Xie Ning received a call from Yan Xi. He said that he was going to the south for a business trip on the weekend, so they could meet.

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They didn’t need to meet, but Yan Xi and Xie Ning wanted to meet.

The time was set for Saturday night. The crew closed early that day. So when Zhuang Yan returned, he saw Xie Ning was planning to go out.

Zhuang Yan clasped his wrist and said, “Wait for me.”

Xie Ning turned his head to look at him.

Zhuang Yan had just returned from the outside, his fingers were slightly cold, and it was a coincidence that his hand was on Xie Ning’s wrist tattoo.

Fingertips covered it, and after staying for a while, he seemed to rub it twice unintentionally.

Zhuang Yan felt it the last time he kissed it. But this time, he found that the skin under his fingertips was slightly rough.

Like… scars?

Zhuang Yan’s eyes darkened.

Xie Ning, who was unaware, asked, “What’s the matter?”

“I’ll accompany you.” Zhuang Yan’s tone was calm, and he pushed his heart’s emotions back.

Xie Ning glanced at him abruptly: “What are you planning to do?”

Zhuang Yan curled his lips and smiled at him, “Anyway, sooner or later, we will be a family. I should be familiar with your friends.”

Xie Ning frowned and hesitated for a few seconds.

Zhuang Yan asked him, “How are you going to get there?”

Xie Ning: “Taxi.”

“You can try.” Zhuang Yan laughed, “The location here is rather far off, and it is usually impossible to get a taxi. Are you planning to wait for a few hours in the cold wind?”

Xie Ning was surprised. “Is that so?”

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“Yeah.” Zhuang Yan made the decision directly for him, “You don’t know how to drive, don’t hesitate anymore, I will send you there.”

Xie Ning had no choice but to say “Okay”.

Sometimes he found that their way of getting along was quite interesting.

Zhuang Yan had a strong personality, and Xie Ning was comfortable with the way he handled things, so between the two, it was often Zhuang Yan who held the initiative, and Xie Ning who passively accepts.

But Xie Ning didn’t hate this feeling and even faintly breathed a sigh of relief.

He used to always be confused and muddled. One day was one day. There was no goal or direction in life, just like walking in a forest clouded with fog.

He didn’t know the way forward or the way back.

Now it was different.

Someone was there to take his hand and point him in the right direction.

He didn’t have to worry about whether to go left or right. He just needed to trust Zhuang Yan wholeheartedly and let him make the decision.

Wait for him to take himself out of the fog and usher in a bright future.

“Wait for a few more minutes.” Zhuang Yan clasped Xie Ning’s wrist and led him into the master bedroom.

Xie Ning wondered. “You need to do something?”

“No.” Zhuang Yan said, “I’ll change my clothes.”

As he said that, he opened the closet, took out two sets of clothes, and spread them out on the bed. “Which one do you think is better.”

Zhuang Yan’s taste in clothing had always been excellent. Xie Ning scanned the two suits on the bed and said sincerely. “They’re both good.”

Zhuang Yan pondered for a moment and chose the one that matched Xie Ning’s clothes.

Xie Ning’s lips frowned when he saw him changing into his clothes. “You pay so much attention to this, that you’re even changing clothes specifically?”

Zhuang Yan buttoned the cufflinks on his sleeves and raised his eyebrows with a smile. “When have I not paid attention to things related to you?”

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Xie Ning couldn’t help but freeze for a second.

Zhuang Yan took a look in the mirror, picked out a tie, and asked him in a low voice, “Tie it for me?”

Xie Ning took two steps in his direction, stretched out his hand to take the tie, and raised his eyes to look at Zhuang Yan. “…Lower your head.”

Zhuang Yan looked down at him obediently.

Xie Ning put his hands on the ends of the tie, and when he went around Zhuang Yan’s neck, he seemed to take the initiative to reach out and embrace him.

The knotting movement was gentle and his eyes were solemn. Zhuang Yan looked at him, his Adam’s apple unconsciously bobbing up and down.

Before Xie Ning could step back after tying the other man’s tie, a shadow covered him first.

Zhuang Yan clasped the back of his head and lightly kissed his lips.

Xie Ning exited blushing.

Before leaving, Zhuang Yan took another coat from the closet and threw it at him. “It’s cold at night, so bring an extra coat.”

