Ch20 - Woof Woof Woof!

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Warning: animal abuse, gore description

Ghost King Wu Miao? What kind of weird title is this? 

Seeing Wu Rong’s hesitation, the ‘ Witchologist ‘ quickly added: “The Wu Miao King is the Slaughter Ghost King, but we who engage in witchcraft research call him the Wu Miao Ghost King!”

”Witchologist”, ”Witch.




Wu Rong found himself mistaken, this organization called the Witch Society did not seem to be the study of witchcraft, and Witch Miao was not a substitute for male witchcraft master, but refers to this Wu Miao Ghost King. This was a society that specializes in the study of ghost kings. 

Research ghost king or something was a little too distant for the current Wu Rong. Since it is useless and you have to pay the society fee, then simply withdraw?


The ‘Witchologist’ apparently didn’t notice Wu Rong’s quietly rising thoughts of quitting the club, he was still excited about the newcomer and said cheerfully in an unusually enthusiastic voice: “I read your questionnaire and thought your answers were all very valuable for research! You also feel lonely that no one understands you, don’t worry, now that you have an organization, everyone in the organization is the same!”

It sounded more and more like a pyramid scheme.

Just when Wu Rong decided to put that he would simply back out, suddenly the chat bar nailed a ring and another person popped up, opening his mouth with a series of English. The ‘Witchologist’ immediately switched targets, also typing in English, and the two chatted for more than half a screen as if no one was watching, not avoiding Wu Rong at all. But he also had a little interest, and could only roughly see what agreement they seem to have finalized.


After the agreement was finalized, the ‘Witchologist’ was more cheerful and enthusiastic: “Come on, Knight, we have new blood in the club!”

The man nicknamed [dawn star] had the courtesy to say ‘hello’, the voice bar spitting a clear and standard, low and pleasant tone, really like the Witchologist said the knight was as elegant as his nickname.

“The knight is a little silent shy, wait for the familiarity of the place and you will know. Newcomer, you need to leave a receipt address in the personal interface, soon it will be time for the society to send welfare benefits!”


The word “benefitd” made Wu Rong pause when he had already clicked on the exit interface. Then he heard the Witchologist’s elation: “Recently, I got a new batch of ‘Rain, Dew, Frost and Snow’ purified rootless water. I can’t use up a lot of it by myself. It just happened to be used for community welfare!” 

Wu Rong breath was slightly stagnant.

“Zhou Xun.”

Putting down the phone, Wu Rong spoke: “Do you know purified rootless water?”

“Of course I know, but rootless water is good, this purified rootless water is a rare thing.” 

Zhou Xun while driving, explained to him: “Rootless water is the sky fall water, like we raise the ghost if the killing and blood is too heavy, take rootless water to wash, but the more sophisticated ghosts will have to use purified rootless water. Right now, the yin qi in the world is too strong, and the rain and snow are all with yin qi. The Celestial Master is better at dealing with these things, and it is relatively expensive. ”

“More advanced than the purified rootless water, is the legendary ‘plum orchid bamboo’, ‘Rain, Dew, Frost and Snow’, such special plants, it’s special seasonal collection of purified rootless water. This stuff is only available in Da Dao Guan and top celestial masters universities and is very rare. The prize for the first place in last year’s district ghost breeder competition was a bottle of ‘Rain, Dew, Frost and Snow’ purified rootless water, just a small bottle, worth ten drops.”

Zhou Xun right hand let go of the steering wheel, pinching his index finger with his thumb, vividly showing the image that said ‘a little bit’: “Put into the black market to sell 30,000 yuan.”

“A drop is 30,000 ah, it’s a price without a market. After all, learning the Tianshi is not bad money, and no one specializes in practicing this out to sell. Alas, if I could have a few drops of ‘Rain, Dew, Frost and Snow’ Rootless Water why would I still be spraying breath freshener every day? Why, Xiao Rong, you need rootless water?” 

It’s not what he needs. It’s what the Zhong Gu needs to hatch.

Zhong Gu were spirits of heaven and earth, and the incubation conditions were extremely harsh. They needed the assistance of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. The purified rootless water was the ‘water’ in it, which can wash away the blood Qi that the Zhong Gu get when they recognize their Master because of blood. Although the rootless water was the easiest to get, according to Grandma Wu, you needed at least a whole jar of purified rootless water to wash clean the spirit of the Zhong Gu.


