chapter 8 - not interested

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Once it was time for dinner, Zhuang Yan arrived at his appointment on time.


Xie Ning’s house was the building right behind his own, which was not far, but the villa covers a large area of land, so he has to take a longer, roundabout way to get there. Zhuang Yan parked his car right in front of Xie Ning’s house.


After entering the room, his gaze landed on Xie Ning. He paused, taking in what he saw.


Today, Xie Ning was wearing casual home clothes. It was warm inside, so he didn’t wrap himself up in layers like he did when he was outside, and his slim and slender figure was completely exposed.


He was too skinny.


Zhuang Yan took another look at his waist, and though he averted his glance right away, his thoughts couldn’t help but wander.


I feel like I can wrap one hand around it.


In terms of style, Xie Ning’s looks were cold and indifferent, giving off a delicate and fresh feeling, so he should have been considered a cold beauty. However, in Zhuang Yan’s eyes, he just thought he was cute no matter how much he looked at him, and wanted to hold him in his arms and squeeze him like a doll.


Xie Ning lifted his head, saw Zhuang Yan’s deep gaze on him, and subconsciously stopped for a moment.


Zhuang Yan changed his shoes and said, “I was in a hurry today, so I didn’t bring anything.”


Xie Ning brought him into the living room, turned on the TV, threw the remote at him, and said, “There’s no need to bring anything.”


The living room was decorated simply, and other than the necessary furniture, there were no other decorations. It was impossible to determine the owner’s taste.


On the glass table in front of the sofa, there was only a glass tea set and napkins. There were no fruits or tea, and one would be unable to determine if they were put away or if the owner merely had nobody coming to visit.


“Dinner isn’t ready yet. I’ll head to the kitchen first.” Xie Ning took two steps, thought of something, and turned to ask, “Right, what do you want to drink?”


Zhuang Yan just came in after experiencing the cold wind outside, and naturally asked, “Is there any ginger soup?”


Xie Ning: “There isn’t.”


This time, Xie Ning felt a little ashamed. In the afternoon, he’d contacted Teacher Yang Rui and arranged a time to meet. He was so excited that he wanted to go right away.


Only when it was almost dinnertime did he remember that someone was going to come over for dinner, and jumped to the kitchen.


He didn’t have time to even make dinner, much less prepare ginger soup.


Fortunately, it didn’t seem like ginger soup was a must-have for Zhuang Yan. He asked again, “What about coke?”


Xie Ning: “...I don’t have it.”


Zhuang Yan: “Orange juice?”


Xie Ning: “...I don’t have that either.”


Zhuang Yan: “...”


Zhuang Yan really wanted to say, If there was nothing in the first place, then why did you ask me what I want? But once he saw how Xie Ning looked quite embarrassed, he swallowed the harsh words he was about to say.


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He good-naturedly asked, “Then, what is there to drink?”


Xie Ning thought about it, and said, “Coffee?”


Zhuang Yan thought, Drinking coffee at this time? Are you planning to not sleep tonight?


“There’s also milk.”


Zhuang Yan laughed lightly. “Just give me a cup of hot water.”


Xie Ning: “Oh, okay.” What’s wrong with drinking milk! Why was he laughing!


A faint sound came from the kitchen, and Xie Ning remembered that he was still stewing soup. He hurriedly said, “I’ll go take a look in the kitchen,” and left Zhuang Yan in the living room alone.


There was a variety show playing on TV. Zhuang Yan watched it for a little while, but wasn’t very interested, so he lowered his head and played with his phone instead.


Qi Rui was off being social at who-knows-where, and sent a picture he snapped into the WeChat group, saying he saw that stupid cunt Xu Qing.


The picture was taken blurrily, and the lighting wasn’t good, but Xu Qing’s face could be seen clearly, along with the little celebrity that was in his arms.


Some people recognized the little celebrity as Xiao Shi, who was quite popular.


Everyone knew about Xu Qing pursuing Zhuang Yan back in the day, so the good friends in the group started to gossip.


Zhuang Yan scoffed.


Back then, he only needed one look to know what kind of person Xu Qing was under his skin. Sure enough, after years had passed, his true nature was showing.


