Ch19 - Helping you with my hands

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“I didn’t, I didn’t!” Imperial Royal Hospital, An Ning screamed while crying, “Don’t ask any more! I really didn’t!”
“An Ning,” Xu Jing’an took a step forward and said patiently, “We only want to find out what happened that night, we didn’t unilaterally take An Can’s statement, didn’t we come to you to confirm it?”
“I didn’t, no!” An Ning shook his head, tears falling down his cheeks, “why won’t you believe me? I’m so miserable, why can’t you leave me alone? Do you want me to die to make you happy?
Xu Jing’an did not feel sad, and asked, “Then why did you suddenly go into heat?”
An Ning didn’t speak, and looked at her with his lips pressed together, his eyes full of defense.
“I see.” Xu Jing’an sighed and turned to leave.
“You don’t believe me?” An Ning grabbed her sleeve, looking hurt.
“We found the inducer in your room,” Xu Jing’an shook her head in disappointment, her tone full of sighs, “I wanted to give you a chance, but you…”
An Ning’s complexion turned pale in an instant, and his lips trembled continuously. Surprised, flustered, embarrassed, and finally turned into raging anger. An Ning stared at An Ji, and squeezed a word out of his teeth: “It’s all your fault.”
An Ji looked down at him, but there was no expression on his face.
“It’s all your fault, it’s your fault!!”
“If it wasn’t for An Chan suddenly barging over, how could I suddenly knock over the blue pill?” An Ning’s nails sank deep into his skin and let out a piercing scream, “It was you who should have gone into heat and it was you who should have been r*pe!”
“An Ning!” Xu Jing’an’s pupils shrank suddenly, and she raised her hand and slapped him down.
This time, almost with all her strength, a clear five-fingerprint instantly appeared on An Ning’s face.
Xu Jing’an’s chest kept heaving, and her tone became sharper and sharper: “Over the years, our An family has claimed that we have not treated you badly, so how could you say such vicious words?”
“Vicious? Are you a good person yourself?” An Ning smiled strangely, “You kept me at home like a dog, and after your own son came back, you kept kicking me, do you still think you are very noble?”
Xu Jing’an clenched her fists, and it took half a day to squeeze out a sentence: “That’s what you think of us?”
“Otherwise? If you didn’t have money, who would pretend to be a good son in front of you?” An Ning sneered and said disdainfully, “You think I don’t have any sense and can’t see how much you dislike me? I have to endure the nausea to comfort you, I’ve had enough!”
Xu Jing’an closed her eyes, her chest heaving violently.
After a long silence, she finally opened her eyes, her eyes calm and firm. An Yanming held her arm and silently supported his wife’s decision.
“Over the years, we have prided ourselves on being benevolent and righteous to you, but you ended up hurting others over and over again just to satisfy your own desires.” Xu Jing’an pronounced the sentence, her indifferent expression was like the reminiscent of the pile of ashes left after the firewood went out, “We will support you until the end of the university, but we will no longer have any adoptive relationship.”
“You can take care of yourself from now on.”

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Xu Jing’an rented An Ning a two-bedroom, house in the city center. After paying the rent for four years, she sent someone to pack everything in peace. But An Ning didn’t go to the house after he was discharged from the hospital, and no one knew where he went.
At the same time, the police department sent the r*pe case to the court and entered the trial process. He Guangzong still refused to admit it, but emphasized time and time again that he was forced.
Another piece of news that An Ji did not expect was that the noble Omegas cancelled all gatherings during this period, and for the next month, all the socially-loving Omegas stayed in the confines of their homes. It was said that this was to protect the r*pe case rights of the victims.
In their words, the injured Omega definitely doesn’t want to go out, so let’s all stay in the house, so they won’t know who was hurt.
Innocent and cute.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