A small altar for raising Gu can hold four thousand drops of water. Even if the special purified rootless water has a hundred times the effectiveness, it still needs forty drops. A drop of 30,000, forty drops is one million two hundred thousand

Wu Rong couldn’t even sell a kidney for enough money! 

There was such a good thing about joining a club!

When he cut back to the chat interface, the Witchologist was still nagging him like an old mother, telling him to write down his address so that he wouldn’t send it to the wrong place. The president of the Witch Society was named Red Sleeve, and in addition to the Witchologist and ‘dawn star’, there was another one named Coffin Elder, all under pseudonyms. Wu Rong was also ready to use a pseudonym, he thought about it slightly, and used the word ‘Mount Prosperity’.

Mount Prosperity is to split Rong and then switch their positions.

After filling out the personal information, Wu Rong also looked at the rules and regulations of the association and there were only four articles. 

1) Don’t call him by his name on any occasion, or you will die.

2) Don’t mention anything about him with people outside the association, or you will be struck by lightning.

3) Don’t try to approach him, once revealed, you will be arrested by the public security, see the second after interrogation.

4) Love him, respect him, don’t  desecrate him on any occasion, otherwise you will be killed by Red Sleeve. 

This ‘he’, he guessed, was the protagonist of so many fanatical personal privacy issues on the questionnaire. Look at so many ‘deadly’ warnings, Wu Rong intuitively thought that this ‘he’ is the Wu Miao Ghost King.

Wu Rong suddenly realized.

He is also a thug of his own duty. He has followed his elder brother and was experienced. He could see through the essence of the Witch Society at a glance.

This was estimated to be a ghost king cult of a black evil organization. Except for him, there were all high-risk elements in the group, the kind that will be thrown out by the Public Security Bureau immediately if you say it. 

But what does this have to do with him?

Wu Rong’s indifferent nature, did not care about everything, stayed purely to figure out the welfare of the community. To this day, Wu Rong still does not understand how he got into this club, he looked at his own questionnaire rating, not high, would pass. The items that he was used to filling out were mixed.

But Wu Rong believed that he only needs to listen more and talk less, keep silent, mix for a while and no problem. And this society was not close communication, in addition to the January meeting to exchange information and items, often bubbling chat on weekdays was Witchologist.

One month, enough for him to get rootless water. 

And the Witch Society’s level was high, Wu Rong joined his forum and his identity level naturally crossed a few levels, no longer the initial lowest level. The task board, recruitment board and trading board and other places were all open to him, very convenient.

Of course, when browsing the forum, Wu Rong hid the badge of the Witch Society, carefully sailing the boat of ten thousand

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“Crap, crap! Wu Rong look at your hand, your hand!”

The tires rubbed the ground with ear-piercing sharp sound. The buggy turned an arc, almost hitting the guardrail. Wu Rong looked up and saw Zhou Xun face full of panic clinging to the driver’s seat, like a spoiled yellow girl, screaming masks flying up. 

“Your hands, hands!”

What happened to my hands?

Wu Rong looked down after the fact and saw a small sesame grain spider with four thin legs supporting the body, wobbly standing on his fingernails, two forelimbs between the layers of spider webs, like a miniature electric mosquito swatter, leaping to catch some bugs.

Normal tarantulas hunting was to pounce on the bite, but the black rock tarantulas were different, they have lived in the cavern for countless years, long accustomed to joint hunting. On weekdays, small spiders only injected with venom, and only big spiders were qualified to spit silk and spray webs. 

This was the first time the little spider has the right to spit silk, it is a little too happy.

“This is my pet.”

” No way A Sir, you, your pet is quite, quite special ha.”

Seeing Wu Rong drive the small spider back to the nail, Zhou Xun strong senior demeanor, seemingly crying or laughing trembling went back to the original seat. Just did not sit for a long time, his expression brushed a change, his face blue a white a fierce cover their stomachs, with a sudden pregnancy like, from the teeth forced out the words: “A-Rong, is your ghost abnormal?” 

“Hiss – ‘I always feel something staring at me, very scary, very scary ghost, it is very hungry, trying to plot against me’ – this is what my ghost sore said, fuck useless garbage things and hiding in my stomach, f*ck f*ck f*ck, Wu Rong, how does your ghost feel?”

