Chapter 21-Image Character and Dull Red Mage

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(TL:By Rafael)


The morning after a week of heavy drinking was still fresh in my mind.




 We were standing in front of the entrance of the Ione Ruins Labyrinth, fully prepared for adventure.




 This labyrinth is located near the city of Quaroto, which is somewhat far from Finis.








 The reason why I'm here in this small labyrinth of lesser dungeons far from Finis is because I've received a request special naming for  "Clover".




 The client is the long-established armor workshop "Arcees" based in Quaroto.




 The content of the request was to deliver a dungeon attack wearing the workshop's new equipment.




"How's everyone doing?"(Yuki)


"Yeah, it's easy to move around. It's pretty light. I like it!"(Marina)







 Marina spun around with a flirtatious look on her face, and her short skirt flipped up softly, revealing a glimpse of her thighs.



 Well, the lower garment is a set of shorts with leg armor sollettes, so it is rather designed to be shown off. ...... I feel a little uncomfortable.












"I'm not used to it, but I think I'll be fine." (Silk)


Silk smiles shyly as she finishes her inspection.




 This one has a jacket-type leather armor of a similar design to Marina's over a black full-body robe that fits her body lines. The exposed shoulders seemed to be the only point in the design.




"I like this. I love the fact that it's a magical artifact."

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 Rain pinched the poncho-like cloak and looked pleased.




"It's very generous of you to give me  this and even pay for it!"(Marina)


"This is going to look great on the broadcast......!"(Rain)








 In contrast to the easy-going couple, Silk was a little anxious.




"I'm nervous. ....... Will I be okay?"(Silk)


"You'll be fine. You look great."(Yuki)


"......! That's not what I meant! It's my first time in the dungeon!"(Silk)








 What, you weren't talking about the delivery projection?




 However, given Silk's personality, she might have a lot of anxiety about going to her first dungeon with unfamiliar equipment.



"Okay. If that's the case, let's have a quick review meeting, including the request."


"Yes. What kind of place is this?"


"Yes, .......







The Aion Ruins Labyrinth is a very old small labyrinth lesser dungeon.




 The depth of the labyrinth is four levels underground, and at the deepest level is the entrance to the main dungeon of the main labyrinth, the Auld Dread Waste City Labyrinth.




 In other words, the "Aion Ruins Labyrinth" is a passage to the main dungeon of the main labyrinth, which also functions as a dungeon.




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"Do you follow me till here?"(Yuki)


"Yes. Yes, I do. So we're going to the deepest part, right?"(Marina)


"Yes, We will."(Yuki)








 The request is to break through the Ione Ruins Labyrinth and reach the entrance to the Auld Dread Waste City Labyrinth.








 The theme of the client, Arcee's, for this season is "A new style for female adventurers. The client, Arcee's, has come up with a new style for female adventurers this season: "Let's go on a fashionable and safe adventure.








 Clover" is a good match for the product line, with Marina as the vanguard, Silk as the light armor type, and Rain as the wizard-type rear guard, and with the recent popularity of the distribution, we were asked to nominate her.


The difficulty level of the game is much easier to deal with than that of "Painter's Ruins". The armor is pretty good, so let's just go as usual and not get nervous.


"You've been down there before, right?"(Rain)


"Yeah. I've been to the Augh-Dread Waste City Labyrinth. The labyrinths here are said to be an ancient commercial city, where magical tools and artifacts are easily unearthed. You may want to attack the dungeon after the request is over."(Yuki)


"Oh, I want to go."(Marina)








  If you want, it might be fun to do a treasure chest opening delivery.




 ......, also known as the "opening of the package", is a relatively popular delivery.




 It's not surprising, though, since it captures the "dreamy" part of the adventure delivery.




"Well, at any rate, ......, this time, the delivery itself is the request."(Yuki)


"A question"(Marina)


"Yes, Marina.."(Yuki)


"So, what's Urses gonna do when he sees our strategy feed? Look for problems with armor?"(Marina)





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 From there, Marina.

 I thought I explained it ... whatever.

 Confirmation is important.


"We're going to edit it and use it as a promotional distribution for our new armor. I don't mean to make you nervous, but you're going to be the face of the new series of armor that Urses is releasing."(Yuki)




"You know those commercials that come on in between feeds? You'll be in those.(Yuki)








 Marina, who had been listening to my explanation with a blank look on her face, shouted out loud.




"What the hell?"(Marina)


"Didn't I explain it to you at ......?"(Yuki)







 I turned to Silk and Rain, and they nodded their heads yes.




 I knew I had explained it to them.




"Oh my God, I haven't taken  care of my ...... skin or my hair!Not even my hair!"(Marina)


"You're pretty enough, you'll be fine."(Yuki)




"Come on, let's go."(Yuki)








 I take out the "Cantera of Discernment" from my magic bag.




 Even though there is editing, it is not a good idea to get trapped and expose your appearance, and in the first place, even though it is a low-grade labyrinth,......, you can't relax.




"......? Marina, why are you frozen to? Let's go."(Yuki)


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Marina walks in a jerky manner.



 Did you get nervous now that you understand that your delivery is going to be used for a commercial?


(TL: I don't think so )


"I'm in the lead , with Rain and Silk in the middle. Marina guards our rear.Don't worry too much about 'Gopuro-kun' moving around to get footage from different angles."(Yuki)


"I understand. Please give me battle instructions."(Silk)







 Silk nodded and resumed carrying his newly made bow.




 It's a composite bow, a magical compound bow that was purchased from Urses for this request.




 It's also a new product that hasn't been released yet, and according to Silk, it's quite powerful.




"If you have any energy left, try using fire magic once. It might be nice to have some flair in the image. And fortunately, many of the demon monsters in the Ione Ruins Labyrinth are good with fire."(Rain)




"Rain? What's wrong?"(Yuki)







Rain looked at me with something of a scowl.




 Didn't she like the fire magic?




"Uh, ...... what?"(Yuki)









 Rain, who was still gazing at me, slapped me on the chest.




 I'm not sure what ...... was wrong with her.

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