EXTRA: This Life (Get the Certificate)

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In the hot summer, Tang Ziyou looked at the red marriage certificate in his hand, only to feel more and more feverish.

Gu Jiuci took the certificate in his hand, put it together with his own, and took a photo.

Tang Ziyou said warily, “You don’t plan to post on your Moments or Weibo, do you?”

Gu Jiuci said helplessly, “Do I dare?”

Don’t dare. Tang Ziyou breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Jiuci watched him relax. He leaned close to his head, and said next to him, “But now that we have all the certificates, it’s time to move home.”

He had been living in Tang Ziyou’s house for more than half a year. For Gu Jiuci, Tang Ziyou moved out of his house in order to cut off his relationship with him completely.

So now, both of them were married, so naturally, it was time to move back.

He looked at Tang Ziyou and said pitifully, “Go home.”

Tang Ziyou had a good temper. He had already got married now, so naturally, he wouldn’t argue with him about this kind of thing.

“All right.” He nodded, “I’ll clean up and move in tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Gu Jiuci kissed him excitedly, “My wife is so nice.”

Tang Ziyou smiled, “Then if I don’t move in, am I going to be bad?”

“Of course not.” Gu Jiuci hugged his waist and said very well, “Whether you move in or not, you are good, especially the kind of the best.”

Tang Ziyou then nodded in satisfaction, thinking about what to bring when moving back.

At that time, when he left Gu Jiuci’s house, he walked in hurry and didn’t bring many things with him. Now that he was leaving his own house, he wasn’t in hurry. He packed several suitcases piece by piece.

Gu Jiuci helped him pack it up, and moved in with him the next day.

This was Tang Ziyou’s first time that he came back after two years. He felt a little emotional for a while.

When he left at that time, he was in the mood that he would never come back. He didn’t take the key. Unexpectedly, he came back in the end.

Gu Jiuci hugged him from behind and said softly, “Welcome home.”

Tang Ziyou smiled, nodded, and went round. They still came together. Maybe this was the so-called fate.

Auntie cleaned the house long before they came back, so Tang Ziyou and Gu Jiuci only needed to take out the contents of the suitcase and pack them up again.

Tang Ziyou habitually pulled his suitcase and wanted to go back to his bedroom, but he was pulled into another bedroom by Gu Jiuci.

“You live here.” Gu Jiuci said with a smile, “We are both married, so naturally it’s time to stay together.”

Tang Ziyou thought about it, it’s okay. Even before he got the certificate, he and Gu Jiuci slept in the same room, but at that time, Gu Jiuci slept in his room. However, he slept with Gu Jiuci in his room now. It was no different.

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Tang Ziyou opened the suitcase, took out the clothes, and hung them in Gu Jiuci’s wardrobe.

Gu Jiuci looked at his clothes next to his own. For a while, his heart was full of tenderness. He finally got his lover back.

The two cleaned up for a while, and then Gu Jiuci went to cook. Tang Ziyou finished tidying up the room, looked at the furnishings of Gu Jiuci’s bedroom, and went out to the door of his bedroom.

He opened the door and walked in. When he turned on the light, he saw that the windows in his room were bright and clean. Everything was the same as when he left, nothing changed.

Tang Ziyou walked to the side of the bed. He opened the drawer, and the scattered objects came into his sight. He took it out and looked at it. The old days flashed in his mind again.

Tang Ziyou smiled, slowly put the things in his hands back, closed the drawer, and then his eyes fell on the photo on the bedside table.

It was taken by him and Gu Jiuci a long time ago. In the photo, he was very happy and smiled very brightly. Gu Jiuci wasn’t so happy and had no expression.

Tang Ziyou reached out and poked at Gu Jiuci in the photo, whispering, “Why are you not happy?”

Thinking so, he took out the photo, opened the drawer and put it in. He planned to take a photo of the two of them and change it to a happy photo of them in a few days.

Tang Ziyou closed the drawer again and stood up. He took a serious look at his former bedroom, turned around and walked out.

Goodbye. From now on, I’m going to live a new life.

He waved to his bedroom and to his former self.

Gu Jiuci was chopping vegetables. Tang Ziyou washed his hands and stood beside him to help him.