I can’t answer that, because my ghost is a little mute.

But Wu Rong vaguely knew what was going on, and quietly, he warned and pinched the green ‘earring’ on his left ear, calmly: “It said no.”

“No, there is no…… Huh, it seems that there is indeed no more.” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zhou Xun straightened up in surprise and stopped being scared, asking puzzled: “What the hell is going on, is it possible that I have a ghost raising syndrome disorder?”

Qtfc Itbe Wec kjr kbgglfv jybea ktfatfg tf kjr abb yers klat tlr kbgx gfmfcais jcv vfmlvfv ab jrx Gbmabg Djlve, Qe Ebcu ajeuta atf rwjii rqlvfg jcv ugffc Xe bcf ys bcf.

Mbg bcf atlcu, atf mbwqjclbcr kfgf tecugs ja atlr qblca, jcv obg jcbatfg, Itbe Wec kjr atf olgra bearlvfg atfs tjv rffc rlcmf ifjnlcu atf obgagfrr, jcv atfs mbeivc’a kjla ab rtbk atflg qbkfg ab Qe Ebcu, ilxf mtlivgfc qifjrlcu atflg qjgfcar.

But Wu Rong decided to let them restrain a little better. Openly, he was a ghost raiser who was going to work. Gu can be used as a killer move when it is hidden. It is the green Gu that disguises itself as an eardrop and shrinks to a thin needle. It was reasonable to say that snake Gu like to hide in dark and cool places, such as behind loose hair or in silver ornaments on heads. 

But now Wu Rong is short-sighted, it has nowhere to hide, and can only aggrieve himself to be an earring temporarily.

After the admonition, the two returned to Yangjiaping without any interruption except for the regular morning, noon and evening ‘hungry, hungry, Mommy, I am hungry’.


“Hey, today is Friday, we can go directly to the Ministry of Public Security to register, and the staff will have a rest on the weekend.”

Zhou Xun suggested: “If you register early, maybe you can catch the special training next week.” 


Wu Rong had no problem. After choosing the Zhong Gu as his own life poison, his physical strength had been greatly enhanced, and his spirit remained unchanged even if he did not sleep for five days and nights. In the future, as long as the Zhong Gu hatch and become stronger, they will become more and more powerful.

“That’s okay, I’ll take you straight over…… F*ck what is this!”

Zhou Xun jerked the steering wheel, the SUV suddenly had a sharp brake, making a sound piercing, Wu Rong only saw a white shadow from the car window scurry past, like an animal hit the car glass. Zhou Xun quickly unbuckled the seat belt and got out to see: “Aigoo my sin, it is a kitten!” 

Five meters in front of the car laid a dying little white cat, it was only two fists big, the body of milk hair curled, pure white like a handful of snow, beautiful, lined with its mouth and nose was a overflowing bright red, shocking. Fragile and pitiful, it could provoke the deepest pity of the human heart. Zhou Xun was such a fierce man but when facing the young cat, his hands were at a loss, wanting to pick it up, but the little white cat twitched, spitting out a small mouthful of blood, he did not dare to move, anxious like ants on a hot pot.

“Wu Rong, you, quickly go down to help me!”

Wu Rong got off and looked over at the same time, as if by coincidence, the milk cat also trembled and opened its eyes. Its eyes were blue like the sea, deep and beautiful, like the most beautiful jewels, timid, good and moving, and full of intimacy and trust to humans. Anyone would be captured by these eyes.


A soft as cotton candy, with a trembling tail, full of sugar content, the poor and lovely baby cat’s thin cry, successfully made Zhou Xun sigh, ‘Awwwwwww’.

“This kitten is really good-looking, and I don’t know how such a small point slipped outside by itself.”

“Take it to the hospital and see.”

Zhou Xun took a thin blanket and picked up the milk cat. The milk cat struggled as soft as a stranger. It was cute and soft. Zhou Xun felt a little pity in his eyes. He wanted to drive, so Wu Rong was entrusted with the task of holding the milk cat. Strange to say, as soon as it arrived in Wu Rong’s arms, the milk cat obediently got up, and its little head rubbed his clothes and dozed off. 

Just arriving at the vet hospital, Zhou Xun received a phone call, and his face suddenly became dignified.

“Okay, I’ll be right there.”

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Xun apologized and said to Wu Rong, “There is a case in the Bureau. I have to go back.”

