privately, otherwise I might find some wood to trap a rabbit or mouse to roast.”

Jiang Dao smiled when he heard the words: “After walking forward for a while, we should reach a riverbank, where we can catch fish. We can catch some and grill them.”


Zheng Yaojun praised: “You’re very sensitive to the terrain.”

Jiang Dao smiled wordlessly.

After lunch, the group continued to move forward, stopping and walking, and sure enough, as dusk approached, a shallow riverbank appeared in front of everyone.

Lin Chu and Yuan Shu immediately moved to the water’s edge excitedly. This time, even Zhu Huayun couldn’t hold back, and came to the water’s edge for the first time. Seeing that the water was very clear, she immediately squatted on the bank and washed her face.

Jiang Dao went around the shore, returned to the camp, and shook his head: “The water is too clear, there won’t be fish on the shore, and we can’t eat grilled fish for dinner… But we can try tomorrow.”

Zheng Yaojun washed the wild vegetables he picked along the way, and was puzzled by his words: “Why tomorrow?”

Jiang Dao drank the last remaining sip of the mineral water and shook the empty bottle: “Let’s try a fish basket tonight.”

After eating compressed biscuits and wild vegetable soup for dinner, Jiang Dao sat cross-legged outside the tent, and cut open a few mineral water bottles with a small dagger. After weaving some rope with the pampas grass leaves found by the water, a long bar-shaped fish basket was made.

Drawn over by his actions, Zheng Yaojun was amazed by the fish basket. “I say, Xiao Jiang, where did you learn such a skill? Learning to fish as a star?”

Dr. Zhao was also puzzled: “I also think it’s quite strange…”

Next to him, Lin Chu felt worried: “Just play around, it’s not easy to mix in the entertainment industry now!”

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He glanced at Jiang Dao awkwardly, beginning to regret he didn’t do more homework to prepare for the show. If he knew things such as recognizing wild vegetables or weaving fish baskets, the show team would definitely be willing to give him more screen time, preventing this illegitimate child from being so active.

At this time, the lively Zhu Huayun sat next to Jiang Dao with a handful of pampas in her hands: “I want to learn, can you teach me?”

Jiang Dao nodded: “Okay.”

The program team had originally planned some group activities for them after dinner. Although nothing was scripted, they left hints to give the guests activities every evening.

So Zheng Yaojun, the eldest brother of the guests, said: “Why don’t we sit together and learn how to weave fish baskets? We’ll be walking along water most of the time, and there’ll be many opportunities for fishing.”

Until night fell, everyone wove fish baskets by the water, and then returned to the camp to rest.

At 8:00 pm on January 16th, the uploaded video of “True Wilderness”’s day 1 was officially launched on the video platform under Longqi Entertainment.

Only the simplest editing was done, with clips released in the form of tagged videos. Each video is real and coherent, and there are no clips inserted in the middle. Some are recorded by the cameras, and some follow the guests’ GoPros. Viewers can choose to watch continuously, or switch between angles for a more complete view.

Chu Yinlong opened the live broadcast platform and immediately clicked on the videos tagged with Jiang Dao’s name. When he saw the big boy wearing an outdoor jacket appear on screen, the corners of his mouth twitched upwards.

However, this smile didn’t stay on Chu Yinlong’s face for long, and was replaced by a slightly wrinkled brow. The more he stared on the screen, the more ugly his face became.

After scanning all the videos about Jiang Dao in one go, Chu Yinlong called Lu Zhengrong.


Unrelated update – I went back and am changing “Summer” to “Xia Tian” (Chu Yinlong’s character) in the upcoming “Dawn City” the MCs are filming. Sorry for any confusion!

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