11 “You see me wronged, so do you feel distressed?”

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“Yes.” Tang Ziyou said.

For a moment, he felt Gu Jiuci grip more tightly.

“I can’t.” Gu Jiuci said.

“What qualifications do you have?” Tang Ziyou asked him back.

“I’m your fiancé.” Gu Jiuci said.

“Not anymore.”

“I haven’t agreed to dissolve the marriage contract then our relationship will naturally exist!”

Tang Ziyou looked at the stubbornness in his eyes. For a moment, he felt angry. When he loved him, he didn’t care about his mood. He didn’t love him now and he didn’t care about his mood.

For Gu Jiuci, what kind of mood he was, whether he was happy or unhappy, sad or not sad, seemed to be out of his consideration.

He only did things according to his own ideas and never cared what he thought.

In his heart, he never seemed to be worthy of respect and understanding.

He shook his hand fiercely and tried to break Gu Jiuci’s grip hard.

Gu Jiuci saw that he was angry and unconsciously weakened his strength. Tang Ziyou took the opportunity to break away from him.

Gu Jiuci still wanted to stop him, but he was stopped by Gu Jiuxing.

Gu Jiuxing pulled Tang Ziyou over, let him stand behind him. He said coldly, “Enough.”

He turned around and took Tang Ziyou out of the door. Gu Jiuci silently clenched his fists while looking at the back of the two leaving.

Tang Ziyou followed Gu Jiuxing into the elevator all the way in silence. He didn’t react until the elevator started to descend, “I haven’t checked out yet.”

“I have already checked out.”

“But this meal should have been my treat.”

“Then please ask again for the next meal.” Gu Jiuxing said softly.

Tang Ziyou heard the words and nodded, not knowing what to say for a while.

Seeing that he was not talking anymore, Gu Jiuxing said, “Xiao Jiu should have followed me. I’m sorry, I’m causing you trouble.”

Tang Ziyou shook his head, “It’s all right.”

“I will educate him when I go back.” Gu Jiuxing said.

Tang Ziyou nodded, changed the subject, and opened the page.

Gu Jiuxing drove the car and sent Tang Ziyou home.

Tang Ziyou asked politely, “Would you like to go in and sit?”

“Okay.” He got out of the car and walked into Tang Ziyou’s house.

“When did you move back?”

“A few days ago.” Tang Ziyou took a glass of water and handed it to him.

Gu Jiuxing took it, took a sip, then looked at the bright and clean living room. He said with emotion, “I haven’t been here for a long time. I remember the last time I came here. It seems that it was before you and Xiao Jiu lived together. I didn’t expect you two to break up in just a few months.”

“It’s not broken.” Tang Ziyou said softly, “The premise of a broken relationship is that there are feelings, but we two don’t.”

“The feelings you used to have for him are also feelings.”

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“That’s wishful thinking.” Tang Ziyou said, “In this situation, it should be regarded as a timely stop loss.”

After he finished speaking, he smiled openly, “Although the sunk costs are irrecoverable, but fortunately, the losses are not too much.”

Gu Jiuxing looked at his smile and sighed slightly in his heart.

On the road of feelings, you are not afraid of resentment or hatred. What you are afraid of is that the other party does not resent nor hate, but there is even no emotion in the words.

Tang Ziyou is like this now.

He calmly faced his previous love, neither denying nor escaping, only that there was no love in his eyes.

He has really put down Gu Jiuci.

“A timely stop loss?” Gu Jiuxing repeated with a smile, “It seems that there is some truth.”

He slowly finished drinking the water and put the glass on the coffee table. “Thank you for the water. I have something to do, so I won’t stay any longer. Please invite me to dinner next time.”

Tang Ziyou nodded, “Okay, be careful on the way.”


Tang Ziyou opened the door and escorted Gu Jiuxing out of the courtyard all the way, before turning back to the house.  

Gu Jiuxing was about to open the door of the car, but he saw that not far away, under the dark night, Gu Jiuci’s car was parked in the shade of a tree.

He didn’t expect that Gu Jiuci would also follow him. He walked over and knocked on his car window.

Gu Jiuci did not roll down the car window, but opened the door directly, “You two have finished talking then it’s my turn.”

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the door of Tang Ziyou’s house.

