
“Hello, this is the special approval document.”

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Chu Yinlong and Jiang Dao got out of the car and handed the adoption approval to the soldier manning the reception at the military dog ​​base.

Soon, an officer in charge of receiving them arrived.

As soon as he saw the person, Jiang Dao greeted: “Brother Zheng!” 

Zheng Yaojun stretched out his hand: “You really got the approval! Uh, Chu Yinlong, hello, hello… Come with me.”

Following Zheng Yaojun into the military dog ​​base, before they entered the kennel, a big dog rushed towards them, wagging its tail happily.

“Eleven!” Jiang Dao smiled and stepped forward.

As a result, as soon as he took a step forward, he saw Eleven turn a corner and ran to the other side of Zheng Yaojun, probing its head to look at Jiang Dao… But it recognized him, and didn’t bark.

Zheng Yaojun patted Eleven’s head twice and walked inside with Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong.

“Recently, two injured dogs have just completed rehabilitation, plus there’s a few retired dogs. There are currently more than 30 dogs here, so you can choose one that works for you.” He briefly introduced the situation. “I wouldn’t recommend any severely injured dogs. They need too much care, and with your occupation, I’m afraid it won’t be easy to handle.”

The group arrived at the kennel, and Jiang Dao saw that each military dog had its own separate enclosure. The enclosures aren’t small, letting them move freely and play with various small toys. There is a small gate behind each fence, which connects to the activity area outside the kennel, for when they are brought outdoors to play.

As soon as Jiang Dao walked into the kennel, vigilant barking sounded. Zheng Yaojun gave a quiet command, and most of the military dogs lay down on the ground, no longer barking, but whining from their throats.


“Your physique is also difficult to deal with.” Zheng Yaojun was helpless. “If a dog doesn’t want to go with you, we can’t force it. Besides, if you adopt a disobedient one, it may be dangerous in the future. Even injured military dogs are still quite aggressive.”

Jiang Dao also understood. He nodded and said: “Well, I’ll see if I can find one first, but if it really doesn’t work, I won’t force it.”

Fortunately, after walking around the kennel, Jiang Dao found that there was a big dog who was not as vigilant. It was still lying on the cushion as steady as a mountain, and only raised its ears vigilantly and looked in his direction.

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It was a Malinois, tall and full of energy, but unfortunately only one eye is intact and the other cannot be opened.

“He’s called ‘Bullet’, and is still very young. After one eye was injured, he could no longer fight, and was retired.” Zheng Yaojun introduced. “His origin is also very special. It was said that there was a cross-border rebellion, and he was rescued from the enemy when he was still a half-year-old puppy. He’s very calm, smart, and learns very quickly.”1using ‘he’ because the name implies that Bullet is a male, whereas I couldn’t tell if there was a gender assigned to Eleven

“Bullet…” Jiang Dao murmured the name, and stepped near the fence.

“Come on, I’ll take him out to get acquainted with you.” Zheng Yaojun unlocked the gate, opened the door, and brought Bullet out. “Let’s go, go to the yard.”

Bullet followed obediently, tail hanging low, not shaking, but not tucked between his legs either.


He’s not afraid of Jiang Dao, but one can still see a trace of nervousness from the tips of his erect ears.

“If you can’t get acquainted after a while, you can also let your friend adopt him first.” Zheng Yaojun glanced at Chu Yinlong and smiled at Jiang Dao. “Then you can slowly play with him until he becomes familiar with you, just like the process with Eleven. It’ll be easier to build trust this way.”

Jiang Dao smiled and didn’t answer.

How can he say he lives with Chu Yinlong?

Although Zheng Yaojun doesn’t seem like someone who likes to gossip, it’s better not to reveal these things to better avoid misunderstandings in the future.

Just like when he was recording “True Wilderness”, Zheng Yaojun, as a breeder, took Jiang Dao’s hand to pet the military dog.

Bullet was indeed more calm than Eleven. When Jiang Dao’s hand reached his head, he only bared his teeth slightly. There was no threatening whimper, and he still lay on the spot, motionless.

“Hey, it’s alright!” Zheng Yaojun looked very happy. “Come on, comb his hair and see how he behaves.”

Jiang Dao took the comb, and under the guidance of Zheng Yaojun, slowly combed the hair on Bullet’s back.

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Then, in front of Bullet, Zheng Yaojun handed two pieces of jerky into Jiang Dao’s hand, took his hand, and fed the jerky to Bullet.


Bullet smelled it, looked up at Zheng Yaojun, and then at Jiang Dao, seemed to hesitate for a long time, and finally ate the jerky in Jiang Dao’s palm.

Then, Zheng Yaojun let go and backed away, letting Jiang Dao feed the other piece to Bullet by himself.

This time, Bullet didn’t hesitate. He licked the jerky directly into his mouth, and shook the tip of the tail coiled by his side slightly.

“It seems that Bullet has a lot of fate with you.” Zheng Yaojun smiled. “Okay, come over so I can tell you the precautions for raising a dog. After that, you can bring him away today.”

“Okay.” Jiang Dao stretched out his hand to touch Bullet’s head, then got up and followed Zheng Yaojun back to the kennel.

