Volume 2

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Chapter 17-Main Street and Crying


(TL:By Rafael)



After a quick search of the apartments, we headed back out to the main street, keeping a careful eye on our surroundings.




 This area seemed to be lined with apartments for many people, and we walked down a small street that felt strangely oppressive.




"There's nothing here after all."(Marina)


"I guess it's a residential area."(Yuki)



 Marina, who seemed to be a little dissatisfied with the fact that we hadn't found anything in our search, blurted out.




 We went through the rooms on the other floors, but there really wasn't much to see.




 While historians and technicians may be interested in the clothing and household items left behind, adventurers will be interested in treasures...... the fact that we didn't find anything of value in the way of gold or valuable magical artifacts might be a little disheartening.




 However, we were able to find some gold rings.




"What are these rings, I wonder?"(Rain)


"I can't even tell by "appraising" ....... It seems that the academics at the academy are doing a detailed appraisal right now, so let's wait for the results."(Yuki)


"If it's a magical artifact then that will be great."(Rain)





 Rain, the magic tool artifact freak, is very interested in the gold ring.




 I hope it's worth it too, but I can't help but feel a bit unsure of what it is.




 I'm confident that it's made of a magical metal, but I don't know what the function of a magical artifact is, and it's too often found to be valuable.




 I would like to ask the locals - Loge - about this as well.




"We're going to the main road."(Nene)

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 Nene, who was leading the way, gave a small warning.




 From here, it's a big street where there's not much to block our view.




 Based on what we've seen so far, we'll need to be even more careful.




"Silk, you and Nene should be on the lookout."(Yuki)


"Yes, Sensei."(Silk)





 Silk's eyes can see through the presence of spirits and magical power, and more importantly, her eyesight is quite good.



 If we're looking for a place with good visibility, it's better to have her help us.




 The empty boulevards* were also quite creepy, I thought, as I made my way towards the castle.


 (TL: Boulevards means roads lined up with trees on both sides.)


 The castle town area of the Labyrinth of the Ruins of King Aurias' Castle also had something that looked like a boulevard.




 But because it was abandoned, there was no sign of people, which was not strange to me. ...... But this was different.



It gives the feeling that there was someone there a while ago.





In such a place, the absence of a single person stirred up a strange sense of unease.




 It would be better if the place looked more abandoned.




"It's creepy. ......"(Silk)




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 I wondered if she was thinking the same thing, but Silk let it slip like that.




"Really. Loge said that there are still inhabitants. ......"(Yuki)


"I've never seen that old man either. He seems to be a survivor."(Marina)




 Marina looked back at me, as if my words had reminded her.




"Yeah. It didn't show up in the feeds, so it's possible we really were hallucinating."(Yuki)


"I wonder if that's true. But Rain saw it too, right?"(Marina)






 If that's the case, maybe it wasn't a hallucination after all.




 The magic ring that Rain wears, obtained from the Colorless Darkness, has the power to prevent mental interference.




 If Loge was visible to Rain, it might be more natural to assume that the old man had tampered with the delivery.






Nene ears perked up and she stopped in her tracks.






 We followed suit and stopped in our tracks to be on the alert.



"I can hear something."(Nene)


"I can hear it, too."(Silk)



 We were about halfway north on the main street, about to see the park in the center.




"...... That's the sound of crying, isn't it?"(Nene)


"Yes. Is it a child ...... or rather a baby ......?"(Silk)




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 I can't hear it, but Nene and Silk seem to be able to.




 The cat people and elves have much more acute senses than humans, so they were able to notice it.




"A baby? In the middle of the labyrinth?  Some kind of mimic?"(








 The Mimic Man is a magical creature of extremely bad nature.


It is a kind of mimicry mimic that can take the form of injured creatures.




 For example, when it preys on humans, it takes the form of an injured human and cries out "Save me" to catch you off guard.




"I don't know what it is but  the direction is ...... over there."(Nene)


"A church."(Yuki)





 I could see it from the roof, a blue-roofed church.



 I don't know what kind of god they believe in, but I knew it was a church, perhaps because of the cultural proximity.




 It might be that the building was completely different from the one I had seen when I entered .......




"Should we help ?"(Silk)





 Silk looked at me with a slightly nervous expression.




"Do you think it's human?"(Yuki)


"I think it's possible if there any survivors left  of this world  then they would be in the church."(Silk)





 Indeed, Silk's words made sense.

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 It's not impossible that there are people like that girl who, for whatever reason, have entered the city from somewhere else.




 In a city with this many functions, it is not surprising that there are people who live there, even if they are in the labyrinth, and from what Loge said, it is not surprising that there are people like him who survived.






 What's more, churches and adventurer's guilds have often been designated as places of refuge in times of disaster, both in ancient and modern times.




 If this labyrinth of Glad Shii-im was once the site of some kind of disaster, there is no denying the possibility that some of the survivors are still in the church today.



 If they are locals, they may be able to give us more useful information than that crazy old man who talks in a roundabout way.




"Let's go to ...... and see what's going on first."(Yuki)



 After some struggle, I made my decision.




"Understood, I will scout ahead."(Nene)


"Yes, please. But don't go too deep. If we're going to go in, let's all go together."(Yuki)





 Nene runs noiselessly down the main street.




 We all followed.



 After a while, we caught up with Nene in front of the church.




"How's it going?"(Yuki)


"...... its bad."(Nene)




 The church door was still open.



 I glanced over at Nene, who looked back at me with a blue face.


TL Note- What do you think will append next , comment down below and tell us.

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