
A hand suddenly placed in front of Jiang Dao’s eyes, blocking his vision.

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Then, Chu Yinlong’s voice sounded in his ears: “What are you thinking about?”

Jiang Dao grabbed Chu Yinlong’s hand with a smile and intertwined their fingers. “I’m thinking, what happens in the worlds of those novels we read and movies we made, in places where no one can see?”

“What do you think?” Chu Yinlong smiled.

Jiang Dao was very interested and blinked at him. “Think about it, for example, now the Dawn City guards are fighting with the resistance. At this time, in the Dawn City slums, will there be a child being born?”

Chu Yinlong thought for a while, then answered: “It’s normal for a child to be born.”

“Well, yes, it’s normal.” Jiang Dao played with Chu Yinlong’s fingers unconsciously, and continued, “This child gradually grew up in the apocalyptic wasteland while war continued. He first lost his father, then his mother, and later, the war continued to take away his friends and comrades…”

“Tsk, can’t you think of something better?” Chu Yinlong smiled helplessly. “For example, he met the love of his life and fought alongside him?”

“No, no.” Jiang Dao shook his head, and suddenly smiled again. “He picked up a novel, and then traveled into the story of the novel.”

Chu Yinlong: “…Did you read something messy online again?”

Jiang Dao laughed and patted Chu Yinlong’s hand. “Don’t interrupt! Listen to me – he traveled into the story of the novel and discovered he really liked the peaceful and comfortable world of the book. Then, he met a person who was a work partner at first, and then became a good friend, and then…”

At this point Jiang Dao climbed onto Chu Yinlong and leaned close to the man’s ear: “…he slept with that person.”


Chu Yinlong: …

Although he understands that improvisational storytelling does not require logic, how can Jiang Dao be so energetic? After being tossed around in the morning, he started acting up after saying a few words…

“Tsk,” Chu Yinlong rolled over and pinned him down, “Really don’t know what’s best.”

It seemed that he needed to clean someone up.

After it was over, Jiang Dao lay on the man’s sweaty chest, raised his face with a smile, and kissed his adam’s apple.

Then he laughed in a hoarse voice: “That child… he was very, very happy, and decided to be with that person forever and never be separated.”

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Chu Yinlong laughed: “Only children say ‘forever’.”

Jiang Dao was dissatisfied, and about to argue back when the phone he had thrown on the bedside table suddenly rang.


An unfamiliar number was displayed. Jiang Dao picked it up, but did not speak.

“Hello, Mr. Jiang Dao.” The caller spoke his name politely. “I’m sorry to interrupt you. I’m Qin Jiangshan’s secretary, Chen Si, and my boss wants to ask you…”

“You made a mistake.” Jiang Dao directly hung up the phone.

“What’s the situation?” Chu Yinlong saw Jiang Dao’s expression change.

Jiang Dao didn’t really want to talk about it, but he finally said, “Qin Jiangshan’s secretary is looking for me. Really, at this juncture, there must be nothing wrong.”

Chu Yinlong was silent for a moment, then picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

Before long, his assistant called him back. After listening to Chu Yinlong, he explained to Jiang Dao: “Qin Jiangshan made a will at the hospital this afternoon, leaving 49% of the 51% shares he holds in Tianqin Capital to you, and the other 2% to Qin Xiao. His secretary called because he wanted to meet you.”

Jiang Dao had a headache. “That… can I not have it?”

Chu Yinlong said, “If you want to give up the right of inheritance, you can contact the studio’s lawyers to help you issue a letter of commitment to abandon the inheritance.”

“Okay.” Jiang Dao did not hesitate.


Since Qin Jiangshan is still alive, even if he writes a letter of commitment now, he cannot go through the formalities yet. However, with this letter of commitment, no matter what Qin Jiangshan wants to do with him, he can refuse.

“Although you have the right to give up your inheritance, even if Qin Xiao is arrested and imprisoned, you still have the right to inherit.” Chu Yinlong asked. “If you don’t, Tianqin Capital will fall into his hands, don’t you feel wronged?”

“No.” Jiang Dao didn’t have any psychological burden. “You know I’m most afraid of trouble. I don’t want to touch the Qin family’s mess, and don’t need more money.”

He truly meant this. Coming from the end of the world, his soul has no sense of belonging to the Qin family, nor does he feel that the Qin family’s things are his to take for granted.

“Besides, I don’t believe that someone like Qin Jiangshan has any good intentions.” Jiang Dao sneered. “After taking the shares, what do I have to promise him? Help him keep Tianqin Capital? Or to cooperate with Qin Xiao? It’s disgusting to think about…”

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If he really wants him to cooperate with Qin Xiao, he’s afraid that one day they won’t see face to face, and can’t help retaliating.

“You…” Chu Yinlong rubbed Jiang Dao’s head.

Forget it, this kid can do whatever he wants, after all, he is behind him.

The next day, when he learned that Jiang Dao was going to give up his right of inheritance, Qin Jiangshan began to play the emotional card again, and proposed that he wanted to meet Jiang Dao as his father, at a nursing home in the suburbs of Yan City.


Jiang Dao didn’t want to agree at first, but later he felt that he couldn’t just run away. He wants to see what kind of monster this cheap father is to better guard against it in the future.

