Volume 3

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Chapter 37-Strategy meeting and memories of that day



(TL:By Rafael,


Guided by Nene's warning, we proceeded toward the "Temple of the King," which came into view at the far end of the "Valley of the Dead.


 Fortunately, there were many places to hide in the lush green valley of death, and we did not encounter any monster monsters.




"We should be able to see it soon. We should stop and think about what to do."(Yuki)


"Right,we need to rest and have a light meal too"(Nene)




 We went off the beaten path a little and settled down in a rock cave where we could hide ourselves.


 Nene told us that the basic terrain had not changed and that there were several such points.




"Lun, are your legs okay?"(Yuki)


"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks to the boots Onii-chan bought me."(Nibelung)


"I see. If you need anything, don't hesitate to tell me.'(Yuki)




 Nibelung has a relatively large number of magic tool artifacts.


 The [cargamo boots] she wears is one of them, which she had found and I purchased at the open-air market bazaar in Finis.


 It is a magical tool artifact for children who are not used to traveling, and it helps them keep pace with their surroundings, and in addition, it reduces the fatigue of walking.


 It is the perfect magical tool artifact for the current Nibelung.




"Nene, get some rest."(Yuki)


"There were no demons, and I'm not tired."(Nene)




 When I stopped Nene, who was about to leave the grotto and enter the vigil, she tilted her head curiously and refused.

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 Unsurprisingly this catgirl is too hardworking.





'Yes, and If there are no demons either. Let's have dinner together. I'll give you a ham."(Yuki)






 Nene, ears perked up, rushes back into the grotto.


 I've learned her tastes as well, now that she's the fifth leaf.


 I've also learned that she is ...... surprisingly picky about food.




"Either way, I need Nene to be there for the strategy meeting."(Yuki)


"That's why I am here...... I was not lured by the ham ~Nya."(Nene)






 The ham is made from the high-end long-haired red pigs that are delivered to the royal palace in Salmutaria.


 Even if you're not Nene, you don't want to miss out on the chance to eat it.




"Now, let's talk a little about what's going to happen next. Nene, report.'(Yuki)


"Nya~ Well, there are a large number of  Shadow Stalkers, ahead of us, just past the narrow road."(Nene)


"Do you think we have enough strength to fight them?"(Silk)




 At Silk's words, Nene twists her head as she chews her ham.




" I can't answer that question because I don't know how strong the  Shadow Stalker is. But even if it were all Borglu, I wouldn't want to deal with them."(Nene)


"I see. ...... We have to find a way to get to the Temple of the King somehow."(Silk)

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"How about a diversion?"(Jamie)




 Jamie takes a bite of her black bread and looks at me.




"I don't  know how we're going to be able to meet up with the others after the diversion. Besides, will it work for Shadow Stalker ......?"(Yuki)


"I guess so. The shadow stalkers around the "King's Mausoleum" seem to have a purpose. I don't know using  a diversion will work."(Silk)


"Purpose, what kind of?"(Jamie)


"I wonder what kind of. ......"(Yuki)




 I'm curious, indeed.




 It is highly possible that they are acting with an agenda this time as well.




Whatever its purpose, we need to go to the "King's Mausoleum. But if we can't take it on, we'll have no choice but to stall it.


There are several ideas, but it depends on whether or not we can create a diversion. Let me think about it for a while.




 While eating black bread and prosciutto ham, I thought up a plan in my head.




 A frontal attack would be dangerous. If each and every one of them has the same combat power as the shadowy Shadow Stalker, they could do a lot of damage.


 One mistake could result in total annihilation.




 Diversion may be a hand, but not necessarily as  they may be more intelligent than Borglu.


 If we are systematically driven into a corner, the decoys│(probably Nene) will be in danger.


 If that happens, we won't be safe either.


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 The best way is to sneak into the "King's Temple" quietly and without fighting. ......








 How about this?


 Is it too risky to try here?


 I don't even know the principle.


 But it might be worth a try.




"Yuki. You are making funny faces now."(Rain)






 It seems that I was making a hundred faces without knowing it.




"It's your bad habit. If you have something to say, share it! If you don't, you'll be misunderstood."(Jamie)


"Jamie is right. Don't keep it to yourself."(Marina)










'Well, let's see. I'm really just guessing. ...... I think everyone except Lun remembers it. You know, the story of the collapsed Finis."(Yuki)


"You mean when I was lost?"(Nibelung)


"Yes. You don't want to remember, but there was  Shadow Stalker, there too."(Yuki)



 I don't know if it's correct to say that there was a shadow stalker.


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 That is a possibility for the future.




 If the "Invisible Darkness" continues to overflow and swallow Finnis, that is what will happen.


 The "Invisible Darkness" is a "place where everything exists and nothing exists," encompassing all time, dimensions, and possibilities.


 It is not surprising that the "colorless darkness" that manifests itself as a labyrinthine dungeon - the "tower" - shows Finis the possibilities of a possible future.




 Perhaps the Shadow Stalkers encountered in that place were former residents of Finis.


 But we ...... weren't attacked that time.


 We thought it was simply because Simon's ranting drew our attention, but that may not be the case.




"We certainly weren't attacked. There were injured people here, and they could have attacked us."(Silk)


"So you think it's possible to create a diversion?"(Jamie)


"Yes, it would be possible. And I will be the decoy."(Nene)




 His words drew gasps from the others.




"What do you mean?"(Rain)


I think that the  Shadow Stalkers were reacting to the Prismatic Missile, the arrow of distorted luminescence that I had released."(Yuki


"To magic?"(Silk)




 I shake my head at Silk's words.




"No, to curse."(Yuki)


TL Note- Sorry for the late release ,I was giving my practical and viva ,just a hour before. 

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