Because they ate a lot at the tea restaurant, Bo Yueming and Pei Yi simply skipped dinner after returning home.

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Pei Yi returned to the room under the pretext of “being sleepy,” and quickly locked the door before taking out his cell phone.

There was an extra unread message in the text box, which was sent by Xiang Nansheng half an hour ago: Apologies, I was delayed by something. This invitation came too suddenly, and I have doubts about your identity, so I’m sorry, but I can’t agree.


Seeing this expected answer, Pei Yi simply dialed the other party’s phone number and got up to walk into the bathroom, which had better sound insulation.

Beep – beep – beep –

After a moment, there was finally a connection sound from the other end of the line. “Hello, this is Xiang Nansheng.”

Pei Yi kept his voice down and greeted politely, “Director Xiang, hello. I’m Will from “The Last Fog.”

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, and then Xiang Nansheng let out a breath. “I believe I rejected you in the text message.”

“I know, but I would like to re-invite you over the phone, and I understand the Director’s concerns. After all, it is really hard for people to believe that I, a person who didn’t show up today, would make an invitation. This is my mistake.”

Pei Yi paused for a moment, and there was a degree of relaxation. “If Director Xiang is willing to accept this invitation, I will ask Mr. Li Yuan to negotiate with you in person.”

Xiang Nansheng didn’t hang up the phone directly, and his calm tone concealed exhaustion. “Mr. Will, I don’t know if you’re aware that Youming Studios was founded by Ke Ming and I.”

“The most fundamental reason for the failure of the bidding this afternoon was our Youming, but this doesn’t mean that we will fall here and never get up again.”

They could replace the Alien Beast images that were plagiarized, and let the art team re-create an original design. And their modeling technology was still there, so as long as the funds were in place, the game could still be made.

Their studio had not yet reached the point of bankruptcy. As long as the funds ran smoothly, there would still be opportunities to find other investors in the future and continue to expand and develop.

Pei Yi admitted straightforwardly, “Yes, I have never doubted Director Xiang’s ability.”

In the real world, he had started a studio with his friends. The group of people worked hard for eight years, and went from being unknown to being famous in China.

No one would be willing to abandon the friendship that had been through such struggle.

If people’s hearts didn’t change, everything would naturally remain the same, but what if someone changed partway?

Pei Yi thought of everything he had observed in secret at G.M. today, and asked meaningfully, “But Director Xiang, are you sure that the Youming you see now is the one you created?”

“The partner Ke Ming at your side right now, are his ideas, his goals, and even his moral bottom line consistent with yours?”

The two were not so much partners as they were boss and employee.


On the other end, Xiang Nansheng suddenly fell silent.

Were they consistent?

He couldn’t answer that question.

After the bidding ended in the afternoon, the two of them had the biggest dispute in history—

Frustrated and furious, Ke Ming thought that Xiang Nansheng should not have apologized to Lou Yang before leaving the venue, and that this move was equivalent to admitting that Youming had plagiarized. It was basically a public slap in the face to him, the studio boss!

As long as they got the game out earlier than Lou Yang, even if the bidding was unsuccessful, they may not necessarily bear the infamy of “plagiarism.”

But Xiang Nansheng disagreed.

He proposed to redesign the game settings related to “Alien Beasts,” but Ke Ming, who had already insisted on the cost in the early stages, was not willing.

The two argued until in the end, the word “disband” came out.

If it really came to that, who would be the one to quit? The results would speak for themselves.

Xiang Nansheng only understood technology, and only wanted to work hard at the technical level, so he didn’t understand Ke Ming’s arrogance and desire to soar into the sky, his heart gradually infected by money and interests.

Their original intention was to make local games that were popular in China, instead of imitating foreign game settings, or borrowing and plagiarizing other people’s ideas.

Right now, that clearly wasn’t the case.

“Director Xiang, your silence has already explained everything.”

“I want to make a local game that belongs to China. The basic setting of “The Last Fog” includes character images, and they will all be Chinese people in the future.”

Pei Yi straightforwardly continued to throw olive branches, “I believe that Youming’s development before today must have been inseparable from your technical skills. If you are willing to come to “The Last Fog,” you will receive the good treatment you deserve.”

“Of course, other than the title of ‘partner.’”