Hugging the clothes in the car, Xie Ning later realized that the clothes in his hands looked a bit strange. “This coat seems to be yours.”

“It’s fine.” Zhuang Yan glanced at him with a smile, “This is not the first time you have worn my clothes anyway.”

Xie Ning: “…”

The place where the crew was located was indeed a long way from the agreed place. When the two arrived, Yan Xi had been waiting for a long time.


The reserved position was exactly at a table by the window. Xie Ning sat there, and as soon as he sat down, he gave Yan Xi an apologetic smile. Zhuang Yan followed from behind and sat down beside him very naturally.

Yan Xi said, “Why apologize to me.”

Seeing Zhuang Yan, he was not surprised and nodded slightly at him as a greeting.

Yan Xi handed the menu to Xie Ning and said, “I remember this restaurant used to be a favorite of yours. I checked it and it was still open, so I chose it. I don’t know if they have changed chefs after so many years.”

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Xie Ning lowered his head and pinched the corner of the menu with his fingertips. “I have forgotten what the dishes are.”

Zhuang Yan suddenly remembered that Xie Ning had stayed in the South for a long time when he was a child. It could even be said that he grew up here.

He looked at Yan Xi again and asked, “You’ve known each other since childhood?”

Yan Xi raised his eyebrows and said in a slightly provocative tone. “Did Xie Ning mention it to you?”

Zhuang Yan said casually. “We usually don’t talk about insignificant people.”

Yan Xi was stumped.

Xie Ning explained. “This is Yan Xi’s hometown. We used to be neighbors with his family so we have known each other for a long time.”

Yan Xi added. “Xie Ning and I are bamboo horses. We’ve been together for more than ten years before you knew him.”

[t.n. – “bamboo horses” is a term that refers to childhood sweethearts, usually male and female. In this case, it is mostly being used as a way to taunt or rile up Zhuang Yan]

Zhuang Yan glanced at him meaningfully. “That’s not necessarily true.”

Although he had no impression, his Mother said he had met Xie Ning when he was born.

Before the verbal war between the two escalated, Xie Ning called the waiter to order.

After saying the names of a few dishes, he turned his head and asked, “Is this enough?”

Yan Xi: “It’s all the same.”

Zhuang Yan: “You know my taste.”

Xie Ning reluctantly placed the order.

It was true that he and Yan Xi hadn’t seen each other for a long time, and since they revisited a familiar place, they chatted with a few more words. “How are uncle and auntie?”

Yan Xi nodded. “I went home earlier during the day, and their bodies are still strong.”

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Zhuang Yan listened to the conversation of the past filled with excitement, and his hand under the table moved restlessly.

He leaned sideways for a few minutes, quietly grasping Xie Ning’s hand, which was hanging on his waist, drew his fingertips into his palm a little bit, and filled the gap between their fingers.

The fingers which were squeezed involuntarily were intertwined, and tightly buttoned together.

Xie Ning was halfway through the conversation with Yan Xi when his voice paused, and he turned to look at Zhuang Yan.

Zhuang Yan chuckled and asked. “You lived in the South for more than ten years?”

Xie Ning: “Yes.”

Zhuang Yan curiously asked. “Then is the house you used to live in still here?”

“Not anymore.” Xie Ning was silent for a few seconds and lowered his head. “When we returned to the north, we sold the house.”

Zhuang Yan frowned slightly.

He and Xie Ning were too close. He clearly felt the stiffness of Xie Ning’s body just now, and the shaking in his hands with a slight touch.

Yan Xi’s expression also held somewhat a trace of hesitance.

However, without waiting for him to ask, the waiter happened to come over to serve the food.

It was too weird to eat with one hand, so Xie Ning took the opportunity to pull his hand from Zhuang Yan’s palm.

Yan Xi took two bites of the food and changed the subject. “The suit on you is quite unfamiliar, and it’s not at all like the style you usually wear. Newly bought?”

Before Xie Ning could speak, Zhuang Yan answered in a calm tone. “Oh, that’s because they’re my clothes.”

Yan Xi: “…”

He raised his head to look at Xie Ning and happened to see him feeling hot and embarrassed.

After the meal, Yan Xi felt that he was not full of food.

But was rather stuffed with dog ​​food.

[t.n. – for those unfamiliar with CN internet slang, dog food is often used to describe PDA i.e. public display of affection. In other words, just affection from a pair of lovers.]

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