Gu Jiuxing stopped him, “What are you doing?”

“What am I doing? What does he want to do now?”

“He wants to break his engagement with you, don’t you know it?”

“I don’t believe it.” Gu Jiuci retorted, “You don’t know how much he likes me. Now he said he doesn’t like me, do you believe it?”

“Whether I believe it or not, regardless of that, that’s not the point.”

Gu Jiuxing advised him, “The point is that Xiao You’s attitude is like this now.”

“That’s because he wanted to get caught up.” Gu Jiuci argued, “He has been following me before, but I ignored him, so he changed his trick and deliberately confronted me in order to attract my attention.”

“So what?” Gu Jiuxing asked him.

“So of course, I have to expose his true face.”

“And then?”

“What then?”

“Assuming that everything is as you think, Xiao You is really trying to get your attention, and you also exposed that he still likes you, then? Are you going to continue to ignore him like you did before and don’t care about him? Or stay with him and treat him with your heart?”

Gu Jiuci was stunned.

“Why do you always help him to speak?” Gu Jiuci said, “Am I your brother or he is your brother? Shouldn’t you help me?”

“To be honest, I’m ashamed to have a brother like you who has negative emotional intelligence.”

Gu Jiuci: ……

Too plastic, plastic brother!

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“You go. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” Gu Jiuci turned his head away from him.

Gu Jiuxing smiled, “I should go now. As for you, you go with me.”

“I have something else to do.”

“Xiao You won’t see you.” Gu Jiuxing said mercilessly, “He doesn’t want you to send him off. In the same way, he won’t want to see you.”

“Xiao Jiu, whether you like him or not, and whether he likes you or not, you should know that stalking is the most useless trick.”

“Thirty-six strategies are the best to attack the heart. If you want Xiao You to have a good conversation with you, first of all, you should respect him, understand him, and take care of him, rather than relying on your own subjective assumptions, relying on his past love for you, and ignoring what he said.”

“You didn’t do well in the hotel today. No matter what your reasons, your actions made him feel unhappy. At this time, you shouldn’t show up again because your appearance now will make him remember the unhappiness at the time again. So another day, you come to him again.”  

Gu Jiuci frowned, but he felt that what his brother said was reasonable.

“What did you just say in the room?” He curiously asked.

“I didn’t say anything. He said that he was wishful thinking before, but now he wakes up, so he wants to stop the loss in time.”

Gu Jiuci: ……

What is meant by a timely stop loss! His dignified second young master of the Gu family, the new film emperor, what has something to do with the loss!

“What are you talking about? Are you really planning to be engaged to him?”

“It’s not impossible.” Gu Jiuxing was very calm, “I am single now and he is also single. We don’t hate each other. If we want to continue the agreement between Gu and Tang, it is also reasonable to get engaged.”

“How can it be reasonable? This is unreasonable!” Gu Jiuci firmly opposed it.

Gu Jiuxing patted him on the shoulder, “There are always some loves in this world that want to break through the shackles of reason, moving the world, and singing and weeping, so that they can be celebrated by the world.”

Gu Jiuci: ? ? ? Human words!?

“Come on, go home.” After Gu Jiuxing said, he turned and walked towards his car.

Gu Jiuci looked at his figure, feeling that he seemed a little bit unable to understand his brother’s thoughts. His brother should not have that kind of affection for Tang Ziyou, right?

I think so!

Gu Jiuci was very confused.

* * *

Tang Ziyou read the script for a few days at home. When he was seeing the highlights, he received a call from Liu Xu, saying that the crew asked him to try on the costumes. If no further modification was needed, he could take fixed makeup photos.

Tang Ziyou quickly changed his clothes and went to the studio in a nanny car.

Shan Qikun was also on the set. The costume stylist and stylist were surrounding him, trying on clothes and makeup.

His costumes were made at the earliest, with many styles. The colours were mainly white, black, and blue, mixed with a few cyan and purple costumes. There were several hangers hung fully, which showed that the crew attached great importance to him.

By comparison, Tang Ziyou had much fewer costumes. At the present, there were only three sets.

“You try the size first.” Xiao Wu, who was in charge of the clothes, said softly, “Yours decided later, so the clothes were made late, but it doesn’t matter. It’s not too late to make it while shooting.”

