C33 – Showtime

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What the fuck!

It was Pi Huanluo!

Oh god! It was really her!

Liu Yuan almost cried out. The moment he saw the woman, she instantly sensed something and turned around swiftly!

Qi-body Traction!

The saintess of Devil Cult at the seventh level of the Qi Integration Stage instinctively sensed that someone was looking at her.

She was on the street, and yet no one noticed her, so she must have used some kind of magical method to hide her tracks.

In this case, Liu Yuan’s gaze was as conspicuous as a firefly in the dark, attracting her attention instantly.

So she turned around.

It would only take her two seconds to make the turn.


Now this was a matter of life and death for Liu Yuan!

Liu Yuan was screaming on the inside, his heart about to explode. He tried his best to remain calm and took out the Mirror Moon Jade from his storage bag within 0.2 second.

He then performed a seal with both hands (three times, each took 0.3 second), cast a spell silently at the same time, activated all his Spiritual Energy (altogether 1.1 seconds had passed), cast the Illusion Fantasy to change his appearance to a completely different-looking young man with long hair (which took 0.2 second).

Altogether 1.5 seconds had passed when he finished all the above.

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By this time, the woman was already halfway turning around, and one could even see that dangerous smirk on her face, and her gaze was just about to fall on Liu Yuan.

But this was still not enough for him!

With his current cultivation base, even if he used the Illusion Fantasy, Pi Huanluo would definitely see through his trick!

“Oh my god…”

Liu Yuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva (0.1 second) and felt he was turning numb from head to toe, and that he could black out any second.

He flashed open the handbook (0.1 second).

He found the character of Pi Huanluo and opened her status bar (0.2 second).

[Character: Pi Huanluo]

[Gender: Female]

[Title: Rakshasa Enchantress – Goddess of All Creations]

[Level: Immortal – Qi Integration Stage]

[Status: Invisible / Normal]

[Attributes Interface (click to check)]

What was there to check! Her level was way higher than his!

He’d be seeking humiliation!

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One single move from the woman and he would die… Okay, maybe not dead, but he would at least be knocked out and kidnapped and spend the rest of his life in some dungeon in Devil Cult!

[Card Carrying Bonus: (do you want to carry it: Yes / No)]


Of course he’d like to carry the bonus!

In the blink of an eye, within the last 0.1 second, and the card turned into a large ball of golden light, rushing towards Liu Yuan and instantly disappeared under his skin.

After everything was done, Liu Yuan’s hands were trembling slightly.

He didn’t dare to breathe, so he held his breath and tried to calm down. He then slowly raised his head and looked at the woman who was staring at him with a cold sneer.

On the bustling streets, the two of them just looked straight at each other from afar, as if everything around them did not even exist.

Even the air seemed to have frozen.

Liu Yuan’s cultivation level had been temporarily raised to the early period of the Nascent Infant Stage, and his appearance had been completely changed. The Illusion Fantasy was a top-class camouflage spell, and with sufficient cultivation base, he was sure that he wouldn’t be given away.

What he needed to do now was play to the score and find an opportunity to run away.

He thought for a while and, instead of backing off, he walked towards the woman.

He came to Pi Huanluo and cupped his hands in salute with an oily smile.

Somewhat like Yue Longzhang.

He pictured himself as some young master who could charm the birds from the trees.

Simply put, he wanted to act like a smug asshole.

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He had to make people hate him at first sight.

Better yet, he wanted to make them feel disgusted.

Liu Yuan maintained his annoying manner and said with a laugh, “Hello gorgeous, I am Jiang Feng, also known as the Jade Faced Young Master — you’ve probably heard of me, haven’t you?”

First, he should proudly announce his name as if he was some famous hero.

Pi Huanluo, on the other hand, did not say anything. She remained silent, her eyes behind the veil locked on Liu Yuan.

Somehow Liu Yuan felt a little uneasy, but he was still quite confident about his disguise. Hence, he continued, “Why don’t you say something? Are you looking down on me? Jiang Feng? Seriously? Let me tell you, as long as you stay here, I have a hundred ways to make you suffer! Do you know about Water Moon Dock? That is a hell of a sect in the cultivation world, right? But they wouldn’t dare to mess around with me.”

Secondly, he should be self-centered, always talking about himself whether others wanted to listen or not.

He had to be convinced that, at this moment, he was the king of the world!

“Oh really?”

Pi Huanluo finally said something, her voice lazy and hoarse, and her tone slightly provocative.

Looking at Liu Yuan with a frown, she seemed to be thinking about his words, and her eyes turned cold.

This was unexpected, and Liu Yuan had a bad feeling about this.

Somehow he felt that things were getting out of his control.

No way. He was now at the Nascent Infant Stage, and his Illusion Fantasy, the best in the game, could definitely protect him from someone at the Qi Integration Stage.

Was it because his strength was not enough?

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Liu Yuan raised his chin and laughed, “What? Now you know how powerful I am, right? Even a sect like Water Moon Dock is afraid of me. How about we get to know each other? Be my friend, and you can do whatever you want in this country.”

Thirdly, he should talk big and show others just how little he knew.

As long as he acted disgusting enough, this woman would not be interested in him.

Pi Huanluo was a proud woman with a massive ego. She would surely despise someone like “Jiang Feng”.

And if people dared to get close to her, she would end their lives without any hesitation.

Therefore, as long as Liu Yuan acted this way and kept his distance, he should be safe.

He was sure of it.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the danger he sensed just now was nothing but an illusion.

Pi Huanluo seemed annoyed and frowned at Liu Yuan as if he was a bug, and she continued up the street, while Liu Yuan was yelling that one day he would teach her a lesson before quickly turning around to leave.

Once he left this place, Liu Yuan heaved a long sigh of relief and almost cried out. He made it!

However, what he didn’t know was that, after he left, Pi Huanluo grinned.

She raised her hand, and on her ring finger, there was a red thread wrapped around it.

And another end of the thread was tied to Liu Yuan.

She hadn’t expected that the man would deliver himself to her just as she was about to look for him…

“The Lovesick Spell… Liu Junxuan, how are you going to run away from me this time?”

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