Chapter 26 : Xu Zhun actually changed the locks!

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Xu Zhun was really good-looking, He Tianming had never seen such a good-looking man.

This praise coming from his heart made Xu Zhun a little embarrassed.

“Mr. He, give me a card number and I’ll transfer the money for the clothes to you.”

He Tianming took out his phone, “WeChat! Send me a red packet.”

Xu Zhun pulled out his phone and scanned his business card and added him as a friend.

He Tianming: “Transfer 88 yuan.”

Xu Zhun looked at him in astonishment, “88? dollars or pounds?”

It couldn’t be in yuan anyway.

He Tianming: “Yuan.”

Xu Zhun tugged at the clothes on his body: “88 yuan for these clothes?”

He Tianming: “Is that too expensive? I’m not a good bargainer.”

Mr. He’s got the wrong idea!

Xu Zhun’s brain was a bit confused.

“Mr. He, don’t under quote the price. This outfit doesn’t look like it costs 88 yuan.”

Xu Zhun very sincerely stated, “You have helped me a lot, I must pay you back the full amount of the clothes cost at least.”

He Tianming: “88 yuan.”

Xu Zhun: “……”

In the end, Xu Zhun could only give He Tianming a red packet of 88 yuan.

In fact, he knew that He Tianming was deliberately not revealing the real price.

Xu Zhun did not wear good clothes, but he also knew that these clothes would not be cheap.

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88 yuan can only be spent in the market to find cheap goods, and the quality would simply not be comparable to the clothes he was wearing.

Xu Zhun’s heart warmed up, “Mr. He, thank you!”

He Tianming smiled faintly: ” If you really want to thank me, you should pay attention to our company’s contract. Don’t be late in delivering.”

Xu Zhun immediately exclaimed, “It won’t be overdue, I’ll keep an eye on it.”

He Tianming: “Alright, now eat first! I’ll send you to the office after eating.”

Xu Zhun was embarrassed to dilly-dally over another meal and wanted to propose that he leave, but He Tianming was already walking to the dining room.

He kneaded the corner of his shirt and could only follow.

The breakfast was sumptuous, and Xu Zhun hadn’t eaten such an exquisite one for a long time.

The maid left the dining room after serving the meal, and only He Tianming and Xu Zhun were at the table.

But even so, Xu Zhun still couldn’t put his hands on it.

The villa was luxurious, and the pearwood table was decorated with exquisite meals of various colors.

Xu Zhun felt out of place here.

He Tianming could see his restraint at a glance: “Eat more, it will be thrown away if you can’t finish it.”

Xu Zhun: “This is too much! The two of us can’t finish it.”

He Tianming: “I didn’t know how much you could eat, so I asked the maid to prepare more. Don’t force yourself if you can’t finish it.”

Xu Zhun: “It’s too wasteful to throw it away.”

He Tianming: “Try to eat as much as you can, don’t waste it.”

Xu Zhun was most afraid of waste, so he ate a lot.

He Tianming was also a big eater and he ate a lot.

The two of them really finished the breakfast on the table.

He Tianming took out a paper towel and said carelessly, ” It was all eaten and not wasted.”

Xu Zhun was bursting with food: “I ate it all precisely because I didn’t want to waste it.”

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He Tianming smiled.

Xu Zhun found that when he smiled, he didn’t appear as cold as he usually did.

There were rumors that He Tianming was unapproachable, but after meeting him, he felt that He Tianming was a warm man.

He felt like a big brother next door, soft and reliable.

If he had such a big brother, it would be wonderful!

Xu Zhun didn’t have the heart to ask He Tianming to take him to the office. He asked He Tianming to give him a ride to the subway station, and then took it to the office.

After a day of work, Xu Zhun returned home.

Just after he arrived home, he received a call from He Tianming: “Are you home yet?”

Xu Zhun: “Mr. He, I’m home now.”

He Tianming: “We left in a hurry this morning and forgot to ask you, are you free tomorrow?”

