In the evening, the white car passed through the towering palace, the sparkling lake, and finally stopped at the thousand-person banquet hall in the middle of the lake.

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Thousands of years ago, after the founding emperor fixed the capital, Xingxing, he built a huge palace with great construction.

Since then, it has been repaired and expanded by generations of emperors, and finally formed this huge and magnificent building complex that is comparable to a world heritage site. In addition to the daily life of the royal family, it also covers most of the central authority.

It was already evening, and the setting sun swayed a dazzling golden light on the lake, illuminating the white marble railings in a gentle and elegant manner.

“Brother is entering the palace for the first time? Would you like me to introduce you to the precautions?” An Ning appeared in front of An Ji in a white suit, his hair was curled into a delicate arc, his face was gentle and considerate, “If it is in terms of etiquette, whatever goes wrong is the loss of An’s family’s face.”

An Ji glanced down at An Ning, and said coldly, “No need.”

He is half a head taller than An Ning. The illusion of a sharp edge.

It’s just a country bumpkin, showing a noble and glamorous attitude to anyone!

“Are you really not listening?” An Ning resisted the urge to roll his eyes and judo softly, “There’s an Omega talent show tonight, if you’re not going to prepare anything, you’re probably going to lose face at home.”

An Ji picked the point: “If I lose face of An family, what’s your business?”

” You—” An Ning’s expression changed immediately.

These words were so cruel that they almost pointed to his nose and scolded, “You were an adopted son, what qualifications do you have to take care of me,  a genuine young master?”.

An Ning gritted his teeth angrily, but unfortunately, he always portrayed a quiet and handsome man. Seeing that more and more people around him were paying attention to this, he had to hold back his anger and try to squeeze out a gentle smile.

Forget it, don’t bother with him now, he has a way to teach himself a lesson!

In fact, An Ning thought too much just now. Few people cared about his face, because most people came to see An Ji.

An Ji was 1.8 meters tall, and was standing there wearing that custom-made evening dress, his long legs were very eye-catching.

His appearance was superior, but what is more outstanding is his temperament. In the era when Omegas in the entire empire pursued softness as beauty, An Ji was like a cold ice man, tearing a cold hole in the decadent high society.

Let anyone see this scene and can’t help but admire the perfection of the Creator.

An Ji put one hand in his pocket and slowly swayed inside. Many people who wanted to strike up a conversation were stunned by his cold aura. It was hard for someone to muster up the courage, but unexpectedly they just took a step and saw a woman holding An Ji’s arm.

“Mom?” An Ji’s movements froze for a moment, he was not used to being in such close contact with people, and subconsciously wanted to draw out his arm.

“I’ll take you in.” Xu Jing’an tightened her claws and reached out to grab An Can at the end of the team.

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An Can stood aside in a black suit. He didn’t seem to be used to this outfit. His sharp brows were furrowed, and he tugged at his bow tie irritably. It looked like a beast bound in chains, as if it was about to explode in the next moment.

His irritability level reached its peak after Xu Jing’an approached, and his body was tense, dodging Xu Jing’an’s arm as if avoiding the enemy’s attack.

Xu Jing’an: “…”

An Ji: “…”

An Can didn’t realize that there was anything wrong with his actions just now, he stood coldly aside, his dark pupils were full of vigilance.

Xu Jing’an’s arm was suspended in mid-air, trembling invisibly. As if nothing had happened, she retracted his hand and tried her best to show a smile, but when she met An Can’s defensive eyes, the meager smile quickly disappeared, and her eyes turned red.

“An Can,” An Ji said solemnly, “Come here.”

An Can frowned even more: “What are you doing?”

“Come here.” An Ji repeated.

An Can stood there and looked back quietly, the two lines of sight collided in the air, as if they were engaged in a silent confrontation.

After a long time, An Can sighed inaudibly, and took the initiative to reach out to hold Xu Jing’an, and the pair of mother and son walked in hand in hand.

Behind them, An Ning stared at An Ji, his carefully drawn eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

After the dinner started, An Ji got rid of Xu Jing’an and found an unobtrusive place to hide and eat.