Pei Yi spoke the truth. In addition to the financial support from G.M., he hoped that he and Li Yuan would still control the voice of “The Last Fog” in the future.

Xiang Nansheng let out a rare, low laugh. “Mr. Will is direct enough.”

Pei Yi replied, “Directness is the only way to speak about cooperation.”

“Yes, but I apologize, I must refuse for now.” Xiang Nansheng didn’t hide it. “Youming Studios is my creation, and no one will suddenly give up their creation.”

“I understand.”

Pei Yi responded readily, understanding, but not forgetting to attach a deadline, “But you have at most one month. If a more suitable programmer is found, the leadership position cannot be Director Xiang’s.”

Xiang Nansheng sighed again, with a gamer’s best wishes, “Mr. Will, the game you built is very interesting. I hope that one day it will become popular in the Chinese game circle.”

“Also, please apologize to Director Lou Yang on my behalf again.”

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Ke Ming knew that Xiang Nansheng was straight-laced, so he deliberately kept this matter a secret. By the time he found out, the studio had already put a lot of effort into it.

He was an indirect accomplice, and didn’t dare to say he was in the right, but he should at least express his apology without missing a word.

Pei Yi smiled. “Will do. If Director Xiang changes his mind within this month, you can directly contact Mr. Li.”

“All right.”

The phone hung up.

Pei Yi walked back to the room again and sat down on the bed, opening the Youtu interface. In the three-person chat for him, Li Yuan, and Lou Yang, there were a few more unread messages.

“Will, the bidding was successful! Sure enough, it was as you guessed. That bastard Ke Ming borrowed and copied Sister Yang’s design in terms of modeling style!”

“You didn’t see, Sister Yang frightened him for a moment today.”

Lou Yang added two sentences, “Thanks to Will’s analysis and judgment, I set up a language trap according to what you said beforehand. The other party was arrogant enough to jump right into it.”

“@Will, what about you? What are you doing?”

How could Pei Yi, who had already witnessed the bidding scene, not know how exciting this afternoon was? He quickly replied to the two of them: “Congratulations, you’ve worked hard. Especially Sister Yang, who came all the way here. Are you tired?”

Replies in the group came quickly.

“I went back to the hotel in the afternoon to take a nap, and I feel fine now. There is still some time before the official investment of G.M.’s funds. I will try to design the images of the six characters first.”

Lou Yang was an absolute strong woman in her career, and never dragged her feet in the face of work.

Perhaps it was fate that Pei Yi had found her just at the time she wanted to return to China for development, so the invitation progressed so logically.

The phone vibrated slightly again. It was a group message from Li Yuan. “I’m already dealing with the funding-related matters, and I’m aiming to get the contract signed with G.M. within half a month. As for the specific working location, is it still agreed to be Dawn Games?”

Having a ready-made office environment and staff could save a lot of energy consumption.

Pei Yi agreed. “Yes, but the hardware in need of upgrades cannot be used, and the increase and decrease of personnel must be thought about a little more.”

“I understand.”

“If Yuan needs it, he can ask me for help at any time. I have been in the industry for many years, among other things, and can do a bit of administrative review.”

Pei Yi looked at the two people in the group as they continued to discuss, and took the time to briefly tell them about the “invitation to Xiang Nansheng” just now—

Li Yuan agreed when he heard this. “I’ve dealt with Xiang Nansheng before, and he is indeed capable. It would be a good thing if he were to join “The Last Fog” project team.

He paused for two seconds and added, “Sister Yang, what do you think?”

“You make arrangements. I have no problem. Strictly speaking, as long as Xiang Nansheng doesn’t associate with Ke Ming, I am willing to accept a capable partner.”

Lou Yang’s work experience was far superior to the two youngsters, and her thinking and overall outlook were also very mature.

Suddenly, she added another sentence, “However, I’m a little curious.”

Pei Yi asked back, “About what?”

“Will, you didn’t come to the bidding site this afternoon, and Yuan and I didn’t explain it to you right away, so how did you calculate the right time to invite Xiang Nansheng? What if he was involved in the ‘plagiarism?’”


Pei Yi looked at this message, and his heart shook suddenly as he somehow thought of a picture—

As an “undercover agent,” he accidentally gave up his identity and was caught by Lou Yang’s sharp eyes, and she pointed the muzzle of her black gun at him.

