After Major General Black Bear Duran returned home, he began to practice an instrument, not to mention making his brother complain. After Zong Qing knew the effects of the “musical instrument training method” and “daily training method” on spirit beasts, he asked Arthur to work overtime to write a training plan, which he planned to promote in the army.

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“Now that food for spirit beasts can keep up supply, the training system should naturally follow.” Zong Qing said, “If you feel that your strength can rival adult spirit beasts, just let me know and I will arrange for you to stimulate them.”

Arthur the cat shook his ears. After Mingyou came, he held him as a charging treasure every day, and the energy in his body increased day by day. In this life, he was probably much more powerful than in the previous life. It was estimated that in a short time, he would be able to beat an ordinary adult spirit beast that has been hungry for many years and had not recovered their body.

Even if the strength was not enough, he can still use skills to make it work; if the skills were not enough, his family was still there, prescribe a buff and take medicine, what can’t be beaten? Stand up, okay?

What? This was cheating? Everyone’s conditions were equal, they can also find a spirit beast master as an assistant to add buffs. How could the preparatory work done in advance be called cheating?

“Don’t worry, Auntie, I can help you teach those thorny leaders in the army a lesson in a short time.” Arthur raised his hind legs and kicked his ears, “That’s right, Mingyou.”

Mingyou clapped while holding a cat’s paw pacifier. Although he didn’t understand it very well, Dahei was right!

Zong Qing smiled, looking forward to the day when those rebellious spirit beast warriors were beaten to tears by the little black cat.

Yes, the little black cat was finally in elementary school. But the black cat didn’t plan to go to school well. After he passed the elementary school tests, he didn’t intend to skip a grade. Instead, he hung around in school without studying or taking exams, just dawdling around.

Arthur the cat was going to wait for Mingyou to grow well, and then skip a grade to go to university with him. If Mingyou wants to enjoy college life, he would accompany Mingyou to fish on campus for a few years; if Mingyou wants to graduate quickly and do research, he would also accompany him to graduate and rebuild the Mingyou Research Institute.

Arthur pawed around for a bit of pocket money, and counting the income from the live broadcast, it was almost enough money to buy the No. 1 Healing Star.

He was not like Mingyou, using all the money he earned from the live broadcast for charity. Shouldn’t the money earned by his appearances and performances go into his own pocket? Of course, it was up to him to use the money to support research or charity later on. In short, the money had to be drawn into one’s own pocket before the initiative to spend it.

In this life, Mingyou only needed to obediently ask for pocket money, and no longer had to worry about earning money to support his family. To raise a family, I, Arthur, am here! The little black cat counted the deposits, smiled, and was patted on the back of the head by baby Mingyou.

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“What’s the matter?” The little black cat’s paws pushed Mingyou’s chubby baby cheeks. Well, it was a nice feeling. The silly Mingyou was even better now. Mingyou licked the cat, and the cat licked Mingyou, it was very fair.

“Dabai, look for it.” Baby Mingyou took off the pacifier and spoke clearly.

The black cat raised its paw, and baby Mingyou lowered his head immediately, letting the little black cat pat his little head: “Your speaking is getting clearer and clearer.”

Baby Mingyou smiled and stuffed the cat’s paw pacifier back again. He had recently grown teeth and his gums were itchy. In order not to harm the cat’s tail, he could only use the special cat paw pacifier as a teething stick.

“What’s wrong?” The little black cat connected.

Dabai’s head occupied the entire screen: “Your Highness! We found a bandmate! But this teammate ran away from home, what should we do!”

Little black cat: “…why do you ask me what to do?”

Dabai was stunned: “Then who are we looking for?”

The little black cat has narrowed eyes: “Look for the police uncle, and bring the little spirit beast that ran away back home.”

“I’m not going home!” A flash of bright red, accompanied by a cry of “Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” pushed Dabai’s head out of the edge of the screen.

Baby Mingyou took off the pacifier: “It’s Dahong.”

The little black cat froze for a while, then narrowed his eyes and said, “Oh, it’s really red.”

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Red Fox said: “What’s wrong with red? I am scarlet.”

Baby Mingyou and the little black cat exchanged glances. The Dahong they’re talking about wasn’t that. But how could there be such a coincidence? The little black cat raised his front paw and scratched his ear.

He had indeed heard from Xianluo that he had a dark history of running away from home many times during his second year of high school because he did not agree with his family’s ideals, only returning home in despair after running out of money. But he didn’t expect that Xianluo would be able to wander all the way to the Capital Star, and also happened to be paired with the pair of white and gray idiots?

“Dahong is very powerful. He can beat the drums with his supernatural powers, and he can also dance very beautifully!” Dabai’s head tried to squeeze into the screen, occupying half of the space, “Your Highness, please help him.”

“Help him run away from home? Am I a bad tiger who kidnaps and sells children?” The little black cat said angrily, “Bring Dahong here first.”