When he first moved in, every time he was cooking in the kitchen, he hoped that Gu Jiuci would accompany him. He didn’t have to cook with him or help him. He just needed him to stand at the door and talk to him. However, Gu Jiuci was reluctant at that time, and he strongly requested to only come once or twice.

Tang Ziyou thought about it and glanced at the man beside him. He felt that he really changed a lot.

“When I first started staying at home, you didn’t cook. Not only did you not cook, but you weren’t willing to come to the kitchen to accompany me,” Tang Ziyou said.

Gu Jiuci was so frightened that he almost cut his hand. He looked back at Tang Ziyou tremblingly. Seeing that he was sighing with memories, not complaining and turning over old accounts, only then did he relax a little. He bowed his head and admitted his mistake, “I was wrong.”

“Did you really hate me at that time?”

“Neither.” Gu Jiuci said.

The time he hated Tang Ziyou the most was when they first got engaged. Later, Tang Ziyou’s grandfather left. When he saw Tang Ziyou cry pitifully, his heart softened.

“Then when did you fall in love with me?” Tang Ziyou asked curiously.

He never asked Gu Jiuci this question, but in his later pursuit, he accepted and believed that he had fallen in love with him before he left. However, he didn’t want to admit it, so he alienated himself awkwardly.

Thinking about it now, Tang Ziyou was still curious about when he fell in love with him? Why did he like him?

Gu Jiuci was a little embarrassed. When he was chasing him, he was thinking about getting Tang Ziyou back, and he wasn’t reserved when analyzing his own mental process. Now Tang Ziyou asked him when it was, and he was a little shy.

“Just after being with you.”

Tang Ziyou wondered, “What do you mean?”

“Didn’t you live in my house at that time, and you were very attached to me.” Gu Jiuci glanced at him, “I gradually fell in love with you.”

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“What about specifics?”

Gu Jiuci couldn’t help but lowered his head and said, “When you were sick.”

Tang Ziyou was shocked. That was quite early!

He thought it would be difficult for someone like Gu Jiuci to fall in love with others, but he didn’t expect it to be easier than he thought.

“No wonder you want to delay for a year,” Tang Ziyou said with emotion, “Your feelings have changed really fast.”

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci lowered his head silently. It was quite fast, so he felt a pain in his face, and wanted to drag his head back a little.

“It’s only a year, but it’s still too long.” Tang Ziyou said. If it was half a year, it would be fine. In this way, even if he didn’t see his obsessions early in his previous life, he could still be with Gu Jiuci.

However, it wasn’t Gu Jiuci’s fault for this. After all, he didn’t keep his promise first, so it wasn’t an excessive request for Gu Jiuci to want to be together later.

“I already knew I was wrong.” Gu Jiuci said seriously, “I have lived a smooth life since I was a child, so sometimes I don’t think about things well enough. I only think about myself, and ignore other people and objective factors.”

He looked at Tang Ziyou, “So don’t blame me.”

Tang Ziyou smiled and approached him for a kiss, “I don’t blame you. I just thought of it suddenly and wanted to ask you. Now I know that you like me very early, and I’m quite happy.”

Gu Jiuci was relieved after this. He hugged him, kissed him, and started cooking again.

The two of them ate dinner together and went back to the room.

Tang Ziyou took a shower first, and then Gu Jiuci left. He looked at Tang Ziyou who was sitting on the bed and focused on playing with his mobile phone. While wiping his hair, he approached and said, “Baby, should we do something tonight?”

Tang Ziyou: ! ! !

Tang Ziyou squinted at him silently. Gu Jiuci’s face was eager to try, “We have all received the certificate. It’s time for the real spring night that should be worth a thousand gold.” (也該真正的春宵一刻值千金了吧)

It was right to say so, but if he really said that, he was inexplicably ashamed.

Tang Ziyou coughed, “Wait until we go to sleep.”

Gu Jiuci turned his head and dimmed the lights, “We can go to sleep now. A spring night is worth a thousand gold.”

Tang Ziyou: ……

Tang Ziyou felt that his lover really couldn’t wait for this kind of thing.

But it wasn’t easy for him to endure it for two years.

Thinking so, Tang Ziyou put down the phone and silently got into the bed.

Seeing this, Gu Jiuci quickly pulled off the quilt and got in.

“Turn off the lights.” Tang Ziyou said.

