Chapter 28 : Do you pity me? Or do you like me?

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Xu Zhun’s eyes were downcast and his face was serene.

This kind of Xu Zhun made He Chengyang feel very strange, he suddenly found that he could not see through Xu Zhun anymore.

He Chengyang felt inexplicable panic, this person has been firmly under his control, and absolutely can not be out of his grasp.

“Xu Zhun, you are not allowed to see my big brother again. Otherwise ……”

He Chengyang was interrupted by Xu Zhun before he could finish his sentence: “Or what? You’ll be taking me to that KTV to humiliate me? Or you will humiliate me in my home like you did today?”

Xu Zhun tilted his head and stared at He Chengyang’s angry eyes without fear.

Someone who has nothing left to lose is really not afraid of anything!

Now that he was about to lose his life, would he still be afraid of He Chengyang’s shaming?

He Chengyang’s heart trembled, and Xu Zhun’s gaze made him subconsciously take a step back.

He was actually dumbfounded by Xu Zhun’s confrontation.

“He Chengyang, you already have someone you like, why are you still pestering me?”

Xu Zhun stood up from the ground and aggressively questioned, “When you did that with me, did you feel guilty about the person you like?”

Xu Zhun was shorter and thinner than He Chengyang, but at this moment, he looked very imposing.

He Chengyang’s energy was drastically weakened, “I …… This ……”

Suddenly realizing that Xu Zhun was reprimanding him, He Chengyang couldn’t face it and angrily scolded: “You don’t need to care about my business. I am willing to touch you, you should thank me. People like you are not even wanted. I just pity you!”

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“Do you pity me? Or do you like me?”

Hearing Xu Zhun’s words, He Chengyang’s expression stalled and a twinkle flashed across his eyes, but soon he snorted, “Don’t flatter yourself! I like you? I am just ……”

Just what? He couldn’t go on!

He loved sleeping with him? Was this not still liking?

Xu Zhun: “Since you don’t like me, it’s none of your business who I go out with, and you pestering me like this will make me think you like me.”

“I like you?! Ha! Xu Zhun, are you too presumptuous?”

He Chengyang’s voice was loud, as if he was using his agitation to cover up the panic in his heart, “I’m here to warn you today, you can hook up with anyone, just not my big brother. People like you are not worthy of my big brother at all.”

“Are you done?” Xu Zhun pointed in the direction of the front door, “Please leave my house once you’ve finished!”

“You-” He Chengyang pointed at Xu Zhun, feeling that he was simply lacking in his current state.

“Mr. He, we’re just sex friends. It was made very clear at the beginning that if one party did not want to continue and wanted to dissolve the relationship, the other party had to agree. You should not forget what you said, right? People like me are not worthy of sleeping with the golden Mr. He. So please leave immediately!”

Without giving him a chance to curse, Xu Zhun shoved He Chengyang and pushed him out the door.


The door of the house closed firmly!

He Chengyang stood in the corridor with his face as dark as ink.

He had been turned away by Xu Zhun again!

To the high and mighty Young Master He, this was a great humiliation.

Xu Zhun, you’re really fucking great!

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He Chengyang lifted his foot to kick the door, but Xu Zhun’s question suddenly appeared in his mind: “Do you pity me? Or do you like me?”

Like Xu Zhun?

How could that be possible?

The one he liked was obviously Lin Shuo.

Lin Shuo was born from a great family, was good looking, and most importantly, was docile and well behaved.

He was a hundred times better than Xu Zhun.

He came to Xu Zhun just to warn him to stay away from He Tianming.

He had already been tricked by Xu Zhun, so he couldn’t let his big brother be deceived too!

That was right! That was exactly what it was!

He Chengyang came with a perfect explanation for his actions in his mind.

From their encounter as teenagers to the reunion in the Capital, Xu Zhun had liked He Chengyang for eight years.

He thought he just had to persistently keep on liking, and He Chengyang would reciprocate his feelings one day sooner or later. The truth was that if you don’t like someone, you don’t like them, and you can’t force feelings to appear.

He gave He Chengyang every valuable item he possessed, including his own heart and soul for a while, but in He Chengyang’s eyes, these were just garbage.

It turned out that the things he thought were most precious simply didn’t matter for the other party.

After the KTV incident, Xu Zhun thoroughly understood the real situation. He Chengyang was just playing with him, as he didn’t want money, was also a good fuck and wouldn’t get pregnant and cause trouble. It is not a problem to play with the ones that come to you of their own accord.

From that day on, Xu Zhun never contacted He Chenyang again.

He Chengyang sent him a text message, which he ignored directly. And when he called, he just hung up.

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In the end, he blacklisted He Chengyang’s cell phone number.

Xu Zhun was determined to forget about him, in his final days, he just wanted to live a good life, to make his short life not so miserable.

Xu Zhun continued to work hard every day to get contracts, to buy medicine to extend his few remaining years of life.

He felt that he was racing against fate every day, and had no extra time to spend on romance.

That was good, at least he didn’t have to care about heartaches or sadness!

Xu Zhun life was steady and organized, but He Chengyang’s life was in disarray.

Clearly, he only lost an insignificant person, but he felt as though a piece of his heart was taken out of him, and it left him especially empty and in pain.

He had no idea what was happening to him?

Keenly perceiving that his friend’s mood was not right, Jianyi Chuan raised his eyebrows and said, “He Shao, what’s wrong with you lately? Did Aunt Flo come for you?”

“Fuck off! Your great-aunt is the one who is here!” He Chengyang wrinkled his brows in annoyance.

“Then what’s with your stinky face every day? You didn’t come out even when I asked you to these days.”

Jianyi Chuan crossed his legs on the office coffee table and quipped, “What’s going on? Are you in love?”

He Chengyang sulked: “No!”

“Not true! How you got angry the other got spread around the whole Capital. Everybody knows that He Shao went out of his way to beat up Liu Shao and Qin Shao beyond all recognition.” Jianyi Chuan laughed: ” I have never seen you so attached to anyone, yet you’re still saying you are not in love?”

“What love? He is a bitch who does not know anything.”

At the mention of Xu Zhun and how he had cleaned things up afterwards, He Changyang was furious.

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“Yo! If even He Shao can not tame him, this person must be very interesting!”

That was the first time Jianyi Chuan had seen He Chengyang do anything of the sort for someone, and it was definitely a heartwarming.

“If you really like him, then chase him well! Don’t let it get to the point where you’re too late to even regret.”

He Chengyang frowned: “Chasing someone? I have never done this.”

Besides, Xu Zhun was not worth his time to pursue him.

“You’ve never learnt it, ah!” Jianyi Chuan snickered without mercy: “You think that as long as you flash your golden watch and drive a luxury car, people will come crashing into you!”

He Chengyang: “He just wants my money.”

Jianyi Chuan: “Then how come you haven’t really gotten him yet?”

He Chengyang thought to himself: Yes! I am so wealthy, how can Xu Zhun be willing to leave me? Was this another way to get my attention?

Or was it that Xu Zhun had found someone richer?

Was he looking for his elder brother?

No, he won’t allow that to happen!

He Chengyang looked at Jiangyi Chuan: “What do you think, how should I chase him?”

They both ended up talking a lot about it.

According to the different personality of the target person, a systematic and comprehensive analysis was made.

He Chengyang thought to himself: I’ll get Xu Zhun and tie him to my side, and we’ll see how he can still seduce big brother!


He Chengyang is making me lose braincells lmao.

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