C14 – He Was the Main Character

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“Calm down. Let me think it through.”

Liu Yuan took a deep breath. There must be a reason behind this.

He remembered that in the game, Ning Xiangrong’s father doted on her and was afraid that she would get hurt, so she was not allowed to go out of Water Moon Dock until she reached the Nascent Soul Stage.

However, just now Ning Xiangrong had said that she had been looking for him over the past three years; besides, she was here on mission this time and was even entrusted with the task of supervising the inner-core disciples.

He guessed that probably she had insisted on coming out to find the missing “Junxuan”, and that after three years of training and experience, she had improved a lot, which was why she had been allowed to go on this mission to Pool Feather Mountain Manor.

And this meant that Ning Xiangrong’s being here was exactly another example of the butterfly effect caused by Liu Yuan!

And it started three years ago!

What the hell…

How did the favorability system work by itself in the past three years anyway?

Liu Yuan felt stressed out.

Basically, he had met almost all the characters in the game…

Now, not only did he have to worry about maintaining his image in front of these characters, he had to take into account all the subsequent changes caused by his transmigration.

Fuck that!

Liu Yuan cursed inwardly.

Had he not been in a public place, he might well have lost it right there and then.

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Liu Yuan had just stepped out of the gate when he saw a young man standing in the corner, gnashing his teeth in anger and muttering something to himself.

“Just you wait and see. I will definitely…”

Liu Yuan was a bit surprised.

Who was this man?

Did he transmigrate again?

Then it dawned on him that this must be Xue Zhui, the man who was supposed to marry the young lady of Pool Feather Mountain Manor.

He couldn’t be mistaken.

When the game company was developing this game story, they drew on some of the plots from another very classic novel, and the idea turned out quite popular among the players.

Back in the time, the forum was loaded with posts every day.

“My name is Xue Zhui. I came from an aristocratic family; actually, I am the son of the family head. However, my Dantian has been crippled and I’m no longer able to learn martial arts.”

“I was previously engaged to the daughter of that renowned master of Pool Feather Mountain Manor… but she turned me down.”

“But I’m well aware that I am the main character of this game.”

“I know I will make a difference one day.”

“An immortal sect named Water Moon Dock discovered my cultivation talent and took me in as a disciple. They brought me here to negotiate over the engagement again. I’ll make them regret ever treating me badly and looking down on me!”

“In the Pool Feather Mountain Manor, cultivators at the Foundation Establishment Stage are considered as advanced experts already.”

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Something like that.

Liu Yuan had recalled most of the plot by now.

While the other characters in the hall were discussing the marriage, Xue Zhui was outside the manor having conversations with the players.

He told them all about his own worries and feelings, and confided that he was actually forced by Water Moon Dock to propose marriage again. He didn’t want to come in the first place.

Now this was interesting. What was Water Moon Dock trying to do?

Why would they make the man who had already been turned down once to come and propose marriage again?

Not to mention the fact that the man himself wasn’t even willing to do so.

As an experienced player, Liu Yuan naturally knew Water Moon Dock insisted on sending Xue Zhui to Pool Feather Mountain Manor because of the “Black Tortoise Treasure Trove,” which had been buried under the manor for many years.

The plan was like this: first, they found a suitable young man and got him to marry the heiress to Pool Feather Mountain Manor. After that, he would obtain the key to the secret trove — the Black Tortoise Bloodline.

This way, Water Moon Dock could get their hands on the treasure without trouble.

On the one hand, Water Moon Dock still regarded themselves as a prestigious sect, so they couldn’t just go and rob people of their treasure.

On the other hand, given Gu Feidao’s strength and reputation, they wouldn’t want to make an enemy of the old man.

Yue Longzhang seemed like a simple-minded man, someone who could be easily manipulated, which was probably why the sect had sent him over.

Had he not died, he would be controlled by Ma Shu anyways.

Just like Xue Zhui.

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Thinking of this, Liu Yuan suddenly had this idea of giving Xue Zhui, the puppet of the sect, an opportunity to gain some control over the situation.

Since Liu Yuan himself did not have enough strength at the moment, he could take advantage of the characters.

After all, this Xue Zhui was still the main character of the game.

“You’re still thinking about your childhood sweetheart?”

Xue Zhui, who was deep in his thoughts, was startled. He looked up and saw a handsome young man looking at him with a meaningful smile.

The young man was dressed in a black robe and held a longsword in his hand. Weak and frail as he seemed, his footsteps were steady and silent as he walked. He should be a martial artist.

The most peculiar thing about him was his short hair. This kind of hair style was rather strange at that time.

“How, how did you…” Xue Zhui stuttered.

“How did I know?”

Liu Yuan knew what he was thinking.

Seeing the shocked look on Xue Zhui’s face, Liu Yuan almost laughed out loud. ‘You idiot. Of course you told me yourself.’ he thought to himself.

In the game, as soon as the conversation was started, Xue Zhui would start whining non-stop.

Liu Yuan repressed the laugh and continued, “I also know that your childhood sweetheart is called Zhuang Yun’er. You two are in love, and you are determined to marry each other. Yet, you were forced by Water Moon Dock to marry the heiress to Pool Feather Mountain Manor, right?”

Xue Zhui was completely shocked and quickly retorted, “Nonsense! That was supposed to be a secret! What if they find out…”

Liu Yuan cut in, “So it’s true.”

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Xue Zhui didn’t know what to say.

His heart was filled with panic and confusion. He had never told a soul about the thing between him and Zhuang Yun’er. How did this man know? He gritted his teeth in bewilderment and asked, “Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?”

Liu Yuan said in a low and confident voice, “I’m the one who can save you!”

“Save me? From what? All I need to do is to complete the mission, and that will be it. They promised not to make things difficult for Yun’er and me. They promised!”

Despite what he said, Xue Zhui did not have much confidence.

Liu Yuan shrugged his shoulders, “You certainly don’t sound so sure about that.”

He put on a know-it-all look and said slowly, “Do you know why Water Moon Dock wants you to marry Gu Siyin? Do you really think you will still have any value to them after your mission is completed? You are already deeply involved, and the more you know, the less likely you will be able to get away from this. And I believe your childhood sweetheart is still in their hands, right? Those people would even threaten you with the lives of others. Do you really think they would keep to their word and let you go?”

One question after another, and Xue Zhui’s face turn paler and paler.

Liu Yuan walked two steps forward with his hands behind his back and stared at Xue Zhui as he continued, “My name is Liu Yuan. You can also call me Liu Junxuan. I stay in the guest room in the manor. Three days later, I will come to you and offer you an opportunity. As for what to do with it…”

Xue Zhui was about to say something, but Liu Yuan waved his sleeve and disappeared in an instant.

Only his lingering sound could be heard —

“… it’s all up to you.”

Xue Zhui froze on the spot, staring blankly at the place where the man had just been. He slowly clenched his fist, as if he had made up his mind.

Liu Yuan, who was hiding behind the tree, smiled at this sight. He knew his plan worked.

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