C44 – She Would Never Regret Her Decision

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Obviously, this was the message from Ma Shu’s superior, the undercover agent from Devil Cult among the upper levels of Water Moon Dock.

According to the plan, Liu Yuan only needed to follow Xue Zhui and help him get rid of that undercover agent. It was really as simple as that.

After that, he would have the chance to take out the Black Tortoise Treasure Trove. And it wouldn’t be difficult for him to help Pool Feather Mountain Manor find a new patron that didn’t covet the treasure.

But now, Liu Yuan was getting cold feet about this.

Because that undercover agent from Devil Cult was Pi Huanluo.

Pi Huanluo… Dear god! Just thinking about it made him feel terrified.

He ran into Pi Huanluo just a few days ago and managed to cheat death with great difficulty. And now he had to do it again.

Ha! He could do it!

Liu Yuan was full of confidence. If he could succeed once, he would definitely succeed a second time!

This time, he would disguise himself into someone else!

However, it was also possible that Pi Huanluo was here because of Eight-armed Heavenly Devil, not Pool Feather Mountain Manor.

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After all, although the Black Tortoise Treasure Trove was rare and precious, treasure snatching was probably just part of Devil Cult’s daily routine. They would hardly send someone like Pi Huanluo the saintess on a simple mission like this.

But it wouldn’t hurt to get prepared for all possible situations.

Besides, Pi Huanluo would definitely not come here to find him.

There was no need for him to worry so much about it.

Liu Yuan said goodbye to the people in the main hall. When he turned to meet Gu Siyin’s gaze, he could clearly read the affection and admiration in the girl’s eyes.

After that, Liu Yuan, Ning Xiangrong and Ma Shu left Pool Feather Mountain Manor together. Ma Shu didn’t want to be the third wheel, so he tactfully told them that the mount he had rented charged by the hour, so he had to go back as soon as possible.

“Well, I will take my leave first. Senior Sister Ning, Senior Liu, I’ll see you later.”

Ma Shu flashed a cheerful smile at them, seemingly naïve and harmless enough. He then summoned a horse with a pair of wings. It was a low-rank mount known as the Heavenly Horse.

Although the Heavenly Horse had wings, it could not fly. Its wings could only be used to speed up and jump higher when there were obstacles on the road. But it could indeed run very fast.

It was also the most commonly used mount for beginners in the game.

Liu Yuan watched as Ma Shu left, and he thought to himself that this young man was indeed a capable agent from Devil Cult.

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He surely knew what was the right thing to do.

Ning Xiangrong took out her sword and said softly, “Let’s travel on my sword together. You have yet to recover your cultivation. Sit behind me and put your arms around my waist so you don’t fall off.”

Liu Yuan felt that he had really made the right decision not to tell Ning Xiangrong about his recovery. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to get so intimate with her now.

Actually, he wouldn’t mind being more “shameless”.

Although Ning Xiangrong was bold when there were just the two of them, she got self-conscious in public. Having a man sitting so close to her in broad daylight with his arms around her made her face blush and ears hot.

Liu Yuan watched her pink cute earlobes and tried hard not to take a bite. Otherwise, the two of them might fall off from the sword.

Speaking of which, he wondered what it felt like to kiss or even make love while flying on the sword…

Just as Liu Yuan was lost in his thoughts, Ning Xiangrong said, “Did you teach Gu Siyin some immortal cultivation techniques? I’ve sensed spiritual energy on her.”

Liu Yuan nodded and pressed his chin to her neck before saying, “Yes, I asked her if she wanted to learn to cultivate. I told her that once she decided to cultivate, there’s no turning back.”

Ning Xiangrong turned to look at him, “And what did she say?”

Liu Yuan’s eyes softened, “She said yes and that she would never regret her decision.”

Ning Xiangrong was silent for a while and then said, “She is a good girl. I can see that. Yesterday she came to ask me about you and I can tell that she was truly nervous. It must be shocking for her to learn that we’ve known each other for three years already. And yet she doesn’t even know who you really are…”

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With a sigh, she continued, “But I don’t know who you really are either.”

Liu Yuan wanted to say something, but Ning Xiangrong wasn’t waiting for his answer, “I know what’s on her mind. If there’s one other woman, there will be a second and a third, and she is just an ordinary mortal girl among all your admirers. You will probably fall in love with someone better than her, and this worries her so much.”

“That’s why she so desperately wants to know everything about you.”

Then Ning Xiangrong held Liu Yuan’s hand on her waist and said self-mockingly, “But what she doesn’t know is that I am just as frightened as her. Some day you might leave me.”

Liu Yuan didn’t know what to say. Should he tell her the truth? That he was actually a transmigrator? That there were dozens of women out there who had the same feelings for him as she did?

He might as well jump off the sword and kill himself.

It was best to keep it a secret, at least for now.

However, he didn’t know for how long he could keep doing this. He would have to deal with these women eventually. It was just a matter of time.

“Alas, I’ll just take things one step at a time. In the end things will mend.”

Liu Yuan thought to himself. Soon they had arrived at Water Moon Dock.

From up in the air, this whole place looked just like what he had seen in the game.

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The vast lake was breathtakingly beautiful, and the night view here was even better.

Water Moon Dock was bordered by water on three sides and connected to a mountain.

This was also a famous scenery spot in the game. The white reeds on the shore were fluttering in the wind, and the lake was sparkling under the sunlight. There were a lot of birds flying over the lake, occasionally dashing into the water to fish for food.

The majestic headquarters of Water Moon Dock was built by the shore.

As soon as Ning Xiangrong arrived, guards reported the news to the master and then, a large group of people came over to welcome her home.

They were quite surprised at the intimacy between her and the stranger by her side.

Many of the inner-sect disciples were secret admirers of Ning Xiangrong.

“Senior sister Ning, I’m so glad you’re back. Master Ning has been waiting for you for a long time.”

A young man in a white robe walked out of the crowd and smiled at Ning Xiangrong.

Ning Xiangrong nodded indifferently at him, “Okay.”

The white-robed youth seemed to have long gotten used to her aloofness. He turned his gaze to Liu Yuan and forced a smile, “You must be Liu Yuan, that fellow Taoist who has killed Senior Brother Yue, right? Nice to meet you. I’m Zou Zishi, an inner-sect disciple of Water Moon Dock and now the chief disciple after Senior Brother Yue.”

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