“Sorry brother, I’ll contact someone and have him pick you up later for a checkup.” 

“It’s okay.”

Zhou Xun seldom smiled, but his eyebrows were tight and worried. He looked at Wu Rong, hesitated, and finally whispered: “You take care of yourself. Try not to go out after eight o’clock in the evening these days, especially not to the Century Park.”


“Recently there have been many cases of disappearances, and the victims were found in a very ‘bad’ state, not only ordinary people but also ghost keepers. Our main speculation is that this may be evil spirits, you must be careful.”

Zhou Xun had brought many newcomers. It’s natural to know that ordinary people were particularly prone to expansion and recklessness when they first gained strength, and think they are omnipotent. Many of the deaths were concentrated in the early days of ghost keepers. Although he thought that Wu Rong was not such a character, he will inevitably be affected by raising ghosts. He likes this calm young man. He doesn’t want him to have an accident. 

Before leaving, Zhou Xun said: “We ghost breeders have to learn to protect ourselves when we go out.”

Wu Rong did not hear what he meant, holding the cat into the pet hospital, thinking about what Zhou Xun just said. Century Park was very close to their store, Mom often asks her friends to dance in the square there in the evening. Since Zhou Xun said so, it seems that he really needs to pay attention.

He paid the fee in the front desk and the wait for the doctor to come was a bit long. Today the vet hospital was a mess, many medical staff were busy pushing special surgical cart to and fro, above all some blood-stained, dying dogs and cats. There were twisted limbs, many of them were burned and scalded, pus-filled skin covered with blisters and maggots, the summer stank, miserable.

And these wounds were man-made. 

Since taking in the Zhong Gu, Wu Rong’s ears had sharpened a lot and he could clearly hear the medical staff whispering.

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“What a sin, I have to go back to nightmares every day, how can there be such cruel people…”

“You haven’t seen it yet with your own eyes, I heard that there is a big pit, which is full of cats and dogs corpses. They are still alive and thrown in, rotting alive in it, a reporter went over to take a look and vomited.”

“No. 128.” 


Hearing the number called, Wu Rong held the cat and walked to the front desk. The staff had dark circles under their eyes and smiled kindly when they saw the kitten in his arms: “What a good-looking kitten, how old is it and what is its name?”

“Stray cat on the road, hit by the car.”

Wu Rong said truthfully, putting the blanket wrapped around the kitten to the front desk. 


As soon as he left his arms, the milk cat woke up. Its paw tip hooked Wu Rong’s sleeve. It looked pitiful. The blue eyes were moist, the nose was pink, and the long milk cat’s meow sound was thin and tender. It felt wronged, and people were about to melt. At least the little sister at the front desk was conquered by it, with an expression of ‘What is this peerless little cutie?’, and her attitude was improved with the naked eye.

But Wu Rong’s steel nerves was unmoved, pulled back the milk cat’s paws, stuffed them into the thin blanket, and pushed it outward: “Let’s check.”

Zhou Xun said that he would contact others to pick Wu Rong up for the orientation test. Before people came, the cat was taken to see a doctor. Wu Rong sat on the sofa in the hall and waited. This pet hospital was very large, well-equipped and new. There was a small bookshelf beside the sofa for people to relax. There was also a big hamster cage beside it, in which there is a pair of chubby and round hamsters. 

Staring at the hamster, Wu Rong’s throat knot moved, and a invisible hunger surged to his heart. He was stunned and reacted, and took off the emerald green ‘earring’ which was inclined to the hamster cage.

“Hamsters are bigger than you.”


In spite of that, Little Green Snake still wrapped his little finger with the tip of his tail and stared at the hamster drooling. There was no one around. Wu Rong simply put it on the green plant leaves facing the hamster cage. It was the first time that he was clearly affected by the Gu. Little Spider was just born, and the communication was not smooth. Zhong Gu hadn’t hatched yet, and it would only be hungry for all day.

Only the Qingling Gu had been kept by Grandma Wu all the time, and has begun to have spirituality. After marriage, the Gu belong to the blood of the Wu clan. Wu Rong could naturally get the perception of the Qingling Gu. 

This was very beneficial in the future battle, but at the same time, he also needs to learn how to shield some garbage sensors, such as greedy hamsters, and the desire to eat moths.