He was fed up with hearing about Xu Qing, and sent a meme in the group chat. Seeing that he’d appeared, and knowing his temper, they changed the subject quickly.


It was finally quiet.


As he was thinking this, Qu Rui sent him a private message.


Qi Rui: Did you know that Xie Ning is actually quite good-looking? But he’s a different type from you, so I can’t tell where you guys are similar.


Qi Rui: He seems clean and pure, and his temperament is excellent. Those little celebrities pale in comparison to him, and he was actually quite an influential figure back in university. I just don’t know how he could ever fancy Xu Qing.


Zhuang Yan: You’ve seen him?


Qi Rui: No, but I have photos.


Qi Rui: Are you interested? Do you want me to send it to you? He’s really quite beautiful!


Zhuang Yan raised his eyebrows.


He sent three words over: I’m not interested.


As pretty as they say he is, could he be better looking than Mr. Rabbit?


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He’s only interested in Mr. Rabbit right now.


Xie Ning had been in the kitchen for a long time now. Zhuang Yan, bored, watched the variety show for a little and scrolled through Weibo, but still didn’t see Xie Ning come out.


He felt as if something was strange and was a little worried, so he went over to the kitchen.


Hearing his movement, Xie Ning glanced at the door. Thinking he was hungry, he said, “Wait a little longer, there’s a dish I haven’t finished cooking yet. Do you want to eat some crackers first if you’re hungry?”


Zhuang Yan leaned against the door, knit his eyebrows, and looked a little weird.


Seeing how Xie Ning was actually going to get him crackers, he hurriedly stopped him, and asked, “You...cook for yourself?”


“That’s right.” Xie Ning nodded his head.


Zhuang Yan continued to ask, “You didn’t hire an auntie to cook?”


Xie Ning, while cooking, said, “There’s no need for that.”


Xie Ning was used to living alone, and didn’t like people interrupting him. Before, at his bachelor’s pad, he also dealt with his meals himself. Since he just moved here as well, he didn’t think he needed to hire an auntie to cook.


Zhuang Yan seemed to have misunderstood something, and the look in his eyes became even stranger.


“You live alone in such a big house?”


Xie Ning nodded at first, but then shook his head. “There are cleaners that come every so often.”


Zhuang Yan asked, “What about your family?”


“They live somewhere else,” Xie Ning said. He moved out to live alone early on, and was not very close with his parents.


The more he said, the more Zhuang Yan assumed.


This time, a lonely image had already formed in his mind.


There was going to be two people at dinner today. Xie Ning thought about it and made a couple more side dishes and an extra bowl of corn radish rib soup.


His cooking skill was just average, so Xie Ning thought that according to Zhuang Yan’s palate and personality, he was going to make fun of him at least a few times. Unexpectedly, when they sat down, Zhuang Yan slowly picked up the dishes, as if he was a completely different person from the harsh and sharp person yesterday.


Did he change his personality?


Xie Ning didn’t expect this. When he thought about it again, he guessed that, since Zhuang Yan came today as a guest, he wouldn’t not give him any face.


“ACtually, the dishes I make are just average.” Xie Ning said. “If you can’t get used to eating it, don’t force it.”


Zhuang Yan did find it hard to adjust.


He never treats himself shabbily. He requires the best of clothes, food, housing, and everything, so he never favors anything that is number two.


The dishes Xie Ning cooked are normal in other people’s eyes, but usually, Zhuang Yan wouldn’t even glance at it.


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But Zhuang Yan couldn’t bear to give him a blow, and replied, “It’s okay, I can still eat it. There aren’t many people who can cook by themselves now. Have you learned how to cook before?”


Xie Ning served him a bowl of soup, and calmly said, “I started living on my own at an early age. I didn’t specifically learn it, but picked it up slowly.”


Zhuang Yan looked at the corn radish rib soup, and hesitated for a moment.


He doesn’t like eating radishes because he thinks the smell is too strong and the taste is weird, but this time, after listening to Xie Ning’s short sentences, his level of sympathy reached its peak.


In response to Xie Ning’s earnest gaze, he lowered his head and took a sip.