A woman’s innate intuition was truly powerful and terrifying.

Pei Yi sighed inwardly, and hurried to fix things, “I had a person I know at the scene, and Xiang Nansheng’s personal information and works are also available on the studio’s website.”

The message was sent within seconds.

Lou Yang, “Oh, so that’s the case.”

Li Yuan: “Will, I have an appointment with Sister Yang for dinner to celebrate today’s victory.”

Lou Yang replied with a smile, “I know you can’t come due to your mysterious vest, so when Yuan and I have a drink later, I will definitely drink two more glasses for you.”


Pei Yi was stuck, and laughed out loud helplessly in front of his computer. “Fine, you guys go. I’ll celebrate by myself.”

. . . . . .

Some time later.

Pei Yi, who had soaked his tired body, came out of the bathroom. 

Perhaps it was caused by Li Yuan and Lou Yang drawing out his alcohol addiction, or maybe it was due to the heat of the shower, but he just felt that his desire to drink was about to stir again.

Pei Yi thought of the wine wall in the small living room, and felt that it was time to sneak a taste of it in the name of “celebrating.”

After all, Bo Yueming couldn’t see at the moment, so as long as he got the wine and drank it behind closed doors, nothing would go wrong.

Pei Yi secretly built the plan in his mind, intending to open the door to investigate the enemy’s situation first.


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The moment the door opened, he ran into Bo Yueming.


Pei Yi was startled, and quickly restrained his expression.

Having had no time to knock on the door, Bo Yueming lowered his eyes, leaving only a shadow of nothingness cast by his fine eyelashes.

The inexplicable silence lasted less than three seconds, and then Inspector rushed to their feet. “Meow-wu~meow!”

Bo Yueming finished adjusting first. “Pei Yi? What are you doing?”

Pei Yi donned a well-behaved look and pursed his lips. “Milk, want to drink milk! Er-ge.”

Bo Yueming cooperated and handed over the warm milk in his hand. “Uncle Kai just delivered it. Drink it while it’s hot.”


Pei Yi pretended to be happy to take it, and in front of Bo Yueming—

He clearly only took half a sip, but he didn’t forget to make an extremely exaggerated swallowing sound. After drinking, he deliberately pasted on a smile. “Tasty~”


Bo Yueming was nearly deceived by this set of “skillful acting techniques,” and said, “It’s good that you like it. I’m a little tired today, so I’ll go back to my room to rest.”

When Pei Yi heard the second half of the sentence, his eyes lit up uncontrollably.

Very good!

Divine aid from the heavens!

Bo Yueming sensed his premature joy, but didn’t pierce the facade. “Go to bed early, ba. Goodnight.”

After going out for so long today, his eyes had become sore and tired, and he really wanted to close his eyes and rest early.

As he said that, he turned around while holding his guide cane, but deliberately shifted his footsteps from the direction of the master bedroom.

Pei Yi watched silently for a moment, then stepped forward and held his hand. “Er-ge.”



“Have I gone the wrong way?”


“Then help me back.”


Both of them played the fool, asking and answering.

It wasn’t until the master bedroom door clicked shut that both of them took off their masks.

Pei Yi stood silently at the door of the master bedroom for a while. Through the crack of the door at his feet, he confirmed that the lights inside had been turned off, then breathed a sigh of relief and began his long-awaited drinking plans.

Pei Yi walked lightly to the wine wall, his eyes excitedly scanning all kinds of fine wine.

Choose a very expensive one? Without Bo Yueming’s consent, that was no good.

From the electronic menu? No good, they only came in single quantities and Uncle Kai might notice if he drank it.

Pei Yi struggled for a while before taking a Lafite of a common vintage from the top right of the wine cabinet wall. Of course, it was not cheap.



The sound of the wine bottle being tapped was accompanied by Inspector’s cry.

Pei Yi froze guiltily in place, and waited a while before saying, “Hush! I’ll give you some dried fish later.”

Inspector said very quietly, “Wu~”

Pei Yi knew his current drinking capacity well. He definitely couldn’t stay in the living room to drink, and in order not to alert the enemy, he gestured with his eyes to the beloved pet under his feet, “Let’s go.”

One person and one cat snuck into the bedroom quickly, closed the door neatly, and did bad things.

