Yi Shang spun his phone in boredom, using the knuckle of the thumb as a pivot point, spinning around and around. He looked at Lin Xia sitting in the corner and was considering whether to go up to him.

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As for Lin Xia, he had already seen Yi Shang and had been fidgeting. He couldn’t even devote himself to the mathematical world.

Who knows whether it was an illusion or something else. Lin Xia kept feeling that Yi Shang’s eyes were focused on him. So he lifted his head and looked over, Lin Xia saw that Yi Shang was indeed looking at him with his head propped up with his arm. His heart rate rose instantly and made a mark on the paper with his pen.

“What’s the matter?” Fang Qi felt that Lin Xia was different from usual.

“Nothing.” Lin Xia steadied his mind, he forced himself to ignore Yi Shang’s glaze and focus on the problem set in front of him.

“Is it because I’m too stupid? Are you tired of teaching?” Fang Qi looked at Lin Xia and joked with her head up propped up.

“No, it’s my problem.” Lin Xia shook his head.

“I feel like you’re always absent-minded recently. Did something happen?” Fang Qi could clearly feel that Lin Xia has been under the weather lately.

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This state was just like when she was giving up on Lin Xia! Did Lin Xia secretly like someone? Fang Qi searched her brain and found no one suspicious.

“It’s really nothing.” Lin Xia still denied it.

“Lin Xia.” Fang Qi sat up straight and looked at Lin Xia, she gathered her smile and said, “Are we friends?”

“Of course.”

“Then why aren’t you sharing anything with me?” Fang Qi pursued.

Lin Xia opened his mouth, then closed it again. After pausing for a few seconds, he finally said, “Fang Qi, I know you care about me, but do friends have to share everything?”

Looking into Fang Qi’s eyes, Lin Xia was feeling quite cautious. He subconsciously squeezed his pen, “Even if I have a secret, would you still be my friend?”

Fang Qi was calm on the surface, but roared in her heart: Shit shit shit! Why do you use this tone and this expression! Don’t you know that when your eyelashes blink, it tickles my heart! It hasn’t been long since I gave up on you! Very impressive, Lin Xia! So good at torturing people!

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Fang Qi took a deep breath and calmed her beating heart, “Alright, don’t say it if you don’t want to say it. Who hasn’t got a secret? I have one too.”

Lin Xia finally smiled. “Thank you.”

Thank you for not forcing me, and thank you for being my friend.

Originally posted at nuebibli(dot)com, please do not read elsewhere.

Yi Shang looked at the two people who were talking happily and got up. He walked in Lin Xia’s direction.

Xiao Tang just got his take-out malatang1 and was about to go to find Yi Shang. However, he saw Yi Shang walking in one direction. He looked over and saw Lin Xia in that direction. The Emperor of Truth suddenly turned into a Dog-Headed Adviser2.

Xiao Tang suddenly understood, he was calm in appearance but his heart was in turmoil. No wonder! So it turns out that Lin Xia is his love rival? Am I about to witness the legendary ‘Shura Field’3?

Xiao Tang followed over stealthily with his malatang and sat behind Yi Shang, sitting back to back against him.

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Yi Shang noticed that Xiao Tang had followed him but he didn’t care.

“Yi Shang?” Faced with a handsome man, Fang Qi’s freshly calmed heart was shaken again. Could it be that her spring has arrived? She had just given up on a handsome man, and then came another handsome man. God is treating her so well!

“Mn, hello.” Yi Shang simply greeted the girl, not wondering how she knew him. He went straight to Lin Xia and asked, “Why aren’t you taking the promotion photos with me?”

When Fang Qi heard the question from Yi Shang, she woke up from her Mary Sue dream: Lovelorn once again. From now on, I’ll seal my heart and lock up my love.

Lin Xia was caught off guard when he asked. He didn’t dare to look at Yi Shang. He blinked and looked everywhere except Yi Shang, “I have something to do.”

Maybe others wouldn’t be able to tell, but Fang Qi can tell with a glance that Lin Xia was different from usual. After all, she had known Lin Xia for so many years. Plus, it was her first time seeing the calm Lin Xia so flustered.

What’s the situation here? Can it be what she’s thinking?!

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“You have something on both days of the weekends?”

“Mn.” Lin Xia glanced at the Yi Shang, then looked away and nodded.

“What’s the thing?” asked Yi Shang.

When Fang Qi heard this question from Yi Shang, she wanted to give this big straight man4 a big slap. Getting to the bottom of things is a minus point okay?! Don’t you dare make things difficult for our Lin Xia!

Lin Xia opened his mouth, then closed it again. Finally, he squeezed out, “I have to work part-time.”

“Since when did you have so many part-time jobs?” Fang Qi said innocently, pretending to be curious, asking at the right time, “Don’t you only have tutoring on Saturday mornings?”

After Fang Qi said this, she gave herself a prize in her heart. Who else is as selfless as her?! Serving as a wingman to the person you had a crush on!

It was the first time he lied in front of Yi Shang, yet he was exposed right away. Lin Xia’s ears turned red. The only thing he was thankful for was that it wasn’t easy for his face to turn red, so he can still pretend to be very calm and collected.

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