An Ji didn’t like socializing, so it doesn’t matter to him whether or not such rules existed.
Aera j ofk vjsr yfobgf atf rajga bo rmtbbi, Cc Al kjr vblcu agjlclcu ja tbwf rafq ys rafq, bmmjrlbcjiis qijslcu UB klat qfbqif lc atf bcilcf olutalcu rsrafw. Cybea j kffx ijafg, tf revvfcis gfmflnfv jc lcnlajalbc ogbw atf deffc, rjslcu atja rtf kjcafv ab lcnlaf tlw ab atf qjijmf obg joafgcbbc afj.
An Ji wiped his face with a towel and dialed Li Rong’s brain: “Your mother asked me to have afternoon tea?”
He had just finished training, and his slender and white neck was covered with sweat, and there was a sweat all over his body. Wet and sexy.
Li Rong’s eyes were fixed on the other’s raised Adam’s apple, and he couldn’t speak for a moment.
An Ji stood up and asked as he walked out, “Are you listening?”
“Yes!” Li Rong immediately stood up straight, “My mother heard that you found the criminal of the r*pe case and appreciates your help very much. She just wants to invite you to meet. It’s just a casual afternoon tea, don’t be nervous. Of course, if you are afraid of being uncomfortable, you can also refuse, there’s no psychological pressure, she is very easy to talk!”
An Ji drank a cup of water, shook his head and said, “No, I would also like to meet her.”
He was also looking forward to meet the Omega who grew up in the Republic, and the queen who supports the Omega liberation movement.
“Okay, I’ll pick you up when the time comes.” Li Rong hung up the call with a rapid heartbeat.
“Brother! Brother! Did my sister-in-law agree?!” In the palace, a girl in a gorgeous princess dress was looking up at Li Rong, with anticipation in her eyes.
“Agreed,” Li Rong suppressed the joy in his hert, and said solemnly, “when the time comes, put away your crassness. Don’t call him ‘sister-in-law’ casually, and don’t scare him with strange words.
“Of course I know!” The little princess turned around excitedly, and kept holding up the external use light brain, her face full of excitement, “Wuwuwu, sister-in-law is really handsome! I want to marry wuwuwu~”
The communication and Internet devices that enter the brain are similar to the combination of mobile phones and computers in ancient Earth. In order to protect children’s brain development, only 18-year-old adults can be implanted with optical brains.
Minors like Li Xiangxin use external optical brains. It was a retractable transparent screen. The smallest form can be worn on the hand as a watch, and the largest form can also be enlarged into a tablet computer.
At this moment, Li Xiangxin was holding the tablet computer and watched the video on the Internet with her eyes.

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“You’ve been looking at something messy all day,” Li Rong confiscated her device. “Have you finished your summer homework? Hurry up and do your homework for me!”
“It’s not messy,” Li Xiangxin grabbed her tablet back and said solemnly, “I’m watching my sister-in-law!”
Li Rong was stunned: “What video?”
Li Xiangxin scolded the bum and explained kindly: “This is his Xingwang homepage, I have never seen so many fans or a blogger who has risen faster than him.”
Li Rong casually clicked on a video, and the shooting location was in a spacious and bright martial arts training ground. An Ji wore a personal training suit and fought against a muscled Alpha coach.
He challenged the Alpha again and again, and fell to the ground again and again. Eyelashes clustered in sweat, which dripped down his jaw.
“Come again!”
“Come again!”
“Come again!”
Li Rong couldn’t tell how he was feeling. The video had ended, but the image still appeared in his mind over and over again. He flipped through the comments, and netizens were more straightforward than him.
In the empire’s aesthetics where weakness is beauty, this kind of Omega has never appeared in the eyes of the public.
“Is this really an omega? He’s too handsome!”
“Is it my illusion? Although he is fully dressed and doesn’t have any sexy movements or eyes, there is a feeling of lust…”
“+1+1, I even want to watch him get knocked down over and over again… Although it’s miserable, it’s really lustful…”
“The humiliation of Gao Lingzhi (it’s a meme) really pokes me xp! Give me a chance?! I even thought about our child’s name!!”
Why were the current Alphas so unreserved? Li Rong frowned and clicked into several homepages with the most daring comments, and found that they turned out to be Omegas.
omegas? ? ?
Li Rong’s brows furrowed even deeper: “Why are Omegas so unreserved now?”
“What is modesty, can that stuff be eaten?” Li Xiangxin thought Li Rong was talking about An Can, rolled her eyes, indignant, “Brother An Ji was using his own video to appeal to the Omegas to break through social prejudice and self-restriction.”
“Brother An Ji?” Li Rong narrowed his eyes in displeasure, “You called him sister-in-law just now.”
Li Xiangxin: “Heh, I now declare that you are not worthy of him.”
“Very good,” Li Rong laughed instead of anger, “Your interstellar travel this year is ruined.”
Li Xiangxin: “…”