Pei Yi entered the room, only to realize that in his nervousness, he only took the bottle and forgot the wine glass. He feared that opening the door again would create too much noise, so after some thought, he planned to drink from the bottle directly.

The cork on the wine bottle was easily pulled out, and the unique aroma of red wine drifted out in an instant.

In the past, Pei Yi would definitely want to let it air out and enjoy it leisurely, but the present was different from the past. How could he be so picky?

He brought up the wine bottle and took two sips, then squinted his eyes contentedly.


At last, no one bothered him!

. . . . . .

Bo Yueming closed his eyes and rested on the bed, but Pei Yi’s eyes flashing with excitement kept coming back to his mind, and he felt that this kitten was doing something behind his back.

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The more he thought about it, the more he couldn’t sleep.

When the soreness of his eyes dissipated, Bo Yueming couldn’t help but get up and turn on the light, glancing at the time—

In no time, it was half past twelve.

“He should be asleep at this point, right?”

Bo Yueming muttered faintly, but his instincts were stronger than his rationality, so he opened the door softly.

The corner light in the living room was still on.

Bo Yueming glanced at the wine cabinet wall, feeling that something wasn’t right. Before he could distinguish carefully, Inspector’s coquettish cry sounded from the second bedroom.

It was followed by a denial, “No, you’re, you’re not allowed to eat any more dried fish, I’ve already given you a lot!”


Different from his usual remarks, his speech was quite complete, but the tone and pauses weren’t normal, as if…….he was stuttering after drinking.

Was this stealing alcohol behind his back?

Bo Yueming suddenly came to a realization, and didn’t know whether to laugh or get angry for a moment. He approached the second bedroom with narrowed eyes, and knocked on the door curiously.

The movement in the room suddenly became more apparent, and it took a long time for a confused voice to answer, “Who, who’s there, ah?”

Bo Yueming said concisely, “Pei Yi, open the door.”

The voice stuttered, “I’m, I’m already asleep.”

Bo Yueming didn’t believe it. “Open the door.”

There was another short silence before the door was pried open from the inside.

Pei Yi, who had accidentally gotten drunk, peered through the crack in the door and squinted his eyes. After confirming that he knew the person outside, his well-behaved smile had a hint of guilt.

“Hehe Er-ge.”


Bo Yueming took in his drunken expression and also caught a glimpse of the wine bottle in his hand, which only had less than half left. He asked knowingly, “What are you drinking?”

He remembered what happened to Pei Yi when he was drunk last time. When he woke up the next day, he was completely out of sorts. Now that he drank half a bottle, he would definitely forget everything!

Pei Yi was carried away by his drunkenness, and said in a lofty tone, “I, I drink milk!”


Bo Yueming shifted his gaze slightly and scoffed.


Fancy that, this little drunk cat could make up nonsense to be perfunctory with him.

The cup of warm milk that was handed out before going to bed was placed on the table, almost full.

Pei Yi thought he had fooled Bo Yueming, and his drunkenness gave birth to enthusiasm.

He licked his dry lips and raised the wine bottle again, and only took half a sip before his hand was suddenly empty—

Bo Yueming grabbed the wine bottle and said seriously, “No more drinking.”

Pei Yi frowned unhappily and reached out to grab it, but stumbled and fell directly into Bo Yueming’s arms. The unspoken condemnation suddenly turned into a cute and pitiful whimper.


Fearing that Pei Yi would fall again, Bo Yueming stretched out his hand to stabilize the body of the man in his arms, and then casually placed the wine bottle on the cabinet inside the door.

“Hm, hot.”

Pei Yi disliked the heat and sensed the refreshing coolness on Bo Yueming’s body, and his thoughts of grabbing the wine swiftly changed.

He wrapped his arms around the person in front of him and acted without thinking, pressing up against him to absorb the coolness.

The baggy bathrobe fell open.

Bo Yueming inadvertently lowered his head, and caught a glimpse of the sight underneath the bathrobe. The skin that had been hidden beneath clothes at home all year round was very fair, and a swath of red had appeared due to the wine.

It was extremely provoking.


Bo Yueming’s breathing stalled for a beat, and he only felt the soreness of his eyes coming back.

However, Pei Yi was still senseless in his arms. His drunken eyes were wet, and he looked inexplicably as if he had been bullied. Thin red lips opened and closed as he hummed a little sufferingly, “I’m thirsty.”