Chu Yinlong was much more careful than Jiang Dao. He sent one of his bodyguards to follow Jiang Dao, and go with him when visiting Qin Jiangshan.

Qin Jiangshan looks much older than what Jiang Dao saw on the internet, with a morbid face, propped up in a luxurious single ward, looking like an ordinary old man.

Beside him, stood a middle-aged man in decent clothes. After introducing himself, Jiang Dao knew that he was Qin Jiangshan’s most trusted secretary, Chen Si.

Qin Jiangshan looked at Jiang Dao with no emotion in his eyes, only a deep scrutiny.

Jiang Dao was too lazy to play a game of father and son, so he dragged a chair over and sat down. “Why do you want to see me?”

After a long time, Qin Jiangshan said, “You look a lot like your…”

Jiang Dao ruthlessly interrupted: “Speak business. Those emotional cards, people who have no feelings don’t deserve to play them.”

Qin Jiangshan: …

After a moment of silence, he said: “Your appearance and what Qin Xiao told me is completely different.”


Jiang Dao was silent.

Qin Jiangshan waited for a while, and after making sure Jiang Dao didn’t want to talk to him, he could only ask what he wanted to know. “Why give up the right of inheritance? Believe it or not, your mother agreed to give birth to you in the first place for money, and to have a part of Tianqin Capital in the future.”

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“Really?” Jiang Dao was indifferent. 

He stared at Qin Jiangshan, and the corner of his mouth hooked up: “But she didn’t give me the surname Qin.”

Hearing Jiang Dao’s words, Qin Jiangshan was silent for a long time.

In fact, he had never understood why someone like Jiang Ruo left so resolutely in the first place and gave birth to Jiang Dao. And after she gave birth to Jiang Dao, he couldn’t understand why she didn’t try entering the Qin family by relying on the child either.

Now that Jiang Ruo has passed away, her thoughts back then have become an eternal mystery.

Qin Jiangshan waved to Chen Si, who was standing beside him, and asked him to bring the bodyguard and lawyer behind Jiang Dao out so the two of them could talk alone.

Unexpectedly, he was stopped by Jiang Dao.

“I don’t trust you.” Jiang Dao said lightly. “No matter what you want to talk to me about, it’s best for both of us not to be alone. Otherwise, if you do something to yourself, such as knock your head and die, wouldn’t I become a major suspect? I’m still filming, and can’t afford any delays.”

“You!” Qin Jiangshan’s face turned purple with anger. “Are you angry at me?!”

“Just get down to business.” Jiang Dao said emotionlessly. “I asked the crew for a leave of absence to come to see you, which has already delayed too much time.”

Qin Jiangshan slowed down, lowered his head and closed his eyes, and sighed heavily.

“I can give you 49% of Tianqin Capital’s shares,” he finally compromised. “As long as you recognize your ancestors, return to the family, and change your surname to Qin.”

“I’m not interested in money.” Jiang Dao was unmoved. “I don’t want to admit my ancestors and am even less interested in the Qin family. The letter of commitment, forfeiting the inheritance, is not fake. When you die, I will make it formal as soon as possible.”

Before Qin Xiao could speak again, Jiang Dao said: “Actually, I came here today as a gesture, lest you make trouble in a few days, saying that I didn’t even come to visit my father who is seriously ill.”

Saying that, he stood up: “I’ve visited the sick now, but I didn’t bring anything, because I’m afraid of being framed by you. However, I put some money in your hospital account. It’s not much, but as a junior I have done my best. I have nothing else, and will go back to work.”

After speaking, Jiang Dao took the bodyguard and lawyer, turned around, and left.

In the room, Qin Jiangshan looked at the closed door with a gloomy expression.

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“This child has a deep misunderstanding of me…” He sighed, not knowing whether he was talking to himself or someone else, “Qin Xiao is not good enough, and now Jiang Dao…”

Chen Si respectfully stood aside without revealing any flaws.

“Judging from his appearance, there isn’t anyone behind him. Chu Yinlong and Longqi Entertainment won’t be too tough, but Lao Wang’s words seem to make sense now…” Qin Jiangshan said thoughtfully. “If he really won Xiang Yunru’s favor, the party opposing me in the shadows make senses now.”

Chen Si suddenly said, “What do you mean? Those two projects?”

Qin Jiangshan hummed: “Xiang Yuancheng is a crocodile, once he bites you, he won’t let go. He has to rip off a piece of flesh before stopping. If he’s really behind this, we really… Go check again, I don’t believe that Jiang Dao really has no desires.”

Hearing Qin Jiangshan’s command, Chen Si respectfully left the room, and in the shadow of the door, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The police found many drugs in Qin Xiao’s villa. In addition to the ones he usually hid in small batches, there were some he didn’t even know about… Thinking of what Qin Xiao said a few days ago when he was crazy, that Jiang Dao really isn’t simple.

Since everyone wants to eliminate the Qin family, why should he offend such a dangerous person?

Chen Si thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, opened a protection program he wrote, and sent a message to Jiang Dao’s number: “Don’t take over anything related to Tianqin Capital.”

After returning to the car, Jiang Dao looked down at the message from the hidden number, and smiled.

If his intuition is right, this message is most likely sent by Chen Si, Qin Jiangshan’s most trusted secretary.

The confidant of the founder and chairman of Tianqin Capital is actually a spy – things have become more interesting.


Feels almost like a spy drama lol

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