C31 – I’m an Ordinary Man

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Liu Yuan returned to his courtyard and was surprised to see a pair of long and beautiful legs hanging down from the roof. It was Fuhuan.

Unaware of the incoming Liu Yuan, she just stared blankly at the moon in the sky, frowning, seemingly troubled by something.

She did not even wear her shoes or socks, exposing her fair feet, and the silver rings on her ankles made a pleasant sound as her feet swayed about in the air.

This time, Liu Yuan kept silent on purpose.

With his current cultivation base, Fuhuan was no longer a match for him.

Naturally, he wouldn’t be discovered.

Liu Yuan wasn’t really in the mood to deal with another woman at the moment. He had had enough of all those characters in his handbook. Why would he rock the boat again?

However, just as he was about to quietly take his leave, he noticed that the progress bar of favorability points above Fuhuan had increased.

Liu Yuan was stunned. When did this happen?

And why? Perhaps it because he promised to bring her the Monkey Wine?

Curious as he was, Liu Yuan couldn’t just go up and ask her. Anyway, it was not bad.

Just as he was standing there thinking, Fuhuan discovered him. She quickly tidied up her skirt, but it wasn’t long enough to cover her bare feet, so she was a bit embarrassed. She hugged her knees and pretended to be calm, “You… why are you here?”

Liu Yuan tried hard not to laugh out loud.

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The girl wasn’t good at putting on an act at all!

He jumped up and landed on the roof in a blink of an eye, and sat beside Fuhuan, who seemed even more bashful, before answering, “I just sent Siyin to her room.”

Fuhuan wanted to ask why a teacher would go to his student’s room, but the man acted as if everything he did was so normal, and in the end she just said, “Oh, okay.”

Then there was a moment of silence. Liu Yuan looked at the bright moon in the sky, and suddenly all kinds of emotions surged into his heart. He felt empty and lonely for the first time since his transmigration.

It wasn’t just homesickness — although he did have family and friends, honestly, his relationship with his parents had always been a bit distant, and most of his friends were just nodding acquaintances.

Besides, he had been living in the dormitory since junior high, and he had very little contact with his parents after university.

He had always been a nobody wherever he went. However, in this world of Upper Central, he found his own place for the first time.

He belonged to this world.

Liu Yuan turned look at Fuhuan and asked, “Do you miss your family?”

Fuhuan lowered her head and said softly, “Of course I do. From time to time I would wonder if the harvest this year is good, if my parents are well — they are just ordinary people, not cultivators like me. Things won’t be easy as they get older.”

Liu Yuan was a bit curious, “But the money you get from Pool Feather Mountain Manor should be enough to support them, right?”

Saddened, Fuhuan shook her head and said, “They do not want my money.”

She smiled bitterly at Liu Yuan, “It’s not proper for girls to practice martial arts and have dealings with men, and because of this, my parents cut off their relationship with me. I changed my name and called myself Fuhuan. Later, they gave birth to my younger brother. I went to see him two years ago. He studied in the private school and had excellent performance. He will definitely establish himself in the future.”

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Liu Yuan was silent for a while and then said with a soothing smile, “That’s good. I’m sure your parents must be pleased.”

Apart from the cultivators, the lives of the mortals in Middle Continent were not very different from the lives of the ancient people that Liu Yuan knew about.

He didn’t want to judge. He just hoped that, one day, he might make a difference.

Fuhuan nodded with a smile, “Yes, they are very happy with my younger brother. Although I can’t do anything for them, I am glad that they are living a better life now.”

She then gave Liu Yuan a deep gaze, “What about you? You’ve never mentioned anything about yourself.”

Liu Yuan suddenly felt the urge to confide to someone, “I am just… an ordinary man.”

Fuhuan obviously didn’t believe him.

Liu Yuan was amused, “Really, I’m not kidding. I don’t have any strength. I know nothing about martial arts or immortal cultivation. I’ve been lying all the time and they just bought it. They believe in whatever I say. I guess that is my talent, isn’t it?”

Fuhuan was speechless. What nonsense was this man talking?

But Liu Yuan seemed even more encouraged and smiled proudly, “It’s true! I’ve told no one but you about this because you are my friend.”

Fuhuan looked at him suspiciously and thought that he was just teasing her again.

“Come on. Don’t you believe me?”

To stop him from further asking, Fuhuan had to nod her head, “Okay, I believe you.”

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Liu Yuan seemed to be in the mood for a good, long talk, “Let me tell you more about my hometown. It’s basically a round planet, unlike a flat one like Upper Central, but the sun and moon are the same as those here. Humans there are all ordinary people, and we believe that knowledge is power. There are a lot of interesting things…”

Fuhuan listened quietly and felt that the things he said was so strange, so new, and even so absurd. The man must be making this all up.

But it did sound interesting, and while Liu Yuan was talking about it, it seemed as if he was recalling things from his memory, so she didn’t interrupt him.

Little did she know that this was the first time Liu Yuan had told the truth to someone.

Liu Yuan had spent the entire night telling his stories to Fuhuan.

Luckily, he was now an immortal cultivator, so staying up all night wasn’t a big deal.

Fuhuan, on the other hand, seemed exhausted after this and went to her room for a nap.

When the sun’s up, Liu Yuan walked out of the courtyard to meet Xue Zhui.

He had been in contact with Ma Shu for the past few days, and had already found out that he planned to see Xue Zhui two days later. Naturally, he made sure to contact Ma Shu in the special method of Devil Cult.

This further cleared Ma Shu’s doubts.

At the moment, Xue Zhui was practicing cultivation techniques in his room.


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Liu Yuan’s sudden appearance gave Xue Zhui quite a shock. After seeing who the visitor was, Xue Zhui quickly cupped his hands and bowed, “Senior Liu!”

Liu Yuan had previously mentioned that he lived in the manor, so, after asking around, Xue Zhui was able to find out who he was.

And he also leanred that Liu Yuan was a powerful immortal cultivator as well as Gu Siyin’s teacher. Moreover, he was probably an old lover of Ning Xiangrong, the young heiress of Water Moon Dock. Therefore, he was extremely respectful to Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan gestured for Xue Zhui to straighten.

He then asked, “In these three days, have you found about why Water Moon Dock forced you to come here and propose marriage again?”

Xue Zhui’s voice trembled with trepidation, “I… I really have no idea.”

Of course there was no way Xue Zhui could have known this.

Liu Yuan sighed, “It’s because of Devil Cult. Both you and Water Moon Dock have been used by Devil Cult. Do you understand?”

Xue Zhui was even more confused and panicked, “What? Devil Cult?”

Liu Yuan nodded, “That’s right. They are just using you as a pawn. In a few days, Devil Cult will send someone here to see you. They will talk you into joining their organization and offer to give you everything you want and teach you a cultivation technique… but that cultivation technique is actually their way of controlling you. Once you’ve learned it, they will be able to manipulate you.”

He pointed at Xue Zhui while staring straight at the young man’s frightened eyes, before saying in a deep voice, “By then, you will do whatever they ask, and in the end, when you are of no use to them, they will abandon you without hesitation.”

Terrified, Xue Zhui asked, his voice trembling, “Then what… What should I do?”

Liu Yuan replied with his hands behind his back, “Power — you need more power.”

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