With the pithy formula of the “Gu King Song” in mind, Wu Rong gradually emptied his mind, closed his eyes slightly, and entered a shallow state of calmness.

The little green snake coiled on the green leaf, and the black bean eyes focused on the hamster on the wheel. The head swayed with the wheel, full of joy. The snake hunting instinct made its teeth itch, and unconsciously leaned forward to get closer.

No one noticed that a white shadow crept into the shadow of the green leaves. The crafty and fierce hunter showed his claws and fangs. Its greedy eyes stared at the tail tip of the Qingling Gu. It silently hunched its back and was ready to attack. 

Just then——

“Woof! Woof, woof!”

Wu Rong was awakened by the woofing of a dog. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a white dumpling next to the green snake who was about to jump up. He stretched out his hand in a conditioned reflex and pinched the back of the opponent’s neck firmly.


The milk cat with 100% sugar content was very coquettish. The kitten was picked up by him. Its tail tip was rolled up and its paw pad was pink. Its aggrieved throat made a grunting sound. The wet blue eyes were like cornflower soaked in rain. They were very beautiful. Soon, a doctor was chased out of the consulting room nervously. Seeing Wu Rong’s kitten, he was relieved.

“Sorry, I didn’t see it for a moment and let it run out.”

The doctor was very sorry and took the milk cat from Wu Rong. He smiled at his reluctant appearance and said, ” Your kitten is such a family member that can’t be separated for a moment. It looks like it was raised from childhood. ”


Wu Rong paused: “I bumped into him on the road.”

Doctor: ……

“These days, kittens can also touch touch porcelain. It seems that it’s really predestined ha ha.”

Embarrassed, the doctor continued to check the cat. But when he walked away, Wu Rong’s eyes still stayed where the doctor had just stood. 

“Woof, woof, woof!”

The dog woofed again, a little shrill, the sound of a half-grown, not small pup.


There was a black-backed milky dog at the point where Wu Rong’s eyes fell. It was all black, ear tips and belly dyed brownish yellow, tail like a scythe, curious and intimately looking at Wu Rong, crossing its the back legs and scratching its ears.

It was this pup that was woofing just now. It seemed that he knew the doctor just now. It was very close to him, snorting and wagging its tail very hard. But the doctor did not look at it from beginning to end, even his eyes did not tilt. 

It’s not that you don’t see, but that you can’t see.


This should be a dead dog, a dog soul.

The dog that did not get the doctor’s attention, felt lost and sobbed, limping listlessly and lying down in front of Wu Rong. He didn’t understand why people who come and go don’t pay attention to him. Every time he recognizes familiar people, the dog will rush to them, circle them, woof happily, rub their pants legs with its head, eager to attract attention, but every time its returns frustrated. 

When lying down, Wu Rong saw the terrifying back of the puppy. Its tail was half broken, and its body was scarred. Its left leg was broken. It should have been broken with a steel tube or other blunt instrument. Its skin, flesh and bone were broken together. In addition, there were thick sores that were blistered by hot water, scars that were burned by cigarette butts, and bloodstains that had been cut by sharp blades and were still dripping blood.

This was a dog that was abused to death.

Wu Rong remembered the cat and dog abuse case discussed by the nurses just now. The puppy was ignorant and didn’t know that he was already dead. He limped to the place where the dog food bowl was placed by the wall, and wanted to drink some water, but he could not get any.

The sun was getting stronger and stronger. It shined through the glass of the hospital and made the dog wither. It had to retreat to the sofa again, where there were several pots of very vigorous and tall green plants, making small shadows. The little dog curled up there. After several times of no response to its enthusiasm, its saw that its acquaintances would no longer rush forward to it with enthusiasm. The dog just looked at the busy direction of people’s coming and going gloomily and gave a whimper of sadness. 

No one can see it.

The sun was getting stronger and stronger, making it dizzy. Unconsciously, the dog leaned back to Wu Rong’s place. It just thought it was very cool around here. Wu Rong looked at it, snorting and sticking out its tongue for breath. It was obviously very hot. At the same time, its body was getting thinner and thinner. Animal souls were more vulnerable than human beings. In addition, the weather was really sunny today. If it goes on like this, the dog soul would soon disappear completely.



In the hazy time, the puppy felt a cold shower, which was very comfortable, and even the wound on his body didn’t hurt much. It was very thirsty. The sun that it likes to bask in on weekdays seemed to turn into a fireball, burning it with nowhere to hide. The little dog started to move uneasily, as if it had met something. The tip of its nose suddenly cooled.

