Volume 3

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Chapter 10-The Prince and Friends


(TL:By Rafael)




The day after the attack dawned.


 At sunrise, Salmutaria's pickup arrived at the lakeside camp.


 They were delayed because someone had destroyed the bridge that had just been completed.




 At this point, we should still assume that the attack was planned.




"Take him away ....... Make him suffer until he vomits everything."(??)


"Wait a minute.. Guh."(Bandit)




 The bandit groaned as he was hit in the temple with a war stick.


 The one who hit him was Prince Mastoma himself.


 It seems he went out of his way to meet us.




 He is as light on his feet as ever.




"You open your mouth without permission, you fool!"(Soldier)




 A soldier, urged on, drags the cowering bandit away.


 It is not hard to imagine what will happen next, but I am sure a terrible fate awaits them all.


 As I was thinking this, Prince Mastoma turned to me and lifted the corner of his mouth.




"Red Mage Warlock. It seems we are late."(Mastoma)



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 Prince Mastoma turned to me and I silently dropped to one knee.


 "I, an adventurer, am now a nobleman of Wellmeria with the title of Count of the Labyrinth greets the prince."


 If I didn't show a modicum of respect, I would be doing my country a disservice.




"No need, Red Mage Warlock. I would prefer to speak with you on the same level."(Mastoma)




"Very well. I should rather be the one to thank you."(Mastoma)




 He grabs me by the arm and pulls me up.




" Yuki Ferdio. You are the brave Count of the Labyrinth of Wellmeria. You have answered my request. Welcome to Salmutaria."(Mastoma)


"I have only come to pay  back your grace."(Yuki)




 Prince Mastoma shrugged his shoulders at my response.




"I'm sure you're overpaying, At any rate, ...... I'm glad you're all right."(Mastoma)


 "Yes ,And who are they?"(Yuki)


"Apparently, they were sent by my brother."(Mastoma)


"My brother?"(Yuki)




 Prince Mastoma nodded in reply to my parroting.


 A look of utter dismay crossed his face.




"There are seven brothers vying for the throne with me, and I am at odds with one of them."(Mastoma)




 According to Prince Mastoma, his older brothers disliked him very much.

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 He has been subjected to unprovoked violence and intrigue since he was a child, and has even had his life threatened on occasion.


 It's not easy being royalty.




"I've managed to get back at all of them. But, well. I may have to ask you guys to be on the lookout for this ...... matter."(Mastoma)


"Can I share this information?"(Yuki)


"It's no secret that I've had my difficulties with that thing. Suit yourselves."(Yuki)


"Thank you."(Yuki)




 I smiled lightly and bowed to Prince Mastoma, who nodded his head and muttered, 




"You see, Yuki?"(Mastoma)




"You are being too polite."(Mastoma)




 The sudden words fill my head with question marks.




"You should be more informal."(Mastoma)



 He's a asking something unrealistic 


 He may be the "Count of the Labyrinth," but he was once a common adventurer from the countryside.


 If  I am not careful, I could make a rude mistake.




"Mr. Ferdio,The master wants to be your friend."(??)




 The woman who appeared with a wry smile was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman not often seen in Salmutaria.


 As I recall, she was Mejaluna. She is one of Prince Mastoma's wives.



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'My dear. If you want Ferdio-sama to understand, you must first choose words that are easy to understand."(Mejaluna)




"You must understand that Mr Ferdio here is not of the royal blood."(Mejaluna)


 Prince Mastoma, rebuked by his wife, lowers his eyebrows.


 He may be making an effort in his own way, but the habits of birth and ingrained sensibilities are not likely to be changed in that way.




"Your Highness I..."(Yuki)


"Call me Mastoma, Yuki."(Mastoma)




 Mastoma's words startled me and I choked up.






"Isn't that okay?"(Rain)




 As I was wondering, Rain appeared next to me and looked up at me.




"Reynise! Are you alive and well?"(Mastoma)


"I'm Rain, Your Highness."(Rain)


"Thank you for what you've done.'(Mastoma)


"I didn't do anything."(Rain)




 The Prince of Mastoma smiled with narrowed eyes at Rain, who gave a small smile.




"You are a good wife to your husband."(Mastoma)



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 I don't think that's the part where you should be embarrassed, but rather, you should be able to gently avoid it, Rain.


 Well, let's hope we can keep this hidden.




"Mr. Ferdio. We would be honored if you would be my master's friend."(Mejaluna)


"Lady Mejaluna, that's not how it works either. ......"(Yuki)


"It is very unusual for the Master to behave in such a lovely manner.'(Mejaluna)




 The prince of Mastoma stopped Mejaluna's words by opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something.


 His dark-skinned face was slightly flushed.






"If it's all right with me. Well, I am pleased to meet you, Mastoma... Your Highness."(Yuki)


"Oh, no. Be more conciliatory. I'm like a fool now."(Mastoma)


"All right, Mastoma. I am really a country commoner, and I may be quite rude, you know?"(Yuki)




 Prince Mastoma's tone of voice was determined, but he was so pleased that the corners of his mouth twitched.




"Good, I am pleased."(Mastoma)


"I hope so. ......'(Yuki)


"Then let's get going. It's a bit of a walk, but first we have to get to La-Jo."(Mastoma)




 The prince of Mastoma laughed a little as I twisted ny head at the unfamiliar words.




"The name of the town I have prepared for you. It is also a place of new hope for this country."(Mastoma)


TL Note- La jo- Town of hope and our next adventure. Mastoma and Mejaluna are good couple, NYC.

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