Chapter 17 : He Chengyang’s favorite person

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Mature/sensitive content ahead!


He Chengyang’s hands were so strong that Xu Zhun felt like his waist was about to be snapped by him.

He frowned in pain and couldn’t help but beg for mercy, “Let go of …… Let go of me! It hurts!”

“What’s with all this acting? Lie down for me and open your legs!” He Chengyang was a little annoyed by his argument and pressed his body to keep him from moving around.

Remembering Dr. Zhao’s instructions, Xu Zhun struggled and said, “Get out! Get out! If you keep doing this …… I’ll die!”

The hesitation in his eyes faded as soon as it appeared, and he snorted out a laugh: “You’ll die if I touch you! Are you made of paper?”

He really going to die! Xu Zhun shrank into a ball of pain, and it wasn’t just his body, his heart hurt even more.

He had never dared to tell He Chengyang about his condition, he was afraid!

He was afraid that He Chengyang would be sad, and even more afraid that he would be indifferent.

They’d known each other a long time, been together for months, even if it was a dog, the owner would be sad when the dog died!

But he, a living human being, was as low as a dog.

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The look of sorrow on Xu Zhun’s face troubled He Chengyang’s heart, something couldn’t have really happened to Xu Zhun, right?

The thought was quickly snuffed out as soon as it popped up!

Heh! Xu Zhun was only twenty-four years old, in the prime of his youth.

He looked healthy and normal, and he had just called him an “asshole” when he was so aggressive.

How could he die?

It was just a threat!

He Chengyang was furious, Xu Zhun, the victim of his wrath, dared to threaten him!

He didn’t know how to behave.

He took out all his anger on Xu Zhun, moving hard and fiercely.

“Ah …… It hurts ……”

Xu Zhun’s features were twisted in pain.

He Chengyang was fiercely tormenting him today, each blow was heavy and vicious, without a hint of pity.

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Xu Zhun endured the pain from the man’s rough movements with all his might, with his eyes turning red.

“Xu Zhun, why are you not screaming? Cry louder!”

He Chengyang was pressing his back and nuzzling his ear, “Aren’t you going to die? Then let’s see you die! You’ re no different from a dead body! It’s getting boring!”

Xu Zhun’s eyes were shut tight with pain, and it was not only his body that hurt, but also his heart.

He Chengyang smothered Xu Zhun, his movements still fierce and hard.

Xu Zhun almost passed out ……

The phone rang abruptly, stopping He Chengyang’s movements, and he just pressed himself against Xu Zhun and answered the phone.

“Xiao Shuo, you’re back? Really?”

Unlike his cold and brutal voice just now, his current tone was so gentle that it was intoxicating.

Xu Zhun opened his eyes and listened to him talking on the phone, and a sour pain filled his heart.

It wasn’t that He Chengyang couldn’t be gentle, but rather that he didn’t bother to be gentle with him.

“You wait for me at home, I’m going back now! Be good and wait for me! Brother will bring you delicious food!”

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He Chengyang hung up the phone with a warm smile.

Xu Zhun could feel the obvious indulgence and doting in his tone.

He couldn’t help but think: Who was Xiao Shuo? Was it someone He Chengyang liked?

It must be!

The only person who could make He Chengyang be tender was someone he liked!

Xu Zhun thought that He Chengyang would just leave, but he moved with increasing urgency.

“Xiao Shuo is back from abroad, I need to go back to see him as soon as possible! You hurry up and make me come!”

He had to go back to see the person he liked, and so he had no qualms about asking him to be cheaply pleasured.

What a ridiculous thing to do!

But Xu Zhun couldn’t laugh at all.

His eyes were so full of heavy pain that he could not wait to die right now!

If he died, would the pain be gone?

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” You leave right away! He Chengyang, go away!”

Please go away!

Don’t come back to hurt me!

I’m a human being too! I have a heart too!

Xu Zhun really couldn’t hold on anymore, he buried his face inside the sofa cushion, tears falling uncontrollably.

“Xu Zhun, you’re just a sellout, who are you to tell me what to do?”

He Chengyang pulled him in front of him and leaned down to force him closer, his morose eyes fixed on him as he said in a fierce voice, ” I gave you the contract, you’ll sleep with me! Set yourself up clearly, that’s what you’re good for!”

Xu Zhun closed his eyes in agony.

Yeah, he traded his body for a contract, so he deserved it!

He fell in love with him so he deserved it ……

Deserved it!

Xu Zhun you just deserve it!

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