Dabai smiled and said, “Okay!”

He hung up, and said to the gray wolf with a disapproving face, “I just said, His Highness will definitely help us.”

“His Highness should know you, he wants to contact your family in person,” Dahui said.

The red fox curled up into a ball: “I don’t want to go home.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, Dahui. His Highness and I have also run away from home. His Highness can understand Dahong’s mood.” The polar bear patted his chest, “Come on, let’s go see His Highness first.”

The gray wolf sighed, stood up, shook his fur, and said, “Go and see His Highness first. You don’t have much money anyway, and if you don’t have funds, why don’t you obediently ask your family to pick you up.”

The red fox’s ears were pressed tightly against the top of his head, wanting to refute but unable to do so. He tried to find a job, but although his family wasn’t very clever, it was still possible to do it one by one along the way. So don’t be underage on formal occasions, and on irregular occasions, he would be seized as soon as he went.

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The idea of ​​the family was obvious, please feel free to run away from home, but when the money is over, come back obediently and inherit the family business, don’t think about getting out of the control of the family. But the red fox just didn’t want to inherit that family business.

For this family business, the rift between him and his elder brother became more and more serious. Was the family business more important than family affection?

When he was a child, he did have a rivalry with his elder brother. But when many people surrounded him, saying bad things about her elder brother, saying that he could only inherit the future of the Xian family, there was a voice in Xianluo’s heart telling him that it was not like this, it shouldn’t be like this, the relationship between him and his elder brother should not deteriorate because of these people’s interests.

But Xianwei’s treatment at home was getting worse and worse, and Xianwei was becoming more and more indifferent to him. His struggle alone was like a stone falling into a pool of water, and the tiny ripples would soon be swallowed by the deep water. Such a family made him feel suffocated. He couldn’t wait to leave the home where he couldn’t see any warmth.

When watching Dabai and Dahui’s live broadcast, Xianluo didn’t know why but suddenly felt very kind to these two spirit beasts. That kind of feeling was even stronger than when he saw his elder brother. Xianluo was intuited that he had found someone he could trust and who could help him solve his problems. But… was such a strange intuition really correct?

“Don’t worry, His Highness is omnipotent.” Dabai was still bragging about his boss, His Royal Highness Prince Arthur, a boy who was only six years old.

“If His Highness wants to help you, His Highness is indeed omnipotent.” The gray wolf, who had been very rational and even pessimistic before, unexpectedly agreed to the exaggerated worship of the polar bear.

“Yeah.” The red fox forced a smile, and the tail behind him shook listlessly.

Actually, no worries. Even if he was sent back now, he had two more friends. They could still meet on the holographic network. Some people listened to his complaints and didn’t say that he was naive. He can also form an online band to play together. It was better than before.

In the palace, baby Mingyou hugged the little black cat and repeated: “It’s Dahong.”

“That’s right, it’s Dahong.” Arthur the cat scratched his head again in annoyance, “How can we keep Dahong? It’s impossible, right?”

Dahong was still underage! He also had both parents, and his hometown was far away on Maple Leaf Star, unlike Yan Yi, whose parents were dead and his home was on Capital Star, so he could grab at will.

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Baby Mingyou pressed his face against Arthur’s head, and said, “Dahong is very sad.”

The little black cat sighed: “It shouldn’t be, he shouldn’t be sad now, isn’t he being brainwashed by his family at this time, isn’t it his most arrogant and rampant time?” Could it be… In Dahong’s mind, there was also a mark from the future, which changed his thinking?

“It doesn’t matter, if you can’t do it, you have to do it.” The little black cat clapped his cheeks vigorously, “My subordinates are asking for help from me. As the chief, I must…”

“Oh…it must…” The little black cat lay in Mingyou’s arms, turning into a puddle of cat liquid. It has to be, but he can’t think of how to do it at all.

Baby Mingyou comforted the kitten in his arms. Dahei didn’t know what to do, and of course, he didn’t know either. At this time, he couldn’t do anything except stroke the cat’s fur.

“Look, look for sister-in-law?” Baby Mingyou racked his brains and finally came up with a way.

Arthur’s small head leaned on Baby Mingyou’s shoulder and sighed continuously, and said weakly: “I can only let the omnipotent sister-in-law think of a way. Even if Dahong can’t be kept, at least let him live at home better.”

Baby Mingyou kissed and then rubbed Arthur’s beard. I really want to grow up quickly, I really want to be useful when Dahei is troubled. Baby Mingyou thought to himself.

The sister-in-law quickly received Arthur’s call for help.

The omnipotent sister-in-law was stunned. She lowered her head and asked her golden lion husband: “Honey, what do you think?”

The big golden lion dozed off on Empress Jane’s lap: “You little brat, beat them up and go home.”

Queen Jane =_=. This husband couldn’t be counted on at all.

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