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“Baby, when you drive for the first time, you should keep the lights on. Otherwise, what if you get into a car accident?”

Tang Ziyou: ……

Although it was reasonable and convincing, but!

Tang Ziyou glanced at him, “If there’s a car accident, I will kick you out of the car and never let you up again.”

Gu Jiuci felt a little nervous for a moment. He was still a novice driver, so the test was too big.

“I will work hard.”

“Shut up.” Tang Ziyou blushed.

Gu Jiuci hugged him and kissed his face, “Okay, okay, okay. I won’t talk anymore.”

Tang Ziyou was inexplicably shy. He lowered his head and dared not look at him, but he couldn’t help telling him, “Take it easy.”

“En, I will be very gentle.” Gu Jiuci slowly kissed his lips and gave him a long kiss.

He held the person in his arms. After feeling Tang Ziyou’s body slowly softening, he left his lips a little to unbutton his clothes.

He kept kissing him, bit by bit, down slowly.

Tang Ziyou felt his tenderness and finally let go.

He hugged Gu Jiuci, rubbed against his shoulder like a small beast, and called out softly, “Xiao Jiu.”

Gu Jiuci kissed him and replied softly, “En.”

Kind of gentle.

A beautiful night.

Gu Jiuci worried that Tang Ziyou because it was the first time, so he only did it once and didn’t do it again.

He hugged Tang Ziyou and asked him, “Does it hurt?”

“It’s okay.” Tang Ziyou whispered.

It was a little painful at first, but then it didn’t hurt so much. It was more comfortable.

“Then am I good at driving?” Gu Jiuci laughed.

Tang Ziyou pinched his waist, snorted, and didn’t speak.

Gu Jiuci smiled and hugged him tightly, “That’s good. I’m really afraid that I don’t do well for the first time, and makes you unhappy.”

Tang Ziyou smiled when he heard what he said, “I’m not so easily unhappy.”

Most of the time, he actually had a very positive attitude. Only occasionally, he would feel uncomfortable and depressed.

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“I know.” Gu Jiuci said, “But, I still want you to be happier.”

He looked at Tang Ziyou and said sincerely, “I have given you too many bad memories in the past, so I hope that in the future, I will give you all happy memories.”

Tang Ziyou laughed and hugged him, “Then come on.”

“Yes.” Gu Jiuci kissed him.

That night, Gu Jiuci dreamed that he was kneeling in the temple begging.

He looked more mature than he was now. He folded his hands and bowed again and again as if begging for something.

He curiously approached himself in the dream and asked him, “What are you asking for?”

“Ask for a marriage.”

Gu Jiuci chuckled, “You already have someone you like, yet you beg.”

The man looked back at him and smiled slowly. He said, “Then you must take good care of him.”

“Of course.” Gu Jiuci said.

He looked at himself in the dream, walked over slowly, knelt, and kowtowed deeply. When his head touched the ground, he had an illusion in his trance, as if he had done this action a hundred thousands of times that made him very familiar with it.

He was surprised in his heart, but he didn’t think about it anymore. He just put his hands together and prayed in his heart: If possible, I hope that I can be with Xiao You forever and ever.

He kowtowed again, and when he raised his head, he found that the hall was empty. The ‘he’ in the dream that he had just seen had disappeared at some point.

It’s strange, he thought to himself. He didn’t say a word but bowed again. Unconsciously, he looked at the ring between his fingers.

That was his and Tang Ziyou’s engagement ring, but they were both married now. Gu Jiuci thought he should also give him a wedding ring.

He smiled and stood up. He bowed to the Buddha in front of him.

The huge Buddha statue looked at him with kind face and kind eyes, as if smiling.

Gu Jiuci walked out of the temple and slowly walked down the mountain road. At the end of the mountain road, he saw Tang Ziyou who seemed to be waiting for him.

He quickened his pace instantly, and finally ran all the way down and hugged him.

“Dong—” The bell on the mountain reminded him, loud and long, like someone’s heartbeat, and like someone’s wish was fulfilled.

—“What are you asking for?”

—“Ask for a marriage.”

—“You already have someone you like, yet you beg.”

It was exactly because he liked him that he wanted to ask for it, to be reincarnated, to be blessed by fate, and to meet again in the next life.

I pray that this time, you can live a long life, be free from pain, and get everything you want.


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