Chapter 12: Budding thoughts of love

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At this time, who would hide in that kind of place? Sneaking around.   

The muscular man frowned and shouted, “Who is it? Come out!”  

However, the footsteps suddenly stopped, and there were no more other sounds.

Seeing this change, An Yu instantly gained some hope. He lifted his head and looked over, “Help!”  

The muscular man shot a look at his little brother. The little brother understood, and stepped back secretly, preparing to tackle them from behind. The muscular man continued to stand in his original place, attracting that person’s attention.  

He dragged An Yu forcibly, and brought the person forward. “Someone wants to be a hero saving the beauty? If that’s the case, don’t hide, confidently come out bei.”   

He estimated the speed of his little brother’s walking, preparing for the other party1 to arrive, so they could flank his back and the front. In order to prevent any mishaps, they did not rush to attack. 

However, when the man drew closer, he could not help but stop his advancement. 

This place was his territory, and he was familiar with every corner of this area. Yet, just a few metres away, there seemed to be a hidden beast that he could not catch a glimpse of. It was just waiting for him to get close, before coming in to bite him.  

Cold sweat could not help but ooze from the muscular man’s back, and he dared not move forward.  

Humans have always been afraid of the unknown, and this man was no exception. He did not dare to advance hastily, while judging the time in his heart. After so long, no matter how slow he was, his brother should have reached his destination.


At this very moment, there was a sudden muffled noise in the darkness ahead, the sound of flesh hitting the ground.

Did he get him? 

The muscular man dared not procrastinate. He waved his big arm and signalled for his brothers to go forward with him. However, as soon as he took a step, he saw a dark figure pouncing towards him.  

The muscular man thought it was an attack by the enemy, so he turned his head and avoided it. The black shadow fell on the head of the person behind him, and the muscular man realised that it was a coat.  

Footsteps sounded out again, and the other person had gotten closer once more. Immediately, the scent in the air became thicker, heavily pressing on them.  

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The muscular man’s whole body was stiff, and he was practically unable to move. Nevertheless, he still relied on his willpower, and turned his head to look at the person coming.  

Not far away, a young man was standing there. His figure was thin, and he was absolutely not as strong as the muscular man was. Yet, despite such a huge difference in body size, he only felt that he was very small in front of this other person.  

The light source at the back entrance of the bar was only the dim bulb hanging by the door.  

The light source was far away, the illumination was too dim, and the opponent’s face was still hidden in the dark—a little indistinct. Only their figure and light grey hair could be seen. 

After the distance was reduced, the pheromones were no longer just a beast that was watching from within the darkness. Instead, it ferociously opened its bloody maw like a predator2, wanting to bite off their heads in one bite.

The first ones who were unable to bear such a terrifying scent were his brothers behind him. Even before they could resist, they turned pale and fell. 

“A group of good-for-nothings.”  

The muscular man clicked his tongue. However, although he cursed in such a manner, he was also actually unable to bear it for long, his legs could not help but tremble.   

Although he also tried to release his own pheromones, this difference was as if an ant had met an elephant and was crushed mercilessly.  

An Yu’s head was covered by the clothes, and he was unable to see what was happening in front of him.    

However, he was also stunned, and even forgot to escape.  

With regards to the original situation, An Yu’s pheromones had yet to be awakened, so he should not react too much to other people’s pheromones. Up ‘til this moment, although he could faintly feel the existence of other people’s pheromones, it was only vaguely. It was either like or repulsion.  

This was the first time he had such an inexplicable feeling. His heartbeat sped up quickly, and blood rushed directly to the top of his head, making his gorgeous little face as red as a cooked shrimp.  

“Don’t-don’t underestimate me, your grandfather!”  

The muscular man threw An Yu aside, trying to rush towards the dark unknown being. But as soon as he took the first step, his body felt as if it had been obstructed, and he messily tumbled to the ground 3. His body felt as if it had been shattered into pieces4.   

The muscular man lay fallen on the ground, his eyes wide.  

It was just an illusion caused by fear. On the surface, his body was still intact. But internally, he really suffered the pain of his body being forcibly torn apart.  

He was a B grade Alpha, relying on his strong body and fairly good genetic grade. He has done his best in this grey area, and he has never suffered.  

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However, he did not expect that on such an ordinary night, an ordinary ‘hunt’ would let him encounter the most frightening monster in his life.   

The shadow in the dark area ahead finally moved again, and there was the sound of footsteps. The familiar soft sound of shoe soles scuffing against the stone road now sounded like the God of Death’s sickle dragging on the ground. The muscular man’s hair could not help but stand on end.  

Just pheromones could make the gap between the two sides so obvious. What was that person’s true identity?  

He felt that he would die here tonight.  

An Yu was also sitting on the ground, his head covered by clothes. Due to his yearning for the scent from those clothes, he did not even reach out to remove it. Unlike those trembling Alphas, he was now warm all over, his body was soft and unable to move.  

An Yu’s usually bright and arrogant face became extremely soft. His eyebrows were drooping, like a gentle white rabbit.  

He peeped at the ground from the gap under those clothes.   

