Song Wei had used all his energy to say these words and lost consciousness right afterwards.

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Emperor Yuan seemed to stare at him, but his eyes actually had no real focus as his clenched and loosened.

He turned around and strode out the door.

Lady Luo was already waiting in the palace hall.

When the Emperor Yuan walked through the doorway, he saw an elegant woman kneeling of the ground. One could already see how weak and delicate she was from her back.

Emperor Yuan’s leg froze in midair.

It was just a back view, yet he already knew that the woman was not Yan Ge.

She was not the third daughter of the Luo family at all.

The woman he thought about endlessly was the existence he wholeheartedly sought to eliminate.

He wracked his brains and schemed for so long. He could see the fruits of victory, but they did not prove to be what he wanted.

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Emperor Yuan’s body felt a chill all over.

The last bit of hope had been shattered. At this moment, his heart dropped into an abyss, and he could no longer see the light.

“His Majesty has arrived!”

At the sound of Eunuch Su’s voice, the kneeling woman quickly saluted Emperor Yuan: “May Your Majesty be at peace.”

Emperor Yuan remained standing at the door.

He did not move, nor did he focus his attention on the woman.

He wanted to continue to deceive himself, but the woman’s voice was a polar difference extreme from Yan Ge's voice.

His teeth gritted his teeth and his lips were pursed firmly. As if finally reacting, he strode out the door in the next moment.

On his desk were stacks of memorials the palace secretary was ordered to send to the ministers’ residences the following day.

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That very night, Emperor Yuan rushed to the border station with his personal guards and Song Wei.

Her letter was placed in his chest, and he would reach out touch it from time to time.

His hands were cold, but whenever he touched his chest, he could feel his blood boiling.

Is she Ming Lan? Is she really the Lord of Zhenbei?

Is she ardently waiting for him in Fengcheng?

There were so many doubts and uncertainties. There was so much had not yet been confirmed…

Most matters in the first half of his life were a gamble; winning meant obtaining the world while losing meant having nothing.

Whenever he took a gamble, he was always sure of the outcome.

But this time, he was not. He was not sure if she really was Ming Lan, and he did not even know what awaited him at the border as he travelled there in such a simple manner.

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He had no certainties, but honor permits no turning back1.

The gale blew past his ears, and his features became increasingly frigid.

By the time they arrived in Wucheng, they had travelled three days and three nights, and many horses had galloped to death along the way.

When he dismounted from the horse, Emperor Yuan's legs trembled so hard that he nearly fell. The skin on his legs had cracked open from the friction. He lived a pampered life and had never traveled day and night on horseback. A nearby guard wanted to support him, but the man was stopped by the look in his eyes.

He merely became like this from saddling a horse for three days, then what about her? She, a woman, defended the border for such a long time. How did she withstand it?

Upon arrival, Emperor Yuan seized Chang Shijie’s military power with bolting speed and set off for Fengcheng the same night.

It was his first military campaign and his first time on the battlefield.

As he child, he fantasized about leading hundreds upon thousands of troops to pacify the world, but as he currently led endless rows of men on horseback, his chest was calm and without a ripple.

There was no excitement of achieving his goals. There was no blood rushing excitement for the battlefield.

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At this moment, his heart called out her name again and again.

Yan Ge, Zhen[I]I will gamble the world, just please, wait for Zhen[me]!


Ji Zai: Blockhead, this mighty one seems to like you, why don’t you abduct him?

Yan Ge lifted her eyelids: As you said, he only likes me. What am I supposed to do with this kind of man? A Love between a human a tree, hahaha—abnormal! I don’t have requirements for my partner, but the fundamental point must be that he's a tree.

Ji Zai: You might spend your last years alone.

A certain beast: Ao, if a human and a tree won’t do, then a beast and a tree is possible. Come, let me eat you!!


Honor permits no turning back (义无反顾—yì wú fǎn gù): idiom that means to proceed without hesitation. 

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