Vol. 1 Chapter 5: Changing Schools

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“Fufu, Haru, calm down.”

Usami encouraged and tried to cheer me up, but I’m still confused by my unfamiliar school uniform.

After a week of being taught by Sakaki-san, I was finally going to school with her as her valet. I’d never switched schools before, so I was naturally anxious about this first experience.

I was trained as a valet for a week, so to be honest, I know better than anyone else that it was just a learning experience. There are people at the school I’m going to who have been trained as valets for years, and I’m nothing compared to them.

“I–I’ll be fine, Usami. I’ll calm down in a little bit…” I tried to convince myself.

I tried my best to stop my anxious fidgeting as I follow her into a limousine. Glancing around, I see Sakaki-san in the driver’s seat. He looks at me for a split second, then turns away and smiles.

If I were to translate his current state of mind, it’d be “If you’re like this now, I’m worried about your future.”

While I was tense and stiff, Usami enjoyed herself thoroughly. With the contrast between both of them, the limo starts moving towards the new school.

“We’ve arrived, miss.”

“Yes, thank you, Sakaki.”

I hear Sakaki’s voice and I prepare myself, for the time has finally come. On cue, I open the limo door, kneel outside it, and offer my hand to Usami.

“Please take my hand, miss.”

One of the rules of being a valet was, “When getting out of a vehicle, open the door first and offer your hand.”

I–Is this the right one? I can’t help but doubt myself.

Usami, however, giggled and took my hand, while mine anxiously held hers.

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“Thank you, Haru.”

I stood up fully, making sure Usami was completely out of the limousine. I looked in the direction she faced, and there stood a nationally renowned school for the rich and famous.

Shiritsu Touou High was a place where sons and daughters of famous families all enrolled. The annual tuition was not less than 10 million yen. (TL: Around 78000 USD).

For those who have made it to the top, it’s said to be a gateway to success for the rich. Those who enter the school secretly fight with other students on a daily basis in order to expand their connections or to get a spouse from a good family.

Looking around, I see students besides us, all getting out of their luxury cars and passing through the stately school gate looming over us.

This place seemed no smaller than 100, or maybe 200 kilometers.

As I pondered over that, Usami started walking slowly. I walk behind her, keeping a steady distance between us. It was one of the rules of being a valet, “When you walk with your master, take one step back and follow them.”

The limo we rode to school started to drive away from us.

“… Finally, we’re done.”

While I walked one step behind Usami, she suddenly turned around and coiled her arm around mine, leaning close to me. We suddenly looked like a couple locking arms.

“Fufu~ We look like lovers now, don’t you think?” She joyfully told me.

Usami had a mischievous look on her face, as though she was a child that had just successfully pulled a prank on me.

“H–Hey Usami, I’m your valet! What are you even doing? People will misunderstand!”

“Haru, you don’t want to look like a couple with me…?” She looked at me with upturned eyes.

Okay, she’s cute—But we don’t have the time to do this!

The people around us glared painfully, and I could hear them whispering to each other.

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“Hey, the head of the Usami family is walking arm-in-arm with a guy.”

“The ice queen that no one could phase, and that dude…”

“Get away from Usami-sama’s side, commoner!”

The few onlookers who had been present at first had now grown to the point that they were interfering with the school’s attendance.

The glares hurt! I mean, was she really that famous at this school?

“A–Anyway, you need to get away from me right now!”

After that, I managed to persuade Usami and we were able to avoid going to school as a couple, arm in arm. However, the stares were constant, and I was the center of attention on my first day at my new school.

After dropping her off in front of the classroom, I went my way for a while. Since I’m mid-transfer, I’ve been notified by the school to come to the staff room first.

The place was kept surprisingly clean, and it even looked like a newly built school building.

As far as I have heard, Touou High always has three school buildings ready for use, and every few years they switch which building is used, and the old one is renovated.

It’s a great opportunity for students to learn about the school’s history and its future… Truly, a school that only the rich are allowed to attend.

I managed to get to the staff room after looking at the school’s info board.

Opening the door to the staff room, I called out. “Um… I’m Haruki Shuu, and I’m transferring today.”

The door creaks open while I anxiously walk in. After a few moments of waiting, one of the teachers got up from their seat and came to me.

“Oh, you must be the new student I heard about. I’m Ryoma Sagara, the homeroom teacher for class A, your class.”

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Mr. Sagara smiled affably, took my hand, and shook it wholeheartedly.

He was a bit pushy but didn’t seem like a bad guy.

“Nice to meet you too!”

He nods in satisfaction at my reply.

“Well then, let’s go to class A now. When I call you, just come into the room and introduce yourself.”

I’d heard that it was a prestigious school where only rich people attended, so I was a little defensive, but the teachers were more ordinary than I had expected.

My imagination was betrayed in a good way, and my nervousness was lifted a little. I followed the teacher and eventually arrived in front of my new classroom, which I had seen a while ago.

Mr. Sagara motioned me to wait and entered the room.

“Hi, good morning. We’re gonna start homeroom now, but before we do, we’ll have a new addition to class today. His name is Haruki Shuu. You can come in now.”

I walk into the classroom after he urged me to do so. As I step in, all eyes naturally focus on me. Being in front helps with that, too.

However, my mind flashes back to all the malicious glares I received not too long ago, and those horrific scenes plagued my mind.

Ugh… Due to recent events, these memories were pushed to the back of my mind.

Nausea suddenly rises from the pit of my stomach, and I hold my mouth shut.

It’s okay, It’s okay, It’s okay, It’s okay, It’s okay… This isn’t that school!

Against my will, the memories stick to me like a parasite, and my eyes go blurry. I can’t see, and I couldn’t tell if I was standing up, or if I was sitting down.

But from within the distortion, I see Usami. Strangely enough, when my eyes find her, I began to see clearly. It’s just as if the painful remembering from a few seconds ago didn’t even happen.

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I was so sick just now… Usami, you’ve saved me again.

You’re my benefactor, so I must become a good valet for you.

After regaining my composure, I straightened my posture and started to introduce myself.

“I’m Haruki Shuu, a transfer student. I came here as Kyou Usami’s valet. Sorry if I may cause you some trouble, but I’m looking forward to working with you!”

After introducing myself, I bow deeply. Silence falls over the classroom.


I look in the direction of the sound to see Usami clapping her hands.

Clap… Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!

The applause was sparse at first, but after her first clap, everyone in the room followed suit.

“Okay, okay, then Haruki Shuu, since you’re Usami-san’s valet, please take a seat next to her.”

“Yes, sir.”

I walked to the place he pointed to and sat down. Exhaling a sigh of relief, I notice her smiling from beside me. Meanwhile, Mr. Sagara took attendance one by one.


I curiously look at her, and she tells me something in a whisper only I could hear.

“Nice to meet you~”

She had the biggest smile.

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