Tang Ziyou nodded, but he didn’t worry about this. How could he be stingy with the actor’s costume if he could be hired into Shan Qikun’s crew?

What’s more, although his role was said to be the third male, he had a lot of roles in the play, even similar to the second male, so his clothes were definitely not less.

Tang Ziyou quickly changed his clothes. The costume stylist modified some places, recorded a few data, and handed him over to the stylist.

The stylist gave him makeup and the other styling him.

Tang Ziyou looked at himself who was busy dressed up in the mirror, a little strange in a daze. He had been away from the stage where he was working for too long. When he came back, there was a vague sense of unreality, which seemed to be indistinguishable from a butterfly dream (idiom Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, meant Zhuang dreamed that he became a butterfly. The situation was real. In the end, he was not sure whether he became a butterfly or a butterfly became himself).

He looked at himself in the mirror and slowly closed his eyes under the reminder of the makeup artist.

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The makeup artist and the stylist were very fast. The entire makeup and styling were finished in less than an hour.

Liu Xu was very satisfied, “This is too handsome, Xiao You. You really haven’t changed at all in the past three years.”

“Yes.” The stylist was also very surprised, “This look is unexpectedly suitable for Xiao Tang. It looks like a teenager, like a student who hasn’t graduated.”

Tang Ziyou was a little embarrassed by their praise and quickly said, “I’ll go to the camera teacher.”

“I’ll go with you.” Liu Xu said.

The camera teacher was taking makeup photos of Xu Wangyang (许望阳), the actor who played Yang Haoying (杨昊英), the second male in the play. Tang Ziyou stood by and watched. Seeing that the meeting seemed couldn’t be ended for a while, he took out his mobile phone and read the script on the phone.

Liu Xu helped him move a chair, “Sit down, don’t stand.”

Tang Ziyou thanked her and sat down.

Before he came, he had seen the eve of the high tide. Now he continued to read and reached the climax within a few pages.

Tang Ziyou looked at Fu Yongsi. Just before he was about to wash away his grievances, Yang Haoying said, ”wait a minute.” He took out his own magical implement and then a death message from Master Fu Yongsi appeared in the magical implement. It was just a few words, but it instantly drove Fu Yongsi into a deeper hell.

The situation immediately reversed and the countless people’s insults echoed through Fu Yongsi’s ears.

Fu Yongsi seemed stunned, but he couldn’t open his mouth.

A fatal knife from a respected person made Fu Yongsi trembled and unable to move.

Tang Ziyou’s tears fell involuntarily and hit the phone.

He was about to ask Liu Xu for a paper towel, but he heard Shan Qikun’s voice behind him, “Why are you crying?”

Tang Ziyou was startled, turned his head to look at him, and saw Shan Qikun smiled, “You see me wronged, so do you feel distressed?”

He said, took out a tissue and handed it to Tang Ziyou.

Tang Ziyou took it quickly and whispered, “Thank you.”

He bowed his head and wiped his tears.

Shan Qikun looked at him with low eyes. From his perspective, Tang Ziyou’s eyelashes were still wet and they looked exceptionally dark and thick. However, the end was slightly lifted, which seemed to be a layer of worry thoughts.

Shan Qikun wanted to touch it inexplicably. The hand behind his back loosened and clenched, but his eyes kept staring at his eyes.

In this world, some people used hands to control and some used legs control. He liked to look at each other’s eyes.

He once thought that if he liked a person, then that person must have a pair of clear and agile eyes. The spring snow melted when they smiled and the water mist was hazy when they cried.

When he saw Tang Ziyou for the first time and played with him, he knew that his eyes were very good, but he didn’t expect it to be a bit too good.

Tang Ziyou wiped away his tears, vaguely feeling that Shan Qikun’s gaze had not left. He looked back at him and wondered, “Teacher Shan, what can I do for you?”

Shan Qikun smiled and said to him, “I’m still waiting for you to continue turning the page.”

Tang Ziyou realized that the reason Shan Qikun appeared behind him was that he was reading the script with him.

He quickly stood up, ready to give up his seat to Shan Qikun, but he heard the camera teacher shouting not far away, “Don’t get up, Xiao Tang. Just hold the same posture and look, both you and Teacher Shan, I haven’t had time to shoot.”

Tang Ziyou, “Ah?”