The first thing that caught his eye was a pair of lacquered leather shoes. Then, when he saw the familiar school pants, An Yu’s eyes could not help but widen as he stared at them.  

…Was this a person from their school?

An Yu raised his hand, wanting to pull off the clothes on his head to see who that person was. However, the top of his head was pressed down.  

Not much strength was used, and because there was a layer of cloth, An Yu could not feel the other’s body temperature. However, just having a taste of this light touch made An Yu’s heartbeat suddenly stop.  

The hero who saved him was now standing in front of him. Due to the close proximity between them, the scent of his pheromones was now stronger, allowing one to feel reluctant to leave.  

The other party pressed on the clothes atop his head…was it because he did not want him to see their appearance?    

An Yu opened his mouth, his voice trembling, “W-who are you?”  

He was extremely anxious to know the identity of this person.  

However, the mysterious man did not speak, and only moved away the palm resting on An Yu’s head.  

The muscular man was stuck to the ground, his entire body unable to move. Nevertheless, he was not as weak as his little brothers, who had immediately fainted.  

Relying on sheer willpower, he opened his eyelids and looked at the young man who appeared so suddenly, and he was extremely astonished.    

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He would never have thought that the mysterious person who crushed them—who were all Alphas—so heavily was a beautiful young man with a frail appearance.  

Of course, this ‘weakness’ was only a rough comparison with them being hardened bullies5. It’s just that this person’s appearance does not seem to suggest that he would express such domineering pheromones.  

But this person was close at hand, and the muscular man could really feel the terrifying scent emanating from this person’s body.

After the youth revealed himself, without even looking at him, he walked towards Omega squatting on the ground and pressed the top of the other’s head.  

The man could not figure out the purpose of such an action, and did not care to make any further guesses. He just hoped that this person would let him go.  

“This…this Omega is your lover?” The muscular man strongly resisted his fear, and said with a trembling voice, “I haven’t done anything yet. Take him away. I won’t look for him again.”

The other did not speak.  

“Or…what else do you want, money? More Omegas? I can bring these to you!”

The muscular man was almost begging on his knees, his attitude wildly different from his previous arrogance.  

Then, the other person finally turned his head and looked over. The muscular man saw that the other party reacted to his words, and was about to squeeze out a flattering smile. However, when he met those eyes, his heart seemed to ice over, and his blood flow came to a sudden stop.  

The hair colour of that person was very light, which became more obvious in the dark night. A few dim lights hung from the back door of the small bar, and the light was scattered across the silver-grey hair, highlighting the other’s coldness. The handsome face was half hidden in the dark, under the cold, reflective light, it was dark and inexplicable.  

The muscular man opened his mouth, but found that he could not utter a single word. In this situation, it seemed that no matter what he said, it would always anger this person.  

Anger? That did not seem to be right either, because he was completely unable to see through the expression of the other person at all, and was also unable to perceive what he was thinking.

Compared with himself, that body was extremely thin, but his presence was overwhelming.  

Then, the man saw the grey-haired youth narrow his eyes.  

In the next second, the man felt as if the air around him had been drained, and it was suffocating. Breathing became more and more difficult. Even though he opened his mouth and gulped in the fresh air, there was no effect at all. 

His face was pale, and he was so suffocated, he passed out. 

At this time, there was the sound of hurried sirens from not far away, and they was gradually approaching.  

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Bai Yue saw that everyone had passed out, so he retracted his pheromones. This took a few minutes, but fortunately, no one else came over during that period of time.  

An Yu was sitting in his original position, motionless. It was unknown whether he had fainted or was just in a daze.   

Bai Yue leaned down, wanting to remove the clothing on his head. But after thinking for a while, he walked behind An Yu and took off one of the Alpha’s jackets, exchanging it with his own uniform.  

During this period, An Yu did not react. Bai Yue glanced at him one last time before he stepped back and ran out of the alley.  

Listening to the footsteps fading away, An Yu tore off the clothes covering his head.  

His cheeks were abnormally red, and his eyes were slightly wet. He did not care about the few people who were collapsed around him, and he kept staring in the direction in which the other person had disappeared. 

His heartbeat and breathing were abnormally rapid.  


When Bai Yue walked out of the intricate alleyways and boarded the hoverbus, it was already a little late. He held up his phone and wanted to call his brother.  

It was only then did he discover that his mobile phone had a black screen, and it was unclear when its battery had run out.  

He had to give up on the idea and put his phone back in his school-bag.  

He alighted the floating bus and hurried to his house. From a distance, the inside of the house was brightly lit. His brother must have already been home for some time. 

Bai Yue stood still at the door and adjusted his emotions, before opening the door and walking inside.  

“Sorry for coming home late, I’ll be going to cook now…”  

His words stopped abruptly. He saw the people in the living room clearly, and couldn’t help but freeze in place.  

His younger brother sat inside, looking at him with complicated eyes, “…Brother.”  

And sitting on the other side of the sofa was another familiar figure. Upon seeing him enter the house, he stood up. 

“You’re back.” 

It was a simple greeting, with their eyebrows knitting together tightly. Under the warm yellow light, the single lacquer-coloured stud on their left ear reflected it.

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