Sure enough, Jiang Yi really didn’t get a place in the elective course.

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He even went to their temporary class teacher in Evan’s name, claiming that Evan wanted to experience special teaching in a Chinese university, hoping that the class teacher could lobby for them, but to no avail.

Su Hang came to him once, commissioned by the director of the school’s English club, and asked if he and Evan would like to go to the club to teach the students in the department to practice speaking.

Evan agreed to go with his enthusiastic personality of eating everywhere he went, and Jiang Yi, a half-witted American speaker who had studied abroad for two years, also went with him.

The club’s director was overjoyed and mobilized all the students and staff in the club to hold a welcome party for the two of them. The place was set in the party hall of the university town.

Evan was like a fish in the water at the welcome party, and soon he disappeared.

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Jiang Yi was sitting on the couch eating dessert, and a few girls came over to talk to him and were dragged to play some board games. The loser had to accept a truth or dare. Jiang Yi kept losing and was asked to do all sorts of strange things.

Finally, he went around the room looking for someone to take his place, but couldn’t find anyone. Everyone looked at him sympathetically whenever they were asked. He pulled Su Hang as if calling for help, “You help me play a few, I want to go to the toilet.”

As a person who just came by, Su Hang cautiously shook his head and handed him the draft paper and a pen in his arms, “The director is going out to buy something later, do you have anything you want to eat?”

Jiang Yi put the paper against the wall and wrote a few words with a swish, turned around, and said with a burning gaze, “If you lose, it’ll count as mine.”

Su Hang held up his glasses and agreed smoothly, “Okay, no problem.”

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Jiang Yi, “…”

He rushed up to the bathroom on the second floor of the villa, and when he locked the toilet door with his backhand, he found that the lock was broken. Jiang Yi muttered in depression, and did not care, and turned his back to the door to unzip his pants.

The innermost part of the bathroom had a bathtub, and the dark curtains above the bathtub were tightly drawn and were swaying faintly. Jiang Yi felt a little frightened. After flushing the toilet, he didn’t even wash his hands, as he silently approached the bathtub and pull open the curtain with a clatter.

The bathtub was empty, and the small window above was left open.

Jiang Yi, “…”

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He doesn’t know what kind of magic happened in that second, but Jiang Yi stepped into the bathtub and stood on tiptoe, trying to close the small window. Behind him came the sound of the door being pushed open, so Jiang Yi reflexively leaned to his left and hid behind the shower curtain, holding his breath.

The air was quiet for a few seconds before the sound of rustling and unbuckling was heard. Jiang Yi cursed himself for being stupid, under the situation just now, wouldn’t it be good to walk out openly?

If I go out now, there would be a hundred mouths that cannot be argued.

He tilted his head and glanced out quietly through the gap in the shower curtain. His eyes swept over the side face of the person standing in front of the toilet with his head down. His eyes widened slowly, and then his eyes were filled with joy.

He bit his lower lip to suppress his smile, his gaze fell from the side of the other person’s face to all the way down to the hands holding the belt, and his heart, which had been quiet for years, finally throbbed with restlessness.

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The air was full of factors that could make a person’s mouth dry, Jiang Yi subconsciously licked his lips, his gaze fixed on the other party’s hands.

The pair of long, strong hands pulled open the belt and slowly pulled down the zipper in the middle of the jeans, revealing the bulging black underwear, which seemed to have a wild dormant beast lurking underneath.

Jiang Yi couldn’t help swallowing.

The hands grabbed the head of the pants and slammed it upward, pulling the zipper back neatly. The owner of the hands turned his face sideways in the direction of the bathtub, “Hey, come out, I heard you swallowing.”

Jiang Yi, “….”

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