Volume 1

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Chapter 49-Threats and anomalies


(TL:By Rafael)


"Hey, wake up."








 A deafening voice and a dull ache force me to rise from the depths of sleep.




 I still had a headache and fatigue, but the situation I saw was enough to wake me up from my slumber.




"Simon, ......, why are you here?"(Yuki)


"Of course I'm here because I followed you."(Simon)


"What the hell are you doing ......?"(Yuki)


"Whoa, slow down, okay?I'm taking the initiative today."(Simon)




Simon shuffles his grinning face to indicate my rear.












 There were the restrained figures of Marina and the others.




They were tied up and didn't seem to move, as if they were out cold.








 Barry and Camilla, who seemed to be watching me, looked at me with triumphant expressions on their faces.




 Jamie was standing elsewhere, looking uncharacteristically quiet.




"What did you do ......!"(Yuki)


"I just let them have a little sleep."(Simon)








 This is a one-sided attack on Marina and others, who probably had little strength left to resist. ......




"Now, do you see that thing around the little one's neck?"(Simon)




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 Barry grabs the unconscious Rain's head and turns it towards me.




 There was an unfamiliar black choker wrapped around her pale thin neck.




 Unfortunately, this looks familiar.




''The [Collar of Slavery] ......? Why would you use something like that!"(Yuki)


(TL: Those extras overstepping their roles...)


"Our kind sponsor lent it to us. He seemed to hold a grudge against you, you know?"(Simon)








 There are a few magical artifacts that are illegal to possess.




 One of them is this. A magical artifact that makes you act without your will.




"You know what will happen to her if I give the order, right?"(Simon)


"What are you going to do with all this stuff? If it comes to light, you will become  criminal, remember?"(Yuki)


Either way, We are ruined. It's ridiculous that a minor misunderstanding could get us deported and stamped as criminals."(Simon)








 Simon seemed to be in a better mood than his words.




"So, here's a good idea that won't hurt either of us: ...... Let's make it up to each other."(Simon)




"Because Yuk is one of us Thunderpikes, the Clover you created is also one of us like brothers in a broader sense, right?"(Simon)








 That sounds like a very broad definition of "all human beings are brothers,"  .......




 Also, please don't make me one of you again.




"Here's the official deed. Would you sign this?"(Simon)








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 It was held out in front of me, and it had some incredible items on it.




"At the time of the start of the court-appointed request mission, 'Clover' had requested 'Thunderpike' to join the Coalition Alliance."




"Discriminatory remarks against elves are made on a daily basis within 'Clover' and 'Thunderpike' was instructed to follow suit."




"Any damage that has been done is due to the fanaticism and incitement of 'Clover' and Yuki Ferdio, and is not the responsibility of 'Thunderpike'."




"Yuki Ferdio sincerely regrets what he has done and apologizes to Thunderpike."




"Thunderpike" shall merge with "Clover" and then promote its rehabilitation.




"What the hell is this ......?"(Yuki)



(TL: Plain bullshit)





 None of this is remotely acceptable.




 He always had a habit of blaming other people for his problems, but this is getting sickening.




"It's going to be a fact. Then we'll all deliver our apologies together."(Simon)








 I don't know what he's talking about anymore, and I don't even know what he's trying to say.




 I wonder if he has finally reached the point of desperation and gone mad from one end of his head to the other.




 In any case, the things that people who think that they have nothing more to lose do are extreme and relentless.








 The curse-like effect of the "collar of servitude" is powerful.




 He could even order them to commit suicide.


 (TL: His sponsor must be powerful)


 I don't know why they didn't put it on ...... me








 No, I see.


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 He said it was an official deed. ...... Supposedly, the form is a magical contract used for large business transactions.




 If he had used manipulation or other magical artifacts to get me to sign, they lose their effect.




Blackmail or not, it would be meaningless if he didn't get me to sign it of my own free will.







 As with the collar, it must have been ordered by someone with a bit of brain.


(TL: I doubt Thunderpike will be where they are if they can plan like this)


"Now, hurry up, will you? Yuki. If you want, I can order your beloved little girl to swing her hips over Barry."(Simon)


"Damn ......."(Yuki)










 I thought he was a bit of a naive idiot, but I didn't expect him to turn out to be such a real lowlife.




"I will sign this but first let my friends go."(Yuki)


"Oh, come on, don't order me around."(Simon)








 The toe of Simon's Sollet steel shoe sticks to my head








"I always told you to behave yourself, didn't I?Yuk. What the hell is wrong with you?"(Simon)








 Simon sighs loudly as he steps on my head after I fall down.




"It's because you left on your own that I'm in trouble, and yet you're enjoying yourself day in and day out! You're garbage! Fuck you!  Scum!"(Simon)








 I was stomped on repeatedly, and the taste of blood spread to my mouth.




"So I'm going to get it back from you, all of it, with interest. That will be fair. It's thanks to us that you've made it this far, right?It's not good to keep it all  good things to yourself."


"Oh, come on, Simon. Don't kill him, okay?"(Barry)

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"I'm taking it easy on him, but he needs to be reminded of ...... that! Why don't we make an example out of those barbarians?"(Simon)








 Simon laughed, as if it were a good idea.




"Yuk. I'm going to make that little girl kill the black elf barbarian now. Then you'll know I'm serious."(Simon)


"Wait, Simon. If you're going to kill her, why don't you just let me enjoy it for a night?"(Barry)








 Barry's hand reached out for  Silk.




"Wait!...... Okay. I'll sign it."(Yuki)


I'll sign it. I really don't want  them to do anything bad to my friends.








 After all they've done for me ......!




 I gritted my teeth as I accepted the contract Simon had offered me.




 I know that signing this won't necessarily make things better.








 But it's the only way to fix this situation now.




 Magic contracts are always signed in the name of the person. A dead man's signature should not be accepted.




 If things get out of hand, I can always have  cut off my head when I escape the labyrinth.








 ...... It's going to be surprisingly quick to see Lady Persephone again.












 At the moment I put the pen to paper, the labyrinth shook great force.

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