It’s water!

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It immediately rolled over and sat up, curious and eager to arch the tray in front of it. The tray was filled with a shallow layer of water, which was ice cold. The dog could not reach the tray, but the tip of his nose on the water was cold. It’s really water! The dog had been thirsty for a long time. It couldn’t drink water at all. No one cared about it when it asked for help from others.

The dog tried to lower his head and licked it. He found that he could really drink water and immediately buried his head happily. I’m very happy. 

“All the tests have been done, and there is no major injury.”

Wu Rong at the reception desk took the kitten and listened to the doctor talk about the precautions. Suddenly, his trousers was tugged, and he glanced down. He saw the round headed and round pup snuggling close to his leg, wagging his tail at him cheerfully. His eyes were black and bright, like two stars. Obviously, it smelled the breath of Wu Rong from the tray. The world of dogs was very simple. The puppy believed that Wu Rong is a special good person who can give him water to drink.


Woof, woof!


The kitten yelped, shivered with fear as the dog soul approached, and buried its head in Wu Rong’s arms.

“At present, it should be a little stressful. Go back and observe carefully.”

The doctor kindly reminded him, “Today the hospital is too messy. It’s not good for him to stay here.”

Indeed, the cats and dogs who were seriously injured and looked miserable were still being sent to the hospital, even though this was a large pet hospital with more people, it was also somewhat overwhelmed. 

Suddenly, the little black dog woofed with joy and ran to the door.

“There are so many wild animals. I don’t know if they will be sent to me, if they live today or die tomorrow. Do you really think I’m doing charity?”

A tall, grumpy young man swore and walked into the pet hospital while talking on the phone. He had double inverted triangular eyes. The whites of his eyes were more than black, and it looked like two fierce wolf eyes. A light brown scar ran from the top of the head to the corner of the eye and his body was full of evil spirit. The short sleeve showed his arm, and a big black dog with sharp tusks was tattooed on it.

The pup followed him step by step, his tail wagging like a flower, followed closely, was close and scared, and followed him about five steps away. 

It seems that this is the owner of the little black dog.

The dog was loyal, and the dog soul is also loyal to the extreme. They will not be far away from the master until the soul disappears, but the momentum of the rebellious man who just came in made Wu Rong frown.

If there was a bloody smell that seeped into the bones, even if special means were used to cover it up, it cannot hide from the Qingling Gu. It was also detected by Wu Rong, who shares his perception with the Qingling snake.

He is estimated to have killed many lives, and Wu Rong felt a little familiar with his appearance. 

“Oh, isn’t this Stick?”

The man watched by Wu Rong casually hanged up the phone. The ruffian took a cigarette out of his pocket and picks it up in his mouth. Seeing him, he sneered: “Why, don’t you recognize your brother?”

Wu Rong’s eldest brother in Yangjiaping was Liu Bao. He knew everything and was the best person. He had connections with both the underworld and the clean road. Old people like Wu Rong who have been with them for a long time knew that Liu Bao has a brother, Liu Hu. He didn’t know how they fell out and don’t contact each other again. However, in terms of seniority, when brothers meet, they still have to respectfully call Brother Hu. According to the Taoist rules, Wu Rong should light his cigarette.

Wu Rong sensed Liu Hu’s undisguised malice. The nickname “Stick” was originally Liu Bao’s close name for Wu Rong. It was said that one hundred years ago, the old guild tradition, the double flower red Stick, was the best one among all the young people in the sect. Although Wu Rong is an ordinary person, he dares to fight harder than the ghost raisers. Liu Bao appreciated it and gave him such a nickname. 

But later, the nickname “Stick” mostly referred to the shaft of Wu Rong. He was laughed at and became possessed by Xun An after they got together. He walked all the way to darkness without listening or persuading. Of course, it’s not pleasant. Wu Rong saw the badge on his chest, Liu Hu is already a ghost raiser.

“Don’t give you face?”


They attracted a lot of people’s attention. Wu Rong’s indifference made Liu Hu’s face look more gloomy. He stepped forward two steps and put his hand to Wu Rong’s collar.

Liu Hu suddenly retreated a few steps, shook his hand and looked at Wu Rong angrily. He hissed, “What have you done?” 

