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   Boss Su didn’t think he was acting flirty, he just thought that this little assistant was really good.


   He had a good appearance and temperament. He was new to the circle and hadn’t been deeply involved in this world; so he was still pure. It was said that he has a high double quotient and could persuade and move that troublesome* and brain-damaged younger brother that ran away from home. it’s just that he is a little too young.……

t/n: 作天作地a Shanghainese phrase. I just learned this. It means to make a fuss without reason; Be a person who makes unnecessary trouble.

       But it’s okay, he can overcome this by himself. 


In fact, this (everything) was also a coincidence.

          Recently, Boss Su’s heart* had been stirring. He’d already gotten his career to the top, and after a display of love by his good friend and buddy, he decided to talk about someone for himself.

t/n:  world(ly) heart. Boss Su now has desires for worldly/mortal matters.


   But who to talk to was the problem.


   Everyone knew that Su Zhihe was very picky: the person had to be good-looking, had to have long legs, must be his type, must be suitable, and must make him interested.

   And it had to be a man.


   His good friend blasted him: Fu** you. why don’t you just go chase stars!?


   One relative after another, and friends around him also introduced people that they thought were appropriate, but they were all rejected by Su Zhihe.


   Xiang Xun advised him: Don’t be picky, you are already thirty years old; an old man and you still want to be picky? Others will be lucky if they don’t pick you.

t/n: I was going to say “others will be lucky if you don’t pick them” but it doesn’t hit right like the one I chose. 

   Su Zhihe spoke frankly: “The point is that I don’t feel interested (in them).


   Xiang Xun: Interest can be cultivated.


   Su Zhihe: You’re speaking like interest is a hobby.


   Xiang Xun: what you’re talking about isn’t love; It’s interest, right?


   Su Zhihe: Scram!


   Until by chance that Guan Yiyun mentioned a young assistant who obviously lived in Shang Linglong but claimed to live in a basement.


   The little assistant could fool people and but also win people over. He could teach someone how to cry enough to muddle through something, use his pay to treat others to a meal, and had a pair of clean and perceptive eyes.


   He would also often get up early to run in the community at 6 o’clock, and also go to the Penglai vegetable market to buy a bag of vegetables and then buy a bag of books and stationery.


  It was difficult for Su Zhihe to imagine that he would one day have such a strong interest in a young boy he has never met.


   And interest is the beginning of everything. After you have an interest, you are eager to meet and have a look.


   As for buying a company and secretly transferring people’s positions, for Su Zhihe, it was just a matter of moving his fingers.


   The key point was that he neither felt that this behavior was shameful, nor did he feel that with his identity he couldn’t do such things.


Stop being single? You have to take off… Ah, that’s not it,  you have to start with an action.

   Boss Su’s action was to get people to work as an assistant.


   Xiang Xun: “If your brother knew that he hadn’t debuted yet but his assistant would turn into your assistant…”


   Su Zhihe: “Who? ”


   Xiang Xun: “Who else? Guan Yiyun! Your brother! ”


   Su Zhihe: “I don’t know him. ”


   Xiang Xun: “…”


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   Right, this was his Boss Su, the film emperor who doesn’t act according to common sense, had a tawdry aura, and whose character was close to unknown.

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   Qin Qing was still unaware of all this.


   After seeing Su Zhihe, he quietly recalled what he had known about Film Emperor Su from before.  


   To sum it up, there were a lot of rumors and mixed opinions.


   The positive side was of course of Su Zhihe’s success as a Film emperor, his status, achievements, popularity, etc..


The negative side, on the other hand, was just gossip.


Some people said that Su Zhihe was bad-tempered and unpredictable. That he once publicly smashed a glass of water while recording a TV program.


Some people also said that Su Zhihe acts like a big shot and despises other artists who accompany him in an event.


It was also said that Su Zhihe was ruthless, that he would step on others and make sure little artists who displease him are not able to mix well in the entertainment industry again.


   As for whether those rumors were true or not, Qin Qing doesn’t know because when he made a name for himself in the industry, Film Emperor Su had already disappeared.


There were even many versions of why he disappeared so early.


   It was said that he offended the management and was blocked.

   It was said that his family had a big business so he went back to inherit the family business.

   It was also said that Film Emperor Su was lovesick, and therefore, left the entertainment circle in sadness.


   Really, Qin Qing has never seen an actor who has so many rumors and petty gossips.


   After all, Su Zhihe himself was too high profile. How he could afford to live in a big mansion when he first became famous was enough to be constantly discussed over and over again.


   And now, Su Zhihe was right in front of him.


