Chapter 2 Part 2

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She Didn't Like to Cause Trouble for Adults

Mo Sui looked at An An for a while. She gave in after making sure that the little dumpling wasn't deliberately refusing to get along with her.

"Then let me read it to you." She beckoned and asked An An to come over.

This time, the little girl was obedient. She pitter pattered towards Mo Sui with her small, short legs. After sitting down, she leaned forward slightly and stared at the words on the task card.

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From Mo Sui's point of view, she could see the child sticking to herself.

The little dumpling's long eyelashes trembled, and she raised her head again, her tender face full of confusion.

Why aren’t you reading?

"First day's mission." Mo Sui kept a distance from her, still sitting upright, and read, "Task 1: Mother and daughter read a picture book together; Task 2: Make dinner together."

Mo Sui's voice was soft, just like the voice she heard when listening to "Mama Orange Telling Stories" program that was broadcasted on the radio in the orphanage. It was very nice.

An An listened attentively, and she couldn't help but put her small hands on her cheek, squeezing out a lump of meat.



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Children have short memories.

After Mo Sui read the mission card, An An thought of Mama Orange from the radio, so the little dumpling forgot about Mo Sui's indifference at the beginning, and subconsciously got closer to her.

The picture book had been prepared in advance by the program team. One big person and one small person hold the picture book and started to do the task.

The title of the picture book is "Where Do I Come From". Mo Sui scanned through it quickly, and it tells a story about a little boy asking his mother where he came from.

An An often listened to stories when she was at the orphanage, but they were all from the radio. No matter how caring the caretaker teachers were, it was impossible to coddle so many children. So at this time, she was waiting eagerly for Mo Sui to tell her a story.

Mo Sui's fair and slender fingers slid lightly across the pages. She recited the story calmly word by word. Although there was no exaggerated high-pitched tone usually used when coaxing a child to speak, the little girl still listened with relish.

Slowly, the two got closer.

An An asked in a low voice, "Auntie, does it hurt to have a baby?"

"It hurts."

"It hurts so much like you’re losing half of your life. Even people who are concerned about their image will scream and cry in the delivery room."

"Is it because An An was bad and made my mother hurt so much, so she got angry with me after giving birth and threw me away?"

An An gathered up her courage and asked in a low voice. But the more she spoke, the lower her voice became, and she was a little embarrassed and lowered her head.

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The small dumpling's soft voice reminded Mo Sui to set her eyes on her face.

It was clearly a heart-breaking sentence, but when An An said it, it was as ordinary as talking about three meals a day, with bright eyes blinking, innocent and curious.

Mo Sui: "No mother can be so angry that she throws away her child because giving birth is too painful."

An An tilted her head and listened to her, the light in her eyes gradually became brighter.

In the end, she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and patted her little chest lightly.

It turned out that An An was not thrown away because she was too naughty and tossed her mother too much in her stomach.

This made her feel relieved!

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At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief.

God knows how much they were afraid that Mo Sui would treat this child in a perfunctory way because of her cold personality.

【In front of little doll, even a cold adult will melt! 】

【Such a well-behaved child. She even worries about being thrown away because she was not well-behaved? It's so distressing. 】

【Although Mo Sui is indifferent, she is quite patient with children. 】

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【This is called being patient? Have you all fans been fooled? You boast so much when the big stars say a few words casually. 】

Wherever Mo Sui was, there would be heat and controversy, and the live broadcast room soon became noisy.

The war between fans and anti-fans and the crowd of melon eaters watching the excitement made Mo Sui's live broadcast room became more and more popular.

Of course, there were also viewers who came to the live broadcast room just to watch the warm daily life, but were forced to quit by the pandemonium in the bullet comments and moved into the live broadcast room next door.

In the live broadcast room next door, there were singer Jiang Lin and a talent-show singer Qin Feng with a lively little boy. Both of them were not very popular. They tried too hard to win people’s favor, and it looked very nauseating. They were pulling the little boy as if he was their own kid.

The other group was even more boring. There’s a rumor that the kiddo guest was shoved in by an investor and was very spoiled. She screamed every time there was anything that made her unhappy. The couple had no choice but to coax her patiently.

In comparison, Mo Sui's live broadcast room was more interesting.

The audience who went out for a turn, came back not long after. And after the bullet comments that was very noisy was managed, everyone's speeches became calmer.

It's just that on the screen, one big person and one small person, who finally got close to each other for a few minutes while reading the picture book, had nothing to do at this time, and fell into an awkward silence again.

The audience was amused by the deflated appearance of the Movie Empress, and couldn't help posting a whole row of "hahaha" on the bullet comments.

【What's next? 】

【It seems to be cooking. Does Mo Sui really know how to cook? She usually has an assistant who follows her everywhere. I bet she can't even wash vegetables. 】

【This child is quite pitiful. With such an intern mother, it can’t be that in the end, she’ll let the child cook for her? 】

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There was a lot of bullet comments bad-mouthing her, but Mo Sui didn't know.

She stood up and walked to the kitchen, and said to An An, "What would you like to eat for dinner?"

An An thought for a while and said, "Is spare ribs soup okay?"

"I can't." Mo Sui opened the refrigerator and looked at the compartments filled to the brim by the show crew.

"What about tomatoes with scrambled eggs?" An An asked again in a low voice.

Mo Sui took an egg and glanced at the tomatoes, then put the egg back again: "I can't."

An An was a little vexed.

She didn't like to cause trouble for adults.

Seeing the little dumpling lowered her eyes, Mo Sui closed the refrigerator door and explained casually, "I usually eat salad. You shouldn't be able to—"

"Okay." An An raised her head without thinking.

Mo Sui was stunned for a moment when she saw the little dumpling's sparkling eyes and a pleasing smile on the corner of her mouth.

Subconsciously, she took out the eggs and tomatoes again.

Let’s try.

I can't let a kid eat a cold salad with me.

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