
Although it’s August, it’s really cold in this mountain in the north of China, and sleeping in short sleeves is impossible. Cheng Zhiyi woke up in the middle of the night from the cold, and had to grab his quilt and even put on another layer.

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At six o’clock the next morning, the wake-up call rang, and the military training of the star class officially began.

The first training after assembling is the five-kilometer morning run. However, there is no set time to complete the exercise. However, they have to share the grounds with the real recruits, and like them, they have to run together in line.

Lin Chu turned his head and asked Sun Qi, who was standing next to him. “You’re also five kilometers?”

Sun Qi nodded: “The same.”

Wu Rui added: “The female instructor said that the basic training of female soldiers is the same as that of male soldiers. Only the intensity of physical training is lower. This morning run is not considered physical training at all.”


Only then did everyone realize that the soldiers had already lined up to run. The two of them were in a row, very neat, and the speed of running was not slow.

In the star class, Chu Yinlong is the tallest and takes the lead. According to the instructor’s order, he led everyone into the innermost track and started the morning run steadily.

Then, on the third lap, someone couldn’t hold on.

“Teacher… Chu…” Yi Bailu put one hand on her waist, panting, “Can you… run slower?”

Chu Yinlong turned his head and glanced at her, and his steps slowed down a little.


At this time, another group of recruits passed the outer runway, and one of the baby-faced soldiers whispered to them: “Come on!”

Then a series of cheers followed, which successfully attracted the anger of the boot camp instructor: “Third person in the row! After running, 20 push-ups!”

Jiang Dao suddenly laughed out loud.

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On the sixth lap, the female guests obviously couldn’t keep up. Lin Chu and Yuwen Feiyang also couldn’t hold on, so Chu Yinlong had to slow down again to ensure that the team would not be in chaos. As a result, just after the seventh lap, Yi Bailu simply ran two steps, walked two steps, and fell behind by more than ten meters.

Chu Yinlong couldn’t slow down any longer. If he slowed down again, it would be no different from a quick walk.

The instructor ran beside the team and was also suffocated by the speed, so he simply announced: “Next, after everyone has run for five kilometers, they will gather at the gate of the playground. After everyone gathers, they can eat breakfast. Team disbanded!”

After the order was given, he took the lead and sped out violently.

Chu Yinlong breathed a sigh of relief, and followed the instructor’s footsteps. Jiang Dao also instantly passed Jiang Qiulin and Cheng Zhiyi, and clung to Chu Yinlong.


After the five-kilometer run, the instructor turned around in surprise and found that there were still two people next to him. He was immediately relieved: “Yo, you two are not bad! Chu Yinlong, I can’t say I’m surprised, as expected of you. Jiang Dao, you too… what have you acted in?”

This instructor obviously doesn’t pay attention to the entertainment industry. “Operation Red Owl” has been online for many days, and the Weibo hot search was quite noisy, but he has no impression of Jiang Dao.

The three of them chatted briefly as they waited. Soon, Cheng Zhiyi and Jiang Qiulin ran five kilometers and came to gather at the entrance of the playground. Then came female artists Sun Qi and Zhang Xiaoyuan, then Yuwen Feiyang and Wu Rui, and finally, Lin Chu and Yi Bailu arrived late.

A five-kilometer morning run actually took nearly fifty minutes.

The direct result of this is that when everyone lined up to the cafeteria, only mustard and steamed buns were left, and even the millet porridge was scooped up by the recruits.

“That’s all? Then what shall we eat?” Lin Chu was suddenly unhappy. He was so tired from running in the morning and couldn’t even eat a good meal.

“Didn’t the cafeteria prepare breakfast for us?” Wu Rui didn’t keep silent this time. “We definitely can’t outrun those recruits, doesn’t that mean we won’t have food every morning?”

Ignoring them, Jiang Dao silently went to the window and asked for two steamed buns and a plate of pickles, and asked the soldiers in charge to give him a bowl of water, and sat down.

Chu Yinlong followed suit, and Cheng Zhiyi immediately caught up. When the others saw it, they could only imitate him silently.

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“Just a meal with pickled vegetables and steamed buns?” Jiang Qiulin said as he sat down opposite Jiang Dao with a wry smile. “Why did you finish everything so cleanly?”


Jiang Dao had already finished eating a steamed bun at this time, and replied: “If you don’t eat, you’ll be hungry. If you don’t want to be hungry, you can only eat this. After arguing for a long time, you still haven’t eaten at the end of the day and can’t delay training, so why bother… Oh, if it’s to earn a few close-ups, then that’s another thing.”