   While Qin Qing was surprised that there would be an interaction after his rebirth, he was also a little happy.


   Because the more different it was from his previous life, the more Qin Qing felt that this life would be more promising.


   Su Zhihe was like a symbol that separated him from his past, and clearly and vividly reminded Qin Qing that his present is completely different from the past.


   So after being surprised, Qin Qing’s heart was a little happy.


   He wasn’t happy for long. After he returned to the car, he was met with Film Emperor Su’s… um, interrogation?


   Su Zhihe:

   “Where are you from? ”

   “How old are you? ”

   “so you left home by yourself? ”

   “How long have you been on your own? ”

   “Do you have any relatives and friends around? ”


   Qin Qing: “…”


  Su Zhihe was leaning against the seat armrest in the car. He smiled calmly: “Don’t be nervous. ”


   Qin Qing said in his mind: I’m not nervous, I just didn’t expect Film Emperor Su to be so familiar in the beginning.


   Qin Qing answered one by one.


   Xiang Xun in the co-driver seat looked back with a deep look on his face.


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   Qin Qing was even more puzzled about his seating.


   Xiang Xun sat in the co-driver seat? while he sat at the back with Su Zhihe?

   Shouldn’t he sit in the co-drivers seat?


   Or was Film Emperor Su’s rules different from other peoples?


   As he wondered about this, Xiang Xun, from the co-drivers position, chatted with Su Zhihe about work.


   Xiang Xun: “Survival in the Wild*” will start recording next week. ”

t/n 绝处逢生: an idiom that ‘describes getting a way out of a desperate life or a dangerous times’. I didn’t know that. Another translation is ‘Thrive in catastrophe’. It’s on novelupdatesè . I loved it ^_^
So since the show is supposed to be “outdoors” I assumed it was a jungle-ish type thing. I haven’t read this story to the end yet, but when I get more details, I’ll come back and edit it.

   Su Zhihe: “Hmm. ”


   Xiang Xun: “That show is half outdoors in nature and half in a built-set. it’s still a bit dangerous and I’m concerned. I’ll arrange more people for you at that time. ”


   Su Zhihe’s tone was casual: “I won’t die. ”


   Xiang Xun: “Just take things easy, okay. if something really happens, you’d be the unfortunate one. ”


   He said again: “They said that this time, artists and ordinary people would participate together. I don’t know if privacy can be guaranteed on the show but I will confirm it for you again. ”


   “Ok. ”


   ”Survival in the Wild”?


   Qin Qing knew about this program.


   When he resigned from the hotel in his last life, in order to enter the circle and quickly develop, he studied up on many film and television dramas and variety shows within several years. “Survival in the Wild” was one of them.


   He’s always had a good memory, and he can remember many programs and episodes that had unique characteristics and styles. “Survival in the Wild” was one of them.

It wasn’t only because “Survival in the Wild” was a homemade variety show that had been popular on its platform for four or five years, but also because “Survival in the Wild ” ushered in a unique topic discussion at the beginning of broadcasting.

  Qin Qing still remembers what made the variety show break into the audience’s consciousness and become very popular.


   ——the CP King.


    In “Survival in the Wild”, there was an ordinary boy who was exceptionally handsome.


    Together with the artists, he participated in the recording and borrowing the words of those fans back then: there’s a sense of CP with every Star but that person was simply just a CP king.


   Because of this CP king, “Survival in the Wild” attracted a lot of attention as soon as it was broadcast. Even if the king only participated in four episodes of recording, it was a good start for the entire program and garnered high ratings.


   It was only then Qin Qing learned that there was such a phrase as a “genuine CP” in the entertainment circle.


   But, why didn’t he remember that Su Zhihe also participated in this variety show?


   He watched the whole season back then but didn’t have any impression of him at all. Could he have missed a few episodes?


   While he was thinking about this, Xiang Xun suddenly said, “Xiao Qin, you should prepare too, we’ll go together next week. ”


   This was the job of an assistant so Qin Qing didn’t ask much more: “Okay.”


   Xiang Xun: “By the way, add your contact information. ”


   Qin Qing took out his mobile phone.


   Xiang Xun: “Let me scan you. ”


   As soon as he finished scanning, another mobile phone came over.

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   Qin Qing raised his eyebrows. After Su Zhihe scanned the code, he said “Remember mark me with a star. ”


   A starred contact will be ranked at the top of all contacts.


   Qin Qing began to feel a little strange again: Film Emperor Su seemed to be really familiar with him.


   The artist was half a boss to the assistant, and there was no reason for the employee to refuse the boss’s reasonable request.