The dense flavor of the radish made him want to knit his brows together, but he resisted it. IT tasted like rubber and wax to him, but he chewed a couple times and swallowed it.


“How is it?” This was also Xie Ning’s first time making corn radish rib soup, so he asked, curious, “Does it taste good?”


Zhuang Yan, against his will, said, “It’s pretty...pretty good.”


Xie Ning, deep in his heart, thought it was strange. Did he have some godly talent for making soup?


He served Zhuang Yan another spoonful. “Then drink some more, since it’s still hot, and warm up your body.”


Zhuang Yan: “......”


He lowered his head, looked at the radish floating in his soup, and grit his teeth, comforting himself.


This is the soup that Mr. Rabbit himself made!


Once he thought about it this way, he felt as if he could drink the whole bowl.


He thought some more.


This is also the soup that Mr. Rabbit himself served him!


He felt like he could drink another bowl!


Zhuang Yan had never treated himself badly since childhood. He never expected that he would be defeated so easily by a bowl of soup.


He sighed from his heart, but once he saw how the corners of Xie Ning’s lips had lifted, he felt like the taste of the radish in his mouth had lessened.


After dinner, Zhuang Yan wanted to help with the dishes, but Xie Ning stopped him. “It’s such a cold winter, why would you wash the dishes? I’m afraid your hands will be frozen solid.”


Zhuang Yan responded, “You’re the one who cooked, so I shouldn’t just sit back and do nothing. I can only help with doing the dishes.”


Xie Ning pushed him out. “There’s a dishwasher, and the cleaning lady will come tomorrow as well, so there’s no need for you to do it personally.”


Zhuang Yan accepted this reason, and helped Xie Ning finish cleaning up the table. With a turn of his head, he coincidentally saw Xie Ning’s slender hands agilely tie the garbage bag and put it on the ground.


Xie Ning’s hands are white and elegantly slender, and are very pleasant to look at.


Zhuang Yan had no intention of leaving yet. Xie Ning went back to the living room with him, and gave him another cup of hot water. He was a little confused.


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He was really not good at communicating with people, so he didn’t know what to say.


Fortunately, Zhuang Yan spoke first. He asked, “How old are you?”


Xie Ning: “25.”


Zhuang Yan lifted his eyebrow. “You don’t look it.”


Xie Ning remembered the scene from last night, and expressionlessly said, “I’m an adult.”


Zhuang Yan suddenly smiled. “I’m just saying that you look like a college student that just graduated.” Innocent and cute.


Xie Ning glared at him. “I’ve worked for years already.”


As a good-looking man, the way he stared was not fierce. Instead, it was more like a hook, and scratched Zhuang Yan’s heart a little.


Zhuang Yan said, “Why are you glaring at me? I didn’t say anything bad about you.”


Xie Ning slowly said, “You didn’t say it, but I’m sure you’re thinking it.”


Zhuang Yan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Mr. Rabbit, are you exposing me?”


Xie Ning was already used to his personality, and following the principle of tackling a problem calmly, kept quiet.


Zhuang Yan wasn’t willing to let him go. He scooted closer, and, lowering his voice, said, “Then, what do you think I’m thinking in my heart?”


His voice was already low and magnetic, so when he deepened his voice on purpose, it felt like a stereo with surround sound had enveloped Xie Ning. His voice was uniquely sensual and charming.


Xie Ning turned his head to avoid his face that had leaned closer.


Zhuang Yan reluctantly pulled him back, and repeated, “What do you think I’m thinking right now? If you guess wrong, then wouldn’t you have plainly wronged me?”


Xie Ning: “...”


Why is this person so annoying!


Even though Xie Ning knew that Zhuang Yan was purposely teasing him, he wasn’t able to hold out, and blushed a little under his gaze.


He took a deep breath, and was about to say something, when the phone rang at just the right time.


Zhuang Yan laughed in satisfaction, released him, and leaned on the sofa, letting him off for now.


The caller ID was Yan Xi’s.


Xie Ning was a little late in picking up the call, and Yan Xi’s anxious voice came through the phone. “Holy fuck! Open Weibo and take a look, your art is being slandered!”


Xie Ning: “???”




Author’s Note: Zhuang Yan: I have no interest in Xie Ning.

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