Ch15 - Eat Dog Food

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An Ji maintained the posture of holding hands with Li Rong, silently walking across the grass and the arch bridge. When they arrived at the garden outside the banquet hall, he finally raised his head and said hesitantly, “Do you really believe that I didn’t do it?”


“Why not?” Li Rong seemed a little surprised and instinctively said, “You helped so much before. How could an Omega, who has been bullied so much, use such means to retaliate against others?”




He did say this, but the question was…


“How do you know?” An Ji narrowed his eyes,



“That would be something that happened when I was on a junk star.”



The same thing happened when Li Rong made an emergency landing on Junk Star when he was 14 years old.


In the internal power struggle of the empire, a group of star thieves kidnapped Li Rong after being bribed. Although he forcibly connected to the mecha and escaped, he was forced to land on the junk star due to insufficient energy, and was picked up by a local Omega boy.



At that time, Li Rong was seriously injured, and his mental power and pheromones were in a semi-collapsed state. He disguised his appearance and identity, disguised as an Omega and lived in the other party’s house.


Thirteen or fourteen-year-old Li Rong was fair-skinned and slender, full of a kind of indistinguishable beauty. The teenager had no doubts when he heard that he was from the Republic, and took the initiative to teach him to survive on the junk star, and he didn’t even avoid him when he was sleeping and taking a bath.


Two months later, the imperial warship finally found Li Rong, but Li Rong couldn’t find the teenager who once took care of him after searching the junk star.


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It was not until 6 years later that he met An Ji.


Only then did he know that the other party had also lied to him. His real name was An Ji, and he came from the capital star.



“I just checked it a little…” Li Rong lowered his head and whispered, afraid that An Ji would not like it, he quickly explained, “Of course, I don’t know anything more!”


“It’s okay if you know,” An Ji said. Ji shook his head, “It’s just that most people don’t like Omegas like this.”


“Who said that? I like you like this!” Li Rong blurted out, blushed again, and couldn’t help but feel annoyed.


An Ji laughed and rubbed his head: “Well, I see.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ol Ebcu kjr jczlber: “P pera wjvf jc jcjibus pera cbk…!”


Lf vlvc’a lcafcv ab mbcofrr ilxf atlr!


Cc Al kjr ralii ijeutlcu: “Qfii, P rff.”


Ol Ebcu vlvc’a vjgf ab mbcalcef ajixlcu, jcv obgmfv atf abqlm yjmx ab atf mjrf. Yc atf ugbecvr atja atf mjrf abbx qijmf lc atf qjijmf jcv atf gbsji ojwlis tjv gfjrbc ab qjgalmlqjaf lc atf lcnfralujalbc, tf kjr reggbecvfv ys atf Ebsji Pwqfglji Cgws jcv vlgfmais “mbcnlcmfv” atf qbilmf ab ifa atfw qjgalmlqjaf lc atf lcnfralujalbc.


Yu Zhengruan’s face turned dark when he saw the commander of the forbidden army driving straight into the police station. He stopped in front of the gate and said coldly, “Your Highness, what do you mean?


“Arrest the criminals.” Li Rong’s expression showed a bit of worry at the right time, “After all, such a terrible thing happened in the palace, my mother and sister didn’t dare to go out, and I was worried that the next person to be hurt would be me.”



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That’s strange.


The two ladies had already rolled up their sleeves and were filled with righteous indignation. (the imperial family omegas)


Li Rong: “We are still actively cooperating with Director Yu to bring the criminals to justice as soon as possible.”


The young police director stood there, his eyebrows twitched uncontrollably, and he looked like you were talking about a nonsense.


Son. Did he think he didn’t know the temper of the two in the palace? Not at all what an Omega should look like! But the two nobles were royals, and he couldn’t judge anything, so he had to let Li Rong enter the door with a gloomy expression.


An Ji walked in behind Li Rong, Li Rong went in, but he was stopped by a gloved hand outside the door.


“Wait!” Yu Zhengruan stopped him, his face full of indifference, “Who let you in?”


An Ji didn’t bother to argue with him, so he called out, “Li Rong.”


Li Rong pulled behind him and said, “Introduce Director Yu, this is my assistant.”


“Assistant?” Yu Zhengruan looked at An Ji critically, with disdain on his face, “You actually let an Omega be an assistant? This kind of emotional, weak creature that only acts on instinct?”



An Ji rolled his eyes. He asked Li Rong with his eyes: Can I scold him?


Li Rong: Just scold.


An Ji took a step forward and almost ran into Yu Zhengruan.


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“What are you doing?” The latter immediately took a big step back vigilantly.


An Ji: “Your mother is also an Omega, do you dare to speak to her like this?”


Yu Zhengruan: “…”


An Ji: “Or, Director Yu would scold his mother for being emotionally weak when you just returned home. A creature that acts on instinct?”


Yu Zhengruan’s face was blue and white, and he finally managed to squeeze out a sentence: “My mother is different from you!”


“Yeah,” An Ji laughed instead, “If she was like me, how could she have such an unscrupulous and heartless BBQ pork like you?


“You—!” Yu Zhengruan was really pissed off, his eyebrows were drawn into like caterpillars, scaring a few police officers around him. With the atmosphere, they did not dare to come out.



It’s over, the director was going to fight with them!


Just when the little policeman thought they would fight, Yu Zhengruan took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his anger, and said in a cold voice, “Take them in, and give them all the investigation data!”


“Yes!” The little policeman heeled his heels. As soon as he touched it, he immediately stood up straight.


Yu Zhengruan left with a face of the King of Hell, and the little policeman took them to the conference room without daring to breathe. An Ji thought about the case and followed behind him without saying a word. So much so that when he heard Li Rong’s apology, he raised his head in surprise.


“I’m sorry,” Li Rong said again, thinking he didn’t hear it just now, with a somewhat embarrassed explanation, “Actually, there are still a few people like that, and there are many normal Alphas.”


An Ji froze for a moment, then laughed. Li Rong was actually apologizing for Yu Zhengruan’s discrimination just now?


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What kind of treasure boy was this? It was Yu Zhengruan who discriminated against him, and Li Rong was right. There was no need to help apologize.


The Omega’s smile was bright and bright, like a rose in the first ray of sunshine in the morning. Li Rong blushed and whispered, “What’s wrong?”


“I’m fine, that’s all,” An Ji shook his head, “and you don’t have to apologize for him. If you really want to apologize, he will do it himself.”


It’s not polite, he really didn’t take it to heart. He has seen too many people who discriminate against Omegas, and there are many such Alpha chauvinists.



In the early years, he would still be wronged and stumbled when others said that, Omegas were not the kind of person they thought.


But the more experience he has, the more he understands that once a prejudice was formed, it was difficult to change.


An Ji stroked Li Rong’s hair, as if rewarding a sensible child: “You are really a good person.”




“I’m not a good person,” Li Rong frowned, rarely getting angry, “I’m not good at all.”


An Ji straightened Li Rong’s hair again and said with a smile: “What are you afraid of, I’m not giving you a good person card.”


Not a good person card…


Li Rong’s movements were stagnant, and his face turned red again.


The police officer leading the way: “…”


Even if I accompany you to work overtime in the f*cking night, I still have to eat your supreme royal dog food?

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