Chapter 103: Letter from the Capital

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August 19, 2023Ai Hrist

Xiao Hanzheng didn’t hide it either.

“That’s right, I still need the help of his lord to present the cement prescription.”

He had also been an official before. Although his goal was revenge, he still wanted to do something practical.

In this life, his focus was not on revenge, but on doing something for the people and the country.

His little wife was so good. If she wants to do something, he will help her realize it as much as possible.

The smile on Mo Qingling’s face deepened: “You, husband and wife, have a heart.”

“After I go back, I will write a memorial and send it to the capital with the prescription.”

He said to Xiao Hanzheng: “You should write the prescription.”

Xiao Hanzheng nodded: “Okay!”

After Mo Qingling finished his visit, they went back to Xiao Family’s house together.

Xiao Hanzheng re-copied the prescription and indicated the source.

Of course, the source was still learned by his little wife in the Taoist Temple.

At the same time, he also discussed with Mo Qingling about opening a cement workshop.

Mo Qingling agreed after thinking about it.

This was a good thing for the county town, so he doesn’t need to object.

Besides, the prescription was originally produced by Xiao Hanzheng and his wife, so it was nothing to build a workshop.

After taking the prescription, Mo Qingling left in a hurry.

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He was very busy recently.

He has been sending people to the village to inform the villagers who planted sesame should not rush to sell it. After the county has established a workshop, send it to the workshop for processing.

The price will not be lower than that of the villagers who sell it themselves, and each household can also be given a place to work in the workshop.

This idea was put forward by Shi Qingluo.

It also ties the interests of the villagers and workshops together, so that people who plant and work will be more dedicated.

At the same time, he also followed Shi Qingluo’s description of the environment for planting Tuber Fleece Flower and tried to find suitable ones in the villages under their jurisdiction.

The county government was also planning to invest in the opening of an oil-pressing workshop. In addition to selling sesame oil, it can also provide raw materials.

Now, there was this cement, so he was even busier.

But he was busy willingly and happily, which was better than cleaning up the mess of the former magistrate.

Back to the place where he lived, Mo Qingling wrote the memorial and put the cement prescription in it, and asked people to send it to the capital quickly.

With Mo Qingling’s permission, Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng let go.

The cement workshop was not built on the side of the old house, but after discussing it with the patriarch and others, it was built in an open space in front of the village entrance.

This time it was built in the name of the village.

Shi Qingluo proposed that the people in the village could build a cement workshop together by investing in shares.

As for the candidates for work, each family that can become a shareholder will send one person out, to prevent the prescription from leaking to the outside.

Everyone will work more attentively.

The money earned was also divided according to the proportion of the shares.

This method was never heard of by the patriarchs and the villagers.

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But it does not hinder the villagers, who now trust Shi Qinglou.

She was the apprentice of the Old Immortal Master. The things she made were always good. So when she asked everyone to pay for something to buy shares, everyone knew it was also for everyone to earn money.

So as long as it was not a villager who really can’t afford the money, or was still skeptical, other people choose to participate.

According to the final statistics, 90% of the households in the village have invested in the stock.

Shi Qingluo got the list and smiled: “In this way, our entire Xiaxi Village is almost on the same boat.”

In this way, the binding of money interests was the most reliable.

Xiao Hanzheng understood Shi Qingluo’s thoughts: “That’s right. In the future, if anyone wants to sell the cement prescription, or do things that are detrimental to the workshop, the villagers will stand up without our help.”

Just like now, they don’t have to worry about buying land and building cement workshops. It was all done by the patriarch and the villagers.

Shi Qingluo nodded: “That’s right, when there are more workshops, it is necessary to unite the surrounding villages, and even the majority of people in the entire county.”

To revitalize and develop Nanxi County, it was not enough to rely on some people.

So that if there will be problems, everyone will work together, and everyone will bear the responsibility together. If there will be an enemy, everyone will fight together.

Even if the Emperor wants to do something, he has to be cautious. After all, there were many families and people in the county.

Ants can also kill elephants.

Xiao Hanzheng nodded: “When the lacquer workshop opens, we can recruit some people from nearby villages to work.”

The patriarchs and village chiefs of several nearby villages would come to him from time to time.

The meaning in their words was that they hope that their workshops can also consider the people in their villages.

“After all, there are limited people in the village. If we want to expand, we must recruit people from outside.”

With only the people in the village alone, how could it be possible to build a distribution center?

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Of course, it was necessary to gather all the people in the nearby villages together.

At that time, the development will be good, the wages will be high, and everyone’s living standards will increase. People from distant villages, and even foreigners will flock to work.

Their popularity will get stronger and stronger.

After the two finished their discussion, Shi Qingluo went to take a bath.

When she came out, she saw her husband was still writing the storybook. She sat next to him and looked at it with her chin folded arms, and then fell asleep on the table.

After Xiao Hanzheng saw it, he put his brush down, picked her up, and put her on the bed.

His little wife who was soft and fragrant after taking a bath looked very lovely.

He kissed her forehead, forcibly looked away, got up, and went back to writing the script.

He wanted to write more manuscripts recently. First, the storybook was very popular and made a lot of money. Second, he will report back to the county school soon.

The cement workshop was in full swing, and Bai Xu also came to the village.

After seeing the concrete floor, he was also surprised.

He didn’t expect such a road could exist.

He kept walking back and forth on the concrete floor: “You have to sell me some of the first batch of cement produced.”

Shi Qingluo smiled and said, “Don’t worry, yours will be indispensable.”

“To paste floor tiles, cement is inseparable.”

She asked: “By the way, when will my floor tiles be delivered?”

Bai Xu said: “It will be ready in 2 days.”

“When your home finished the flooring, I will also put some in our mansion.”

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Floor tiles have been produced in several designs and colors. Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng chose plain colors, but he likes new ones with patterns.

Tiles were still being researched and remodeled, and they will be more beautiful in the future.

Shi Qinglou nodded: “As long as you’re happy.”

Bai Xu looked at Shi Qingluo and sighed: “Your brain is really good.”

This woman’s brain was so good that she can come up with so much weird and good stuff.

Even if she only read them in books on the Taoist Temple, she wouldn’t be able to remember them if she was not smart.

If it was someone else, maybe they could only remember a thing or two.

Shi Qing curled her lips: “That’s true. You have a good eye for seeing people in this respect.”

Bai Xu: “… …”


This woman was praising no one else but herself.

But he was going to keep hanging out with the couple.

He was sure that when the floor tiles and ceramic tiles were manufactured in batches, and the latest cement was used, they will become popular and sell well after they were sent to the capital.

After Bai Xu left, the patriarch’s son came to the Xiao Family’s house.

He handed a letter from the post station to Xiao Hanzheng: “This is a letter from the capital.”

“Thank you!” Xiao Hanzheng knew who wrote it without even looking.

He didn’t expect that the main Xiao Family would really listen to his little wife and wrote a letter so soon.

It seems that they temporarily stabilized in the capital.

However, given the sleek nature of the people in the main Xiao Family, they likely encountered some problems and would like to ask his little wife for help.

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