He has so many memories of hunger that now every time he eats, he has to eat until he stops.

It’s a pity that the clothes he wore today were too fitting, and An Ji can’t fit in a quarter of his usual food intake. Watching the waiter get on the new steak, he couldn’t help but take another piece, and he choked.

Just when he was scrambling to find water to drink, a glass of cool lemonade was handed over.

An Ji took the cup and drank it, only to find An Yao standing opposite him when he looked up, looking at him with a smile from the corner of his eyes.

An Ji: “Thank you.”

“Are you used to coming back these days?” An Yao sat down beside him and said in a natural tone, “If there is anything you need help with, you can tell me, although my abilities are limited, the small things are still okay. I can help.”

At this time, An Yao was a sophomore at the School of Political Science at Imperial University, and he was in the same class as Li Rong. Imperial University was a super famous school ranked first in the capital star, and the School of Political Science is a star major, cultivating generations of managers of the Empire.

It can be said that he has already stepped into the aristocratic Alpha circle halfway.

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When An Ning was still engaged in house fights, he had already paved the way for his future, and even if he left An Jia now, it would not have much impact on him.

He said that being able to help is not a big deal, but that he really has a certain amount of strength.

But An Ji didn’t know what he was thinking, just gave him a cold look and didn’t answer.

An Yao was not annoyed, but told the story on his own: “There was a pond where I lived when I was a child, and I thought it must be the largest lake in the world. Later, a classmate went to Capital Star and said that Lake Biwa is bigger than my doorstep. I didn’t believe it, and when we argued with him, neither of us could convince anyone, and we finally had a hard fight.”

“I won, so I am convinced again that no matter how big the lake is, there is no lake larger than the one in front of my house.” In the crowded banquet hall, An Yao’s voice was very soft, rather than talking to others, it was better to say that he was talking to himself.

“Afterwards, my parents died unexpectedly, and the An family adopted me. When the space shuttle crossed Lake Biwa, no one knew how shattered my heart was under my calm exterior.”

An Ji opened his mouth, but did not speak after all. .

“I went back to my hometown not long ago, and I found out that the pond that I thought was boundless when I was young was actually just a small puddle. Oh, a small puddle,” An Yao laughed at himself, “but how can I treat that as a lake?”

An Ji raised his head and suddenly understood the other party’s intention.

An Yao: “I’m very grateful to the An family for their adoption. They changed my life.”

“It’s gold that always shines,” An Ji said calmly, “You were good enough, even if you haven’t been adopted, with your intelligence, it won’t be much worse.”

An Yao laughed: “Do you really think so?”

An Ji pursed his lips and said nothing.

“You don’t need to test me,” An Yao stood up and said while tidying up his clothes, “As long as you don’t provoke me, I won’t give you any trouble, and I can provide you with appropriate help.”

At that moment, he knew that, An Yao’s pursuit has long been out of An Jia. He has successfully used An Jia as a springboard, allowing himself to stand on a higher platform.

“An Yao, that’s the younger brother you just found? Can you introduce me?” A young man bumped An Yao’s shoulder and looked at An Ji in a meaningful way.

The engagement of An Ji and Li Rong has not yet spread to the children of the aristocratic family. The alphas with strong hormones at the scene couldn’t move their eyes after seeing An Ji.

“It’s so embarrassing, even such a beautiful Omega brother didn’t even tell us!”

“Don’t you want to hide it yourself?”

“Are you crazy? They are brothers?”

“A adopted son, they were not related by blood.”

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Everyone in their circle knew that An Yao was the adopted son, but almost no one looked down on him.

“Fuck off, don’t count on me, like to go by yourself.” An Yao sent a few friends who wanted him to lead him and turned around to light a cigarette in the garden. He originally wanted to relax, but unexpectedly An Ning rushed over the next moment and said in a reproachful tone, “Brother, what’s the matter with you? Even if you don’t help me deal with An Ji, you even took the initiative to show him favor?!”

