A long time passed before Yan Ge opened her eyes, and there was hope in her gaze as it looked toward her river lantern floating away.

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It was not until the lantern was far away that she withdrew her sight and stood up to ask Emperor Yuan: "What did you just say?"

He looked into her shining eyes, and his voice was raspy: "What did you wish for?"

Her eyes bent into a smile at his words. Unexpectedly, there was the daintiness of a young girl in her expression: "The wish won’t work if spoken out loud.”

Squeezing her hand, Emperor Yuan’s throat moved, but he did not ask anymore.

Just when she placed her river lantern on the water, he had already signaled for a secret guard hiding in the dark.

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No matter what wish she had, she did not need to ask the heavens. So long as he was here, he would help her accomplish it.

The entire river was full of lanterns and the flowing lights were as bright as a sky full of stars. However, his eyes could only follow her. She stood there illuminated by the lights, and she was the most dazzling.

As if thinking of something, Yan Ge released her hand and bent down to pull out a small and delicate dagger from the sole of her shoe and placed it in his hand: At first, I wanted to buy a gift for you, but I didn’t come across anything I liked. Don’t look down on this little thing; it’s quite useful in combat. In fact, it may not be used given your identity. Still, this is all I can offer. You can make do with the situation and throw it away later, but you mustn’t refuse it right now.”

When she entered the palace, the palace servants had removed everything on her. Emperor Yuan did not think that she hid a dagger at the bottom of her shoe. For a while, he held the dagger without knowing whether to laugh or cry, but when he saw her nervous expression, a warm current passed through his heart. He grasped the dagger and answered softly: "Alright, I accept."

She gave him her life-saving dagger. Even if he declined, he would still worry over how she had nothing on her. Then again, she had no need for a dagger in the palace these past few days. Never mind, he will give her a better replacement some other day.

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Someone was shouting out guesses for a lantern riddle nearby. She ran a few steps forward and circled around the colorful lanterns. At that moment, a tide of people passed, and he quickly looked through the crowd and saw her standing in front of a huge lantern. Turning her head, she watched him with a smile.

Her smiling expression was bright, and her high spirits were like a halo that eclipsed the lanterns around her.

He looked at the dazzling her and turn foolish for a moment.

A child bumped into him at this time. He promptly bowed down to support them and child's mother apologized to him over and over. Perhaps it was because he was happy that he looked at the people around him with an unknowing smile.

He was smiling as he dodged the crowd, but when he raised his head again, he could not find her figure.

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He rushed to the place she stood and searched everywhere, but all he could see was the crowd. She was clearly an existence that stood out from them, but right now, he could not see her anywhere.

A hidden guard beside him stepped forward and reported that she could not be found.

His heart felt a cold chill. Everyone was laughing around him, yet he stood there trembling from head to foot.

He was trembling from anger.

Her martial arts are good. He knows that now that even the hidden guards could not find a trace of her. This shows she had planned to leave since earlier.

Did she leave because she did not want to stay in the palace or follow him?

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If that was the case, then why feign civility?

His heart felt truly cold, and the wind blowing from all directions felt as if it penetrated his bones.

He could not help but think again; could she have been kidnapped?

This thought infuriated him so much that he nearly lost his reason. After reigning back control, he ordered the hidden guards to find her trail even if it meant turning the city upside down.

She was a living person; he did not believe she could just disappear.

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