His hand, which had just reached Wu Rong, turned red and swollen, twice as fat as a pig’s hoof. A red to black mark stuck out, just like someone whipped him.


The little white cat meowed timidly, as if afraid of people, and drilled into Wu Rong’s arms. Wu Rong had a thoughtful look in his mind and didn’t bother with Liu Hu, so he put the little white cat on the counter.

“Temporary foster care.” 

Once again, Liu Hu’s face was completely black.

Xun An disappeared. Shortly after he became mad that day, he could not find the Liu Hu Sect’s subordinates. Later, someone suggested that the people above had taken him away.

People up there? Why did the people above suddenly notice this side?

Liu Hu can never let the people above know what he has done. Even the elder brother who has long been disconnected warned him that they were unwilling to stop the search. After returning alone, he did not make any noise for several days. Even many old customers who have cooperated with him for many years refused. He stayed at home these days and thought about what happened to Xun An that day countless times. 

‘Liu Hu, you were killed by Wu Rong’s dog.’

Did he dream that day or did he really see something?

So that today, Liu Hu, who was ready to go back to his old business, is running into Wu Rong. He scolded Wu Rong in his heart and was suspicious.

‘This boy is really different.´ 

He didn’t know what to think of. Liu Hu looked more and more ferocious. The atmosphere between them was tense and solemn. Others did not dare to join in when they saw it. Only the soul of the little dog saw that the owner and the good man who gave him water were quarreling. It turned around in a hurry, woofing and jumping at Wu Rong and Liu Hu, trying to draw their attention to itself.

But Wu Rong was surrounded by an invisible barrier, which was inaccessible. And Liu Hu, it couldn’t even get close to him. The little black dog fell a little closer, whimpered, felt aggrieved and woofed, and his soul became weaker.

Wu Rong’s left eye was faintly hot. He vaguely saw that the huge dog with the tattoo on Liu Hu’s arm became darker. His eyes were crazy and ferocious. His fangs were sharp. His blood-stained scarlet tongue licked his teeth and stared at him with malice.

Wu Rong’s eyes were sharp. The giant dog tattoo seemed to sense something. He was uncertain and closed his mouth. His eyes stared round, as if he had changed from a wolf to a husky. Liu Hu only felt cold behind his neck, but he still stared at Wu Rong maliciously. 

All of a sudden, the puppy cried out in panic and disappeared. The color of the big dog on Liu Hu’s arm also faded a lot, like a poor faded tattoo, so as to make himself appear gentle and harmless. Just now, the little white cat, who was still being held in Wu Rong’s hand and playing coquetry, suddenly loosened its paws and turned around and plunged into the doctor’s arms, revealing only its trembling tail.

Liu Hu was so ferocious and stiff on his face that he could not move any more. His eyes were moving in a panic, which made him look very funny with his stiff and fierce expression.


“Wu Rong.”

A handsome figure stepped out toward Wu Rong. His expression was light. After several days of absence, he was still as cold and noble as a crane. Wu Rong saw the peach wood badge on Fu Qing’s chest, representing the Heavenly Master. 


Fu Qing nodded slightly and left with Wu Rong after Wu Rong filled out the list of temporary foster animals. The two people passed by Liu Hu in a dignified way. He was still as stiff as a statue, standing in the hall, and passers-by could see him. He was simply executed in public.

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Seeing the yellow amulet pasted on his back, Wu Rong felt better for some reason. After going out, he had a chat with Fu Qing.

Wu Rong: “Fu-daozhang, did Zhou Xun send you here?” 

Fu Qing: “Fu Qing.”

“Fu Qing.”


Wu Rong seldom joked “Fu Qing, will the Tianshi be demerited if he abuses the seal characters?” 

“No misuse.”

Fu Qing said lightly, “He was asking for trouble.”

“Nothing, I can solve it myself.”

“It’s good to end it earlier.” 

Fu Qing said: “He has evil eyes and is full of resentment. the hall of the seal is black, within seven days he will die in the wrong way.”

At the end he concluded without mercy: “Bad luck.”

Wu Rong’s affection for Fu Qing was up one more point. He also felt that Liu Hu was not a good thing. He opened a stray animal shelter, but he was full of blood. The black dog tattooed on his arm was ghostly and almost evil. Black dogs had always been used to exorcise evil spirits and avoid disasters, but now they have become evil creatures. The most yang animal like the black dog and rooster turns evil, and it will only be more strange and terrifying than ordinary animals.