   Qin Qing: “Okay. ”


But privately, the other two people (in the car) started to mock each other.


   Xiang Xun: Very direct ah!

   Xiang Xun: I’ve never noticed that Boss Su can be so enthusiastic and bold?


   Su Zhihe: it’s a small thing.


   Xiang Xun: Who was being nice to you!?


   Su Zhihe: Don’t send any messages, it’ll affect viewing my moments.


   Xiang Xun:? ? ?


   After a few seconds——


   Xiang Xun: Hahaha, Assistant Xiao Qin has no moments*, there’s nothing there at all.

t/n: WeChat


   Xiang Xun: Boss Su, you have no place to start ah, tut-tut.


   Su Zhihe:……

   Su Zhihe: It’s okay, I have one.


   Not only did he have one, but he also turned his head to remind Qin Qing: “You can take a look at my moments”


   Qin Qing: “? ”


   Su Zhihe: “Mine. ” His moments.


   Qin Qing: “…”


   Faced with Boss Su’s active hints and eager eyes, Qin Qing could only pick up his phone on the spot and swipe through his moments.


   It doesn’t matter if you didn’t want to swipe through, but after one swipe, he felt that this world was very surprising.


    Su Zhihe’s moments had been set up for 6 months, and there was only one piece of content in half a year: a photo and a sentence.


   The photo was of a small pond. By the pond, there were several fishing poles inserted inside it, and there was the back view of two people sitting close together by the pond.


   You can tell by looking at the back view that it was two men, but you can’t make out any details by just looking at the photo.


   Until Qin Qing’s glanced down and scanned the bottom four individual characters.


   [I’m a bit envious. 】


   Qin Qing: “…”


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   This great* fellow was still quite down to earth.

t/n: superstar


   when he finished swiping, he suddenly reacted. Just one item in moments, and Boss Su specifically reminded him to swipe through?

   There’s nothing to swipe through!.


   Qin Qing raised his head and puzzledly blinked.


From the corner of his eye, Su Zhihe glanced over, and seeing his blank expression, chuckled lightly. He held his chin in his hand and said nothing.


    Xiang Xun in the co-driver seat once again sighed and shook his head: The sheep has entered the wolf’s mouth; Damn, clearly the sheep has entered the wolf’s mouth.


   The wolf’s flirty operation is also still not good.


   You let people see you envy other couples doing things together in your moments. Why don’t you just directly change your WeChat name to “I want to talk about having a relationship”?


   Xiang Xun then paused: it’s uncertain whether Boss Su can’t do this sort of thing, so he shouldn’t hold too many illusions about his morals.


   When the car drove up an elevated road, Su Zhihe started chatting with Qin Qing again.


   Su Zhihe: “You just entered this industry, are you getting used to the work? ”


   Qin Qing’s own character wasn’t considered very showy but now looking at the face of the new boss, he’s naturally more cheerful while curbing his emotions: “hmm, it’s fine. ”


   Su Zhihe followed the good advice* and had an extremely patient look on: “Whatever you don’t understand in the future, just ask. ”

t/n: 循循善诱: (idiom) follow(ed/ing) good/kind advice/teaching/temptation etc. being good at guiding others to learn or being good at giving systematic advice


   “…” Qin Qing nodded.


   Su Zhihe: “If anything isn’t to your liking, you can also tell me. ”


   “…” Qin Qing nodded again.


   Su Zhihe: “You can also tell me if you have any difficulties in life and work. ”


   “…” Qin Qing raised his eyes to look at Su Zhihe, he suspected that he was dreaming.


   Not just was he a little too familiar, it’s also too friendly.

   And from the rumors, hed heard on his character; It was completely different! (<— the chapter title ^_^)


   Qin Qing silently revised his impression of Su Zhihe in his heart. he removed one by one, all the ones that were akin to ‘big-tempered, poor character and limitless morals’.  


    Xiang Xun who was in the co-driver seat heard this conversation and with a suspicious look on his face, reached out to pinch himself.


   It’s not a dream, right? or was this a fake Boss Su?


   Hiss~it hurts!


Turning his head again, he saw Su Zhihe looking sideways in Qin Qing’s direction, with a gentle and friendly smile on his face.


   He looked at Qin Qing again. The young boy sat quietly, he looked unblemished and his bright eyes were pure.


   A wolf and a sheep.


   For the sheep, the wolf has also started to unscrupulously lay stealthily traps.


   Su Zhihe: “it’s okay to call me Brother He in future. ”


   Xiang Xun: “? ? ?”. dog. Pu***! Laozi has followed you for three years, and I still fucking call you boss!

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