AROEDM Ch. 76.2: The IF Line: Yuan Ye P. 3

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The shopping center was very noisy, but Yuan Ye seemed to have noticed the movement of the phone, and quickly replied: “Outside, what’s wrong? Do you want to play a game?”

Ignoring Yuan Ye ‘s question, he continued to ask: “Who are you with?”


After a while, Yuan Ye walked quickly against the flow of people, looking around but found nothing, Fu Yuanzhou had already gone far.

“Why are you back?” Meng Shiru followed behind him and was very puzzled seeing his behavior.

“I suspect that Fu Yuanzhou is here too. He may have seen us.” Yuan Ye took advantage of his height and continued to look around, “He just asked me who I was with.”

Meng Shiru exclaimed a little: “We shouldn’t be exposed, right?”

“It doesn’t matter if the plan is exposed, I have to admit my mistake to him sooner or later, I’m afraid he will misunderstand our relationship.” Yuan Ye was a little annoyed, “If he thinks you and I are a couple…”

“That’s impossible.” Meng Shiru smiled, “I am your distant cousin. Although the relation is far away, we are kin.” Otherwise, she and Yuan Ye would not dare to go shopping together, as it would be difficult to clarify if they were photographed by paparazzi.

“What should I do?” Yuan Ye looked at her pitifully.

“You have to tell the truth.” Meng Shiru said, “Admit that you came to me to choose a gift for him, and you are going to confess to him…”

“No, how can I tell the truth, what kind of surprise is that?” Yuan Ye was anxious.

“Are you sure it’s really a ‘surprise’?”

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Meng Shiru said with a smile. Although she was always gentle, she was not polite to this distant brother at all—even if they just met their relatives, she had not helped him any less, and she didn’t even reveal anything to her cousin who was very close to her. So far, the little girl didn’t know that the Deep Sea she admired was her distant cousin.

Yuan Ye was choked by her, and after a long while, he whispered: “You can’t tell the whole truth…just pick a part of it.”

So that afternoon, Fu Yuanzhou received a message from Yuan Ye, who admitted that he was with Meng Shiru at the time.

“I was picking out a gift, I want to give it to someone, someone always says I have bad taste, she has the best taste among the people I know, that’s why I asked her to help me, are you satisfied with this explanation, someone?”

Although he was still a little skeptical, Fu Yuanzhou felt much more comfortable, and he believed that Yuan Ye would not lie to him—at least in this regard, if he really had a date with Meng Shiru, he had no reason to hide it from him.

“What are you explaining to me? I didn’t say anything.” Fu Yuanzhou was still stubborn.

“Really? I thought you were jealous…”

“Fart.”     “

“Come to play games at night? Seven o’clock.”

So, at 7:00 p.m., he went online as scheduled, and the two played a game together. Yuan Ye asked him in the game: “Want to watch the fireworks?”

After finishing speaking, before Fu Yuanzhou could answer, fireworks bloomed in the night sky of the game. Yes, the pink fireworks had a dreamy beauty, which shone brightly in Fu Yuanzhou’s eyes.

“Did you misplace the fireworks?”

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This was the lover’s firework in the game, exclusive to players who were already married. Fu Yuanzhou just sent this line of text, but the action stopped suddenly, and he felt that this scene was very familiar.

In order to deceive Meng Shiru, he and Yuan Ye made up a story in advance. In the story, Yuan Ye confessed to him like this: when the Spring Festival was approaching, they were playing games, and Yuan Ye set off lover fireworks for him, which he thought were misplaced.

Now was the time when the Spring Festival was about to be celebrated, they were also playing games, Yuan Ye also set off lover fireworks for him.

Fu Yuanzhou’s heartbeat quickened instantly, and then just like in the story, Yuan Ye quit the game without explaining anything, and a few minutes later, his cell phone rang.

“Look out of the window.”

Yuan Ye’s voice on the phone smiled. As if he was bewitched by his gentle voice, Fu Yuanzhou held up his mobile phone and came to the window. No difference.

Everything was developing as in the story, and the next thing is—

“It’s not that the fireworks were set off by mistake, this time it’s real.”

Yuan Ye stood on the street and looked up at Fu Yuanzhou in front of the window. His voice was so real.

“I like you, Fu Yuanzhou.”

“I want to be with you.”

“What about you, what do you think?”

After saying this, there was a busy tone from Yuan Ye’s cell phone, and Fu Yuanzhou turned away from the window, and after a while, he hurried out of the house with his coat on, and he didn’t even have time to change his shoes, he was still wearing slippers.

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“Yes, you.”

He walked in front of Yuan Ye, and the hot breath he exhaled turned into white mist in the cold night: “You designed all this, right?”

“I’m sorry…”

His face was expressionless, as cold as the night, Yuan Ye became nervous seeing this, and clenched the hand holding the gift box a little, and continued: “If you want to hear, I will explain it to you now.”

Fu Yuanzhou didn’t want it. He explained something, and then changed the subject: “According to your story design, I agreed to you after thinking about it for a few days, isn’t that right?” He looked up and down Yuan Ye, “You should be playing a game, and the confession is not enough. You even engaged in tactical design?”

“…” Yuan Ye lowered his head.

“But you also know that the game situation is always changing, and it is impossible for everything to meet your wishes.” Fu Yuanzhou said, “Me rejecting you is the most likely situation.”

“…you are right.” His voice was a bit dry, and the corners of his eyes were faintly red, but he still tried to smile: “I…”

“But there is another possibility, probably you didn’t think of it,” Fu Yuanzhou interrupted him, “I’ll show you.”

With that said, he grabbed Yuan Ye and walked into the dark, Yuan Ye followed behind him blankly, after walking for a while, Fu Yuanzhou stopped, and pulled Yuan Ye by the collar to force him to lower his head.

I’m going to be beaten… the thought of Yuan Ye came, but it vanished with the soft touch on the lips.

He opened his eyes wide in astonishment. What was reflected in his eyes was the gorgeous fireworks just now, but now it was Fu Yuanzhou’s pretty face.

The kiss was fleeting, Fu Yuanzhou let go of his hand, and looked at him with raised eyebrows.

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“You really didn’t expect that, did you? I will agree to your confession on the spot.”

“Yuan Ye, I want to be with you too.”

Later Yuan Ye told all the facts, such as the classmate reunion was true, it was also true that he was asked to hang out with Meng Shiru more by his mother, but it was not because of a blind date, but because they accidentally recognized each other at the class reunion, and Meng Shiru turned out to be Yuan Ye’s distant cousin.

As for Meng Shiru’s meal with them later, including the encounter at the competition venue, it was naturally not a coincidence, but Yuan Ye’s design.

Then Yuan Ye was beaten up badly by Fu Yuanzhou without any accident, but as long as Fu Yuanzhou agreed to his confession, it was all worth it.

“Can’t you just confess to me directly? Why do you have to go through so much trouble?”

“After being friends for so many years, would you feel for me if I confessed to you directly? It’s only when you’re excited.”

“…” There was some truth to it.

“Although they were fake couples at first.” Yuan Ye hugged Fu Yuanzhou and kissed him, and said with a smile, “but now it’s real.”

The author has something to say:

Woo, I was wrong, I swear I will never be lazy again, don’t make me into a spicy rabbit QAQ will continue to serialize Yu Fei’s if tomorrow, and finally Shen Xigou’s, and then this article will officially end! =v=

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