“Don’t look at me. Look at Teacher Shan.” The camera teacher said anxiously.

Tang Ziyou had to look back again, looking at Shan Qikun uncertainly.

* * *

The next morning, the official Weibo of《Spring Festival》posted a set of photos. The nine illustrating pictures included seven single photos and two group photos.

Shan Qikun’s fans quickly occupied the hot reviews, rushing to shout that their brother is too handsome! It’s different when the movie emperor descends to earth!

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When Tang Ziyou’s fans heard the news, they cried one by one that they saw their brother’s ancient costume again in their lifetime. It’s worth it in this life!

Xu Wangyang’s fans were also not willing to show weakness. They neatly express that their brother looks so handsome in ancient costume. It’s the first time he has played a role in ancient costume. It shouldn’t be!

For a split second, the three fans were inseparable and entangled in the comment area. All wanted to occupy the hot comments.

However, soon, something that surprised the three fans happened. One comment that obviously did not belong to any of the three fans slowly climbed to third place due to the number of likes.

Ke Tang Ke Tang (磕糖磕糖): “Look at Teacher Shan and Xiao Tang’s eyes!!! And this beauty!!! I’m dead!!! This pair of master and disciple is locked!!! I swallowed the key!!!”

Lou Zhong Lou (楼中楼): “Yes, this is a snapshot of Teacher Shan and Xiao Tang. This look is absolutely amazing.”

“Is Xiao Tang crying or just cried? His eyes seem red. His eyes are worthy of an emotional sentence. My God, I can make up for 800 words just by looking at this still.”

“Teacher Shan’s eyes are so gentle. Although it’s the first time to cooperate, Teacher Shan must really like Xiao Tang!”

“Compare the photo with Xu Wangyang, this one with Xiao Tang is simply too spiritual, too sensible. You can taste it, you can taste it.”

“It’s not a pull, but the one with Xu Wangyang is obviously a normal business, and the sense of distance is obvious. With Xiao Tang, I am not surprised that Teacher Shan puts Xiao Tang in his arms in the next second.”

The three fans looked at CP fan ky coldly and quickly called on their fans, wanting to suppress the hot comments of this CP fan. (cp粉ky, talking about a pair of CPs or other CPs, here)

However, more and more people couldn’t bear to not like it. In the end, not only did not fall but rose to second place.

Only sister fans: …I’m very angry!

ShanTang CP powder had eaten sugar, immediately shared the sugar in the forum, and sincerely invited the little sisters to knock the sugar together.

This photo was really well captured. It caught Shan Qikun’s voice after Tang Ziyou shed tears. Tang Ziyou turned his head in surprise, Shan Qikun smiled and said, “You saw my grievance, so do you feel distressed?”

The gentleness in Shan Qikun’s eyes, the smile on his face, and the tears in Tang Ziyou’s eyes that were not yet dry, and the sad mood for Fu Yongsi, seemed full of a sense of story from a distance.

Even ShanTang CP powder, looking at this picture could write several articles with humanity.

Soon, this photo came out of the circle and many Tang Ziyou fans who had retired were blown out.

“Dying and sitting up in shock, my Xiao Tang is filming again!”

Some people who didn’t know Tang Ziyou before also became interested in him, “Fuck, where did the fairy little brother come from? I haven’t seen him before.”

“My God, this is too handsome. Brother, I can!”

“Since the older sister can, so can the younger sister!”

After a while, Gu Jiuci, who was scanning Weibo, saw it too. Not only did he see the photo, but also saw the photo shouting “Together”, “This is right for me”, “Teacher Shan is so in love”, and “ShanTang is too sweet” comment.

Gu Jiuci: ……

Sweet, what sweet, fake sugar! What kind of pet, what qualifications does he have!

Gu Jiuci looked at the photo and clicked to enlarge it, carefully studying Shan Qikun’s eyes. The more he looked at it, the more he felt it shouldn’t be!

How can you look at your sister-in-law with such a look? What are you trying to do? Don’t you want your eyes anymore!?

Gu Jiuci directly called Shan Qikun.


The author has something to say:

Gu Jiuci: Please pay attention to your eyes and distance.

Shan Qikun: Please face up to the fact that you have nothing to do with Xiao You now.

Gu Jiuci: ! ! !

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