There are many precautions for adopting military dogs. Fortunately, they’re just cumbersome and not difficult. The veterinarian at the base quickly gave Bullet a bath and rinsed him, and did a simple inspection. Finally, they put Bullet’s feeding bowls and sleeping mat into a bag, and handed them over to Jiang Dao, together with some dog food.

After going through the adoption procedures, Chu Yinlong and Jiang Dao left the military dog ​​base with Bullet.

Walking out of the gate of the base, seeing Jiang Dao open the car door, Bullet jumped into the back seat very cleverly, and snuggled into the inner seat obediently, without making any noise or any resistance, as if they had raised him since childhood.

“I didn’t expect it to go smoothly,” Jiang Dao sat in the co-pilot, his face full of excitement. “I thought it would take a long time, and was prepared for a protracted battle. I didn’t expect to be able to pick one today.”

“Yes, it’s good luck.” Chu Yinlong smiled and nodded. “One half of ‘cats and dogs’ is achieved, but I’m not afraid that your cat may not be easy to find.”


Speaking of this, Jiang Dao was a little speechless. “What the hell is going on? Why do animals, apart from military dogs, run away when they see me? Let’s go back and figure out whether those lions, tigers, bears, etc., at the zoo will they run away when they see me.”

“Okay,” Chu Yinlong agreed very quickly. “Why not go directly to a safari park? The animals there are wild, and may be more courageous.”

Back at the villa, Jiang Dao got out of the car with Bullet and led him to get acquainted with his new home.

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Bullet sniffed everywhere, but didn’t mark the place like an ordinary pet dog. Instead, he found the mat that Jiang Dao set up, went over and lay on it obediently, no longer running around.

This afternoon, Jiang Dao busied himself with Bullet, taking him to the front yard to play, taking him to the backyard obstacle course for running and jumping, holding and combing him, and thinking about what dog treats to order…

Chu Yinlong watched one person and one dog having fun, and suddenly felt a little regret – did he just find himself a rival for attention?

That night, Jiang Dao was watching a movie on the sofa while holding Bullet. Chu Yinlong deliberately passed by several times, but failed to attract Jiang Dao’s attention, and was disliked for blocking the TV. He turned blue with jealousy, clasped Jiang Dao’s neck and carried him into the master bedroom, closed the door and locked it, locking Jiang Dao’s new favorite Bullet outside.

The next day, it wasn’t until noon that Jiang Dao woke up in a daze on Chu Yinlong’s bed.

Chu Yinlong was not there, but his quilt was still warm. Jiang Dao stretched out his hand and pulled the quilt over and hugged it. One leg stretched out, occupying the half of the bed that belonged to Chu Yinlong, then yawned and closed his eyes lazily.

After Chu Yinlong finished feeding Bullet, he returned to the bedroom and saw Jiang Dao lying on the bed naked with his legs crossed, occupying the whole bed unreasonably.


“Awake?” Chu Yinlong asked softly.

“En,” Jiang Dao’s voice was still a little hoarse. “I’m sleepy… What were you doing yesterday, tossing again in the middle of the night…”

Chu Yinlong was a little embarrassed, and tactically cleared his throat.

He couldn’t say that he had a nightmare in the middle of the night last night, dreaming that Jiang Dao flew away with Bullet and didn’t want him anymore. After waking up, he was upset, so he hugged the person in his arms and reconfirmed his intentions… He wouldn’t tell Jiang Dao about such a shameful thing.

“I have an announcement today. Are you staying at home, or do you want to go to the studio together?” Chu Yinlong asked.

“Stay at home.” Jiang Dao rolled over lazily. “Bullet just arrived, and I have to accompany him so he’s acquainted with me. Otherwise after going out for work, I’m afraid he won’t recognize me…”

“Okay,” Chu Yinlong said helplessly. “Then you can solve lunch yourself. By the way, I’ll let Xiao Yang sort out some scripts for you to choose. As for other work, I’ll let them arrange it. If you don’t want to do it, just tell them directly.”

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“Okay…” Jiang Dao lay on the bed, watching Chu Yinlong change into a suit. When he saw him about to leave, he said with a smile, “You’ve worked hard, husband.”

Chu Yinlong turned around suddenly, staring at Jiang Dao as if he wanted to eat someone.

Jiang Dao had no fear, and smirked.

Chu Yinlong strode back to the bedside, leaned over to clamp Jiang Dao’s chin, and kissed him fiercely.

“Wait for me to come back,” he squinted. “You know the consequences.”

Jiang Dao was not afraid at all. When Chu Yinlong turned around, he stretched out his foot and hooked the man’s leg.

However, Chu Yinlong had a firm will and ran away without looking back. He was not seduced and failed to complete the achievement of “the emperor does not go to court early”.

In this way, Jiang Dao accompanied his new favorite Bullet in the villa for two weeks leisurely. During this period, in addition to daily fitness training, he only went out for two announcements. The rest of the time, he stayed in the villa, teasing the dog, reading books, cooking, and occasionally chatting with Zhou Wei and Jing Yu on WeChat, and then waiting for Chu Yinlong to come back and live a harmonious life together at night.


Say hello to Bullet!

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1using ‘he’ because the name implies that Bullet is a male, whereas I couldn’t tell if there was a gender assigned to Eleven

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