There was nothing Bo Yueming could do about him, and he tried to use a calm tone, “Then let go, I’ll get you some water.”

“Don’t, don’t want to.”

Pei Yi subconsciously clung tighter, asking vaguely, “What if you run away?”

Bo Yueming was angrily amused again. “This is my home, where would I go?”

Pei Yi paused and thought for a moment, but couldn’t come up with an answer, so he could only huddle in his arms and repeat, “…..So thirsty.”

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“Now you’re thirsty? Who let you drink so much wine in secret?”

Pei Yi raised his head at once and emphasized forcefully, “I drink well! I, I can drink!”

Bo Yueming asked him back, “Then do you want to drink water?”


The little drunk cat could bend with the direction of the wind.


Bo Yueming had no choice but to move Pei Yi to the sofa in the living room.

After living for twenty-seven years, this was the first time he had to learn how to take care of another person.

Bo Yueming embraced Pei Yi with one arm and poured warm water with the other, then put the cup close to the other’s mouth. “Drink. Drink and you won’t be thirsty.”

Pei Yi stared at the pure, transparent water and tilted his head. “White wine? I can drink it too.”

Bo Yueming gritted his teeth silently in angry amusement.

He was still thinking about drinking at this time?

Fortunately, Pei Yi took the cup in a timely manner and gulped it up with both hands, then handed it back obediently.

Bo Yueming asked, “Do you want more?”

Pei Yi shook his head and stared at him for a moment. 

Bo Yueming felt burning hot under his focused gaze, and said a little uneasily, “What are you looking at?”

Pei Yi shook his head without speaking, then swallowed.

He poked Bo Yueming’s cheek with his fingertip, and also pinched it courageously. “You’re so good-looking.”

It was not the first time Bo Yueming had heard such a compliment, but each time Pei Yi praised him like this, he was always inexplicably pleased.

He didn’t reject the nonsense of this person in front of him, but clasped his warm hands behind the other’s back and asked impulsively, “Am I more good-looking or is Yan Cen?”


Pei Yi blinked in bewilderment, and for a moment, he couldn’t remember which character “Yan Cen” was.

Bo Yueming thought of all the “subtleties” this person had toward Yan Cen, and with jealousy that he didn’t even notice himself, he persisted in asking, “Pei Yi, am I good-looking or is Yan Cen?”

Pei Yi slowly filtered the information in this sentence, and suddenly remembered the identity of the person in front of him.

He returned to Bo Yueming’s arms. “Er-ge is good-looking.”

Bo Yueming raised his eyebrows, continuing to ask, “What about between me and Li Yuan?”

Pei Yi frowned and didn’t care who the other party was talking about. Frankly and warmly, he said, “Er-ge is the best-looking! You are the one I like best—”

Out of all the book characters.


Pei Yi hiccuped a little and stopped the unfinished sentence.

Bo Yueming was naturally unaware of the deeper meaning behind these words, but the smile in the depths of his eyes resurfaced. “Really?”

Pei Yi nodded vigorously. “En!”

Bo Yueming clasped his hands together and didn’t let go. WIth a little careful probing that he didn’t realize, he asked, “What do you like about me? I have bad eyes, my situation in the Bo family isn’t good, and I haven’t been likable since I was a child.”


It took a little longer for Pei Yi to react, but he still comforted him, “Er-ge is, is the best person in this world!”

So what if he was the “villain of the original text?” So far, no one he had met could compare to Bo Yueming.

The other party would protect him, block injuries for him, and feed him delicious things, except…..except for not letting him drink.



Pei Yi’s eyes were blurred by the alcohol, but he replied firmly, “Don’t be afraid!”



Bo Yueming’s hands loosened suddenly, distracted by these three words of comfort.

Pei Yi leaned closer again, and took the initiative to put his hands on the other’s face, close enough to breathe each other in. “Your, your eyes will be alright. Everything……will be alright..”

Bo Yueming couldn’t tell what kind of impulse he had, but he grasped the back of Pei Yi’s neck. “Will you accompany me to get better?”

“En, wu……”

Pei Yi flinched sensitively, and uttered a soft whimper, like a coquettish reply.

His mental state had been completely paralyzed by the alcohol, and he yawned a little, then rubbed against Bo Yueming’s shoulder and stopped talking.

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