Xu Zhun: “I need to work tomorrow. Is there a problem with Mr. He’s contract? I’ll talk to the manager and come directly to the office tomorrow to see you.”

He Tianming: “It’s not about the contract. The family doctor said that you seem to be a little anemic and need to go to the hospital for a checkup.”

Xu Zhun’s expression froze, and his fingers holding the phone were shaking.

“Xu Zhun——”

After a long time without a response, He Tianming called out to him.

Xu Zhun came back to his senses: “Mr. He, the company held a physical examination some time ago, and I am indeed anemic. Thank you for your concern, there is no need to go for another checkup tomorrow.”

He Tianming did not doubt it and instructed, “Eat more blood supplements.”

Xu Zhun: “I will.”

After this sentence, both of them were silent.

He Tianming had no intention to hang up the phone, and Xu Zhun was afraid of being left alone, so he could only find something to say instead of nothing.

“Mr. He, are you off work yet?”

He Tianming: “I’m still working late at the company!”

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Xu Zhun: “Then have you eaten?”

He Tianming: “Not yet! I’m going to order take-out, do you have any suitable recommendations?”

Xu Zhun: “I’m afraid my taste is different from yours.”

In fact, Xu Zhun simply did not order take-out.

Takeout was expensive, and there were delivery fees.

He always cooked his own food at home, which saved money.

He Tianming: ” Do you know my taste?”

Xu Zhun: “……”

He Tianming: “Recommend a few stores, and I’ll see which one meets my taste.”

Today at the company, Xu Zhun listened to his colleagues chat about which takeout was delicious, and he overheard two restaurants.

Xu Zhun immediately recommended them to He Tianming.

He Tianming: “Thank you!”

Xu Zhun: “Mr. He, you’re welcome!”

He Tianming: “I’ll hang up now! I’m ordering takeout!”

Xu Zhun said goodbye to him and then hung up the phone.

Twenty minutes later, He Tianming sent him a WeChat: 【Remember to collect the takeout later.】

Xu Zhun was confused: 【Mr. He, did you send the message to the wrong person?】

He Tianming: 【I ordered take-out. I also got one for you, it will be delivered soon.】

Xu Zhun was in a very complicated mood, touched and terrified at the same time …… He had no idea what to say for a while.           

He Tianming: 【Remember to eat on time. If you feel bad, you can order take-out for me next time.】

He Tianming’s gentleness and thoughtfulness touched Xu Zhun, no one had cared for him like this for a long time.

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Xu Zhun’s eyes were red: 【Thank you, Mr. He! I will order for you tomorrow.】

He Tianming did not reply.

That day, He Chengyang’s mind was restless and he couldn’t calm down at all.

He finished his work early and drove away, pulling up under Xu Zhun’s house in a furtive way.

Seeing the familiar window, He Chengyang’s expression was stunned.

Why did he drive here?

He Chengyang wanted to turn around and go back, but eventually pulled open the car door and stepped out.

He wasn’t checking on Xu Zhun, he was looking for him to settle a score!

If he dared to seduce his brother, then he’ll have to pay the price!

He Chengyang thought so in his heart, and his footsteps carried eagerness.

He walked toward the entrance of the unit, an electric scooter stopped beside him, and the delivery boy asked, ” Excuse me, Mr. Handsome, is this Building 6?”

He Chengyang: “Yes.”

Delivery boy: “Thank you!”

Looking down at the take-out order, he read: “Building 6, 6th floor, west side.”

Upon seeing the door number of Xu Zhun’s house, He Chengyang stopped in his tracks: “Did Xu Zhun order the takeaway?”

Delivery boy: “Yes! It’s Mr. Xu Zhun.”

He Chengyang: “Give it to me! I’m from his family.”

The delivery boy let him give his mobile phone number, and then handed him the delivery.

He Chengyang carried the take-out box and walked into the entrance of the unit.

He walked to the sixth floor and took out the key to open the door.

The door wouldn’t open!

He Chengyang’s gaze was astonished.

Xu Zhun had actually changed the locks!     

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