Chapter 101: Who gave you the confidence?

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August 15, 2023Ai Hrist

Shi Qingluo said a few words of humility first.

Then she added: “This sesame hair oil also contains Tuber fleece flower. Whether it is a woman or a man, if you often use this to maintain your hair, your hair will become more and more black and shiny.”

When she went up the mountain and found it, she added it along the way.

One bottle was given to Mo Qingling, and she still kept several bottles for herself to share with her family.

She has been eating well recently, her nutrition has kept up, and her hair was not as yellow as before, but she still hated it.

She wanted to have long black and beautiful hair.

In the future, when she spends a night with her husband, her long black hair spread out on the bed, paired with fair and delicate skin, he will have nosebleeds and fall in love with her deeply. Hehe.

That’s why she always wanted to have hair oil before, so she thought about taking care of her hair.

Mo Qingling nodded: “Okay, I’ll let someone try the effect later.”

He asked: “Aren’t these things difficult to make?”

Shi Qingluo replied: “It’s not difficult to make, but the sesame hair oil is a bit troublesome. The oil needs to be squeezed, and Tuber fleece flower must be added.”

“Of course, it is also possible to use Tuber fleece flower, but the effect will not be so good.”

“We can grow Tuber fleece flowers in our environment. The lord can also let some villages grow it.”

“They can plant on the forest edge of the hillside or in front of the house or behind the house. The layer of soil only needs to be deep, fertile, and loose, and there is drainage. It doesn’t need to occupy good land.”

“Even if you don’t use this thing called hair oil, you can still sell it to pharmacies in other places. The selling price will not be low.”

When it comes to agricultural plants, she was an expert.

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Mo Qingling also had some ideas after listening to it: “If you don’t occupy the fertile land, you can try it. Do you need seeds or something?”

Shi Qingluo decided to be a good person to the end: “I can help raise the seedlings, and I will give it to you at a cost price.”

“In addition to nourishing the liver, nourishing the kidney, nourishing blood, expelling wind, etc., Tuber fleece flower can also be used as a shampoo.”

“Shampoo with Phellodendron Phellodendron, Morus alba, Sophora flavescens, dried ginger, Sapinberry, saponins, and mint, has the effect of anti-dandruff, anti-itching, and anti-hair loss.”

She can make this shampoo.

Many workshops were popular in modern times, which were specially designed for people to experience. Soap, candles, shampoo, skin care water, hair conditioner, etc., can be taught to do.

She has a spiritual spring, and every time she added some to the shampoo and skin care, the effect will be very good. So almost all the products used at home were made by herself.

Mo Qingling discovered that Shi Qingluo knew a lot, and what she said was even more eloquent.

The main point was that as long as she says something casually, she can suddenly think of many kinds.

“Okay, I will trouble you to grow this Tuber fleece flower, and the county government will buy it from you.”

He knew that Tuber fleece flower was not cheap.

But what he heard was only wild, and he hadn’t heard that it could be grown artificially.

He looked at Shi Qingluo who understood it at a glance, and decided to trust her once.

If Nanxi County can grow Tuber fleece flowers in large quantities, the income of the people will be much better, the economy of the county will also be driven, and tax revenue will increase.

He asked: “Can we plant the seedlings after the seedlings are raised?”

Shi Qingluo replied: “Although it’s a bit late now, I can barely catch a tail.”

It was already August now, and the summer species of Tuber fleece flower was usually from May to July.

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But she can use the spiritual spring to breed so that even if it was a month late, it can still be planted.

But no later than that.

Mo Qingling immediately made a decision: “Okay, I will trouble Young Madam Xiao with this matter. If you need the cooperation of the county government, just ask.”

“As soon as the breeding is done, I will let people choose a few villages to try planting.”

Shi Qinglou nodded: “No problem, I will start breeding in the next few days.”

This was not only her major, but also her favorite career.

It was getting dark, so Mo Qingling offered to leave.

Bai Xu didn’t go with him and stayed at Xiao Family’s house to talk to Shi Qingluo about the cooking pot.

“Say, if my restaurant also adds hot pot, what do you think?”

Shi Qinglou smiled and said: “It’s good.”

It can enrich people’s diet.

“Can you sell me your sauces and recipes?” Bai Xu focused on this.

Sesame sauce can be researched by the chef, and it should be possible to make it.

But only Shi Qingluo has miso sauce and fermented bean curd sauce here.

Shi Qingluo smiled: “I can teach you how to make the sauce, but the brewing methods of fermented bean curd and miso are not for sale. When the time comes, you can come to our village to buy it.”

She kept pinching these recipes without preparing them.

She was going to observe the villagers who work in the workshop, and then teach those who maintain a good relationship with her and the Xiao family and have a guaranteed character.

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Then let them brew it, and then set up a place in the village to sell it.

She still has a lot of things on her hands, and she can’t do it all by herself.

If she wanted to increase the economy of the village and build it into a distribution center in the future, it was necessary to continuously expand the variety of choices.

She was going to focus on the sauce.

In the future, whenever someone mentioned sauce in Daliang, they will always think of the sauce in Xiaxi Village, Nanxi County.

In addition to soybean paste, many sauces can be made.

Such as ketchup, soybean paste, hoisin sauce, sweet noodle sauce, plum sauce, garlic sauce, soybean paste, soybean paste, mayonnaise, salad dressing, etc., and various chili sauces.

It will open the eyes of the people in Daliang. It turns out that there were so many kinds of sauces and so many ways to eat them.

By the way, it can also enrich the dishes on everyone’s table.

Bai Xu was a little disappointed that he couldn’t directly buy the recipe.

But he cheered up quickly: “Okay, your miso and fermented bean curd, give me a batch.”

Shi Qingluo said: “The weather is so hot now, you are going to start selling cooking pots? It will be more comfortable to eat this winter.”

Bai Xu said with a smile: “As long as it is delicious, people like to eat it. Didn’t we just eat comfortably?”

“At that time, I will set up a few private rooms for hot pots and put on ice basins and ice drinks. It will not be bad.”

During autumn and winter, this can be their main menu.

Shi Qingluo thought it was right. There were so many foodies in modern times, and there will probably be no fewer in ancient times.

“Cooking hot pots don’t necessarily have to be rinsed, they can also be made into boiled dishes.”

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“You can use original chicken soup, pork bone soup, or beef bone soup as a base, then boil it with eggs roll, ham, vermicelli, pork skin, carrots, tofu skin, tofu, cabbage, lettuce, and other meat and vegetables. The taste will also be delicious.”

She had eaten this kind of hot pot in Yunnan before, and the taste was really good.

It was troublesome to make it at home. If Bai Xu’s restaurant sold it in the future, they will go there if they want to eat.

Bai Xu’s eyes became brighter and brighter: “This is good.”

He asked again: “But what are egg rolls and vermicelli, how do you do it?”

Shi Qingluo: “… …”

Well, she forgot that Daliang’s food culture was still relatively simple now, and neither of the two things Bai Xu mentioned has yet.

“Egg rolls, I can directly write a recipe for you to make.”

“For others, I’m going to let people in our village make it, and you can buy it when the time comes.”

Bai Xu: “… …”

She just wanted him to buy everything in the village.

“You don’t still think about developing your village into a distribution center, right?”

Shi Qingluo looked confident: “Of course, just wait and see.”

Bai Xu: “Who gave you confidence?”

Shi Qingluo said without hesitation: “My master!”

Bai Xu: “… …”

He was speechless.


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