Smoking doesn’t make people clean, An Yao let out a “tsk” and put out the cigarette in his hand.

“Speak up!” An Ning was really anxious, and couldn’t help but urged again.

He didn’t even know what was going on. Since An Ji came back, everything in the family has changed.

The parents who originally doted on him turned all their attention, and the eldest brother, who had always been cold and indifferent, also began to show his affection to him. How could he still have his place in this family!

“Looking at our ten years of friendship, I also remind you,” An Yao narrowed his eyes, and his gold-rimmed glasses flashed in the twilight, “Don’t try to trouble An Ji again, or you will be ruined one day sooner or later. It’s in your own hands.”

An Ning’s face sank, and his eyebrows were twisted together: “So you don’t want to cooperate with me to take back An Jia?”

An Yao sneered, a bit of disdain and pity on his face. Just when An Ning thought he was going to say something, the man walked into the hall without looking back.

The heavy door was pushed open by the waiter, laughter poured out like mercury, and he was like a clown who was turned away, no one looked at this adopted son again.

An Ning clenched his teeth, and there was a strong unwillingness in his eyes.

Why would he give up his place when An Ji came back? Why did An Ji take away all the favors that belonged to him when he came back? He is the young master of the An family, and he wants to take back everything that belongs to him!

/ / /

In the banquet hall, An Ji has already started to eat the second round.

He didn’t know where Li Rong was today, but he (AJ) disappeared halfway through the banquet. An Ji sent back a few Alphas who came to chat with him, and was considering whether to go search for Li Rong, when he found a few dark shadows cast in front of him.

——An Ning walked over with a few people who supported him.

“Is something wrong?” An Ji reluctantly gave them a look.

An Ning: “It’s time for the Omega talent show in a while, I came over to tell you.”

An Ji said “oh” and continued to eat without raising his head.

An Ning waited beside him for a long time, but he didn’t expect that this person hadn’t said a word other than “Oh” just now. Eat, eat, were you a pig? Why don’t you get fat?

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“Anything else?” An Ji sensed An Ning’s approach, and waved his hand impatiently, “I understand what I just said, you can go down.”

Of course he had something to do. What if you leave? He is not a messenger!

“Brother, have you prepared any shows?” An Ning smiled, “The queen has always been close to people, and is willing to use this platform to show us herself. There were not many opportunities like this, so don’t miss it.”

An Ji looked at the dazzling array of food without raising his eyes: “No performances.”

An Ning: “We know you didn’t learn anything in Junk Star, otherwise choose something simpler, how about poetry reading?”


“Singing and dancing?”


“How about playing the piano? You know, this is a must-have for Omegas.

“Isn’t it? It’s not going to be that way. It’s too embarrassing for the An family, isn’t it?”

“Don’t say that, my brother is in difficult conditions.” Just tell me what you know.”

An Ji, who was full and well-fed, put down his knife and fork, wiped his mouth slowly, and then raised his eyebrows: “Do you want to know?”

“Of course I do,” An Ning smiled gently, ” We all know that you just came back from Junk Star. After all, we have never been to that kind of place before, so we want to see you bring a new experience.”

“A new experience?” An Ji curved his lips and smiled strangely. , “It may be really new to you.”

An Ning: “What?”

An Ji suddenly stood up, stared at An Ning’s eyes and said word by word, “I will use a fork to take out people within a second. Their eyes, I will use a knife to dismember people into 108 pieces, and I will catch the Bugs, remove their heads and eat their bodies.”

Every time he said a word, he took a step closer to An Ning, and when he finished speaking, the person was already standing in front of An Ning.

Beautiful and fierce, like a famous sword that exudes cold air.

An Ning broke down in a cold sweat. He wanted to squeeze out a nonchalant smile, but when he met An Ji’s eyes, it was as if he was being grabbed by the back of his neck. He was frozen in place and couldn’t move.

“Do you want me to perform for you?” An Ji grabbed the silver fork from the table and said coldly, “Would you like to experience gouging out your eyes, dismembering, or getting your head off?”


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