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"Okay, okay! We are also adults, and it's time to see the world of adults!" Ke Xinghao looked excited, full of expectations.

"It's not like you haven't been before." Chen Xu when he saw Ke Xinghao who was excited go to the bar, he didn't understand.

When Wang Chengyi heard this, he suddenly remembered, "Yes, Haozi, haven't you been to bars with Chen Xu many times?"

Ke Xinghao waved his hand and said, "That's different. We went to perform, and it's a bar for old Chen acquaintances. It's not exciting enough."

"Speaking of it, I haven't seen your performance yet. Next time you perform, remember to call me." Wang Chengyi always knew that Chen Xu had formed a band with someone outside, and Ke Xinghao also played a guitar from elementary school to college.

"Okay, you are now an adult, and I  your father will take you to have a big experience." Ke Xinghao grabbed Wang Chengyi's shoulder and said while winking.

"Go!" Wang Chengyi and Ke Xinghao were exclaiming together.

The lunch was eaten at a nearby Chinese restaurant. The landlord strongly recommended it. Chen Xu and his party didn't praise after eating it.

It was hot in the afternoon, and they hurried to the beach with their gear.

"Fuck! It's really the sea!" Ke Xinghao looked like a Siberian Husky. He raised his hands and ran into the sea, before being slapped by the waves on his face.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!" Ke Xinghao stuck his tongue out with a bitter face.

"Hahahaha..." The boys and girls laughed together.

The boys all go swimming, and the three girls sit under the umbrellas and apply sunscreen.

"I'm going, the school grass is so white!" Ni Shanshan was helping Fang Yuan to paint her neck, and she looked up and saw Chen Xu standing on the coastline.

Chen Xu was wearing beach pants. The sea breeze made his loose trousers stick to his legs. His long legs were white and straight. His upper body was white and glowing, and his shoulders and backs were very beautiful. The muscle lines on the body are toned and smooth.

After standing like this for a while, five people came forward to talk to him one after another.It's still the kind that doesn't distinguish between men and women.

Guan Qingqing and Fang Yuan followed Ni Shanshan's gaze and saw Chen Xu glowing in white among the crowd.

The three girls looked down at themselves, and then at Chen Xu.

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What use do I have of this sex!¹

"Speaking of which he haven't been in love in these three years of high school, do you think he likes boys or girls?" Ni Shanshan's gossip and the little sisters discussed.

Gay marriage is already legal. Even if Chen Xu likes boys, no one will despise him. Of course, except for some ultra-conservatives, even if it is legal, they still hate homosexuality.

Guan Qingqing pursed her lips and didn't speak. Fang Yuan didn't notice it. She thought about it and said: "I can't guess, the school grass is too mysterious. Whether boys or girls confess to him, the attitude of his refusal is the same cold."

"I think the true love of the school grass might be learning." Ni Shanshan couldn't guess it either.

Guan Qingqing shook her head and said, "Chen Xu doesn't spend too much time studying."

Ni Shanshan: "..."

Fang Yuan: "..."

"Well, don't hit us mortals, straight As student's mind is different from ours." Ni Shanshan covered Guan Qingqing's mouth.


Guan Qingqing couldn’t help smiling and bending her eyes. As Chen Xu’s deskmate, no one knew the gap better than her. It was a gap that she couldn’t catch up no matter how hard she tried. At first she was also hit hard but when after seeing Chen Xu's utter concentration when doing the questions, she realized that Chen Xu did not spend too much effort, and she gradually calmed down her mind.

Chen Xu came back from a few laps and wiped the water on his body. Ke Xinghao said that he wanted to eat shaved ice², and the girls wanted to eat too. Chen Xu went to buy it with Guan Qingqing, but he didn’t expect it to be such a short time. Someone wants to strike up a conversation between Ni Shanshan and Fang Yuan.

"Have you assessed the score?" Guan Qingqing and Chen Xu chatted with him while waiting for the store to make shaved ice.

"No." Chen Xu probably knew in his heart, and he didn't estimate his points in the previous life, and the final result was pretty close.

Seeing that he is so carefree, Guan Qingqing couldn't help shook her head and said, "You are too carefree. Both Shanshan and I have roughly estimated the points and we performed normally."

"En." Chen Xu remembered that Guan Qingqing's college entrance examination score was very good.

Guan Qingqing stared at her shoes for a while, and asked him tentatively, "Which college do you want to apply to?"

Chen Xu shook his head, "Haven't decided yet."

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"That's it." Guan Qingqing originally wanted to apply at the same college with Chen Xu, but her scores might be a little bit lower.

The two of them waited for ten minutes, and the shaved ice was finally ready. On their way back, they met several people who chatted with Chen Xu, and they were much more straightforward than before, so they wanted to make an appointment with Chen Xu. .

Guan Qingqing, who was next to him, blushed. These people are too courageous. Fortunately, Chen Xu refused.

When they returned, they saw a few men frivolously talking to Ni Shanshan and Fang Yuan. Ke Xinghao and Wang Chengyi were standing in front of them, and they were holding each other's hands in fear.

Chen Xu walked over in two steps, his expression hardened, "What are you doing?"

The men turned their heads to look, and a little white face came, "Nothing, just invite the two beauties to play with us."

Chen Xu stepped forward with cold eyes, "They don't want to play with you, please leave."

Those few people didn't expect Chen Xu to look thin and weak, but have an aura that was quite captivating, and the police patrolling in the distance came over and so they did not continue to stay.