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Being forced to help, the little princess shouted in humiliation.”Sister-in-law”, Li Rong let her go.
When An Ji came to the house for afternoon tea, Li Rong was even more nervous than the two ladies.
The afternoon tea place was arranged in a sunny flower room, and the food and decorations were arranged by the owner herself. Li Rong just followed behind Liao Yunyan like a little tail, playing with flower arrangements for a while, tugging at the tablecloth for a while, and dropping the dessert Li Xiangxin made by herself on the ground.
Liao Yunyan who couldn’t bear it any longer kicked him out, “Don’t come any closer, get out and pick An Ji up!”
“Li Xiangxin, remember, don’t talk nonsense when An Ji arrives, don’t call him sister-in-law, and don’t look at others with a crazy face!” Before leaving, Li Rong explained uneasy, in Li Xiangxin’s office, cursing and slipping out of the palace.
In the An family’s old house, An Ji just walked out of the door when he saw Li Rong standing beside him and waving at him.
The temperature was still very high in August. Li Rong was standing in the shade of a tree in a suit. When he saw him come out, he immediately showed a big smile, and his white teeth flashed in the sunlight.
An Ji couldn’t help but quicken his steps: “Sorry, it’s been a long wait.”
Li Rong opened the car door: “It’s alright, I just arrived.”
The car drove slowly towards the palace, the space inside the car was not too narrow, but In the sealed environment, An Ji could inevitably smell a hint of fir, mixed with the refreshing grapefruit that represented the summer breath. It was Li Rong’s pheromone, which made people feel at ease.
An Ji leaned over there, took a few sniffs calmly, and looked vigilant like a cat stealing fish.
However, after smelling the good smell, he immediately narrowed his eyes with satisfaction, as if anyone could scratch his belly.
An Ji was sniffing his pheromone, and looking at the contented expression, he seems very satisfied…
After realizing this, Li Rong’s whole person was not right. His heartbeat was completely out of his control, as if it was about to break through the chest cavity.
What does he want to do? Does he like me? Is my pheromone just what he likes? If I let him smell pheromones every day, will he agree to stay with me?
Messy thoughts kept popping up in his mind, Li Rong’s breathing tightened a little bit, and an abnormal flush appeared on his face.
“Are you uncomfortable?” An Ji asked suddenly.
“No,” Li Rong explained, rolling his throat, “it’s just a little dizzy, maybe it’s too hot.”
“I see,” An Ji seemed disappointed, “I thought you had a pheromone disorder. ”
“Ah?” Li Rong didn’t react for a while.
“I thought I could treat you.” An Ji said, at this moment his long eyelashes were slightly drooping, and his elegant white neck sank into the collar of his shirt, leaving an ambiguous shadow that evoked reverie.
Did he mean what he thought? Like the kind of thing he did to himself that night in the garden?

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Li Rong’s Adam’s apple rolled heavily, and the color of his eyes turned into a deep black.
“I want you to heal me,” he heard himself say.
An Ji: “But I won’t kiss you this time, alright? I’m going to see your family later. It’s not polite to have a swollen mouth.”
Li Rong lowered his eyes with disappointment: “Okay. …”
An Ji: “I’ll help you with my hands this time.”
With my hands? ? ?
By hand!
Is it the hand he thought? ? ?
The so-called ups and downs are nothing more than this, Li Rong’s mind was blank in an instant, and it took a few minutes before he came back to his senses, and stumblingly said: “Ah…this…that…will it…would it be too fast??”
An Ji: “You don’t want to?”
“No, no!” Li Rong denied it, shaking his head like a rattle, “I don’t want it!” Why? An Ji thought for a while, and then said, “I will be careful not to get your clothes dirty.”
Li Rong: “!!” 

The author has something to say: Puppy: This is not a car for kindergarten, let me off! He shouted “No” while climbing up to ask the driver to drive faster———

God, why is the relationship going so fast? It can be finished in a few hundred thousand words… Orz



Editor: Zem

TL note: btw check out the other chapters, I’ve added the Author’s note and chapter 13 is very important 

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