WTD – Ch37

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    And so, Jiang Yi had gotten the person he wanted in his hand. 

    He escaped singlehood and came out of the closet on the same day. Not only that, he had been teased by a bunch of straight men about crying from a kiss. A book truly could not be judged by its cover.


    Chu Chuan had also raised his chin and asked seriously, “Are you really crying?”


    It was only when he had rushed back to the door of his dorms did he remember a critical question— Did Chu Chuan and Chu Jia Ri break up yet? He had been kissed stupid by the other, his brain full of only love. 

    After he showered, it was already lights out. Jiang Yi crawled onto the bed, but he kept thinking back to that matter, tossing and turning like a pancake. In the end, he grabbed his phone and pulled open the balcony door, hiding in a dark corner and calling Chu Chuan. 

    As the phone rang, he told himself to only wait 3 seconds. If he didn’t answer in 3 rings, he’ll just call him again tomorrow morning. 

    But coincidentally, Chu Chuan answered on the third ring. 

    Jiang Yi picked at his shoes, releasing a breath, “You haven’t slept?” 

    “About to.” 

    Meaning: Say what you want before I hang up. 

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    “I like you!” 


    “Do you like me?!”


    “I’m hanging up.” 


    “Waitwaitwaitwait… Alright, I just wanted to ask— Did you and Chu Jia Ri break up?” 

    The person on the other side of the call didn’t speak. 

    Jiang Yi started getting anxious, “…You didn’t?” 


    “Break up tomorrow morning?” 

    “I already did. Besides, I don’t like him.” Chu Chuan frowned, traces of annoyance leaked into his voice, “Can you be more careful, Jiang Yi. Or you won’t even have time to cry when you’re being cheated on by some scum.” 

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    “There won’t be a next time.” Jiang Yi answered before his brain caught up. 

    Chu Chuan froze.

    “Chuan ge, did you code your brain to oblivion?” 


    “I’ve already caught you, so how could there be a next time?” 

    He hung up and kissed his phone excitedly. To be honest, he already knew that even though Chu Chuan liked him, it was far from loving him, or even to the point of living together, but he wasn’t in a hurry. 

    They still had a long time together in the future, they could get closer. Time will prove that all the love he’s put in today will return tenfold to him one day in the future.

    It was a dreamless night. 

    Before the alarm even rang, Jiang Yi had already opened his eyes. He washed up and put on his clothes, running off to first period as Evan questioned him. He wanted to eat breakfast with Chu Chuan despite his dorms being two breakfasts away from Chu Chuan’s. 

    Chu Chuan opened the door. Their major didn’t have morning classes and everyone was gone. Seeing Jiang Yi’s smile, Chu Chuan froze for a moment before recalling that he had got himself a boyfriend yesterday, and it was an annoying one. 

    After letting the person in, Chu Chuan dragged a chair over and sat slowly, “What are you doing here so early?”

    “To eat breakfast with you of course.” Jiang Yi strolled over and felt his jaw, “Chuan ge should really shave.” He looked as if he was talking about something else as excitement flashed in his eyes, “I’ll help you?”

    “No need.” Chu Chuan rejected softly, turning away after finding Jiang Yi’s nose almost touching his lips. 

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    Jiang Yi huffed, rubbing his lips against his chin and then observed Chu Chuan’s expression with his eyes curved. Chu Chuan glared at him silently, pinching his jaw and raising it up. 

    Jiang Yi quickly covered his mouth, asking, “You haven’t brushed your teeth yet, have you?” 


    Annoying. Chu Chuan stood up and walked towards the bathroom. After he washed his face and brushed his teeth, he brushed his hair back with the water droplets clinging on his finger and started shaving. 

    Jiang Yi watched him quietly from the door, he saw him from the corner of his eyes. Chu Chuan held himself up with one hand, another hand holding the razor as he turned around expressionlessly, but was met with Jiang Yi’s camera. 

    “Smile? Actually don’t do that, you look hotter like this.” 


    “Can I change my lock screen wallpaper back?”


    “Chuan ge? Chu ge?” 

    “…Tsk, change to a nicer one.” 

    “My beloved Chuan ge, you deleted my nicest one.” 

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    “After deleting my picture, you even kissed someone else under fireworks.” 

    “…We didn’t kiss.”



    “Then can we watch the fireworks this Saturday?” 


    “Can we kiss under the fireworks?” 


    “Do you like me, Chuan ge?” 


    The days were like the boat on the lake, slowly floating while the joy in my heart was like flowers in full bloom. 

    Even watching you shave and using stupid ways that even the dumbest people on the streets wouldn’t fall for to make you say you like me could make my heart skip a beat. 

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