Cheng Zhiyi was drinking water when he heard Jiang Dao’s answer and choked.

Chu Yinlong was used to being choked by Jiang Dao after more than a year, so he was able to remain calm. He quickly finished his breakfast and left the cafeteria side by side with Jiang Dao.

Looking at the backs of the two, Cheng Zhiyi hissed softly: “Why do I always think that their CP is not real?”

Hearing this, Yi Bailu smiled and said, “How could it be? Jiang Dao can fight. His acting skills are also good, so Teacher Chu is just cherishing talents and training him as a sparring partner.”

Outside the cafeteria, at the corner of the corridor.

Seeing that the camera did not follow them yet, and there was no surveillance around, Jiang Dao quickly turned around, stood on tiptoe, and kissed Chu Yinlong on the mouth.

Chu Yinlong had a hunch that he was going to do this, and almost at the same time, he stretched out his hand to clamp Jiang Dao’s jaw, and kissed back forcefully.


Jiang Dao licked his lips and said with a smile, “It’s exciting.”


Chu Yinlong rubbed his head lightly.

The first morning of training was standing in the military position, which seemed very simple.

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The star class arrived at the playground an hour later than the recruits. By this time the recruits had been standing on the field for an hour and seemed to show no sign of stopping at all.

In line with the program requirements, Chu Yinlong asked the instructor, “How long do recruits stand in military posture?”

The instructor said, “When we first started training, it was one hour. This group of soldiers was recruited last winter and just finished recruit training. Now their standing time is four hours. The pacesetter class over there has to stand for six hours a day.”

Everyone immediately sighed:

“Wow, it’s so hard…”

“You really won’t get dizzy from standing like this?”

“Do female soldiers have the same requirements?”


Cheng Zhiyi, who had a fresh memory of military training, said with a smile: “When I think about standing in the military posture, I think of the shoes we wore during military training at that time. The soles are super thin so after standing for ten minutes, my feet hurt so bad. Look at the training shoes on the feet of the real soldiers. The shoes given to us are the same, but they are much more comfortable!”

Lin Chu hit him: “Even with these shoes, you can’t stand for four hours.”

Cheng Zhiyi choked back: “I’m not really a soldier!”

After a few words, training officially started.

It is not difficult to master the essentials of military posture. What is difficult is how to maintain a straight posture and stand motionless for an hour – yes, the program team’s requirements for the star class is the same as when the recruits first joined the army: one hour.

Standing in the military posture is boring, and the cameras are supported by machines. Every few minutes, the cameramen will take a close-up of each person, and then continue to sit there and chat with the instructor.

The instructor of the star class was actually from the base’s PR team. He was less serious when he was off the court.

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After standing for ten minutes, some people in the team began to sway and fidget.

According to the requirements of the recruits, the instructor should speak out and punish the item, but when it was placed on several guests, the instructor didn’t point it out. Instead he whispered to the cameramen: “Did you see those two women? Their feet take turns to rest… In fact, when standing in military posture, if the force on both feet is uneven, it’s even easier to get tired, and standing with two feet is better.”

After a few minutes, the instructor asked the cameraman: “That Jiang Dao, has he ever been a soldier before? I think he’s very used to this kind of training. From start to finish, there are no extra movements.”

The cameraman shook his head, and replied in a low voice: “He should have never been a soldier, but he may have practiced martial arts.”

The instructor misunderstood. “Oh, that’s normal. Learning martial arts is basically like being in the military. One needs to eat bitterness.”

Probably because she saw the instructor didn’t care much, when Yi Bailu felt sweat dripping down her neck, making it itch, she quickly raised her hand and wiped it.

There were only ten people in the team, so the instructor had an unobstructed view and easily caught her. “Yi Bailu, minus one. After the training is over, the whole class will be fined 10 extra push-ups.”

Yi Bailu was immediately embarrassed. Unable to say anything in return, her cheeks flushed.

When the instructor sat down again, he stretched out his hand to the kettle. Beside Jiang Dao, Lin Chu whispered in a low voice: “What era is he living in, using a seat…”

“Lin Chu, minus one.” The instructor didn’t even look over, and made a direct strike. “After the training is over, the whole class will be fined 10 extra push-ups.”

No one dared to complain anymore.


Them stars are so whiny.

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