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In the morning, I gently put down Nina’s feet, which were on my face, before adjusting her sleeping position and putting the futon back on. She was mumbling happily, as if she was having a good dream.

Stella and Ratz are in a very good sleeping position. Or rather, Nina is the only one who sleeps badly. When I wake up, she is the only one facing the opposite direction…

Well, there is no change in the fact that the three of them are angels.

It looks like Ariamel is already awake.

I patted the three of them on the head and then quietly left the bedroom.

When I went downstairs to the kitchen, I found Ariamel wearing an apron and preparing breakfast. It was a familiar sight.

“Good morning”

“Good morning, Gray-san.”

Ariamel turns around after hearing my voice.

“You’re early again today, Ariamel.”

“Yes. I have to prepare a lot more food than usual today.”

“I’m sorry, I always put burdens on you.”

“No, it’s what I love to do. besides…”

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Saying that, Ariamel glanced behind me. When I looked behind me, I looked behind me and saw not only Fio…but also Iska, Ares and Mia standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

“This way, everyone helps out.”

“Good morning, Aria-nee, Gray-san. Now, what shall we do first? Iska woke up early today, which is rare. Iya… sis is happy!”

Fio imitates crying while saying that.

“Hey… stop it Fio, you’re embarrassing!”

And Iska blushes and tries to stop it.

“Good morning. I was wondering if I could at least help you cook breakfast.”

Mia, wearing pajamas borrowed from Ariamel, glances at me, her face flushed.

“Well…I’m sorry if I’m interrupting anything?”


“You took the time to come and help me. Why would you think that?”

Why do you think so in the first place?

“…Hey, why don’t you just correct this? At this rate, the misunderstanding will remain…”

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Iska speaks to Fio in a small voice. In response, Fio thinks for a moment and then…

“Hmm… Well, it may not be a misunderstanding eventually. Sorry for Emilia-san.”

Why is Emilia’s name here…?

When I looked to the side, I met Ariamel’s eyes. And at the same time I tilted my head.

“See, I still think it’s just a matter of time.”

“…Is that so?”

I heard such a conversation.

Meanwhile, Ares… well, I don’t need to explain.

While we were doing this, the other children woke up, and we all ended up preparing breakfast together.

It’s a nice morning with a lot of noise.

“Oto-san, refill!”


Okay, eat a lot of food.

“Papa, I’ll have another one, too…without the peppers.”

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” Youth…”

“It’s no good, Gray-san.”

“Uh… no, I’m sorry.”

When I tried to fulfill Stella’s request, Ariamel who was next to me got angry. Sorry Stella…

“…Ratz, I’ll give you some green peppers.”

Saying that, Stella then tries to put a green pepper on Ratz’s plate. Ratz’s mouth is full of food and he smiles and nods happily.


However, Ariamel scolded them, and Stella and Ratz, who didn’t get the green peppers they expected, dropped their shoulders.

At that moment, I cast a body enhancement spell on myself. Then I moved the sausage on my plate and the peppers on Stella’s plate to Ratz’s plate at full speed.

……Phew. They found out…

“I told you, Gray-san, you can’t do this.”


“…I’m sorry.”

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Lately, Ariamel has been scolding me a lot… No, I know it’s my fault.

Mia, Lulueco and the others were staring at us while we were having such an exchange.

“If you guys want a second helping, don’t hesitate to say so. There’s still plenty left.”

When I said that, Lulueco approached me with a plate.

“Can I have…another?”

“Of course.”

I put the refill on a plate and gave it to Lulueco.


“…thank you”

With that, Lulueco returned to her seat. And seeing this, other children came one after another to get a refill.

Yes. Eat a lot.

After breakfast, everyone cleans up and thinks about future plans.

As for the room, we could use the innkeeper’s father’s place for a little while. That way they can ask for help if they need it.

Well, for now, I need to get these kids something to wear.

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