"Shanshan, Yuanyuan, are you all right?" Guan Qingqing asked with concern.

The two patted their chests and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Fortunately, Wang Chengyi and Ke Xinghao are here."

Before the the duo of Ke Xinghao have time to be happy, they heard them excitedly say to Chen Xu: "School grass, hello ah!"

"So awesome! The most outstanding in the world²!"

Seeing that the two of them could still talk and laugh, Chen Xu was relieved. The six had eaten shaved ice together and played for a while before packing up their things and heading back.

On the way, they also met the two girls who wanted to date Chen Xu, and cast a wink at Chen Xu, asking him if he would be willing to go on a date. They will let Chen Xu have an unforgettable night.


Chen Xu refused with a cold face.

"Damn, old Chen, you're not superficial." Ke Xinghao looked at the back of the two beauties leaving, rather reluctantly.

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Even Wang Chengyi's eyes widened, "This figure is superb."

"If you like it, you can chase." Chen Xu said calmly, adding one sentence at the end, "Be careful of the fairy jumping³."

"Ah??" Ke Xinghao and Wang Chengyi scratched their heads, wondering why Chen Xu who was at a young and restless age first reaction to seeing a beautiful woman was a fairy jump.

The three girls rolled their eyes at the Ke Xinghao duo, Chen Xu is worthy of being a school grass and a straight As student, he is not like ordinary people, and he is not confused by beauty.

As night fell, the small episodes during the day did not disturb their interest in going to the bar at night.

The three girls also specially put on makeup. They looked a little different from normal times. Ke Xinghao and Wang Chengyi also dressed up. Ke Xinghao even sprayed a lot of perfume. When Wang Chengyi saw this, he quickly asked Ke Xinghao to spray him a little.

"Old Chen, do you want it?" Ke Xinghao shook the perfume in his hand.

"No." Chen Xu wrinkled his nose with disgust, smelling the strong perfume in the air.

He thought of the faint perfume of on Si Ye, like snow on a mountain, it was cold and clean, it was probably the best perfume he had ever smelled, and it was also very in line with Si Ye’s temperament, so much so that he thought of the fragrance. , It will make him think of Si Ye.

Chen Xu licked his lips, got up and walked out.

"Wow, you actually wore ear studs!" Chen Xu came downstairs and Ni Shanshan saw the black studs on Chen Xu's ears. He was originally born white, and the black stud was really conspicuous.

"It's so cool!" It was the first time Fang Yuan saw Chen Xu, who was a little roguish, and couldn't help but excitedly squeeze each other's hands with Ni Shanshan.

"Have you pierced your ears?" Guan Qingqing was very surprised that Chen Xu actually had pierced ears.

"Well, I pierced in the first year of high school." Chen Xu was taken to form the orchestra in the first year of high school. The captain put ear clips on him when he styled him. Later, for the convenience of styling, he simply pierced his ears.

"My sister must know, right?" Guan Qingqing asked.

Chen Xu nodded, "Yeah."

Guan Qingqing pursed her lips, feeling a little uncomfortable.

The six people called for two cars and arrived at the door of the bar in ten minutes.

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"Do you know what's the speciality of this bar?" Ni Shanshan asked them with bright eyes.

"I know, I know! There are so many handsome men and beautiful women!" Wang Chengyi raised his hand, and he also checked it out purposely.

"Yes, yes, right! Let's go!" Fang Yuan bows left and right, while hooking a girl's hand, walked into the bar.

As soon as they entered, they were fascinated by the loud music and colorful lights inside.

Chen Xu and Ke Xinghao go to bars to perform from time to time, so they are very used to this kind of environment. As soon as Chen Xu entered, someone brought wine over before sitting down, asking him to drink, he indifferently refused, this refusal made the surroundings people who are eager to try, realize that this person is not easy to win.

The girls were stunned. Ke Xinghao hooked Chen Xu's shoulder and said: "As usual, our old Chen's market is just so good."

Not long after they sat down, someone on the stage began to perform hot dances, seeing the three girls blushing and their eyes reluctant to leave the stage.

"The waist of the little brother on the stage is so twisted."

"The ass is so cute."

Wang Chengyi who accidentally heard them talk: "..."

What kind of tiger-wolf word is this! What's going on with girls nowadays?

"Oh, isn't this our little coal boss." When a group of people were having fun, an abrupt voice interrupted them.

When Ke Xinghao heard the sound, he saw his enemy, Zhou Song.

And the few people behind him were the same people who molested Ni Shanshan and others on the beach during the day.

"Shao Zhou, do you know them?" one of the men stepped forward and asked.

Zhou Song smiled lecherously and said: "This Ke Xinghao is my junior high school classmate, and his father is a nouveau riche. He spent money to put him into our school. You also know that our school is a noble second only to'Shengjia' school, not all cats and dogs can go in. I failed to go straight to high school at abroad, so I could only go to study with a bunch of poor people."

"Fuck! Zhou Song, did you fucking eat shit at night? Spouting shit!" Ke Xinghao rolled up his sleeves and made a gesture to hit someone.

"Ke Xinghao, aren't you the son of a nouveau richeriche? Let me tell you that it doesn't even need a sentence for my Zhou family to clean up your house!" Zhou Song has long been uncomfortable with Ke Xinghao. Today, he must give him a bitter taste and make him embarrassed in front of his friends.

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