Mr. He, could you lend me some money?”

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After saying these words, Xu Zhun hadn’t dared to raise his head.

His face burnt with shame to the point where it got painful. Yet, he couldn’t let it get to him! He needed the money to survive.

The sun was shining into the office located on the top floor, the weather was good and it was a beautiful day. However, He Chengyang’s mood was extremely bad.

He raised his head and his gloomy eyes fell on the body of the man across from him.

Sitting very formally, Xu Zhun’s hands were on his lap and his slightly curled fingers revealed the panic deep inside of his heart.

He lowered his eyes and therefore didn’t even notice how harsh He Chengyang’s gaze was.

“Have you forgotten all the things I said at the beginning?”

He Chengyang’s words sent a shock through Xu Zhun’s body, his head sunk lower and deeper as he was seemingly humbled to the ground.

Of course, he didn’t forget what he originally said: Get out of the bed and then pretend to have never known each other.

But He Chengyang did not know that he was in love with him, so much so that he could not help himself. When He Chengyang suggested to be sex friends, he agreed without a second thought.

Every week He Chengyang would come to him and leave without a care in the world after doing that kind of thing with him, never spending the night at his house.

He Chengyang played the role of a well-qualified friend with benefits while he was entertaining unrealistic romantic fantasies.

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“I …… I didn’t forget! We’re just friend with benefits.”

Xu Zhun spat out these words with difficulty, his heart throbbing with unbearable pain.

“So, what right do you have to ask me for money? Or are you putting yourself up for sale?”

He Chengyang’s words were all filled with mockery, making Xu Zhun feel incomparably humiliated.

He was not selling himself!

He had only ever done that with He Chengyang.


Xu Zhun wanted to at least defend himself, but He Chengyang didn’t even give him a chance to attempt it.

“Acting like a corpse in bed, boring as hell. If I didn’t pity you, why would I even touch you? If you want money, you’ll have to deserve it!”

He Chengyang pinched Xu Zhun’s jaw harshly and forced him to lift his face up.

His grip was very strong, Xu Zhun’s teeth chattered, his lips were tightly pursed and his eyebrows scrunched up in pain.

He Chengyang squeezed him harder, he was deliberately hurting him and torturing him.

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In the past few years, countless people have approached him because of his fame and fortune, each one appearing to be sincere, yet they were all carrying a hidden agenda.

He thought Xu Zhun was different from the others and more or less really liked him as a person.

He even wanted to become a long-term sex friend with Xu Zhun and maintain such a relationship for several years.

Consequently, after only three months, Xu Zhun could no longer resist asking him for money.

“How disgusting!”

He Chengyang finally let go and pulled out a tissue to wipe his fingers clean, as if he had touched something dirty.

He Chengyang’s action made Xu Zhun embarrassed to death. His expression stiffened and he hung his head down in a wretched manner.

His pale face, looking helpless and pitiful, filled He Chengyang with annoyance.

“You’re going to stay here until you get paid? Xu Zhun, are you that shameless?”

He Chengyang was irritated, and now he didn’t want to see Xu Zhun’s face anymore.

He grabbed Xu Zhun’s arm and shoved him out the door of his office.

“Get the hell out!”

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The man’s merciless words were accompanied by the sound of the room’s door closing, ruthlessly echoing in his ears.

Xu Zhun’s already miserable white face became even paler.

There were He Chengyang’s employees around looking over at him, and the scrutinizing gazes made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Having already been so wretched, one must leave himself some dignity, therefore Xu Zhun, with his head down, hurriedly left.

He had no sooner walked out of He Group’s company that he began coughing so violently his thin body was shaking.

Xu Zhun covered his mouth and felt a sizzling hot liquid spurt out and trickle down his fingers.

On the ground, drops of bright red blood fell.






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Alright! Here goes the first chapter! I’m not sure how much I’ll update this by week, since I’m fairly free these times but it takes me a lot of time to translate (and it’s my first novel! I’m so excited!!). I’m still fairly interested because I didn’t read this one and I’m discovering it as I’m translating! I can’t wait to see how it’s gonna go ;__;

Notes: The expression friends with benefits came up a lot… because I didn’t want to use the word f*ck/s*x buddies all that much so apologies for that 

Also, the princelings I used refers to “The children of veteran communists who held high-ranking offices in China before 1966.” I hesitated using rich young masters but decided to leave it as such!

Oh and the chapters are originally split into multiple parts very strangely but I just put them together and post them at once cause they’re really short otherwise. (And it’s one of the reasons where I don’t include chapters’ names… cause it’s a bit jumbled imo lol)

But I’ll still leave a little divider so that you can know where it’s supposed to end/start!

Edit: Okay I found the proper order for the chapters and I’ll be rectifying it! Sorry for the inconvenience, and if you’re reading this, it means that you have nothing to worry about as it’s all fixed now!

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