Unjust people are doomed to destruction. 

But when Fu Qing took him to the entrance of this fairly formal hospital, Wu Rong felt that his trust in Fu Qing was shaken.

Yangjiaping Fourth Hospital.


The full name was the Affiliated Gynecological Hospital of Medical University.

“There are too many people infected by evil in the urban area, and the testing room of the Ministry of Public Security is occupied.” 

Fu Qing calmly walked into the door of the hospital and explained to Wu Rong: “The fourth hospital has corresponding facilities, and the steps for detecting ghost marks have been moved here. After getting the list, go to the Public Security Bureau for registration.”

How can a gynecological hospital have corresponding facilities to detect ghost lines?

Fu Qing’s words were only understood when Wu Rong entered the hospital.

The most famous wing of the fourth hospital is the obstetrics and gynecology department. The situation in the hospital was the same but different from the previous life. There were many pregnant women with bulging bellies, wearing loose clothes and accompanied by their families for examinations. 

But there were also a lot of men with big stomachs and anxiety. The number of men was actually more than that of serious pregnant women!

When the first man with a big belly passed by, Wu Rong thought it was a beer belly and didn’t care, until the second, third, and fourth man with a belly passed by, Wu Rong finally couldn’t ignore it anymore.

Especially when he saw a man with a slightly collapsed emotionally pulling the passing doctor’s hand, his voice was dyed in tears: “Doctor, how stable is my fetus, please be accurate. I have been bleeding three times. I don’t want to suffer from this again!”

Wu Rong: ? ? ? 

“Not everyone can tame a ghost.”

Fu Qing saw that his face was expressionless, but his brain was blank, so he slowed down: “Having a ghost is an easier way to become a ghost breeder.”

Those who raise ghosts personally go deep into the ghost realm and then catch them back to raise them, they were called wild ghosts. Wild ghosts have high potential and fierceness, easy to backlash but very aggressive and easy to cultivate. Anyone who can suppress this kind of wild ghost either has a tough fate or is extremely lucky. They were all elite figures among ghost keepers, such as Zhou Xun.

But the vast majority of ghost keepers were house ghosts, such as starved ghosts, hanged ghosts, and even pen immortals. Humans have long been familiar with ghosts and gods. These methods have lower physical requirements for ghost keepers, and even Yin and Yang are not so important. Because the family supporting ghost is to raise a ghost into the abdomen first, and then give birth after such hard pregnancy as a woman. 

The ghosts that are produced will naturally be close to the mother’s body, and it is much easier to sign a contract at this time.

Although the potential of the family ghost was not good, and the future development was also limited. But after this technology is stabilized, human beings will have another choice, the death rate is greatly reduced, and a lot of new blood has been added to the grassroots. Generally speaking, it is a breakthrough that benefits all mankind.

The Fourth Hospital was the first obstetrics and gynecology hospital in Yangjiaping to introduce ghost fetal transplantation technology. It has always been in the forefront in this regard. No wonder there were instruments to detect ghost marks.

Signing up, the people who came to the hospital for examination today were exceptional 

Too much, Wu Rong waited in line for a long time before it was his turn. The inspection was quick, Wu Rong came out not long after entering, and waited for the results with Fu Qing.

To be honest, it’s kind of weird. After all, surrounded by men with stubborn stomachs, Wu Rong felt that he was out of place, and typical men were instinctively terrified.


And for some reason, a lot of people gathered around him gradually.

“Fuck, it was only when I was pregnant that I knew that my mother-in-law worked hard.” 

The big-bellied man laughed and patted his belly, expressing emotion.

“Yeah, I’ve only been eating fragrant ash for six months, and I’m very picky.”

The other man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, with only a big belly all over his body, echoed, “I must have been a starving ghost when I was born.”

“Hungry ghosts are good, the minimum requirement for civil servant exams is starving ghosts.” 

Someone envied: “I can’t do this, sigh, it’s been flowing two or three times, but it’s not stable.”

As he said that, he looked at Wu Rong’s flat stomach, and said in a friendly tone, “Little brother, are you newly pregnant?”

TL note:

11k characters. Special chapter for entering VIP chapters. Three times bigger than normal. 

For those that asked for mpreg XD


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